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I found you leaning over the balcony,
gazing into a world that was becoming
an illusion to you, smoking a shrinking
I never knew you as one to smoke,
But I suppose that everyone
Has their surprises to the world.

Your eyes burnt like coals, staring until
everything before you smoldered to dullness,
the intensity
of your gaze could burn
down any hopeful living thing
to an ashen pile of decay.

Your disillusionment brought you here,
guided by
the optimistic notion, that the other side
of the garden bears riper fruit.
You traveled here with weary eyes, your hope
diminished to find the same dust
of your native dystopia
lingering on the bottom of your shoe.

I could feel you burning from here,
Your sweat glistening face lit
by the cigarette flame and moonlight,
Your shoulder tensed by the touch of my hand,
As you said to me,
How the stars seemed so close,
glowing together,
seeming inches apart in the sky,
But they were oblivious of eachother,
as they burnt unmindfully
billions of miles away.

I stood by you feeling the refreshing bitterness
of the cooling Autumn air,
oh, how we stood inches apart, you and I,
and had since grown billions of miles
Anshuman sharma Feb 2015
I want to live
In the depths of my inner being
Remote candid blisfully
Gratified to hear it can accomodate me
Here I come,
Joyous willingly.

Saddened was falsehood behind me
Cursing crying fretting me.
Turning a deaf ear to,I walked unmindfully.

Soon I was in the haven of truth,
Tranquil and festive, the air enveloped me,
Blanketed by love it breathed me.
You're here for a purpose,it whispered
And opened the doors to my loving deity before me.
because love is the summer
and its haze is the invitation
to winter

because it is what our inner sense
refutes and strips us of
our meaningless rationales

because it is what necessitates
our blurred selves to come
into a halcyon of so many laughters
weaving only what tears could
never provide - a diadem of light

because love is a string of birds
that continually searches for
a thick green home and atop
is where it perches proudly
looking down on new moon
and old stars,

because love is the pour of
something as luminous, crystalline
as a faint spark of frankness,
and that we, in believing this,
must have forgotten what it meant
to be obsequiously wounded closer
to the hortatory of roses and their
prickly salutations

and because love is the tongue
surrounded by the many words
of pain, and that it is its
refusal to wake in the day
of a language without a word
for winter and infinitude

because love is the chaos of
sound that it hears only alone -
unless unmindfully, rawly, we
hold it close to our chests
as it moves with its fledgling beat, ready to touch.
phoenix Oct 2018
when solitude is bliss
Crickets chirping...
a dinky comber onshore...  
-ber breeze creeps in!
Oh, me time, I want more!

When we are unmindfully taking a break from everything....
when we are not aware of what life can bring....
when all I want to do is sing!

What I see beyond the horizon....
are those important to carry on
kain Sep 2019
I'll watch them
Appreciate them from afar
To tell them my feelings
Would be ridiculous
Because I am not in love
I probably never will be

I'll watch them
Their blue grey hair
Their blue green eyes
I might got lost
When they're locked on mine
But I know full well
And I keep it to myself
That it doesn't mean a thing

I'll watch them
The painting behind my eyes
The first thing I see
The last before I fall asleep at night
Fondly sketched
Tattooed into my spine
But nothing here is permanent
And they'll die after a while

I'll watch them
Take in the scent
Of every breath
I'll sit quietly
While the earth continues to turn
While their hair grows out
While I become stone
I've made my decision. I'm not going to make any moves. Being with them is more than enough. I want more, of course I do, but it's not something I'm ever going to get.
Their eyes are enough. Our silly jokes and long gazes are enough. Our friendship is enough. They are enough.
Never raised question
at your bright soft gentle face,
Knew, you came from
the beautiful gracious Koshur race.

Seeing your bruises
I stunned and surprised,
Asked whether it is true
I Doubted and tried.

Who left you these bruises?
No, these are wounds, you sighed.
Given by your country men,
You said with averting smile.

I nodded my head and denied.
Took it, I, lightly,
Touched them hard, said you lied.
Didn’t you utter anything,
You looked at me cried.

I pressed it further,
You didn’t move thither.
Scratched to bleed,
You silently screamed.
Unknowingly, in you, I sown ,
the Painful seed.

Unmindfully I asked to forget those sore marks,
forgive the oppressor and give them chance.
Shamelessly I asked to reconcile
It’s absurd you cried and went in trance.

I asked, your forgiveness
Didn’t give it, your feet raced.
Forget it I told,
You turned away your gaze.
With tears and broken heart,
You fazed.

I didn’t give you wound,
But yes unconscious pain.
Nor I oppressed you,
Only showered praiseworthy rain.

Let me soothe your wounding fight,
Let me stand for your birth right.
Drenched in guilt, I am standing,
for you to come, am waiting.
with the hope, to you embrace me again,
to forgive and remove the blood of your wound
which I got in my rough hands…….

- A human who behaved inhumanely.
Graff1980 Apr 2020
I did not read
the book on mindfulness
Thus, the majority
of its clarity
was lost on me,
as was the bargain bin,
pricing I spent.
So, basically
it turned out to be
filler and fluff
to help me
**** time in the sauna

— The End —