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Steven Osborne Oct 2015
I reach out and extend my hand
You take me on an expidition of my mind
But warn me of the demons I may find
Like a dream cast out into the day
We all dance around as we beguine to laugh and play
Avoid the ellaphant in the corner of the room
If you look hime in the eye he'll send us all to doom

Turn on all the party lights
You know this is the way we make it through the nights
Trapped beneath its entrancing ways
I wouldn't want a thing to break my gaze
Because in a way we've all got something we're running from
We've all got something we're yerning to become

As the ball dropped and the lights went out
I became lost so I started to fill with doubt
With a compass of morals and no marks on the map
How would I know where to even start
I beguine to feel myself tear apart

A void with the gravity of 1,000 burnt out sund
The black hole pulls me in on a chain
Maybe too late I've already missed my my train
It is not the words but the ones we do not speak
They are armed to the teeth like a gun
Turn on all the party lights
You know this is the way we make it through the nights
Trapped beneath its entrancing ways
I wouldn't want a thing to break my gaze
Because in a way we've all got something we're running from
We've all got something we're yerning to become

I feel a numbness bleed down my arm
Gripped in my hand was my hunting knife
Dizzy and delirious I was fearing for my life
The blanket draped over my head while laying in my bed
I was left wandering if I was dead
As the coroner looked into my eyes
I felt as my soul started to rise

Out of my body out of my mind
I shot off and left this whole world behind
My whole entire life flashed before my eyes
Apocalyptic epiphany to bring me to realize
I must start moving to move on
Before I could ever find my call
I was forced to face losing it all

Turn on all the party lights
You know this is the way we make it through the nights
Trapped beneath its entrancing ways
I wouldn't want a thing to break my gaze
Because in a way we've all got something we're running from
We've all got something we're yerning to become

After the light went out
I found my whole life turned upside down
I could not help but to beguine to frown
A duplicity of yen and yang happily depressed
The reality I have never confessed

Hoping that one day I can turn life around
So that I might beguine to smile
Or at least be properly expressed
I know exactly what I must do

Turn on all the party lights
You know this is the way we make it through the nights
Trapped beneath its entrancing ways
I wouldn't want a thing to break my gaze
Because in a way we've all got something we're running from
We've all got something we're yerning to become

Resurrected I come back to life
Covered with a chill dripping in cold sweat
The things I've seen I could never forget
Coming back down into a new year
I feel as though everything becomes clear

I have been here grom the beginning
I'll be here untill the very end
You are the one who holds the key
This is something I'll always see
I love you and watched as we both grow
It is killing me not to know

What a long strange trip it has been
I'll never regreat when it all came to beguine
This is the choice I made
To hoping we never fade
Will correct spelling later (posted on my phone)
Corkey Hawley Mar 2010
As I have gotten Older
And less active with my Age
I long 4 the lust of my Youth
The passion and the Rage
The longing 2 stick my fingers
and my tounge
in warm, wet,  juicy space
2 feel excited by Flesh
and **** @ a fevered pace
I've lost so much
Of my Face
Yerning 4 that
Speical PLACE
I Feel My *****
All Gone In Haste
I Taste Her Lower  Lips
All Sticky With *** Like Paste
That'sAsGoodAsItGets4Now March2010
Elouise Roux Jun 2011
I sit alone, with a thousand friends
Each is silent, but screaming.

I struggle hard.

Each is silent, but screaming.

I crave to respond,
Tho realitys clutch is tight.

Each is silent, but screaming.

I fill with desire, yerning.
His grasp on me is slipping.

Come on!
We're Here!
Each is silent, but screaming.

I evade his last restraint.

Embraced by each with pleasure.
Addicted, I stay in hiding.

Reality gone.
So am I.
Jason Schnepper Feb 2015
Close your eyes
try to visualize
in your mind
you're alone
as your body craves
an appetite
to wet your thirst for love
Now try
to imagine
you are caught
in this moment of passion
as your heart beat pulsates
your body
crys out to be touched..
Just say
my name baby
let me enter
into your dreams
to meet you
in your deepest
most intimate desire
My lips
pressing your soft skin
as I gently kiss
every inch of your body
it burns with fire
your yerning
is begging and pleading
to feel me
deep within ahhh....
you and me
are in this dream together
you starve
for pleasure
what is in your mind
brings your foreseeing
your thoughts unleash
this vivid picture
open your eyes
baby open your eyes
An image
as the midnight moon
through the curtain lace
feel me
touching your face  ...awee yea
my fingers
through your hair
as I pull your head back
and place you against the wall
I kiss your lips
your body
your heart
succumbs so engulfed
in your pleasure
my pleasure is your drug
love is but a symptom
that I crave
but for this moment
I crave you
so give me a taste of it
I gently bite
and **** on your neck
as slide
my tounge
down to your breast
I hear you
softly whisper
(ahh.. yeah baby don't quit )
your cries
scream out
as your nails
dig deep into me
you are caught
in this moment of passion
open your eyes
Let's make it happen
**** ****** Sensual
No Matter The Floor You Pass Out On

