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Mateuš Conrad Sep 2018
i care, i really do...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
   ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

no, i do...
i'm trying...

   ha ha...

     i'm just imagining what
that one word
looks like in Hebrew...




laughing, but at the same time
saying the definite article
over, and over, and over again...

the the the the... v'eh v'eh v'eh...
   what point?!
calling a cactus a *******
   or calling it
an semiticl headscarf?
  which is which?
a skirt just covering
the knee?!

    better ask your women
to wear gloves...
i seem to enjoy the fact
that the most ****** part of
a woman, are her hands...
geisha hands...

  and wrists i could look
at like i might an enjoy an hour
with a bottle of wine...

               tell me...

  what's the difference between
a didgeridoo...
   and a modern, nordic shamanic chant
akin to to the berserker warcry
in one of

heilung's song,
where the audience go mad
with fervor & fury...

      because didn't you know,
they say:
don't take to d.n.a. ancestor testing,
watch what you absorb culturally...
from what i heard...
the ugly vikings founded
the city of Kiev,
so they must have passed past my parts...

hidden Baltic -
grazing mother of soured milk
that intermediates
a stasis prior to yogurt -

no wolves in england...
    i'll pet a a fox therefore...

            scoop and swoon -
the baronical patience of
a shadow admirer.;

even if the Jews have abandoned
what the left?
     is beside the origin of what
the crucifix constitutes...

          even if the Jews abandoned
Europe, what they pressed was
the antagonism of Greece -
they pursued ancient Greece -
until the world, and all matters Latin -
stood to understand -

         the Jews left Europe,
abandoning the pursuit of Greek -
penitent people, noble people...
   until the library of Nag Hammadi
emerged from
the sands of both time,
and Egypt...

   noble people... penitent people...
these Israelites -
these Jobs of disgruntled time -
   Hiob, Yob, Hiob, Job...

i am barren in wanting to "forgive"
the Jews...
   how they pursued ancient Greek
to avenge the emergence of
the Second Troy in Rome...
with Rome...

           no Greek will stand on these words
with an Achilles heel...
      the Jews pursued the Greek
revisionism of their testament
long enough...
      as what Nero found hilarious...
i take to wind and soul with
      a drunk mind,
                  but a sober heart.
Michael Ellis Dec 2011
When you see me

You see a peaceful joyful soul

When you see me

You see smiles and happiness

When you see me

You see a strong cheerful young man

When you see me

Yon don't see me like I see me

rorrim gnikool a otni kool I nehW

niap hguorht neeb esohw yob a ees I

rorrim gnikool a onti kool I nehW

ytitnedi on sah ohw nam gnuoy a ees I

rorrim gnikool a onti kool I nehW

eb ll'I yas elpoep nam eht ees t'nod I

rorrim gnikool a onti kool I nehW

erutuf on htiw eruliaf a ees I

When you see me

You don't see the real vulnerable

Nigel Finn Dec 2015
Don’t get arrested if you’re poor!
There’s no way they’ll let you go!
Privilege just means private law
To those who’re in the know

And if you ever wondered why it seems
The system disregards your self
It’s because you are on separate teams
"The law"’s an anagram of "wealth"

But do not worry, not all’s lost,
You poor demented yob
You can have freedom at a cost
-The freedom of the mob

Oh sure, The mob won’t listen
And doubtless will not care,
But it’s guaranteed admission
To most likely anywhere

But where will the people rally to?
Well, you may think this is funny –
It’s the same place that they always do-
The mob follows the money.

And the people rule the country
The same way as did the few,
But now you cannot blame them
Because "the people" includes you.
AP Staunton Feb 2016
This poem is about a night out on the beer which almost went horribly

I put out my hand and touched the face of God,
. . .bit of a surprise, really, I was expecting my Hod.
Lying on the floor, thinking it was my bed,
Coated in *****, face down, arms spread.
I've ****** my trousers, shat my keks,
A natural reaction, to twenty three pints of Becks.
Stumbling through Cambridge, I can't find the Site,
I know it's around here, first left or third right. . .
Crashing through hedges, I've forgot how to walk,
I can't ask for directions, I'm unable to talk.
So, I'll go no further, here I'll sit tight,
Sneak back to the caravan, when dawn sheds her light.

I didn't feel the cold, the damp creeping through,
Best shirt, Purple Chino's and I'm missing a shoe.
It's my dancing outfit, for impressing and posing,
Ideal for the Nightclub, not alfresco dozing.
The temperature plummets, I'm giving it "Big Zeds"
Dreams of warm women and petal-strewn beds,
Breathing gets shorter, body starts to shut down,
I'm sweating buckets, beginning to drown.

Ronnie, the Night-watchman, knows I must be in trouble,
In an hour and a half, I'm due back on the shovel,
To keep the lads happy, with bricks and fresh Pug
And barrows of concrete, poured into trenches I dug.
Under an Elm Tree, thirty yards from the job,
Ronnie catches sight of this prone Northern yob.
He doesn't panic, just yet, he knows what to do,
He's seen it before, when a body turns blue.
Those First-Aid Classes, when he told us he was fishing. . .
Vital signs are checked, I'm in the Recovery Position.
Ron holds my nose, lifts my head off the floor,
. . .then he kissed me , in a way , that I'd never been kissed before.
If it wasn't for Rons Kiss of Life, I wouldn't be alive.
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2016
        had an appointment,
a triage appointment from 8 a.m. onward,
that went high flying  with Icarus and Lucifer -
dazed and confused woke up at approx. 9 a.m.,
the life of a kingmaker; but never the king -
                                     energy! energy! energy!
downed a whiskey and eased... dialled the number
to the local surgery,
Dr. So-and-So was told he had a nice
voice... started doing the auto-cue...
nice muzak - classical, Bach
symphony no. don't know -
6th in line...
                      first dial the conversation
sounded like:
              can you hear me?
are you there?
                                i could hear the
business of clerks and office
banter in the background, got hung up.
dialled again...
                   n'eh n'oh n'eh n'oh (more like
knee-no, knee-no, knee-no and
bright blue fluorescent blinking lights)
            waited with more Bach muzak...
  the same woman answered as she did
                       yeah, he called,
sorry, i'm an insomniac, fell asleep at
the last hurdle, missed the call,
can i book another appointment?
                 past the slight slur and
disorientation (**** me, mornings are
rough, not as rough as i remember them,
but rough enough these days):
and ever you hear the glorification of
work and never mention the Chinese thieves:
beckoning the dynamic toward Auschwitz.
   so i was playing Adele for a while...
- hello?
- hello?
                      - yes, hello...
- hello?
                    - me Tarzan, me book appointment...
- hello?
                          **** on me,
never do whiskey in the morning,
have some barley and milk...
               yes, me, book, appointment,
England pays me £120 a week for poems
but doesn't know it...
     i pretend to be sick but i'm competing
with Stephen Hawking for the disability...
turns out my brain isn't made of concrete
but of a variety of sponges that soaked up
salmon sweat...
                            so i get booked...
apparently nurse Lizzy (Elizabeth?
yes, Liz, she want's to check my blood pressure
and my cholesterol levels...
dandy, and Andy too (cockney hack for
lazed handy and the oops joke) -
                     **** on me, it's mandible,
jaw or play-dough,
            softer... softer... softly...
smooth operator... smooth operator...
             and she says bye like 20 times before
i hang up...
                             it all seems like lovers
talking by the end of it...
                               so after 2 p.m.?
   thank you...
                                the way women say
bye bye bye...
                                into that famous hush...
            i end up petting the cat
and watching the godforsaken drizzle of
                             jesting rain that feels like
a complete remark of wetting a square metre...
                  then it's onto an article
about Paxman's dad...
                                       i wasn't perfect, once
upon a Grimm's tale...
                                       i used to binge
once a week, never smoked,
            all that hushed bye bye bye
over the phone and a Yob's redemption aren't
on the horizon... don't sacrifice yourself for
things inherent if you can't redeem...
                                  i'm just like the rest of them:
                                        and left to scramble
testicles for the bitterest of jokes:
                             i don't pity the kids with
                  they're too brave to be pitied,
they have no competence of life,
                                        and they're the lucky ones.
i pity the nervous wrecks that surround them,
staging excess ethical conduct of Hippocrates
            happy little ******* engaged with
so much affection... never human cruelty and
the human definition of thought-in-transit: boredom...
        happy little *******...
                                         angelic choir ensemble -
    and with a snap of the fingers: without a moan
or a groan... gone...
                                        gone gone gone...
a **** evaporating into roses and flamboyant
chequers of shameful cheeks
                              in Bermuda:
                         pirouettes in high-heels.
          2 p.m. and another appointment...
fun playing that Adele game over the phone with
               a sexed up voice of longing.
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2018
zdrowie, na budowie (health, on a construction site, a modern polish proverb) - because? well the army allows it, any woman can be bossy in the army... but on a construction? perhaps the very rare example of a woman working side by side with bricklayers (and that does happen), but construction work is immune to all ideology focusing on the pop. narratives of feminism... women will not infiltrate the construction industry, they can infiltrate the army, but not the construction industry, unless of course, they're dinner ladies, or secretaries, but even then, the construction site canteen is dying, reduced to a kettle and a microwave... all i'm seeing, when my father goes to work is an army... or as the joke goes about the managerial staff, with tight jeans and pink car rims? well... you can take a boy out of essex, but you can't take essex out of a boy.

i can only assume that writing is spawned
from a weakening of a
   cognitive narrative -
             foremostly i have to "apologise"
for making such a compound term,
   but i remember an echo of what once was,
a firm grasp of narration,
                                  in thinking terms,
as such, thought per se, used to be a leisure,
or rather: a pleasure,
               but since then... scrabble...

