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Alan Maguire Mar 2013
A is for Adam the Aardvark and his band the African Ants
B is for Broderick the bumble bee who thinks they are pants

C is for a cynical cat named Crusoe
While D is for Darwin the delightful deer
E is for Eric the elephant who always drinks my beer
F is for Fernando the Fox but in Spain he known as  Zorro
He lost his wife Matilda last week and is now brimming with sorrow
G is for Gerald and yes he is a Giraffe
He wore odd socks last Tuesday and made Heinrich the Hyena laugh
Imelda is an Iguana and she is quite immense, though she is really old but has unstoppable sense.
Jack the Jackal has a regular name but he is an assassin and has a pretty good aim
K is for Kimberly who happens to be a kangaroo but she doesn't live in the outback anymore because she lives in London Zoo

Laramie the Llama lives south of the United states , he loves hiking in the mountains but one thing he hates, is being mixed up with Arnie the Alpaca.

Monty the Moose loves drinking maple syrup and playing ice hockey,
yes he is a stereotype but I am his Jockey
Nero the Narwhal is the unicorn of the deep, he loves scaring sailors and loves to sleep
Olive the Orangutan is a neighbour of Kimberly the kangaroo
but they have a plan to escape from London Zoo.

Pug is a Pig , just a regular pig, but he wishes to be ferocious and really big
Quentin is a quail and buddies with Pug, he likes eating sunflower seeds but never a slug
Ramon the Rhinoceros also dwells in the Zoo and is part of the escape plan with The red ape and kangaroo , he'll actually be the one to bust them out,
but to get his attention you really must shout.

Sylvia slithers, Sylvia is sleek if you were a mouse and saw her, you'd go EEK!
Terence T. Tiger is terrified, because he was asked to escape from the Zoo,
yes with the Red ape , Rhino and Kangaroo.

Ulysses is a horse who super glued a horn to his fore-head , he wanted to be the last known Unicorn because he heard that they were all dead. Vincent is a Bat, just a Vampire Bat,
he doesn't really like blood but is enemies with Crusoe the Cat.

Warren the wolf has many female fans but spends half the day with Eric the Elephant drinking my cans .Xenops is not an alien , it's just a rain forest bird, I'll give you more info as soon as I've heard
Y is for Yul and I don't mean the bald actor , this Yul is a yak but does watch the X factor
Z is for a Zebra named Zak and yes he does know the Yul the Yak , they were introduced by a certain kangaroo, and now it's their job to visit London Zoo
Donall Dempsey Jan 2016

Little Zak
(just a little scrap of a chap)    
with a deep Barry White voice

enquires(as he enquires
about everything) :

“Why is your hair white? ”

He listens patiently to the explanation
how after a head injury

“I went white overnight! ”

Being a good Christian child
he tells me

he will pray for me
for the “black to be back! ”

I’m very tempted
to dye it for the next day

just to prove his prayer

When his fervent prayer
doesn’t turn the situation around

...he frets:

I tell him
God & me

are both happy
with it…like this.

“Really? ”
He asks.

“Really! ”
I affirm.

“Have it your own way then
but man...

It makes you look
old & grim!"

I grin
tell him that I am what I am

but that I can live with it:
"Ok..!" he sighs "...have it your own way!"
Rob Sep 2011
Into his plastic lunchbox
He did, an Orange and biscuit, shove
And said the biscuit to the orange
“Come sit by me, my love”

And the orange, taken by surprise
Gave him a sheepish grin
And flashed her pips and dimples
So he knew they might begin

She was smooth and round and juicy
He was crunchy, brown and fat
She introduced herself as Lucy,
And he said his name was Zak

And throughout the sunny morning
They did laugh and love and tease
When suddenly with no warning
Their lives were torn apart with ease

The sky ripped from their little world
Their peccadilloes for all to view
First Zak, then Lucy disappeared
With a bite, a crunch, a chew.

