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Oct 2019 · 337
Note 8
If it wasn't for them, I would be gone
But I just cannot leave them alone
They are too young, they are too small
And I don't want them having to deal with this all
I don't know how I would be still doing this if it wasn't for them
Oct 2019 · 632
Note 7
In this deep dark hole I'm falling into, there only is one light
That light is you and I am asking, can you help me through the night?
the only thing I need is you, mon amour
Oct 2019 · 269
Note 6
Roses are red,
I am queer,
525,600 is the amount,
Of minutes in a year.
Idk man, this is what my sleep deprived mind came up with last night
Oct 2019 · 233
Note 5
Will I ever be anything if I don't speak up now?
Will someone hear my voice if I don't call out somehow?
Will someone run towards me and say it's gonna be alright?
Please someone, anyone, help me win this fight.
I'm falling, drifting through this darkness
Oct 2019 · 316
Note 4
I'm playing your game, yes, I am playing along
I have to protect them so I will be strong
I'd do anything to keep them safe
They can't protect themselves, so I will be brave
Just...don't ask for an explanation please-
Sep 2019 · 463
Note 3
The fact that you're alive is a miracle
Just stay alive, that would be enough
just stay alive for me, my love, that's all I want from you.
(Yes it's a Hamilton quote, deal with it)
Sep 2019 · 1.5k
Note 2
If I had just one day longer,
If I had loved you just a little bit stronger,
Would you still be here?
I miss you everyday my dear.
To my former best friend: I still miss you, but I know it will never be same again.
Sep 2019 · 281
Note 1
I never expected you to make me feel this way
And yet, you did
Just writing something everyday to get my creativity going

— The End —