                                         static dissonance...
a poignant blur: a bit like the impressionist
movement... hardly the fizzy water...
   naturally from impressionism,
to expressionism, and then: a smack into
dada and subsequently a return to geometry
via cubism...

                but there really is a correlation
between writing, and a weakening of
           a cognitive narrative -
                   i know: -ive -ive
                             but one's categorised
as an adjective, the other is a noun -
           even though they share the same
form of a suffix...
                             yes, i know this is merely
                   there is no sludge of fictive
architecture that might encompass a narrator,
props and character studies,
      no embodiment of cohesion that
makes it to the bestseller's list of:
                    same ****, different cover...

yes, it's scattered, yes it's primitive in
composition, but what it isn't, is
   akin to the protagonist of the film
          nothing's funny, or freak's day
   (nic śmiesznego)                (dzień świra),
i.e.: hard to put a thought to paper...
     the escape artist of this conundrum
comes out either: a happy manual labourer
content with rest at the end of his chores...
   of a sir-mouth-a-lot, talking, talking, talking,
much like any other example required
to show a: ditto-head;

see, my grandmother doesn't like poetry,
so i gave her a book my zbigniew herbert
(the whole mr. cogito sequence of poems
and all) and all i said was:
            doesn't poetry feel, breezy? airy?
on what occassion has a poet constrained
himself to the zoology of a paragraph?
                  airy, isn't it, doesn't strain the eyes
so much...

      well... if i didn't have the ****** luxury
of pixel paper, i too would be offended by
this waste of paper, but since this isn't paper...
a baboon just escaped its confinement and
it rummaging in the zoo's cafe, looking for
a caffeine fix; later he'll be found
      in the pharmacy, looking for some
cream to ease the bulging hemorrhoids

  (nice fact: algorithms are...
    apart from search engines...
               spell...               chequers...
  tongue says one thing, eyes see another).                  
no, if i wanted cohesion, i'd have invented glue,
huh? ah... adhesive... but there really isn't
a worthwhile mention of adhesion,
      unless of course:

                  you put a bumper sticker on
your tongue and say: speaking english is
the only form of patriotism i know:
  allegiance to the tongue, but not the crown;
why? i have my crown on a ten pound
note...                but it's not that i want
her dead, it would grand to see this english
monetary overhaul, seeing ol' charlie on
the notes...

                               you know, fun.
yet i do remember times when i could grasp
a strong cognitive narrative,
              and there was no point in writing,
                      esp. not something like this,
   now, in painting a mess can be excused,
or rather: conceptualized, but in writing?
   ooh... caesar salad...
    you can't even conceptualize a reader's
short-attention span, or at least:
           how long does this straight line go?
                                                  no darting eyes?

                                                  ­                    here!

for all the mumbo-jumbo of heidegger's
strict writing, he at least taught me spatial coordination.
as well as how nerves shatter, and then mend.
yes, there is no narrative cage,
  yes there is no caged animal,
instead of a:
           |   |     there's an:       \  /
             --                                /    \
                                                           ­  an opening.

i can understand critique, but only if the critique
allows dialectics,
                       Kant imploded on this
realisation when he dedicated a section
of his work to a thesis and an antithesis...
why? because he doubted the already
embarked on synthesis...
                           every manner of critique is welcome,
as long as the critique can entertain
                                    a dialectical safety
mechanism... overwise: sure, be on your way.

of course it's going to be messy,
     why can painter get away with mess,
while writing has to be adhesive in nature,
           spare me the concentration that later involves
taking a book to bed, and falling asleep with it;
as i admire those people who fall asleep
easily during transit (bus, plane, train, whatever),
i have the same admiration for people
         who fall asleep reading a book...
and because of william burroughs...
                  far from taking hallucinogenics,
there's the sour bourbon (just some lemon juice
added) and there's the: ******* blank page
staring me in the face -
             or in gujarat english:
                         s'te'rrrrr'ing (gotta trill that R
like a rattle snake):
                     alternatively eton english:
starring                             bogus the penguin;
hit cue:                  as with the old movies -
came the credits first,
                      now?      just ask for a supermarket
cashier to read you the list...
  as if no one these days is bound to be

  to stare, or to be cast: that is not a question;

  the subtle "orthography" in english -
        and **** me what a custard worth spaghetti
that it does to the memory bank:
                         i see we sailed the sea.
now, if that doesn't erode your memory,
notably when you take to writing
away from speaking and a manual job?
  i don't know, what will.

of man and the universe:
        like a cat endowed (armed) with only
a meow, exploring human speech,
varying it by many degrees,
            with grunts and purrs of labour,
while sometimes shrieking noises
             or, crafting a mimic of a hunchback
upright, ready to express grievances.

bore: the domino effect of narration,
or rather: when the art of narration becomes
                   whoever strikes at a guess,
because the narrative is lost to the fact that
cinema exhausted it,
           in that modern narration is almost
always predictable;
    whoever thought that gambling on
a story was not unheard of, can hear this.

- when motherhood, or parenting in general
is equated with a "profession",
or rather the hyper-industrialisation,
reaching into the bowels (*****, borrows,
bowls?) - of a family unit...
     two things are happening:
on one side the shrapnel argument,
on the other side: the hyper-industrialisation
of the family unit:
             there really isn't much to
navigate with, no compass, no map,
merely chance, luck, happenstance...
     because when did motherhood become
a job?
              parenting became a job?

2nd. phase iconoclasm.

     (in a mock impression):
oh gee, when did barnie become barney,
he he (as in a mock of laughter):
      joe'bb, joe'b... job, yob,
                      lobby, jolly, jobe...
          ****, paraglider, spike...
         you can tell i'm **** as crosswords;
i hear too much,
          and my oyster is rummaging in
number puzzles, that translate into
   a strict rubric of adhering to spellin;
you can pacify the rest on me,
but this corner of interest has to stay:

- i could have respected darwinism,
  if only it remained in its, original biology
        but since then, darwinism has become
a quasi-marxism,
   not that i'm slowing you down or anything,
but darwinism translated into
  a historical narrative is like a brick wall...
a cul de sac of any future events,
****... back to petting a monkey...
             if there is such a thing as common

               how did darwinism escape
    the zoo and enter into a study of history?
     and as such: become the testing ground
for all things to come?
        believe me when i say:
darwin only matters in the anglophone
sphere of talk, think, do...
                darwin is crass in terms of
currency of affairs designated to the times
of occupying a shell of limbs...
not to mention that communism was first
tested on Mongolia...
                  yep, Mongolia was the host
of communism...
                          they tested it there for, i guess,
the same arguments that post-colonial
children who have inherited a past
     might be deemed easy target...
       or rather: because from Mongolia came
a certain khan...
                                 (surd H)
       as is the case with several familial ties
in pakitan, sharing that surname...
                  kan (otherwise crackle
and trying to await audience with phlegm
to spit with).

if it were not a Latin man answering for
the Greek for the short-hand version of
the old testament,
        it wouldn't be a study of the tetragrammaton,
first H is for laughter (vowel magnet),
the second H is for the allowance of surds
   (e.g. khan):
                          the greek tetragrammaton
consists of the following letters,
   based on an a "god", or rather the hidden
well... if we're all going to be literate monkeys...
might as well complicate things further,
based on the meritocracy of:
      you do your ****, i do mine,
                   i don't dig up your grave,
you don't dig up mine...
                  we meet in the middle,
   and stalk a fascination with 3 dimensional
space, akin to it being compressed
  into a: jesus mary and joseph,
              or a trímūrtí the hindus believe in).