So dear reader, please take heed
Don’t shy away from love
For we never really know quite when
It’s lunchtime up above.
RD © 2009
Donall Dempsey Jan 2024

Little Zak
(just a little scrap of a chap)    
with a deep Barry White voice

enquires(as he enquires
about everything) :

“Why is your hair white? ”

He listens patiently to the explanation
how after a head injury

“I went white overnight! ”

Being a good Christian child
he tells me

he will pray for me
for the “black to be back! ”

I’m very tempted
to dye it for the next day

just to prove his prayer

When his fervent prayer
doesn’t turn the situation around

...he frets:

I tell him
God & me

are both happy
with it…like this.

“Really? ”
He asks.

“Really! ”
I affirm.

“Have it your own way then
but man...

It makes you look
old & grim!"

I grin
tell him that I am what I am

but that I can live with it:
"Ok..!" he sighs "...have it your own way!"
The Empty Chapter
By Zak Whittington

The grey face
The empty chapter
The blank page
The dusty pen beside

Between heartbeats lurks a sad silence
Whose footfalls fall on deaf ears
A beast of pain and shallow fears
He slinks, silent
Soft as the grave to which he will drag you
Cover your eyes
Avert your mind
Cross yourself
Count to three
The monster is here
Between shaking fingers peek and see
A glimpse of profound irony
The Mirror
A horrifying glimpse of Your Self
Alone on a barren world


Between lives lies silence
Empty quotes hang stupidly over empty heads
Drying to dust
Turn up the music


Shake the shoulder
Strike the hand
Bite the Shepherd
**** the Man
Burn the Book
Ride the Snake
Find the phony
Shoot the fake
Grab the apple
Waste the day
Take the staff
and lead the way


With your arms around me
My shoulders have grown cold
Despite the hands on them
The Mirror shows
The Mirror knows
There are no hands

There are no hands in this wasteland
Just me and the rocks
With my heart beneath them


The Monster awoke before dawn
He put his boots on
He took a mask from his bed-stand
And he tried it on

Hang on quick gimme that mirror my lipstick slipped.
My smile wasn't quite on right.

Watch me dance
Watch me writhe and crawl
Watch me smile through it all
Watch this cheerful, painted grin
As I try to hold it all in
Waiting for the worms to win
I'll never have to lie again
Beneath thin skin,
Flesh rots.

I do a good impression of myself.


Fat cat
Big man, pig
Mean one, green one
What do you hope to find?
Love, ***, drugs, joy
Home, cars, health, wealth, life
Cling, clang, fake pain with a tin in hand
Lovey-dove flowers and a Hallmark card
The second tree from the corner?
Squinting, with hands awash
Of pennies, nickels, dimes
Buy the way
Buy the light
The rich lead the blind
Kick the bucket
Sell the farm
Leave the world behind
(oh is that the time?)

The diamonds fall from stiff fat hands
Like petals from a rose
Or leaves from a clover
(three leaves? or four?)
Four queens
Three queens
Two queens shine
Two jacks
One jack
One heart, two heart
Three hearts, four?
As if I even knew anymore


Hot-shot soul man
What a sham you are
Far sight, foresight
Big hats, flashlight
The Family* has it all
Mad man, fake plan
Look down at your shoes
Torn suit
Worn boots
You've got no soles

*The Family:
Forgive me Father for I have sinned
I have watched Brother Jack ******* with the Man
And without a thought of why, I jumped right in
I saw Uncle Sam in bed with the pigs
I have forsaken my kindred
I have held fornication with the Computer and the iPod
I have sold my body for acceptance
I have ******* my neighbor
I have cheated on my wife
And now I love Big Brother too

I have driven the Big Truck
I have ridden the snake
To the edge of the lake
In the heart of the jungle.

When life gives you apples
Make lemonade


Roll out the tanks, boys,
Grab the big guns
We gonna have ourselves
A bit of fun
Spot the *****, sight the Jew
Squeeze off a shot and watch him run

Men run, blood runs
Red dirt drinks it all
In this wasteland
The dogs of war howl misery
Black blood, white blood
The crows aren't biased

Twinkle, twinkle crescent star
How I wonder what you are
White man died red
Saddamite, *******
Surprise the pawn
And now he's dead
Like the top-heavy King
With his massive head
And his high fortress
And his heavy crown
To ashes, to ashes
We all fall down.