I awake as any other madman slash poet.
Apon the floor  naked  pizza box for pillow a members only jacket for a blanket.
yes the libary sure has changed over the years.

less and less people were reading buggets were cut meaning
libraryies were under staffed and rarely did anyone dare venture into
the stacks  and thank good for that. Cause being i preffered free sleeping
it was probaly for the best.

but no matter the the floor you pass out on most all fine
american men wake up with are god given birth rite.
That which after a trip to the restroom like
that early morning madness that was christmas  pressent openning
was over way to fast and was kinda disapointing.

Floors werent the best beds in the world in fact they
****** altogather but drinking and common sense dont even
belong in the same room togather.

Portsmouth Va  was a strange world indeed a place where upscale colided with skidrow.
Me I preffer the company of a outdoor sleeper to that of a
spoiled spoon fed yuppie ****.
the art school cranked out angst ridden buble people by the second.

They walked the street soaking in the pain of life.
there heads stuck so far up there ***** I always felt compeled to trip them as they walked by.
acting as though they were outsiders  yerning to be mainstream
they'd **** there mothers on a mtv reality show as dad cried in the background.

Just for a taste of stardom.
True talent who needs that?
but no matter the floor you pass out on one
thing was clear.

In a world were you could have a bus load
of kids and get paid for it.
fame wasnt such a rare thing anymore.

The floor I passed out on was cold and cruel but surrounded
voices from the past.
the floor these hollow  reallity show bottom  feeders
passed out on.  Had to besoft as there heads.

Otherwise there brains would splatter across the floor.
And some TV exect would have a brainstorm  to have a show
were washed up celebrities would have a contest.

To see who could bore us the most with there sob story  
Yes friends id rather have a pizza box for a pillow
than a reality show  pillbox for a brain.

and the truth effectsus all form no matter
which floor so you do choose to pass out on.
For years it's been my  defense my escape and my prison
all in one.
It's a drug I can and will never kick.
I wield it as a wepon sharper than any razor none
could ever hold.

But it's a love hate relationship twisted in it's
lack of perfection  harsh edges none can
understand but I.

But in it I find isolation in others happiness I find
none of my own and like any drug its high slowly drains you
yet no matter your best efforts to escape it your always
a ****** after that fix.

I've taken to the stage as easy as breathing
and found it simple to draw there laughter.
Happiness is a splendid vice i deal it often yet
In jokes we show are fears  are weakness is on display
for the mocking of others.

Why do I struggle with masks when my own face is but a stranger
to me?
From the stage im the fool by apearence yet I control
every thought  a craftsman  in laughter  my job
i understand better than any other.

Yet I yern to be more than a teller of jokes.
It's to easy at times not that I want to seem
like a ego mainac  but my job I know well.

Often we see the comedians but seldom do we see the misreble
******* behind the jokes.
Maybe were madmen lunatics in a asylum
so happily on display.

The laughter is the comfort and for a moment it heals.
You feel it like a drug it it flows through your veins.
You take people outta there misery if only for a second
and thats the reward there happines is but my gold in thought.

But any role can become a trap.
For no one cares to hear a fools thought.
So you drown in other vices make light of your ******* up past.

And with any  exceptance in life it changes you.
People treat you diffrent for they see the act not the person.
Soon you cant even see yourself anymore.

Relationships turn sour.
Welcome strangers  who thirst for fun replace friends
And the more you succeed the further away you become.

So you drown in ***** or dose in pills  
Share moments you can barely recall.
Hide behind dark glasse's talk to women who claim
to want a glimpse but you both are just junkies
yerning for that fix.

But to be close if only for a moment is a
bitter sweet  dream cast on a nightmares

But there's always someone who can see past your *******.
but no matter how strong the love the stage and the laughter
are a poisen few can survive.