- yet this constant reiteration,
this constant banging against the wall...
             in the anglophone world a seemingly
dead end, fudge-packaging of events,
mingling with a journalistic insomnia...
        journalism is in a state of
                    i can actually go through
the day not even bothering to remember
what day of the week it is,
        but i can tell you what day of
the week it is, watching the volume of
                like some idaho monk smoking
a spliff...
                   it's not that it's wrong,
but akin to marx, darwin's ideology has
infiltrated areas that should have been left
to their own demands...

  for all i know, anglophone "orthography"
is so subtle, that all it takes is a spelling
mistake to reveal it...
                  which is why i don't
                               bother with metaphysics;
and what a grace bestowed upon me
by england, to be born a monster of
these lands, based simply, on minor clues
of usage.
Yenson Jun 2019
The one I gave my heart to
I took it back on the day she left
swore never to see her again ever
I have not set eyes on her ever since
So what will a contrived courtier do to me
is my heart that valueless to be offered like confetti
is my idea of love a kiss-less bride without mutual passions
mind focus and repetitions are mere tools of the trade to journalists
no stress or distress for detachment is necessary to write objectively
scream it loud and over and over again the childish errant are funny
the snide silly antics of face-less cowards, smelly bullies dumb *****
so evident its rendered dismissive, irrelevant as are their complexes
laughing stocks and pathetic under-achievers playing remote control

we're talking a matured confident self assured trained mind not a yob
not softened, not frightened, not broken down or cowered, no, no, no
So do your worst.............
Big Virge Jan 2021
Now Folks...
My Phone’s SMART Tech...
REJECTED My First Text... !!!

In A Way That Really...
Caused My Head To STRESS... !!!

So I Guess That It Was Meant...
For ME To Now Get VEX...

Just Like The Heads...
At Today’s’ PROTEST... !!!

That Seemed To Have Rednecks...
Rather VEXED And Quite UPSET... !?!

Because Their CURRENT President...
Has Now... GOT TO Accept...
... His LOSS To Joe Biden... !!!!

According To News Threads... !?!

So Should Now GO HOME...
And Leave The Whitehouse Zone... !!!

So Now... Just Like Them...
This Is My Second Attempt...
To Write This Poem...
That Wants To Assess...
What Will Now Come Next... ?!?

Which Is Similar I Guess...
To Their Wish To STILL REJECT...
Biden’s... Election SUCCESS... ?!?

And Have Votes Counted AGAIN...
In Ways Where They Can Inspect...
And Openly... Double Check... !!!

Like Twenty Fifth Amendments...
To REMOVE This President... ?!?
Because Biden Has WON...
And ******* Don’s Minions...

Who’ve Now Rioted Like PUNKS...
And Left The Country STUNNED... !!!

But... Is That What’s Happened...
Or Is This Some Kind of Stunt...
Or One HELL of A... Diversion... ?!?

To CONFIRM The Election Result...
And Make Certain That Mr. Biden...

... Is America’s President...
In... Twenty Twenty One... ?!?

Now It’s Just A Simple Question...
So Is NOT An... Accusation... !!!

But For Those On The Hill...
To NOT Take Time To Chill...
And Be Passing Judgements...
On... This Last Election...

... Protest Marchers...

Seems A Bit HEARTLESS...

So What’s Coming Next... ?!?

Because Now Congress...
Is... Once Again...
Now Democrat Lead...

Trump’s Republican Friends...
Have Quickly Turned...
Against Their President...... !?!

Like The Kind of Worms...
Who’ve Shifted Their Faith...
To Be Willing To Shape...
Their Political Claims...
To... DEMOCRAT Veins... ?!?

In A... Capitol SHAKE...
That Has Caused A QUAKE...
That’s Been FAR From Great... !!!

So... WHO Was It Today...
Who Chose To MISBEHAVE... ?!?

Was It... BLACKS... ???
Maybe Some In Blackface...
Who Are Those In Gangs...
With... Racist Ways... !?!

Or Was It Asians...
Out There RAGING... ?!?

NOPE... Don’t Think So...
Hold On... I KNOW... !!!

Must of Been The CHINESE...
Causing... YOB Like Scenes...

Actually... It Was WHITES...
Who Were Causing Fights...
And The Loss of Life... !!!

That’s RIGHT The Same Types...

Now It’s The SECOND Time...
I’ve Tried To Write These Rhymes...
So Those Last Lines...
Are Worth Writing TWICE... ?!?

So... WHO Was It Today...
Who Chose To MISBEHAVE... ?!?

Was It... BLACKS... ???
Maybe Some In Blackface...
Who Are Those In Gangs...
With... Racist Ways... !!!

Or Was It Asians...
Out There RAGING... ?!?

NOPE... Don’t Think So...
Hold On... I Know... !!!

Must of Been The CHINESE...
Causing YOB Like Scenes...

Actually... It Was WHITES...
Who Were Causing Fights...
And The Loss of Life...

That’s Right The Same Types...
Who Claim To Be CIVILISED... ?

Because Had It Been Blacks...
Would They Have Got To Smash...
The HILL... Like That... ?!?

All Their Talk About GOD...
Is Clearly... WAY OFF...
When They Behave Like WILD Dogs... !!!

Now That’s A Line...
Just For Those White TRASH...
When Blacks Protest And Act... !?!

Like How Judgements Are RIGGED...
When It Comes To Killings...
That Police Are QUICK To Make... !!!

But SOMEHOW Heads Today...
Who Caused The Hill To Quake...
Were Just... USHERED Away...

So Congressman Could Stake...
A Claim For Biden’s Way...
To Be Made Clear RIGHT AWAY...
And With NO MORE DELAY... !!!

As I Earlier Said In This Poem...
Twenty Fifth Amendments...
Are What They Now Suggest...
As Being What’s BEST...
To Now Ensure Progress...

Because Now That The Senate...
Is...... Democrat Lead......

There Should Be Less Heads Against...
What Joe Biden Presents...
As Policies Well Meant...
In His Term As President... !!!

There’s Much That Now Suggests...
That This Protest Represents...

A Shift Back To Power...
For The... Establishment... !!!

And VACCINE Trends...
To Stem Corona Deaths...

An Agenda Being Fed...
By Global Governments... !!!

So Folks Shouldn’t Forget...
That... Diversions Are Meant...

To... Keep Heads BLINDED... !!!
To What’s Coming Next...
From Political Heads...

Like... Republican Men...
And Women Who STRESSED...
That They Would Never Turn...
AGAINST Their OWN President...
Who’ve Turned Like Worms...
To Now Show Allegiance...
To Their Democratic Friends... ?!?

So This Poem Will End...
With A Question That Suggests...

That... Hypocrisy And Lies...
Are NOT Beyond These Guys...
Who’ll Decide And Now Preside...
Over What’s Best For Our Lives...

So ….
DON'T You Be Surprised...
If Protests Start To RISE...
In Countries Now Worldwide...
Over MORE Than Loss of Lives... !!!

There’s A Lot That ISN’T Right...
Just Like Today’s Protest...
That’s Left Some People DEAD... !!!

It’s EASY To Sit...
And Claim Ignorance...

But I Suggest That Instead...
You Now USE Your HEADS...

To Ask...

“So Now Whats Coming Next ?“
Todays events have indeed posed, some very serious questions ....
Chris Hawkins Jul 2018
Prisons are heartless, they lack feeling and soul
Bare stone walls and steel bars so cold
Anger and hate runs coarse through its veins
Violence and hurt are familar pains

Tensions are high as I walk through this place
The stress and the strain are clear on my face
20 long years I have suffered to date
Feeling bitter and lost, I despair of my fate

Time stands still in this house of stone
Hundreds of people, yet we all feel alone
They stare at me coldly through eyes so black
I stare straight ahead, I dare turn my back

I'm no killer, no bad man, nor even a yob
This place that cages us is merely my job
For they are many and we are few
They dont call me by name, they call me a *****
The day you sleep to dream
The day the world decide to test
The peace you’ve keep
Walking on that lonely path
Be conscious of the awaiting cat

Some smiles are meant to fade
In those smiles’ give way for your thinking to prevail
Not all smiles are to be embrace
But never to be rejected openly

Keep not in mind that;
which walk not with time
Follow your heart desire
But never fail to inspire

Life is not much a good fun
Even a zany yob could testify
So, let not thou be deceive in that demon
That never last like a watering mouth lemon

Be observable to the beat around
Never hit your steps in dim of dance
These beat are part of your breathing
Not all are given in rise to your continuous breathing

**** the mind against you with sweetness
Lest the bitter part may point black at you
Cuddle with the development of time
Beware of the crime its commit

Mind the heart against you
Take not easy with those cherishing you
For this Angelic grace pipers
Are the hazardous dark face titans
This poem is mainly written as a source of advice to whom seek advice. Thanks for reading and criticism is very much welcome.
Donall Dempsey May 2015
My smile

in my compact

as I get carried along
in a river of people

flowing down
High Holborn

stiletto-ing back to work
with the other temps

laughing gaily
amongst ourselves

looking forward to
a weekend’s Paintballing.