But it's all fixed with a quick grin
A hand shake and a blank stare
Then you go back to your corner
And they remember they don't care


(I do a good impression of myself)

Taketh thy hand up
Rip off thy mask
Do not stop at the skin
For it is shallow and flakey
and comes off quite nice
Don't mind the flesh now
Get to the bones
Dig past the maggots and flies
Until there's nothing left,
Then release your soul with bright knives


The world is quiet again
At the eleventh hour
When men are dust
We sit and wait
For the bells to toll

The fractured chapter
The soiled page
The broken pen
The jet-black sea
Sprays of darkness on ivory
Splashes of shallow imagery
And dried-up drops of creativity
and with so much left to write

Simplicity is killing me.
Inspired by:
The End by The Doors
Normal by Porcupine Tree
The Hollow Men by TS Eliot
The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
Pigs by Pink Floyd
Sheep by Pink Floyd
Waiting for the Worms by Pink Floyd
The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger
Animal Farm by George Orwell
1984 by George Orwell
The Second Tree From the Corner by EB White
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
The Gunslinger by Stephen King
Alice Morris Feb 2015
Absolute bravery, considering dangerous explosives found goals. Helpless individuals juggled keeping lookout, many new operations, people questioning routes, suspects tortured, unsightly views. Wasted x-rays... young Zak.
Donall Dempsey Jan 2019

Little Zak
(just a little scrap of a chap)    
with a deep Barry White voice

enquires(as he enquires
about everything) :

“Why is your hair white? ”

He listens patiently to the explanation
how after a head injury

“I went white overnight! ”

Being a good Christian child
he tells me

he will pray for me
for the “black to be back! ”

I’m very tempted
to dye it for the next day

just to prove his prayer

When his fervent prayer
doesn’t turn the situation around

...he frets:

I tell him
God & me

are both happy
with it…like this.

“Really? ”
He asks.

“Really! ”
I affirm.

“Have it your own way then
but man...

It makes you look
old & grim!"

I grin
tell him that I am what I am

but that I can live with it:
"Ok..!" he sighs "...have it your own way!"
Donall Dempsey Jan 2020

Little Zak
(just a little scrap of a chap)    
with a deep Barry White voice

enquires(as he enquires
about everything) :

“Why is your hair white? ”

He listens patiently to the explanation
how after a head injury

“I went white overnight! ”

Being a good Christian child
he tells me

he will pray for me
for the “black to be back! ”

I’m very tempted
to dye it for the next day

just to prove his prayer

When his fervent prayer
doesn’t turn the situation around

...he frets:

I tell him
God & me

are both happy
with it…like this.

“Really? ”
He asks.

“Really! ”
I affirm.

“Have it your own way then
but man...

it makes you look
old & grim!"

I grin
tell him that I am what I am

but that I can live with it:
"Ok..!" he sighs "...have it your own way!"
He was a lovely sincere child who pitied my whiteness of beard and hair. I basked in his was so loving and tender. And just where did this tiny skinny little child get that Barry White/ Shaft voice! One of my nicest moments in teaching.
brooke Mar 2012
In all, I am brimming with emotions,
questions I'll never ask and the odd urge to
scratch your head.
(c) Brooke Otto

little Zak
(just a little scrap of a chap)    
with a deep Barry White voice

enquires(as he enquires
about everything) :
“Why is your hair white? ”

listens patiently to the explanation
how after a head injury
“I went white overnight! ”

being a good Christian child
tells me he will pray for me
for the “black to be back! ”

I’m very tempted
to dye it for the next day
just to prove his prayer right

when his fervent prayer
doesn’t turn the situation around
...he frets:

I tell him
God & me
are both happy

with it
…like this
“Really? ” he asks.

“Really! ”
I affirm.
he grimaces

“Have it your own way then
but man...
it makes you look old & grim!"

I grin
tell him that
I am what I am

but that I can live with it
"Ok..!" he sighs
"...have it your own way!"


