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I wish I had said this before the darkness fell
Shrouding me in doubt before secrets I could tell
But time; oh dear, time cares not for what we do
And someday maybe, time will bring me back to you.
I can only imagine what goes on behind your stare
For when I'm lost in the shadows, I can only hope you're there.

Tha mi a ’guidhe gun robh mi air seo a ràdh mus do thuit an dorchadas.
A ’còmhdach teagamh orm mus b’ urrainn dhomh mo dhìomhaireachd innse.
Ach ùine. Ò Mo chreach. Chan eil ùine a ’gabhail cùram mu na bhios sinn a’ dèanamh.
Agus is dòcha uaireigin, bheir ùine mi thugad
Chan urrainn dhomh ach smaoineachadh air na tha a ’dol air cùl do shealladh
Oir nuair a tha mi air chall anns na faileasan, chan urrainn dhomh ach a bhith an dòchas gu bheil thu ann.
I am waiting in a tall gray tower,
Whose shadow is as dark as your heart.
And every time I look out on the land,
I pray for the wind to bring you to me
So that we can be healed here together,
And this tower will touch the hands of God.

Tha mi a 'feitheamh ann an tùr àrd liath,
Tha a sgàil cho dorcha ri do chridhe.
Agus a h-uile uair choimheadas mi a-maich air an fhearann,
Guidheam gun toir a 'ghaoth thu thugam
Mar sin is urrainn dhuinn a shlànachadh an seo còmhla
Agus ruigidh an tùr seo làmhan Dhè.

— The End —