I add a little more
scarlet to my smile.

My smile
gazes back at me

almost in love
with itself.

I trap it
in its little prison



Burdened by
my beauty

almost sick
to death of it.

What others would die for
I’d die to be without.

I shiver
in the sunlight

feeling un-really

It’s not easy
being a myth

especially in these times
of disbelief.

I still recoil
in horror when people recall

that hoary old story
of how I was loved a river.

Oh really Arethusa!

I gather up
my green hair

into a ponytail.

Oh those ****** Greeks
and the stories they tell!

Now I am a millennium
or two


I remain still
as beautiful as ever.

Suddenly a voice
comes after me

his shadow
casting itself over me.

Oh ye Gods!

Surely not here…not now…not…again!

“Hey darlin’…why leave
why such a hurry? ”

that old river God

disguised as a cartoon
bowler-hatted-pinstriped-brolly-carrying English gent.

But the wrong vernacular
gave him away.

The river Yob
as he was known  even back then.

I tried to pretend
I was mist on a mountain.

But he
wasn’t having any of it.

His voice
pursued me

his shadow
the shape of my terror.

I turned into a stream

made a run
for it.

The English gent
dissolved as he

poured himself
into his true form.

I could feel his
strong undercurrent

how his waters
wanted to mingle with mine.

I started crying
which only  made matters worse.

And yes…yes
he caught me of course

chased not longer chaste
filled with his lust
& it all happens
all over again.

Who’d be a nymph…eh?
Lusted after…turned into a tree or river.

It’s enough
to drive you nuts.

Ye ******* Gods
I hate being a myth!

It’s a curse
having to go through it

every time someone reads it.

It’s so…frustrating!

Tired now.
Ooops this is…my stop!

I shoved Hughes’s

back in
my rucksack

leapt off just
as the door closes.

There seemed to be some
commotion on the street

and **** and double ****
Holborn Underground

was closed
due to flooding.
Mateuš Conrad Apr 2018
to follow up on a citation from

art & fear by
david bales and ted orland:

/ it seems that while the “quantity” group
was busily churning out piles of work -
and learning from their mistakes —
 the “quality” group had sat theorizing
about perfection, and in the end had
little more to show for their efforts
than grandiose theories and a pile of dead clay. /

imagine asking a mozart to appeal
to both a quality and a quantity,
point being,
    quality will always remain
POP... while quantity will shut itself
off in  king crimson song,

    take what you're given
and stop acting like a pretentious
communist that even the Soviets would
have hated, as this overt censor
who censored so much,
   that he turned an ancient oak
into a toothpick, and not 10,000,000
packets if not more...

much easier to call in a
quality surveyor when it comes
to carpentry: you sit on a chair
and it doesn't break:
     give us 10,000 more replicas...
"apparently" rushed...

a mirage of qua (as being)
      and quo (where?)

        almost indistinguishable
after enough practice, and,
patience... but some much for these
little words...

             that sequence of a tree
made into a single toothpick?
     loony toons,  foghorn leghorn

  quality is a spare
   of what dedication to quantity
arrives at...
           quality is a byproduct
not the product itself...
don't ask me how capitalism rings
a bell, seeing how it's exhausted
       in pumping out quality,
and quantity simultaneously,
having to tap into a.i. & algorithms
because, apparently:
   human creativity is without
an imagination lax,
there are, apparently,  
   25,000 ways of reinventing
the hammer and the nail...
  given that the fear of the hammer
and the he sickle disappeared...
  Columbus discovering America
in a ******* can of sardines...
woo, hoo, honk honk.

sarcasm is not an easy humour,
witty people hardly notice
that wit and sarcasm are the Hanzel
und Gretyl of the comedy spree...
dry, martini, fixations on the image of:
getting away with easing out
a wet ****,  only because attired
in what Rene Magritte would wear
when painting.

oh wait... **** **** ****....

   both instances mind th3 qua-
     mind you, etymology of suffixes
with a strong latin prefix?
not my strong point...
   -lity contra -ntity are not my strong...
     what point of intrest
and: the most certain points
worth debating over?

we are summoned by the fickle nature
of: whatever comes our way,
much easier had it been but
a crude snout of a dog
with only a howling or a barking
to emerge from within:
so curse the mind the tongue the thumb,
and the spine,
    or however else you might
want to evaporate expanding the senses
and not clinging to these pillars...

thing about quantity...
    beggars at the feet of spontaneity,
never for a minute in need of:
attempting to perfect a square...
beside a rhombus?
       a bonsai everest of cow dung,
towed by 12 horses and one donkey,
dubbed: Γołgoθa -
      seems Pythagoras was an Aussie...

what with the up-side down right angle
like a swallow nest on a barn...

******* yob mismatched: oi oi oi...

how else to end it if not
with John Frusciante?
                       it really takes but one song
to cite, warm tape...
           THAT CHORUS, IZ...
            how do I put it...
the point of helium trapped in a ******?
    the point of
   mixing the dentist high on helium
and the patient high off nitrous oxide?
I mean, **** me,
   is it to remain of matter of
hiding a higher realism in unachievable
cartoon sketches?
             a theological dull and grey,
any day, compared to
man's phantasmagorical taste of colour
to revitalise urbanity with
a Braille reading of Vivaldi scores...
no clichés at this point,
even with the behemoths,
given the already exhausted and fly-riddled
moonlight sonnata...

hell, red hot chilli peppers, ooh, pop,
john frusciante, not carvel...
warm tape chorus:
  remnants of...
     pierdolone, baz'groły...

           since how can the artist be
not deemed a pretentious ****,
if he perfects by sole theorising,
and not by making a *** note...
    take an artist and a carpenter...
    after a while the two concepts
are indistinguishable,
a bit like reading the tedium that
is the overburdened suicide explanation
lost in Zen and the art of motorcycle

   QUA, sure, but then what?
        10000000000 contra 1.0000000001?
numbing terminology,
contra: litany prospectus?
elsewhere in the discussion,
waiting rooms with jazz, rather than muzak
playing in the background,
qua-qua intersectionability...
     no categorical imperative,
or an imperative to build walls and learn
to juggle a a third entry,
a joker sly upper-hand...
    quality,  and quantity,
         are indistinguishable in jazz...
muchos gracias...
   and your, ******* gospel choir
dance moves and jazz and all
the other encyclopedia entries of
         black girls inventing cat fights,
and when vaseline cream first came
in contact with, afro.
Yenson Aug 2019
There stands our Novel Chamberlain
Xenophobic uber-prat with top dog pretensions
a weak chine coward showing profile unrefined
goggles dark, black shirted.shameless bully craves attentions
parody of a man mired in semblance exuding puerile ignorance fine
insipid pale republican Tonton Macoute compensating his limitations

There stands our novel Chamberlain
a oaf with mildew loaf, the  ubiquitous Brown shirt warrior
he's here, there pontificating absurd prose worthy of disdain
cringing vocabulary, warped voyeuristic styles, he straddles Parlio
emitting odious **** of a mentally deranged finding shelter in de rain
basking in mock praises from acolytes and accounts in his alter-egos

There stands our Nonentity Chamberlain
the charlatan of all poetic sides and raconteur un- magnifique
he's eaten in Laos, slept i Siberia, climbed the Laurent and lion slain
been all over the world, bedded women from China to Mozambique
he is a trialist, finalist, racialist, specialist, a fantasist, all but not plain
as he sits in ***** drawers in a dingy room masking his life oblique

There stands our 'no-mark' Chamberlain
dark shades and black T-shirt a poser fantasizing he is a G-man
look behind the facade and see the under-endowed troll insane
a coward, a nasty, witless, brain addled yob and **** fresh in a can
show me the confident wholesome being who does like this knave
a fake con artist, buffoon, with the pretentious guise so much in frame
Donall Dempsey Oct 2016

My smile

in my compact

as I get carried along
in a river of people

flowing down
High Holborn

stiletto-ing back to work
with the other temps

laughing gaily
amongst ourselves

looking forward to
a weekend’s Paintballing.

