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a Jun 2015
A poem, for some, is not fuelled by a single thought.
It is not a sudden emotion that yearns to be converted instantly to wordful waste, it is gradual.
It is a volcano, that builds up until eruption is inevitable.
Poetry, for some, is layer upon layer of thought and feeling and concept, hardened over time,
For some, it is hours of pain and joy and the works of the indescribable puppeteer so desperately fused
into metaphor.
Poetry, for some, lifelong.

But for others, poetry is pure spontaneity. It is unpredictable and unlook-back-able.
For others, poetry is their act of carpe diem, their tip-toe into daily bravery and recklessness.
Their mark that is not a scar.
Poetry, for others, is a single moment picked out of an infinity of them and pulled apart, or pulled together.
It is wonderful and hideous, it is skydiving and socialising and swimming with the sharks.
It is instant, it is adrenaline.
For others, poetry is lack of thought or understanding, just the swift transition from neuron to ink or binary.
Poetry, for others, is short lived.
This piece was one written at 3:26am. It was my early morning carpe diem. It needs to be improved, it needs to be considered, but I'm still glad I wrote it and will save it without a second look. Poetry is my dip into living in the moment.
a Oct 2014
I realised time is a fetish of mine; the likelihood is that you'll have more to give.
It's a jewel more precious and rare than anything that ever touched our lives; but we seem to forget how deadly it is.
And we're inhabiting each moment with wordful waste; a person loses their time st every tick of the clockwork time instrument.
And I've lost mine.
Will you give me time?
Monisha Jul 2019
Oftentimes, sometimes, many times

I search through
all the words I know
And there are many a few.

I rift, I raft
I sift, and cart
I search, and submerge  
Pondering over each one’s  usability and suitability.

Trying to find one,
the right one,
the tight one,
the oh so alight one.

Terse, specific, concise and precise,  
perfect, quintessential, robust,
mellow, complete, that cuts through the ice.  

Not squandered or meandered,
Jaywalking through,
lost or philandered.

That’s so true a vision,
captures my emotion,
Visions an  illumination
Offers description
Catalyses reflection
Provides  perspective,
Inspires action,
Or are just so perfect in their conception.

Then some are there, a little broken, sound woebegone and weatherbeaten
Through a life well lived, they are rooted if slightly moth eaten.
They wear history and tell many a tale,
Just their espousal sets you to sail.

My favourite ones are a  beacon of hope, encouragement, love and touch you to the core,
A ****** of laughter, a pirouette of flirtation, a wordful gaze, touching the heart, stimulating the mind, soul searching, words words words, those ones I love so.

Then some scare me to fumble, tumble and kazoomble freakishly so,
My pupils dilated, my breathing short, dark, dismal and morbid, less of them is more.

Some are just there, need to be,
alone they are nothing, combined they provide the  key,
They coexist happy in their role in the larger plan.
Is it you, or is it me,
Ah those words...

but sometimes, just sometimes
Words just are not enough,
They are just not enough to get anything said,
Then all  I can say is
Matthew Nov 2024
I'm done with the rain
it keeps whispering her name
every thumpy splash breaking
beading down this window,
I'm drenched in her fain
like the wind cries and the birds sing
as does the whizzing hum of a bee wing
muffs the mist off the white flowery vine
brings me around into the fruit of her smile
one of so many wordful days I felt as hers
nuzzled to her pink fuzzy sweater
the way her fluffy socks rubbed up my legs
as our eyes stare with pebble ripples
my nights a sweltering hell in this drought of her
Bottomsln Aug 2020
Me and you everyday

Know these words, when I say

Days of gone, always true

Think of me, hope you do

Wordful meaning when I speak

Haunting presence filling sleep

Happy thoughts, so you say

Pressing stop, hitting play

Got me stuck, so you know

Please hold on & don't let go

That's my heart, can't you tell

Dark as night, cold as hell

When you cry, I do too

Is this fate, thought you knew

Left & right, lead then follow

Tongue or pride never swallow

Every inch from head to toe

Weaved with love this web we sew.

Diamonds last, yet roses die

Both mean love, well which one lie

Reaching stars, never settle

Breadcrumbs left Hansel, Gratel

You say heads, I say tails,

Over hate true love prevails
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2023
Back to the palindrome again
Was it a car or a cat I saw?
Warsaw Saw War
I sat on a silver seesaw

Music in the bar
Basketball on the screen
I kissed her in my car
Read to the students Things Not Seen

Once I was a teacher
Tried to do my best
A Child's Anthology of Poetry
Like a wordful Treasure Chest

Little Sage Ridge School
Big blue Reno sky
Tell her her hair is beautiful
When it comes my time to die

                Life of Pi!

— The End —