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 Mar 2014 y i k e s
I broke up with him
A couple years ago
We were best friends
Each other's first love
But we grew apart
Like most first loves do
We remained friends
Though I didn't think
He was quite over me
I wanted him to move on
He was so deserving of a woman
Intelligent, generous, sensitive
He really is the perfect package
Now it seems as though
We aren't as close as we used to be
We say we're each other's good friend
But sometimes it doesn't feel that way
The details are no longer known
Just small conversations
And short hang out sessions
Here and there
From time to time
I feel like I'm losing my best friend
A constant in my life
I fear losing him completely
He was my first everything
He taught me so much
I miss the simpler days
When he used to be mine
I think nowadays he's onto someone new
And I'm happy for him
He deserves it all
And she's a lucky girl
I'll always cherish him
And miss the blissful innocence
Of first love and confidence
His name was Dan.

© Willa 2014
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Ashley Rodden
I want to be your fantasy, your reality,

And everything between

I want you to see me in your sweetest dreams

I want you to feel me in everything your hands touch

I want the taste of me to never leave your lips

I want to be the world to you, I just want it all

I want to be the eyes that get to look deep inside your soul

I want to be your deepest kiss

The answer to your every wish

I want you to never ever let me go

I want to be hidden inside your heart

I just want to be everywhere you are

I want you to hold me too tight

I want you to make everything alright

I want to be loved too much by you

I just want you to need me

Like I need you.

© Ashley Rodden. All rights reserved
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Gwen Taylor
I made you a mix-tape and called it leaves,
because your hair reminds me of autumn when they fall from the trees

I made you a mix-tape and called it snow,
because your pupils remind me of ice and where it grows

I made you a mix-tape and called it warm
because your smile reminds me of the sun and it’s yours to adorn

I made you a mix-tape and called it new
Because you remind me of the flowers that bloom.
© all rights reserved
What if
I'm the sun and
you're the moon

What if
'never' is our soon
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
all the wishing
i do doesn't
seem to do any good
because you are gone
you left me forever
goodbye, love
i hope you're happy
because i'm not
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
David Jin
The loudest sounds most kids hear on a school day
are lockers slamming, or maybe the late bell tone
I hear all of those, but the loudest sounds by far
are those created by the lacrosse team
when they beat the **** out of me
every day,
after 8th hour, at the intersection of nerd street and **** avenue

The attacks were formulaic, more complex than Pythagoras
but simpler than Newton’s Binomial Theorem;
Two would tackle me, one would pin me down,
and the rest would kick me around as if it were soccer tryouts
and I was nothing more than a ball
and regardless of whether you derived or integrated this equation
you always got the same solution
me ******, and them ****** happy

I would go home bawling; so would they
but instead of tears they dropped floaters
And I had a rep as the kid with a concussion before the season even began

I was born five pounds tops, with no biceps whatsoever
and as I grew my arms didn’t follow
making me as clear a target as a corpsman in World War 2
To my doc’s urging I drank milk religiously
but that didn’t do **** when I tangled with Darren Shields and his Air Jordans on 4th and eternity
Instead of my ankles however, he broke my ribs; 6 of em’
Told me he’d **** me if I ratted
So I told the mother I fell off my skateboard
Because I didn’t want a rematch with Muhammad Ollie

I considered hitting the off switch on my life
at least three times a week
but I didn’t know how to tie a noose,
didn’t know where my dad’s shotgun was
and I wasn’t ballsy enough to try a steak knife
Which is ironic because if I was brave enough for that
none of this may have happened
I’ll even admit I liked to daydream about building
and bringing a bomb to school by backpack
getting revenge by leaving a crater
where my class was at

And though the bible said suicide was cowardly
I was too cowardly for suicide
So I reasoned that if I got into college out of state
it would be worth a couple more years
of broken bones, ***** dousings, and concussions
So I did nothing

Fast forward eight years
I gained two feet in height
Armanis replace my Reeboks
a multinational corporation, my 4.0’s
I’ve made the covers of Fortune and GQ,
my speed-dial list comprises of more celebrities than actual friends
my annual salary consists of two significant numbers
followed by double-digit zeroes

When I’m not working overtime I spend my days
pulling beautiful women and enjoying the pleasures
that God gave us
Every time I yank my shirt off, each girl gives me the
same wide-eyed expression and unspoken question
regarding the cruel scars all over my body,
to the point where I resort to answering every time with,
“I played lacrosse in high school.”

And I have never forgotten about high school
But Darren Shields has, and fate has him working several floors down
He HAS forgotten
He has forgotten me, my face, my voice when I pleaded for mercy
But I have not forgotten him
Nor have I forgotten my hatred
Nor my fear

I could hurt him
I could fire him with contempt
or disgrace him publicly
or to the very least, remind him of the good old days
and make him feel like the **** he was
But I don’t; I won’t

He must wonder why I struggle
to look him in the eye
or shudder when he cheerfully claps me
on the shoulder every morning  
As I am still haunted by them old days

And despite how I now spend my life in a huge office
surrounded by wealth, women,
and mostly absolute silence
I can still hear the sounds of lockers slamming,
of late bell tones
But loudest of all, I hear the sound of my body breaking
Thanks to Darren Shields on 4th and eternity
Entirely fictatious poem, no references to people I know. If you are reading this, try to imagine someone is presenting it as a slam poem, you know?
I wonder how you are..
If I tried to talk to you
would you respond?
Glare at me with those
perfectly frigid eyes?
I'm told to give you time..
You're "probably still upset".
I'm sorry for being
the cause.
© M.S.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Megan Wilcox
I hear the thunder
From the dark sky above
I see the lightning
Cracking the sky into fragments
Giving mother nature
A glimpse of her power
Scaring small children
Into the beds of their parents
But I stay strong
And watch the spectacle
Of life by my window
And thank God for these moments
For without them
We wouldn't know what fear is.
Last night's thunderstorm helped inspired me
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