I add a little more
scarlet to my smile.

My smile
gazes back at me

almost in love
with itself.

I trap it
in its little prison



Burdened by
my beauty

almost sick
to death of it.

What others would die for
I’d die to be without.

I shiver
in the sunlight

feeling un-really

It’s not easy
being a myth

especially in these times
of disbelief.

I still recoil
in horror when people recall

that hoary old story
of how I was loved a river.

Oh really Arethusa!

I gather up
my green hair

into a ponytail.

Oh those ****** Greeks
and the stories they tell!

Now I am a millennium
or two


I remain still
as beautiful as ever.

Suddenly a voice
comes after me

his shadow
casting itself over me.

Oh ye Gods!

Surely not here…not now…not…again!

“Hey darlin’…why leave
why such a hurry? ”

that old river God

disguised as a cartoon
bowler-hatted-pinstriped-brolly-carrying English gent.

But the wrong vernacular
gave him away.

The river Yob
as he was known  even back then.

I tried to pretend
I was mist on a mountain.

But he
wasn’t having any of it.

His voice
pursued me

his shadow
the shape of my terror.

I turned into a stream

made a run
for it.

The English gent
dissolved as he

poured himself
into his true form.

I could feel his
strong undercurrent

how his waters
wanted to mingle with mine.

I started crying
which only  made matters worse.

And yes…yes
he caught me of course

chased not longer chaste
filled with his lust
& it all happens
all over again.

Who’d be a nymph…eh?
Lusted after…turned into a tree or river.

It’s enough
to drive you nuts.

Ye fu&*%ing Gods
I hate being a myth!

It’s a curse
having to go through it

every time someone reads it.

It’s so…frustrating!

Tired now.
Ooops this is…my stop!

I shoved Hughes’s

back in
my rucksack

leapt off just
as the door closes.

There seemed to be some
commotion on the street

and **** and double ****
Holborn Underground

was closed
due to flooding.
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2018
                      killing hasselhoff
be the next
   big lebowski?

well, to me it already

         i'd prefer the whole:
killing off monty python
sense of comic...

       to stress the concept of
       but be "offended"
                 by subjectivity?

what's this?
            a lesson in how
a pendulum works?

            ball hits ball,
   ball hits another ball
             puritanical objectivism...

actually: talking to an old
man in a park about his
bike makes: pretty much all
the sense there is...

after all, the movie is an
archetypal study of
   the book of yob / hiob / jobe -
have i suddenly plaid
a false note on a flute?

          o.k.: joe'b:
                             i.e. 'b = blib.
******* really gagged
   to get technical with
           it's called:
                an oyster eating
a herring that churns it into
a pearl...
       and how many human tongues
are actually
              enslaved by Poseidon
              in these shell creatures?

but to discount subjectivity per se,
and only allow an en masse
                 too, much, grounding
in physics...
                     physics with a ******
nose, i.e. having to discuss
biological (subjective) realism...
realism, i.e. ****,
back into physical reality;
or rather:
    subjectivism, yes, in the focus
on intra-space,
   and yes, objectively speaking
      in the focus of inter-space...

        hardly a case for the "offended",
as if getting ******* needs
a thesaurus cipher-cloak...
               now, in the vicinity,
in the immediate sense,
      an anti-thesis
                of dasein: or rather,
in english translation:
     there's being...
                    which implies
an inclination toward: in situ.

    i still think
killing hasselhoff
is the next cult movie on
the lines of
   the big lebowski...
   4.3/10 - ‎1,319 votes...
       (out of) /
                    (based on) -
                 my ***.

my my, haven't we become
very, subtle, creatures?

  sure, others prefer the tailoring
of a tux, as opposed
to, being pedantic.
kirk Mar 2021
Who needs a box of Sandwiches, who needs a plump Pork Pie
Snap those flimsy plastic Knifes, and bleed your Hip Flask dry
***** up your Paper Serviettes, kiss Plates and Cups goodbye
The War on Picnics has begun, and Coffee Beans will die

Bar B Q's will let them burn, checked Blankets can be ripped
Don't squeeze those juicy Oranges, all Bananas must stay zipped
Lock away your Wicker Baskets, cos Yogi's post is piped
The average bear has had his day, and smartness will be stripped

Cobs of Corn are wilting; they can't believe their ears
Asparagus has now been thrown, along with all the spears
Fresh Cream is left to curdle, Milk shaking through the fears
Too many Hops have been deflowered, so stick your crate of Beers

Who wants your Cheese and Onion, spin on my Sausage Roll
The march of Walkers has commenced, and Crisps have gone Awol
Let Iceberg Lettuce melt away, toss out that Salad Bowl
Tuna Fish has just got canned, so has the Dover Soul

Vanilla in an Ice Cream Cone, that's frozen to the scoop
Hard Boiled Eggs are going soft, so they've all flown the coop
A ****** on a Cocktail Stick, one ***** that's on the droop
Ripe Tomatoes are now squashed, pack up your Cup a' Soup

Chicken has turned rather fowl, Ham is now wafer thin
Kitchen Roll has given up, their towels have been thrown in
Farmhouse Loafs caught Cottaging, will take it on the chin
Candy Floss is so confused, and gone into a spin

Pizzas have fell like Domino's, they refuse to leave the Hut
Oyster shells are clamming up, so they are staying shut
Quarter Pounders lost their purposes, now they can't bust a gut
The bluntness of cheep Meat Cleavers, just didn't make the cut

The revolution of French Fries, cos they've all had their Chips
Slavery has come to pass, amongst the Walnut Whips
All Smoothies have had it rough, no blend without the Pips
Escargot are much to slow, so they can't pass my lips

Spaghetti tried to slip away, because it doesn't give a Fork
It's hairy for the Coconuts, but they're too shy to talk
Pepsi has been smoking Coke, as well as pulled Roast Pork
The Battering of the northern Puds, has forced them back to York

All the Grapes are souring; they have good cause to Wine
Nuts are turning to bad Seeds, upon the lonesome Pine
Pigs say that Bacon rationing, "is really just a swine"
We've grounded our Black Pepper, and of coarse it's now too fine

Fallen Fruits are badly bruised, too hard for any healings
A Jacket that once was snug, lost in Potato Peelings
Jelly has thrown a wobbler, why Trifle with its feelings
Biscuits forced into a Jam, so no more Dodgy dealings

Those Chillies are so lazy, Watercress will stay in bed
It's as easy as a piece of Cake, but the Beetroots seeing red
Margarine has hardened up, and the news has not been spread
Beef Wellington has had the boot, and there's nowhere else to tread

Apples are forbidden fruit, and Ribs are going spare
The Pastry has flaked away, from my sweet Chocolate Éclair
Will Lady Godiva ride again, to show off her lovely Pear?
Pringles popped and cannot stop, but they decline to share

Salad Dressing that gets caught, well isn't that just rude?
All the Kebabs are angry, because their Vegetables are skewed
Bottles are remaining corked; it looks like we are *******
Food unwrapped will go to waste, now that its in the ****

My Candelabra's round the twist, and it's getting on my wick
Pineapple Chunks and Silver Skins, are sliding down the stick
Unsliced Bread on your doorstep, I'm afraid it's much too thick
Fields of Crops aren't dusted off, so you can't take your pick

Peperami was an animal, but now he's just a yob
Gourmet food has lost its class, and turned into a slob
My Butter has now melted, Lurpak has got no ****
Donut holes are being filled, so ******* PC Plod

The Salt is in the Cellar, Sugar has got the Cane
Lollipops have all been licked, Crackers have gone insane
Soufflés refuse to even rise, and Tea has felt the strain
Frankfurter has to face Riff Raff, and won't be sweet again

Tarts who've lost their Cherries, are no longer sat on top
Unlucky Scones have been let go, so they've all felt the drop
Beans have done a Runner; fizzy drinks have all gone Pop
Cops are giving us a fine, cos they want Picnics to stop
On 6th January 2021 two friends were fined £200 each for travelling just five miles to Foremark Reservoir in Derbyshire for their daily exercise.
Jessica Allen and Eliza Moore were surrounded by police officers in the car park shortly after arriving in separate vehicles.
Both ladies were read their rights and was told that the hot drinks they were carrying were not allowed as they were "Classed as a picnic"

It seems a bit extreme to confiscate a cup of coffee and classify it as a picnic and maybe a case of over zealousness on the part of the Derbyshire police officers.
Incidents of this nature over the past year are increasing and as a result of this I have been inspired to write about it.
This poem is just a small part of a bigger document but I thought it was worthy of its own posting
Unfortunately the document in question is too large to post in its entirety so maybe I will have to post it in sections as I was going to post a link
As a small bonus I have also re wrote the Teddy-Bears Picnic to fit in with this situation I hope you enjoy them thanks for reading.

