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 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Aisling C
When we drunkenly
kissed in the lane,
we sat against the wall,
your hand was on
the back of my neck,
and you tasted of
cigarettes and beer
and I liked it a lot,
the cold stone path we
sat on sent shivers up
my spine and so did
your electric mouth
and I liked it a lot
this is about a very nice boy who has good taste in music
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
little red
i was going to write a poem about you, darling
but out of all the words in this language
and every other language in existence
i am yet to find one to describe you.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
little red
isn't it curious?
how the things that can cure us,
deliver us from evil, and make us
feel truly alive
can so easily become the things
the very same things
that contaminate our souls,
force us onto the path
of the Devil himself,
and cause our demise?
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Riley Ayres
if life were really a tree,
mine would be cold,
dead from the frost

the leaves would have fallen
no hint of gold left on there surface
no love
no care

for this tree stands shorter than the rest
its breaths short
quivering in the silent wind

the trunk shrivels,
its bark turned grey
ashy remains through fire

it has burnt its unending river
of scarlet as its trunk is sliced to pieces

all you do is stand and watch
you watch them tear the tree apart
its beauty being lost each second that ticks by

If life were really a tree

are my Tree Surgeon.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
If the ocean were your kisses,
I'd jump off this ship of sorrow with anchors tied to both feet.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
The laundry is piled to the ceiling,
The first layer of paint is peeling,
There are mud-prints all over the stairs,
Am I supposed to care?

I have eighty-nine tonnes of homework,
My mother keeps yelling to "get up!
Put away those dishes over there!"
Am I supposed to care?

The teacher is mumbling and teaching
And suddenly now she is screeching,
"Pay attention! Sit up in your chair!"
Am I supposed to care?

I lie awake most nights crying,
With idle thoughts of dying.
Reality is my nightmare,
I just wish somebody would care.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
i beg for drunk texts like they're diamonds
knowing drunk words
are more valuable than sober
and that later
i'll be high enough to pretend
you sent me them spontaneously
and believe that i'm the one who's truly
on your mind
when it can't even function.
i wish i may, i wish i might, have this wish i wish tonight.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Emma Pickwick
I envision you in your Sunday best
Taking off my clothes in my tiny one bedroom apartment.
Just enough space for you and me.
Kissing my neck and moving down my torso,
Down to my heart shaped box.
But I'm stuck here alone,
Just for now.
Touching myself,
I like it so rough.
pretending it's you,
Oh my god, yes you.
I want you so bad right now.
I can see you in my head,
My breathing gets so quick,
I crave your touch every second,
I can't be satisfied.
Give me what I want.
A whisper
So faint
So near
It came right up next to my ear
It said come with me, I need to show you something
What do you have to show me? I ask

I stood at the edge
It was a dark beautiful waterfall

I was so amazed
come near. it whispered

I came closer
closer it said

I came so near that my ear almost touched the water
Then I noticed there was no sound of the waterfall

It whispered
A sound so faint and small
But what it said was loud
My worst nightmares and my darkest thoughts that were forcefully unfinished, they were whispered in my ear
Word for word I could not stop listening
It whispered welcome to immortality

That is my whisper of darkness
I always thought at first being immortal was cool, but then I thought about it and I realized it was my worst nightmare. I'd never want to be immortal. Being mortal is hard enough
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