The Love of God
Is not average love
Definitely not the love of today
Is this why people look in such a way
Which keeps them guessing
Wondering why you’re not stressin’
Over hurts of the past nor yesterday
See, I have experienced His Agape
I’ve learned, every hurt is not a deal breaker
Every wrong deed does not warrant a person being deserted
When was the last time you hurt a friend
Not for the first time, but… again
Sometimes forgiveness and restoration is for the best
Not all hurts should be overly stressed
Have you participated in your fair share of mess…?
I guess, yes
Practice restoration and forgiveness
Every hurt is not a deal breaker
Every wrong deed does not warrant a person being deserted
Walk in His Agape love
Simply His Love “Unconditional”
~Butterfly εїз 2014©
(a spoken word joint)