Coffee Becomes A Picnic:
If you go down to the lake today well that is a big mistake
If you go out for a walk today there's officers on the make
For ever cop that ever there was will gather there for certain because
Today's the day when coffee becomes a picnic

Every bent cop will be there to take your treats away
There's lots of marvellous things to steal including your steamed latte
Beneath their knees whenever they please
They'll lurk and prey then issue large fees
Cos that's the way the coppers define a picnic

Picnic time for two young girls
It's only two young girls walking around the park today.
Stalk them, catch them unawares
It's no picnic when drinks go astray

There are many cops about
So don't you scream and shout
They're arresting women in pairs
By six o'clock you're treated like baddies and they'll take you instead
Because they're trained in illicit affairs

If you go out for a walk today you better go on your own
It's lovely down at the lake today, but your safer to stay at home
Cos every cop that ever there was will issue fines for certain
Because the day has come when coffee is now a picnic
Yenson Aug 2019
There stands our Novel Chamberlain
Xenophobic uber-prat with top dog pretensions
a weak chine coward showing profile unrefined
goggles dark, black shirted.shameless bully craves attentions
parody of a man mired in semblance exuding puerile ignorance fine
insipid pale republican Tonton Macoute compensating his limitations

There stands our novel Chamberlain
a oaf with mildew loaf, the  ubiquitous Brown shirt warrior
he's here, there pontificating absurd prose worthy of disdain
cringing vocabulary, warped voyeuristic styles, he straddles Parlio
emitting odious **** of a mentally deranged finding shelter in de rain
basking in mock praises from acolytes and accounts in his alter-egos

There stands our Nonentity Chamberlain
the charlatan of all poetic sides and raconteur un- magnifique
he's eaten in Laos, slept i Siberia, climbed the Laurent and lion slain
been all over the world, bedded women from China to Mozambique
he is a trialist, finalist, racialist, specialist, a fantasist, all but not plain
as he sits in ***** drawers in a dingy room masking his life oblique

There stands our 'no-mark' Chamberlain
dark shades and black T-shirt a poser fantasizing he is a G-man
look behind the facade and see the under-endowed troll insane
a coward, a nasty, witless, brain addled yob and **** fresh in a can
show me the confident wholesome being who does like this knave
a fake con artist, buffoon, with the pretentious guise so much in frame

Donall Dempsey Mar 2018

My smile

in my compact

as I get carried along
in a river of people

flowing down
High Holborn

stiletto-ing back to work
with the other temps

laughing gaily
amongst ourselves

looking forward to
a weekend’s Paintballing.

I add a little more
scarlet to my smile.

My smile
gazes back at me

almost in love
with itself.

I trap it
in its little prison



Burdened by
my beauty

almost sick
to death of it.

What others would die for
I’d die to be without.

I shiver
in the sunlight

feeling un-really

It’s not easy
being a myth

especially in these times
of disbelief.

I still recoil
in horror when people recall

that hoary old story
of how I was loved a river.

Oh really Arethusa!

I gather up
my green hair

into a ponytail.

Oh those ****** Greeks
and the stories they tell!

Now I am a millennium
or two


I remain still
as beautiful as ever.

Suddenly a voice
comes after me

his shadow
casting itself over me.

Oh ye Gods!

Surely not here…not now…not…again!

“Hey darlin’…why leave
why such a hurry? ”

that old river God

disguised as a cartoon
bowler-hatted-pinstriped-brolly-carrying English gent.

But the wrong vernacular
gave him away.

The river Yob
as he was known even back then.

I tried to pretend
I was mist on a mountain.

But he
wasn’t having any of it.

His voice
pursued me

his shadow
the shape of my terror.

I turned into a stream

made a run
for it.

The English gent
dissolved as he

poured himself
into his true form.

I could feel his
strong undercurrent

how his waters
wanted to mingle with mine.

I started crying
which only made matters worse.

And yes…yes
he caught me of course

chased not longer chaste
filled with his lust

& it all happens
all over again.

Who’d be a nymph…eh?
Lusted after…turned into a tree or river.

It’s enough
to drive you nuts.

Ye ******* Gods
I hate being a myth!

It’s a curse
having to go through it

every time someone reads it.

It’s so…frustrating!

Tired now.
Ooops this is…my stop!

I shoved Hughes’s

back in
my rucksack

leapt off just
as the door closes.

There seemed to be some
commotion on the street

and **** and double ****
Holborn Underground

was closed
due to flooding
Trevor Reynolds Mar 2020
This all started in my teens, it was just a little ****
But I found I smoked it more and more, As I felt I had the need
To pay for the substance, I sold a little crack
I lost respect for my parents, so began to answer them back
They kicked me out when I left school, Because I couldn't keep a job
I was branded by society, As a ****** or a yob
I started using needles, as a way to get my fix
Was living in a doss house, with my own kind, I had to mix
In and out of jail, it became quite systematic
This is the true-life story, of how I became an addict
Counselling I tried but it wasn't meant to be
Sitting around in circles telling stories is not for me
So, they booked me in a program which they say I cannot fail
I can hardly not turn up as it's held inside the jail
I’ve three years left to serve if I stick to the regime
After all is said and done, at least I'll come out clean
So now I'm moving forward my life no longer static
It makes me proud to say, I’m now a recovering addict.
Respect to those now sober and those still trying
Chris Slade Oct 2020
The fabric of our society is slipping.
It’s so transparent you CAN see right through.
We’ve got a posh yob thinking he can do the leader’s job.
He knows he’s *****, that his detractors are right,
and he should throw the towel in right now.

The algorithm’s not the only thing that’s ******.
our future’s definitely been well & truly chucked.
the wrong people are being knighted
the proles are being slighted and
we’re being seen as a laughing stock round the world

it’s the blind leading the partially sighted,
where the grass roots need just  to be united
and who is it who can handle that job?
Not anyone from this current motley mob?
It’s not pretty… It’s downright ugly!
The UK seems to be losing ground on all fronts... A narcissistic leader who didn't want a job with so many problems - some of which he helped create is wriggling and on the ropes.
Paul OConnor Mar 2020
Warehouse dues are Mondays blues
Maximum crap for minimum wage
The ***** barks at my industrial cage
"Should be grateful, you council yob
Plenty of ***** could do your job"
Keep my head down , fetch and carry
***** barks orders, the smug little sod
Finally it's Friday.
The day I awake.
Money in pocket, and out on the lash
We're warriors and kings in our domain
Loads of fun and deeply insane
The ***** , walks in with pride in place
Sees me and barks "O'Connor, behave"
A punch to the throat and down he goes
Kicks to the face, blood on my shoes
Left me no choice the smug little sod
Should remember his place, when he's out with the Gods.
Donall Dempsey Mar 2019

My smile

in my compact

as I get carried along
in a river of people

flowing down
High Holborn

stiletto-ing back to work
with the other temps

laughing gaily
amongst ourselves

looking forward to
a weekend’s Paintballing.

I add a little more
scarlet to my smile.

My smile
gazes back at me

almost in love
with itself.

I trap it
in its little prison



Burdened by
my beauty

almost sick
to death of it.

What others would die for
I’d die to be without.

I shiver
in the sunlight

feeling un-really

It’s not easy
being a myth

especially in these times
of disbelief.

I still recoil
in horror when people recall

that hoary old story
of how I was loved a river.

Oh really Arethusa!

I gather up
my green hair

into a ponytail.

Oh those ****** Greeks
and the stories they tell!

Now I am a millennium
or two


I remain still
as beautiful as ever.

Suddenly a voice
comes after me

his shadow
casting itself over me.

Oh ye Gods!

Surely not here…not now…not…again!

“Hey darlin’…why leave
why such a hurry? ”

that old river God

disguised as a cartoon
bowler-hatted-pinstriped-brolly-carrying English gent.

But the wrong vernacular
gave him away.

The river Yob
as he was known even back then.

I tried to pretend
I was mist on a mountain.

But he
wasn’t having any of it.

His voice
pursued me

his shadow
the shape of my terror.

I turned into a stream

made a run
for it.

The English gent
dissolved as he

poured himself
into his true form.

I could feel his
strong undercurrent

how his waters
wanted to mingle with mine.

I started crying
which only made matters worse.

And yes…yes
he caught me of course

chased not longer chaste
filled with his lust

& it all happens
all over again.

Who’d be a nymph…eh?
Lusted after…turned into a tree or river.

It’s enough
to drive you nuts.

