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AlluringEnigma Sep 2015
The song is ended
the melody lingers on
There is two vioces  in one song
it can make your more confident & your vioces. are suddenly broke outttt!
kevin kilby Jun 2015
certain touches go through me like knifes and I can't look you in the eyes but I'm just like you I bleed red and my eyes are blue I just see the world In a different view but that doesn't mean I can't feel too epathy is different for me I feel it and I know it but I don't know how to show it I am like a square peg trying   to fit into a round hole but blending in is good for my soul the sounds of life make me cringe that is when I become unhinged can't filter out vioces choose my own choices I wish there was a way to show people I still care and even if you don't see me in a crowd I am still there
Jerry Desbrow Oct 2013
Language, being what it is, our vioces what they are
when all are well and healthy their
mind makes musical sounds,
calibrated by breathing
tones across the chest,
we learned to count
and swear an oath to the master of a universe.

Come and count with me.
Open a dialogue to sound and
count, tone, rhythm, wind blowing free,
cows, baboons, birds chattering in a tree,
where these unnamed things are given names
​by the Troglodyte friend and me.

Ajerry 10-29-13 near halloween
Misael Lopez Nov 2015
I am back,
And very happy for that,
To resume my work long neglected,
Yet these pages and vioces here,
Full of depression and negativity!
Oh jeez, I have my work cut out for me!
Let this then be a Declaration!
To make those sighs and grunts go away,
This I vow to do today.
Byerly Jun 2019
I've wanted to ****
I've wanted to die
Sometimes at the same time
Sometimes not
Vioces that run the world
Based on a type of body
We have the same blood
"Blood that must be spilled"
Were you lucky with your gender?
Or are you just a girl?
Is your purpose to be silent? To obey?
No. Our purpose is to live
Be happy.
To laugh. To love.
Not fear
A perfect world.
Instead we want to ****
Or die
Its really hard for women to live in a world that was created for men
weronikaokaro Feb 2021
What is silence?
Im not talking about the sudden silence in a room full of people,
Or the sudden silence of the class that makes many uncomfortable,
Im not talking about the moment of silence requested when I wake up,
Im not talking about the moment of silence you get when you finally turn off your phone and toss and turn to sleep,
Im talking about the ability to silence your thoughts so you can think straight,
Im talking about the ability to silence the vioces that keep you up at night and control daily activies,
Im talking about a moment just a second of silence,
Just a moment when they are not shouting at me,
Just a moment when they are not trying to **** me,
Just a moment without internal torture,
Just imagine yourself standing in the middle of  a full football stadium with each and every person screaming at you,
Thats exactly how it feels in my head,
The vioces shout over eachother while I try to sleep but they always have something to say,
They always tell me what to do and what not to do,
How to sit, stand walk and even talk,
But most of the time thry shout at me for eating even if i didnt eat that day,
I am sick surrounded by invisable abusers,
I am a victim in my own mind,
And all i ask for is for silence

— The End —