He was a lovely sincere child who pitied my whiteness of beard and hair. I basked in his was so loving and tender. And just where did this tiny skinny little child get that Barry White/ Shaft voice! One of my nicest moments in teaching.
E...enough said
Ice T
Queen (this one is tricky)
Yo La Tengo

Many thanks
brooke Apr 2017
when i was little my dad used to
call himself God, used to tell me
airplanes were bumblebees, told
me "bored" was just a plank of wood
so that was impossible--
never mumble, use an inside voice
but there's an outside voice, but
i never learned to speak with
conviction from him--

lately i've been calling my brothers
the weeds back there are taking over,
the spiders are everywhere,
god, zak, my heart is breaking
god, little sister I wish I was there, but
I'm not girly.

people used to tell me to howl at the moon
but i've always been afraid of my  own voice
always wanted to scream but replaced the urge
with a smile

be blameless and innocent? Lord, I've been trying
but you can't force what you ain't,
tryin' doesn't seem to be enough for you either
but i've come to find i don't know you as well as
i thought, so bear with me while
I am, while I am
(c) Brooke Otto 2017
brooke Oct 2015
chatter downwind fills
up the glass baubles strung
from the ceiling and Zak
shifts back and forth
older and yellower,
still angry as ever
but Kynlee softens
him with her wide
eyes and inquiring
gaze, one leg to the
next, a sudden raucous
behind the white paned
doors, but the crickets
find their way back
into the hum--
Sometimes it just gets to be too much
he says, and we both look across the
way where a sliver of his wife can be
seen in the evening glow--
and I don't answer him
because we are no longer
children with a response
for everything, or teenagers
with an affinity for bragging
two adults with financed metabolisms
and organized problems

more chatter, a bit of song.
I am the last unmarried sibling.
I loll back on my heels and press
in to the quick air between us
yeah, I say.    

on growing up and being quiet.

(c) Brooke Otto 2015
brooke Feb 2017
do you remember
the night at the bonfire
beside Javernick's old pump
when you turned and told me
I didn't have a choice, I was kinda
in your life for good, I'd just got off
the phone with Zak, who'd laughed
and must have known I was staring
at the stars and said just relax, brooke
back then, you sang Hey, Pretty Girl by
Kip Moore to me softly from the bed of
your truck and I wondered if I really was
in your life for good because I'd already
written you
I keep justifying the resentment
and hoping that you meant that.

(c) Brooke Otto 2017
Filomena Rocca May 2024
ja kā o Kánóka? ja Kánóka o kā?
ja kei got ba fo nok za tu zon zak de ska?
i sai pen ni je ben ni je tet ni po zbu.
ju na lok ni no tok ni nãu qok ni de tsu.

ju no vol ni so dol ni qo don de so klu.
je qeu tet ni põ fet ni e sol ze e plu.
juja kā nia Kánóka ki vei ni sai blu?
i zon go deu sat qe deu lup qe deu dqu.

Where is Paradise? And Paradise is where?
Can you stand in the land where all colors are fair?
I wonder, I wander, I try to discover,
But I guess I am less than untouchable other.

But I don't like complaining all day without fail,
So I try to enjoy both the head and the tail.
So then, where is my Paradise that I find so fair?
With love, and with friendship and help. It is there.
Original poem in Xextan, translated into English.
Nikki May 2020
Er zijn van die momenten waarop je wereld instort
De grond davert onder je voeten
De lucht wordt uit je longen gezogen
En het wordt zwart voor je ogen

Op die momenten besef je dat je alleen bent
in een wereld vol mensen,
dat iedereen vooruit gaat
terwijl jij vastzit
En met elke stap die je probeert te zetten,
vertel je jezelf dat je bent waar je moet zijn,
dat je daar thuishoort

Maar toch blijf je hopen
dat iemand voor je zal terugkeren,
je bij de hand neemt
en je vooruit trekt.