Ye f**king Gods
I hate being a myth!

It’s a curse
having to go through it

every time someone reads it.

It’s so…frustrating!

Tired now.
Ooops this is…my stop!

I shoved Hughes’s

back in
my rucksack

leapt off just
as the door closes.

There seemed to be some
commotion on the street

and **** and double ****
Holborn Underground

was closed
due to flooding.
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2020
the "talent"... the "genius"... it comes as freely as
freely it goes... such words are not... rhetorical:
zoological keepers...
and then: ****! gone!
because... you and i and
we all can forgive rhyme into extending its...
welcome presence... because:
i'm thinking about... peeling tangerines...
i'm thinking about peeling
grapes... akin to a diana krall new york
episode... i'm thinking about...
eating spaghetti bologanise
while also eating canned peaches...
when feeding a nostalgia
oyster when watching *******
***** of hollywood
via lethal weapon II...
sharp objects - and led zeppelin's
in the evening...
what pristine sort of love
is my sort of love?
conversational love story that...
is forever anonymous?
this is supposed to be my sort
of love story...
the non-very-usual the-anonymous
new yorker fatigued with
urban literature of the quickened
i.q. scoop...
it's one of those billy joel
typo type o' moments of...
elsewhere beside a york,
an old york a new york:
most certainly outside a 7pm friday sloth
and all that cry-baby yogurt tomorrow
whipped up from...
if the concrete isn't lava...
then the forest isn't aloud with a flush
of wild fires!
some call it a Hudson,
some call it the Thames...
some call it...
the bog, the standard throne of thrones...
and some even dare call it...
Beckton central...
where all of high-flier *******
filled **** that kills the eels is
filtered along with the more:
basic quests of us... made complete...
easy as easy is loitering around
C# (c-sharp) when the whole world becomes
a zoo... of a people not diling telephone
numbers... calling it: the hashtag"blues"?
let's call it calling it...
the cul-de-sac and let's call it...
anything other than what it was
the pine never dared to knock-knock-joke
into a forest of oaks...
as i would never ask for
furniture beside...
what became of the armchair in the eyes
of diogenese of sinope:
a cloud for the mind to care for the sky...
in that... the armchair was always to become
oyster shell...
and the armchair was
always going to become
a harem sofa... the dirt associated with
the priting press... and the distorted ink
that was always going to run dry
or inflated in pavlova berry miser-mix-up...

piano keys played over the worth of
slices of loaf / bread...
and that grand sleeper gang...
because... the swinging pawtee was...
slap-sticking themselves to give out
freebie clues...
and i was... my usual mundane self...
less travelled... because...
even if it was a viagara-fuelled trip
to Moscow St. Petersburg...
there was a Cracow... there was Edinburgh...
there was a Paris and a Venice...
solo yob... sighs from Mombasa...
and catching macaque
with bags of sugar for the ooh ooh applause
and shock-value antithesis selfies!
               blonde-beast: that's also me...
not catching sand in a ****...
or a zephyr from... a surah of a quran...
that's also moi, whittle moi...

- and then give it a name:
a penny-for-the-wise...
for all that... would never would never
be spent...
loitering around sinatra's bank-account
madman use-by-date come
post-mortem and: those pennies
and those raindrops...
because it's always going to be:
******* forever h'americana...
and always the iraqi blues and...
the saudi: hush hush...

long live bad *** cowboy h'america...
and long live the antithesis...
wehrmacht hugo boss: to boot!
long live pure good...
love live pure evil...
long live the sächsisch sohn...
love live the preußisch vater...
long life... to any future...
naive... imbecile... and... coat of:
arms... the pressured combined:
loitering gestures of a sordid clown;
prischtine schpelling
quirks and notations of...
exemplifying exceptions!
or more or less...
the gravity of furniture...
for the love of furniture...
because whether it's a spoon,
a fork, a knife... or just the base
superstition hiding behind
chop-sticks / tooth-picks...
call it the fork or the spoon
or the knife...
when all you have left is...
your 10 digit bishops and the 32 cardinals
of ivory for that one tongue of pope...
or a bowl... tilting...
and no spoon... but a slurping sound...
which is: no spoon necessary...
so much for any worth surrounding
the status gentleman...
or barbarian... to grieve a would-be...
it's one of those kind of celebrations
that's reserved for the per se.
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2020
educating man is such a fakery...
     with an individual bypassing
it: and a mass unit
succumbing to it...
                problem with
the mass unit:
                          when hearing
the negativity behind what was being
sold is actually pointless:
starts making sense?
well how am i not to cringe?
       who is to spew truths...
                       akin to maxims...
if maxims are previously unobserved
and untested "circumstances"...
then again... maybe that's better...
akin to la roccafauld (almost a googlewhack,
3 results)...
          it's not dyslexic of me...
i was thinking of nietzsche and
   la rochefoucauld...
               who weren't as much
interested in facts...
           but stating new observations...
after all: how tiresome it must be...
to defend facts...
        to champion "objectivity"...
having it exhaust your subjective
              after all, on the basic observation:
i am a potential of being
an object of gravity...
        but, unless i don't want to walk
off a cliff... i am granted the a priori
reality, of being a subject,
of gravity... i can "test" this by throwing
a stone into the air...
   objectivity and its defence,
this desire to be the guardian of facts
is exhausting...

   mind you... why are the asians so
good at graphics?
       oh...       (gyo( )砕)....
imagine writing this...
                    why are the asians so good
at graphics?
            who would ever need to build
the great wall of china,
if not to prevent the mongols,
when, your language,
    is a defence system in itself?
what do i have? the language of exploration...
an omicron to peer through...
                   and find new ambitions...

   i always find that the medieval artists
were not benevolent in the depiction
of noblewomen...
        they all, rather, seem... ******...
they were not benevolent to the women
of high birth...
      then again...
what if any advances am i to mention?

at least a "poet" can translate a history
        into the modern 21st century parlance...
citing as many sources as he can...
the free and open library...
         once in a while citing
a bibliography-esque ref. to a video...
or a word...
                      a freedom never before
         bypassing the scrutiny of editors...
akin to something
resembling a youtube(.com) glitch,
of what the old jukebox resembled...

       band - album

   papir - IV
                       mythic sunship - land between rivers
electric orange - netto
                 do make say think - winter hymn
                         country hymn secret hymn
        (more like, think, don't say,
                           do whatever you can make of "it" -
no that's just an interjection)...
          java - interstellar translator,
       my brother the wind - twilight in the crystal
      valley of the sun - old gods,
    yob - adrift in the ocean,
          stone rebel - soul shelter,
   son cesaro - submerge,
           space fox - moon trips,
                 monomyth - further,
          the outsider - hyeon,
      iah - iah,
                    echobasement - no form of hu...
     Øresund space collective -
              hallucinations inside the...

hell, i only really wanted to play the sort
of high fidelity role of working
in a music shop...
             i guess... the best i can do...
is forage new music, even i haven't heard
of... not exactly john peel:
but close enough...
    it's not like any of this music would
be played on mainstream radio...
   (a) no vocals
   (b) prog rock complexity...
              if you can sit through listening to
the, whole album netto by electric orange...
and not be tempted to skip,
ot return to the beginning...
                mind you... that's training ground...
for you then moving to spend a good
month's worth on a historical novel...
because, frankly?
       a philosophy book requires
a good year, if not more,
      and, most probably...
           a few books in between...
you don't want to read a philosophy book
like a novel, like looking at a waterfall...
in order to then "lecture" someone on it
and condensing it into a skeleton of schematics
like those old-school game
walkthroughs / cheat books for
final fantasy VII... (homework,
****, and it's sunny and it's England...
you want to go to the shopping mall
with your misfit friends,
  and then run up to the top of the car park
and spit on people from the roof...
and, somehow time it so well
that you nail a zeppelin drop, d'uh!)...

   well it's not out of ridicule...
   but didn't nietzsche spawn the h'american
comic culture?
    comic as in a comedy of
a concept in its genesis as the übermensch?
it's a perfectly reasonable observation...
           blah blah...
                     at first it must have been
a tactic to ridicule **** philosophy...
               after all... mickey mouse?
                   why wouldn't the comic book culture
         not directly stem from a ridicule
of the übermensch idea?
                  hence the need to find it all the more
ridiculous, by diluting it,
increasing the noise to a mass furore...
    if over-man,
    then what? man-spider,
               man-bat... man-water...
     what was so potent in overcoming man,
instilled in the german drive of that period...
that required the h'americans to ridicule it,
make comic books out of it?
               well... one thing is for sure...
people are sick of this diluting process...
     an idea that is without form,
   without an image,
                  but only the skeleton of the spelling...
has become overtly-saturated with
   phantasmagoria that never materializes!