For how can you love the man who lives a double life?
Who's loved by many and understood by few if
even himself.

Everytime I get up there it's a sacrfice a road ive choosen
with no set reward.
My love for one can never match the  love of many.

It's more than joke ,Im more than a comedian,
Yet im less off a person after the lights fade.
Nothing can match that fix of the stage.

Pain ,Isolation the loss of yourself  and everyone you ever
cared for  thoose my friends are the setbacks of humor.
From the Still Night Sessions

Im sorry for this being it reaks of misery.
But I feel it give's another side of the coin so to speak.
In real life im a comedian I know shocking right.

Making people laugh is one of thebest feelings in the world
to me yet this speaks the truth for me.
It's not easy posting this but sometimes you have to go deep
no matter where it takes you.

I write things on the spot and ive wanted to try in my limted skill
to express the other side of the laugther.
Humor at least mine comes from a very dark place.
This book is taking me places I dont want to go
yet no matter the cost apon yourself I feel you must give all
cause no one who was ever worth there salt was ever half ***
about anything.
I'll never have  fans for I am  the one in awe
of you all.    

Thank you for reading.

As a canvas of naked beathy I trace every curve loving every moment when her sweet skin is pressed against


Her moans A music to fill the darkness of a passion filled night.

Kissing lips tasting the sweetness of desire her body the vesssel of my love.

Inside the softness are plessure building her love free as inside her i drive myself

yerning for this moment to never end.

Love is eternal *** is a action that only brings us togather as one.

A storm of emotions and a valley of plessure as we explore are bodys

togather one night of many of a eternal passion.

Her legs around my waist back against the wall bodys apart souls togather.

her plessure my passion sweat laced slumber as togather we came.

as in gentle slumber i brush her hair aside from her neck.

marvle at my angel so sweet within my arms.

As she turns to me looking so deeply beyond all i am not.

And seeing her lover and her friend she takes my inside her

as we make love through the nights plessure casting aside the past and its


In her eyes I see all that I never knew i could be.

Her eyes that touch my soul and melt the flesh.

Words unspoken her body so perfect as if made for my arms.

This night eternal you've cast over every day.

Julie Elizbeth Robbins.

You know the ocean of my soul and it yerns for you to forever stay.

I could never say everything you are to me Jules.

are road has been long but all I know is that.

you are my passion and the life blood to my soul.

For we know what other's few ever will

love eternal babydoll John.
Im not the type of writer  whom one would expect this from.
And to a degree  I can expect  to be givin crap over this.
But in the shell of a dunkard you  find the heart of a sap

Stay crazy Gonzo
Nights move  like a forgotten  ghost unwanted by all.    
A vision  unseen to all but one.

Down damp streets he haunts the same path every night just befor the dawn.
The empty hearts gather to drown togther in the sea.

Togther feeling so very alone.
Can we cast shadows in the darkness project happiness in such gloom to return the   same old haunts again and again.
A wheel  rolling  without question.
On into the emptyness of my night.

Waitting for a return that  never will be.
Cursing the problem never understanding it was her and me.
As the dream turn to the drunk.

The painter paints no longer sunsets but
Nights and his thoughts of blue to gray.

Warmth in the darker corners gives a view to
the young and  the still hopefull.
Tiping my half empty glass I wish them to never know pain.

Finding a home with other empty hearts caught.
In ***** sheets im haunted by the ghost of my
former self.

A puddle stepped in cast waves of reflected neon light.
As we play a roll unknown to all  
At typewritter  I sit.
Listening to To the bar and bottles clatter men and women's
laughter and soon forgotten fight.
Yerning to be free so is the emptyness of my night.
Bottles in brown bags clutter along the fence.
the citys inner chambers call to me even now.
The human relics the walking forgotten beaten by life.

The gutters tressures collect the remains
of another misspent night.
The air smells  of treachery a tinge of regret.

Why she huants my  heart a flawless escape.
we can leave but we take that moments sealed  plessure.
Silk encounters hash pavment of a empty embrace.

The old fool who's birthday he relives
only in hope for change.
I celebrate the ignored embracethe strange.

I wonder do young lovers dreams sail
out into that skyline eternal and free.
Or crash into reallitys rocks.
Leaving them jaded and bitter as me?

The bottle the lips you know better
than the once warm flesh.
Would she reconize the monster.
Or see the sad and helpless mess.