Maar elke dag zak je iets dieper in de grond
Tot je helemaal wordt opgeslokt
Cupid loosed a love potion
     laced arrow alas and alack
thy nineteen year young daughter
     Shana Aubrey, smitten
     with glassy eyed
     and feverish amorousness

     toward a English lad named Zak,
     she feels sad, cuz
     she iz to return back
to the United States
     less than a month
     (with my youngest sister Shari Todd,
     and her other family members
     of the Dunning claque

this papa, whose youth
     and ungathered rosebuds inter alia
     elapsed scores of years ago
n'er did find himself
     as the fetching beau
asper any pretty young thang,

     nar did I own
     a handy dandy blues clue
how to appease biological call viz,
     sowing wild oats
     as pubescent time came due

shortchanging natural predilection
     to gather rose buds at primal age
but took refuge within
     a hermetically sealed cage
which complex emotional
     edifice accessible equipage

then (and now) solely
     in my possession,
     yet needle, sans measuring gauge
now registers very low
     ****** excitation on face dial image.

Though mine pre
     pubescent young life bereft
shot thru being gun shy,
     hence threadbare warp and weft
and as an emotionally troubled teen,
     never livingsocial, left
a gaping figurative hole,
     aye n'er didst

     fabricate essential heft
tee warp and woof, upon
     which adult inter
     personal linkedin knit wit
     get solidly stitched
     instead an irreparable threadbare cleft

where tapestry remains unwoven
     though more deft
nothing but cold embers left
nor apropos for this lix spit tilled
     aged rooster, who can barely cluck
to romp in accordance
     as a young buck
or squawk like a trumpeting

     drake hula hooping duck
thus, twas glad and
     breathed sigh of relief when,
     thee punim summoned
     verve and pluck

to chap up affinity to discover
     visa vis unbridled passion
unlike this old man
     with youthful romance,
     he never didst truck!
Nope!, this aint a
     (non) commercial
     Christmas plug for ye,
nonetheless, a greeting
     of joie de
     vivre buttressed with
     (wreath) in this ole
     foreign nicked saint wannabe

awash with spiritual
     awakening unexpectedly
     alighting boosting, and catapulting,
     the mood of this
     dog gone intro
     spective atheistic he
then for merely "actively listening,"
     sans texting to me,

(thine youngest daughter) hook
     confided a circumstance,
     that found her teary
eyed, whereat papa (meself)
     galvanizing enervating,
     and bold facing
     (italicized optional),
     a decades long glee

(son) doting dada, (me)
hood did earlier today
      underwent spiritual reawakening
     experience, where poignant see
movie ling ushered
     emotional concessions prithee
lee transcending, and super see
ding ordinary **-hum

     (oh so yesterday...)
psychologically (or psychically)
     escalating euphoria juiced being
     a humble papa
     yes sir re:
vicariously afflicted when,
     Shana Aubrey (said
     nineteen year old pro genie),

(who lives under
     auspices of mine
     kid sister in
     Bend, Oregon – Voluntarily)
painfully shared her recent
     (first) beaming, blooming,
     and budding romance
     rendered null and void

primarily duet who wah
     bajillion geographical miles
from Colchester, Great
     Britain, where she
(mine offspring) under
     parental care of thee

guardian (angels) Shari Todd,
and George Andrew Dunning
     supreme qual lit tee
aunt and uncle respective lee)
spent propitious year,
     whence har mo' knee
me lass struck up,
     and young lad o' a louver she

discovered without visa vis,
where, the young chap Zak)
     broke off (figuratively smote) long
     distance elle la gee.

Gnome hatter at my helpless state
hive hilt that being privy at any rate
which parental aye deed eek quate
with darling daughter as a mature primate.
Daan Oct 2020
Ik heb mijn kaarten niet verspeeld,
ik heb mij niet verveeld.
Ik heb een zak en die is plat.
Ik heb de kaarten nooit gehad
Ik. Ik ik ik ik ik ik ik ik
Daan Jun 2019
Het einde van de beurt,
vijftig euro weggespeeld,
mijn moeite afgekeurd,
ze had zich zelfs verveeld.

Met al mijn bezit in een zak
aan een stok, op mijn schouder,
schommelend, achter de rug,
kijk ik nog één keer om,
twee vingers aan de lippen,
daarna naar de lucht,
het liep hier op de klippen,
'k zal ergens anders moeten zoeken
naar de verboden vrucht.

— The End —