i swear i was supposed to write something
else... ah!
     i remember these two stories that were
fed to the english press from russia...
a few months after i returned from st. petersburg
(i will stand to my convictions,
not even st. petersburg can compete
with the aura associated with either paris,
or edinburgh... moscow is just a concrete
******* behemoth, it's bloated in arrogance
of its own presence and dominion,
st. petersburg could have competed,
but it can never out-compete either paris
or edinburgh)...

             the two stories?
(1) two men were having an argument about
the philosophy of Kant,
              one of the men shot the other man
in a grocery store;
    (2) two men were having an argument about
whether prose was superior to poetry,
or whether poetry was superior to prose...
again, one of the men killed the other one...

   such coincidences...
               oh i'm not saying that was "me"...
  even i'm not that deluded...
             but it's funny to find stories about
kindred souls...
                       a good 2 years,
spent on reading the critique of pure reason,
with a decent amount of books in between...
mind you...
   it's smooth sailing, almost like a william
burroughs novel, reaching:
  the methodology of transcendence...
and believe me...
    you need a 2 vol. edition...
                    i once tried reading a 2 vol.
edition of À la recherche du temps perdu...
impossible... i'd rather go and replace
Sisyphus for the time it would have taken me,
or, replace Atlas for a day...
a 1 vol. edition of Don Quixote is bad enough,
but doable... (spoiler...
   that famous windmill scene?
                               maybe 50 pages in)...

**** me, how things have changed...
back in the day we'd start off
                         gagging for the next R. L. Stein
novel in primary school...
            night of the living dummy...
attack of the mutant...
   whatever YA is these days...
YA for me would be something akin
to Stendhal, or Alexander Dumas...
                       that was YA...
   i really don't know why i didn't jump
on the Stephen King train...
                       that just flew past my head...        
maybe because of all the film adaptations...
it's like the lord of the rings...
   how am i supposed to read that book...
when... i went to see the fellowship of the ring...
7 ******* times to the cinema!
         the other movies? just once.
       it's like this family friend...
       27 times, to the cinema,
                  to binge on: enter the dragon...    
thank god i'm not a stalker-type...
              my obsessions lie elsewhere... phew!

My smile

in my compact

as I get carried along
in a river of people

flowing down
High Holborn

stiletto-ing back to work
with the other temps

laughing gaily
amongst ourselves

looking forward to
a weekend’s Paintballing.

I add a little more
scarlet to my smile.

My smile
gazes back at me

almost in love
with itself.

I trap it
in its little prison



Burdened by
my beauty

almost sick
to death of it.

What others would die for
I’d die to be without.

I shiver
in the sunlight

feeling un-really

It’s not easy
being a myth

especially in these times
of disbelief.

I still recoil
in horror when people recall

that hoary old story
of how I was loved a river.

Oh really Arethusa!

I gather up
my green hair

into a ponytail.

Oh those ****** Greeks
and the stories they tell!

Now I am a millennium
or two


I remain still
as beautiful as ever.

Suddenly a voice
comes after me

his shadow
casting itself over me.

Oh ye Gods!

Surely not here…not now…not…again!

“Hey darlin’…why leave
why such a hurry? ”

that old river God

disguised as a cartoon
bowler-hatted-pinstriped-brolly-carrying English gent.

But the wrong vernacular
gave him away.

The river Yob
as he was known even back then.

I tried to pretend
I was mist on a mountain.

But he
wasn’t having any of it.

His voice
pursued me

his shadow
the shape of my terror.

I turned into a stream

made a run
for it.

The English gent
dissolved as he

poured himself
into his true form.

I could feel his
strong undercurrent

how his waters
wanted to mingle with mine.

I started crying
which only made matters worse.

And yes…yes
he caught me of course

chased not longer chaste
filled with his lust

& it all happens
all over again.

Who’d be a nymph…eh?
Lusted after…turned into a tree or river.

It’s enough
to drive you nuts.

Ye ******* Gods
I hate being a myth!

It’s a curse
having to go through it

every time someone reads it.

It’s so…frustrating!

Tired now.
Ooops this is…my stop!

I shoved Hughes’s

back in
my rucksack

leapt off just
as the door closes.

There seemed to be some
commotion on the street

and **** and double ****
Holborn Underground

was closed
due to flooding

My smile

in my compact

as I get carried along
in a river of people

flowing down
High Holborn

stiletto-ing back to work
with the other temps

laughing gaily
amongst ourselves

looking forward to
a weekend’s Paintballing.

I add a little more
scarlet to my smile.

My smile
gazes back at me

almost in love
with itself.

I trap it
in its little prison



Burdened by
my beauty

almost sick
to death of it.

What others would die for
I’d die to be without.

I shiver
in the sunlight

feeling un-really

It’s not easy
being a myth

especially in these times
of disbelief.

I still recoil
in horror when people recall

that hoary old story
of how I was loved a river.

Oh really Arethusa!

I gather up
my green hair

into a ponytail.

Oh those ****** Greeks
and the stories they tell!

Now I am a millennium
or two


I remain still
as beautiful as ever.

Suddenly a voice
comes after me

his shadow
casting itself over me.

Oh ye Gods!

Surely not here…not now…not…again!

“Hey darlin’…why leave
why such a hurry? ”

that old river God

disguised as a cartoon
bowler-hatted-pinstriped-brolly-carrying English gent.

But the wrong vernacular
gave him away.

The river Yob
as he was known  even back then.

I tried to pretend
I was mist on a mountain.

But he
wasn’t having any of it.

His voice
pursued me

his shadow
the shape of my terror.

I turned into a stream

made a run
for it.

The English gent
dissolved as he

poured himself
into his true form.

I could feel his
strong undercurrent

how his waters
wanted to mingle with mine.

I started crying
which only  made matters worse.

And yes…yes
he caught me of course

chased not longer chaste
filled with his lust
& it all happens
all over again.

Who’d be a nymph…eh?
Lusted after…turned into a tree or river.

It’s enough
to drive you nuts.

Ye fu&*%ing Gods
I hate being a myth!

It’s a curse
having to go through it

every time someone reads it.

It’s so…frustrating!

Tired now.
Ooops this is…my stop!

I shoved Hughes’s

back in
my rucksack

leapt off just
as the door closes.

There seemed to be some
commotion on the street

and **** and double ****
Holborn Underground

was closed
due to flooding.
Donall Dempsey Mar 2020

My smile

in my compact

as I get carried along
in a river of people

flowing down
High Holborn

stiletto-ing back to work
with the other temps

laughing gaily
amongst ourselves

looking forward to
a weekend’s Paintballing.

I add a little more
scarlet to my smile.

My smile
gazes back at me

almost in love
with itself.

I trap it
in its little prison



Burdened by
my beauty

almost sick
to death of it.

What others would die for
I’d die to be without.

I shiver
in the sunlight

feeling un-really

It’s not easy
being a myth

especially in these times
of disbelief.

I still recoil
in horror when people recall

that hoary old story
of how I was loved a river.

Oh really Arethusa!

I gather up
my green hair

into a ponytail.

Oh those ****** Greeks
and the stories they tell!

Now I am a millennium
or two


I remain still
as beautiful as ever.

Suddenly a voice
comes after me

his shadow
casting itself over me.

Oh ye Gods!

Surely not here…not now…not…again!

“Hey darlin’…why leave
why such a hurry? ”

that old river God

disguised as a cartoon
bowler-hatted-pinstriped-brolly-carrying English gent.

But the wrong vernacular
gave him away.

The river Yob
as he was known even back then.

I tried to pretend
I was mist on a mountain.

But he
wasn’t having any of it.

His voice
pursued me

his shadow
the shape of my terror.

I turned into a stream

made a run
for it.

The English gent
dissolved as he

poured himself
into his true form.

I could feel his
strong undercurrent

how his waters
wanted to mingle with mine.

I started crying
which only made matters worse.

And yes…yes
he caught me of course

chased not longer chaste
filled with his lust

& it all happens
all over again.

Who’d be a nymph…eh?
Lusted after…turned into a tree or river.

It’s enough
to drive you nuts.

Ye ******* Gods
I hate being a myth!

It’s a curse
having to go through it

every time someone reads it.

It’s so…frustrating!

Tired now.
Ooops this is…my stop!

I shoved Hughes’s

back in
my rucksack

leapt off just
as the door closes.

There seemed to be some
commotion on the street

and **** and double ****
Holborn Underground

was closed
due to flooding

— The End —