Apon the steps a bottle between perfect strangers and new
best friends.
Passed thoughts lost moments.
A busy streetlight on a empty road.

The hopeless and the charmed exist ina strange harmony
of the citys strange and beautiful tune.

I wonder will I ever know you again?
The angel with demonic lust.
Dreams are a blessing the curse is
only to pretend.

Farwell midnight hello darkness
dusk and sunsets of a yerning heart.
Apon that bench by the the water.
Watching the paper lanterns glow.
As in lost souls they so peacefully depart.
The canvas  dark and  painfilled of lifes mistakes
Sometimes shows the brightest colors
Were all crazy the dreamers the broken like children left
behind sad eyes are but windows  cast in pain.
that hurt we share as some will hide it away.

Ive taken the matter in deep thoughts and  echos of brillance.
Only to see it die as a spark  from cold winters fire.
Alone you here the sadness in the most gentle key.

As it wispers for the broken.
Down alleys side streets to lonley old souls
who yern just for someone to speak with to share but
are met with only rejection left to count the hours.

The clocks rythm taps slowey asking the emptyness to
waste in thought only to bask in dellusion.
Like a snow globe were caught in a vortex of a isolated storm.

Yerning for a release the bed is a coffin frozen are the covers
as the thought lingers if only it had gone another way.

But dreamers are gamblers and in the warmth of good hand theres always a lonley heart that had to fold.

The man in the street looks to other as others  look through him.
Afraid the curse may catch but in his eye's i see myself.
And  in myself  I see a victem of another bad hand.

Alone I know you in that place few will dare to search.  
The cavern of thought is but my asylum of  emptyness
And the clock's rythm keeps time in the key of night.
This is but something i wrote of the top of my head.
Itwas for a part of a book  that like much of my efforts  falls flat i write late at night and in these late night scribblings i put togather a book that was anything but gonzo.
These works were called The Still Night Sessions    hopefully  this didnt bore ya to death anyways stay crazy

Back roads like my image seem destined for only past reflection for ive burnt the image within the depths
of a dirrty song and a broken soul.
Track marks warm feeling can you embrace my day eternal and gather my sense for just one more write.
Can i hold it togather just for one more night?
Im sorry i cant speak within these confines lets give madness a manic spin in a shallow crowd.

As a dim lit room the wine will flow sangria's fire can you replace that which I no longer control?
It used to be freedom now it only is a action like some trained monkey or circus animal i know the routine but never do i thrive as once i did befor.

As for passion it's as dead as my voice that echos within this tomb.
Do you know what it is to die twice.?
I never did thirst for the norm and now im overwhelmed by rejection it's so very hard to run on junkies leg's.
Page I can only spoil your plessure for the well has went dry leaving only a fool with a tin cup to die of thirst beside you.

Another summers play ive passed more thoughts unwritten to a audience of stars .
When words dont connect there simply empty call's apon the wind.
But a fools  yerning is but a role and this play has been cast for another.

I hope you understand that which makes me only question in a paranoid late night haze.
The nightwatch no longer my own time has come for me to step aside.
The summers love was a harsh winters heartbreak as
the rain came crashing down as I watched thoose tail light's fade.
No words reflect  the pain  that as men were told to ignore.

The lable faded as the feelings inside.
It was gone without reason.
Making as much sense as it's start.

A funeral for one  spiders create  the webs
casting shadows apon the sun.

The void filled with pain addictions touch where you never did.
Empty as two in heart.
A losser in grace shakes  in the open.
Only to display my weakness  in utter isolation.

Outside the storm builds pushing others away.
Jokes fill conversation.
Laughs keep away the worried looks.

Wasted I feel the warmth  of happiness  thats so
far from all im not.
Lines  leading down a road apon a mirror
I close my eyes only to imagine  how it does reflect.

Her body warm.
her eyes as vacant  as the room in which i exist.
Taking  comfort in a action  losing all with sweet release.

Fire cant exist in icy  water's of a fractured soul.
The moment was a series of traggic events
that forges  a mind twisted like steel

Death was a wish when you can no longer taste life.
The addicts logic can never overpower the junkies mind.
Roads that seem distant are only seconds away.

That person a stranger whos return.
Is a threat and Id welcome his destructive return.
In the fog you feel nothing.
As the lost  never seem to understand.

I know the secrets to the  citys  slum.
A blood spattred  canvas of eternal blue.
Dim lit nightmares    a yerning for a end to
a favorite memory  that never was you.

I see the world so traggic tainted
underneath dark glasses so very clear.
A drifted soul  is but a leaf apon the ocean.

Driven by winds heading somewhere with no direction.
Just one of the many   nights  outcast.
Many truths no the  power of a lie.
Sunrise comes to fast and the bottle
wont be a lasting friend.

In thoose moments alone we see how togather
we truley never are.
Hold your secrets close as lovers.
tangled and so perfectly ******* up as yourself.

And wake in the bliss of  are addictions
Love the flaws and forget the dreams from which
we soon wake.
Far from good but  isnt it the flaws that
make me  so Gonzo?

Stay crazy  cause sanity worries me.
And so in shadow I cast the light aside to conceal my truth.
The clone of another given no remorse will you forgive a torture cast lie?
I have no pain only a burden of half empty regret.

A streetlight's courage a trail of the alley dare we view areselves for the imperfections.
And give little reason towards a jaded view.
Im the other that never understands a life I cant exist for you may we suggest
someone more fake to guide you there?

Broken bones and wicked thoughts embrace my vessel called this dark soul.
Drown in your demons lets cast are chances in a tender hell's fire.

Chaos my brother and for his friend reason Ive lost everything that tends to ******* care.
It's better to bury your thoughts befor other's dig them up.
Times a ***** that seldom waits.
In the darkness it's a peaceful rampage.
Lets forget a future and **** are past.
Give in to my sweetest addiction fire often leaves us yerning for more.

The path is there tracks the arm  to  forget your flaws.
I ask no quarter for I will exist till a bitter end.
Cast stones towards thoose who care.
And drown in the truth of madness I have no time to

It lingers in my reason and I hate it as lovers **** the pressent to
bask in dellusion.
Mock me if you must and see the emptyness thats been painted gray as
storm cast evenings reprise.

Pulled in seconds it will all be clear.
You can never understand what has never truely been here.
Well lookin back it seems i think little  somethin
always beat's a whole lotta nothin.
The road at night is a mystery  yerning to remain unsolved.

No direction sometimes  seems better than the reallity of
a dead in street.
Burnt out  from pills and *****.
A head that pounds with a steady rythym of
of past failures and false starts.

As in bottles we seek answers to the unasked questions
of the dammed soul and promising lie.
Four walls  a asylum  or a hotel of your choosing.

Last times regret cant match tonights need.
Burnt emotions frozen feelings.
A great  lie love is dellusion  a drug for the
junkies soul.

Cold even on a mid summers night.
I paint in colors of a doomed nature.
Void yet alluring to the naked eye.

Like a records unclear sound the flaws are what
make it true.
This writers  fire has all but faded.
I ask does that glass appear  half empty to you?
We all see it diffrent my friends.
When you know the answer then why wait for the question?
maybe it was just to make her squirm in that last sense of right I knew all that was wrong.
She knew it would hurt and so she avoidng the words.
Hiding her own happiness  to allow me my dellusion tinged misery.

At the table the candle slowley burned casting a glow only
causing the shadows to stir.
We spoke more in silence than in words.

My male ego feuding with itself.
Yerning to cause the pain that was already
eating at me  secrets  burn a hole in the rational mind.

You ***** I imagined yelling  causing only me to appear more of a fool than  I already was.
But the silence said it all.
Sliding the  drink aside looking into the eyes  i could never truley understand.

And in my loss i saw the beauthy and saw her emptyness
with me she would only know.
the moonlight reflected apon the water is but  a reflection
of what we need only look up to see.

It takes love to say goodbye.
as outside in the nights air  we needed that last embrace to
remind us of the emptyness  that we shared.

Into her eyes  I gazed as within her soul I spoke.
No false hope tasted within  that kiss.
As paths part life does change and the chapter is closed.

The happy lie tempted my heart as she vanished into
her life.
Perfume cast her scent as the pen kissed the page.
the ghost's off memory haunt me eternal.

But never was  is my life.
As my love yerns more for what her's could be.
The darkness my home  always tempted with the
promise of light.
Closed is that fragment of heart.
As the candle's apon the table slowley kissed the darkness
as trail's of smoke  trace the scene.

I knew it was over  befor  she spoke the final words.
But no matter the experience  nothing.
Prepares you for the  hell of waiting  for goodbye.
Life has it's moments even pain.
At times for the painter holds promise.
As in the tears light does escape in the darkest fear.
Pleading in silence yerning for the  departure of  my soon
lost  mind.

Why we we must travle a road only to see it's end.
The path unsure requires a steady broken soul.
My emptyness know great depth.

A game of  life  a promise of death.
Behind laughter pain does exist.
Another night escapes me one of many regrets.

The wind a companion the road a void of nights
gentle embrace.
Ive searched for a reason tangled in the traps of
agony's plessure cast dellusion.

A snow globe heart  awaits its fatal dance
with the floor.
In the arms of passion  we feel the wrath of
times  bitter  truth.

I am the clowns  washed clean face.
Ive serched for a depth.
To find a poets soul ive found not a trace.

I struggle to resist.
She drops the glass as it breaks apon a slab floor.
No longer the clown do I see.
One pull and tommorows painting will be erased.
From a spark of pure creation and a fatal destruction.

Into a night  a end of my choosing.
Maybe we knew the past was soon to be are end.
Heart's like all things bleeding easily betray.
For only clocks and urns apon the mantle were ment to stay.

In choosing this path it sets a page blank.
Allowing many to read that which  was never seen.
In darkness the mystery leaves little light.

So as we toast to a suicide.
The trigger is pulled.

A ****** up sesibility is matched
only by a cryptic verse.
As in chains we exist trapped in soul
lost within the mind.

Sunsets in red  oceans of  passions failure
no longer free   to the laugther trapped within
my head.

The soon to be  forgotten fade.
As in the depths we chase demons  of are own creation
shallow  in thought.
Washed in tommorows legend  and  dried
by reallty's ever changing truth.
No soul creative is one dimesional
no laughter does exist without pain.
no story told without knowing the harshness of life.

Never limit the mind.
Isty Feb 2015
Coastin off
driftin soft
it seems like the thoughts
just come into to being
to become a loss
of a part
that i wish would
never have started
in the first place
these feelings touch me in oh so the worst ways
feels like ive been tossed at sea
stuck on this **** for hella days
So **** this ship
im over it
literally jumpin into the end
thats deep
where one is to tread water and never fully sleep
until its time to return to the grander skeem of things
why when its hypothesized are we so astrange
thinkin please no i dont wanna leave this place
crying out to whomever
wanting to change the weather
yerning to still feel this face
feeling of togetherness
in this entire being
but it can be misleading
you grow accustom and so fond of
the physical form that your seeing
If i had a choice
I would change my frequency
if only for a short time
to feel none of it at all.
Sally Farrell Aug 2010
Leaning on the floor as if supported in its love by the grey green tile.
The table barely caressing its darling with a wood chipped smile.
Both fall upon the stone to strengthen their desire
like the hearth that holds a roaring fire.
Surrounded by tables and chairs all parted
the empty pair do not seem disheartened.
The lumionous lights shine on their union
and inside their hollow legs grows the yerning for conclusion.
Pulled apart and put upon
the dance they dance does continue on.
I always see them in dark shadows and whispers of uneven conversation I stand

steady as always.

Unsteady hand may you bare one last confession do you care to reflect the image we no longer recall.

Raindrops apon empty streets bare a haunting tone ive grown numb from such feel and loss.

You ask to see my soul but would you stay for just a little while befor?

Im ash of flames once bright embers are all that remain.

lovers are markers ive long since seen fade in a perfect sunsets pain please will you stay to

care for the child in the clown and the old fools emptyness will wash that pain as storm's

clear my past to heal my pressent if you will.

They never see i am but trash in the gutter a stain soon to be forgotten from thought.

We may embrace for a second please dont ask if im okay.

Sometimes stars no longer shine but skies seldom fall.

Winters of  turmoil echo in empty chambers often called thought.

And the burbon my cast to sheild a wound I refuse to heal.

Fools often regress so as you pass i understand no wave just a look through ive grown to except.

Oceans apart will you stay if not for one last drink asked as a child begs a parent just till

Im asleep.

I see them in shadows faces once known to many and cherished by me .

Old ghosts surround and as I prolong i understand i must join them

even the blind can see.

And as to my back it paints a farwell to a never to be filled door.

Tommorow they come to chase the past for even i must one day give up my seat.

To fast ive lived now slow must I die.

Faded watercolors still cast images  that caress the heart of another who will

understand the yerning to stay.

Stars under darkest night  understand one less burns .

We are but canvas so may mine be relived by fires glimmer of soon faded light
We can have many but none
will ever erase that first.
Barbwire confessions

In a dessert in a moment of passion she did quench
my thirst.
And so  with any plessure must come the pain.
A broken heart spreads like a infection.
Simple memories washed clean by the summers rain.

I wonder only night and day.
Pretend to think beyond a moments reflection.
But still my heart does betray.

As teens stumble through awkward moments
yerning  for that unspoken feeling with a intense burst
they fall in and out of that trademark emotion.
Forgetting the last only to recall that first.

Im  speaking  about more than action.
Seldom do we admit the innocence.
Hide the truth and flaunt satisfaction.

Tainted is the blood in the kiss.
Time holds its portrait.
Dark was that night but never dark as this.

I confess i loved you  eternal.
As i treated you the worst.
forever in confines  sweet and bitter.
Burried in emotions in honor of that first.
Daniel august Aug 2010
a quiet blank.
pendulum stopped.
my mind is yerning.
i feel with my memories,
trying to secure a thought.
Reaching out,
grabbing the long since dead.
I hold, clinging to the past.
as the world passes me by.
Dana Mar 2019
Bed fit for a king,
Yet it stills stings
Big empty bed with so much room
Alone with my thoughts, regret filled tune
Staring at the ceiling with its black background
My yawning stretches filling hallow with sound
Lots of space so i sleep diagonal
Spirit is plummeting, im acting irrational
Plenty of room to steal covers off a lover
But instead, i lay alone
Tossing and turning and yerning
Big empty bed with so much room
So much space for loneliness to consume
Sara Jones Nov 2017
When I was young,
I would play with numbers more than the toys in my trunk.
I would talk about science like it was the language if love.
I would play in the dirt as if I knew I belonged there.
When I was young, I had a sense of wonder.

When I got older,
I left the numbers on the pages of my algebra textbook.
I broke up with science and gravitated more towards English and poetry classes
I stopped playing in the dirt and began yerning to live underneath it.
When I got older, I wanted to **** myself.

When I get to where I'm going,
The boys who dismissed me all those years ago will ask for my hand.
My poetry will lay upon the pages of text books.
Maybe I won't want to **** myself.

But that's part of getting older, isn't it?
Moving on from things that made your heart sing?
Is this what it means to be an adult?
I envy younger versions of myself.
They all had this way about them that would draw people to them.
But I guess I lost my charm while I was breaking my own bones.

Maybe one day I'll get to where I want to be.
John Marcus May 2015
The sun shines brightly outside my window
I wish to run outside and play
But sadly, I am still trapped
Yerning for when I can sing again
Hoping for what may never come

Why must I be here
Trapped in this room
Forever waiting to to roam

I wish to be free without a leash
Holding me back
When can I leave this place
WHY must I be here
ryan parrington Sep 2016
Deep down we yell
Screaming for a love
Some will never get
Dragged around are feet we walk
Heads are below are chest
Yerning for company
Swollowing are throats
Sarounded by the world and yet
We get more attention. From a plant
No one is around me but many are near
Hurting in so many ways
It shows out load and clear
People ask but don't listen
Turned away cause its not what they wanted to hear
Fake smiles and silky talk
But inside we don't get it are selves
Its just the way it is
Some people just have it
Sadness is in their blood
Otto Bauner Dec 2018
I lay here sleepless tired, yet awake
My mind is racing through the night
Thoughts of you,  thoughts of me
Thought of us engaged in ecstasy
Mentally engaged in the metaphysical action of love
Kissing you softly,  holding you tightly
Never yerning for release
As the days move faster my love for you grows stronger
As the days move yet further in time the
More irreplaceable you become
The love i i feel stronger than any before

This unknown feeling i am experiencing is foreign to me
The wanting of your touch,
The needing to hear your voice
The desire of a kiss from your lip
The necessity to see your face.
My days are not complete without you
My dreams are full of thoughts of you with in them.
We both have a past full of trying times and heartache
Us Together i see a future full of a happier life
As i lay here sleepless,  yet tired i cant help but think of a future where you are my wife.
Dedicated to Crystal
Annika Nov 2020
Reciprocation is key water is flowing into you
feeding you
growing you
I love to do it
To see you flourish

...At times I still wonder
Do you really want a girl like me?
Am I really for you?
...and you for me?
What do we need?

Show me
Tell me
Compliment me
See me
Whisper me sweet little nothings
Im yerning ,always
...I feel starved for your affection
Help me change this direction

In a world where nothing is given
You could be my person

— The End —