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mt Oct 2013
Smelly feet
Walking across its own callouses
Creator of worlds
Perfect inscriber of nameless wonders beyond mere
Conception and discrimination
That permeates the minds of men
Misguided across the arc of ages
Leading only to cycles of
Hollow pain repeating itself
Lacking substance but appearing
Like unmovable boulders perched
Atop greener mountains
That whisper using their voice,
The wind
Carrying its message in its form
Disappearing but never gone
The homeless,
Not content to trap two sided
Ideas of being in overflowing
Homes filled with the true
Forms of out sourcing
The spirit, torn for
Perfect packages to be sent
To faceless names to further
The collection of vessels
The wanderer,
Unhappy with goals
Moving towards the never ending
Journey of perfection
That ends nowhere but travels
Everywhere leaving no quarter
Uninvaded and sadly ringing
In transcendental ears
The lonely,
Unwilling to spread their
Personal pain
From personal failures
To any one but themselves
Using the compressed aggregate
Sickness in scientific lobes, only
Representations, to create faucets through which representations
Of the unrepresentative
Eek out an existence
Among glaring, modern edgy
Movements in endless circles
That sear images into retinas
Working their way to ******
Thoughts, deflowering the only
Worthwhile virginity in the sad reflections of experience
Called man.
The ******,
Never fulfilled from false conceptions
Or the self materializing aspect as
The passage of time
Looking to capture the eternal moment and ****** of the Now
Lasting forever but done long
Chasing the end of self
And forgetting the body for
Higher realms untouched by lazy
Thoughts and repetitive notions
Creating the mundane
The un-mundane is furthur up than most of us can see
Even if touching it is
The experience
Not different from the life you will
Live for a million regressions
The contemporaries
Never travel the
Path of the Mountain
First camels, then lions
Finally to turn into godly offspring of
Flowering being at the peak
Standing above ubiquitous faces
But contact on level planes
The mountain of self
To create a new identity divorced from the diseased blockage
Flowing through humanity's veins
Only to tumble down
Into the pulsating
Heart filling, disintegrating
All in one undiscriminating
Destruction unborn from the
Young universe only
To lose the conception
And absorb the absorber
Forgetting that once,
A young man carried all the
Pain he had handed to himself
In shiny packages
Pretending that the others
Ever even existed.
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2019
You are my Sweetheart, I'm your Spring-spangled Rapture,
I am Creation's beginnings' First Stir
You are the premordial OMKARA.

You are the torrential outpour from the firmament above,
I dwell blissful in the exalted Delight within;
Waves discordant make uproar only at the shore
I stay solemnly motionless in the deep Calm to breathe in.

It is when Earth tilts in utter imbalance
And air roars loud and violent,
I wing in Rhapsody's sweetest melody
You play the most mellifluous notes magnificent.

Up above in the mountain gulf
The demoniac Fire plays the loathsome volcanic dance,
I sit stunned surrounded by the Beauty majestic
You rejoice in your most peaceful Mystic Trance.

It is when man revels in wild joys of flesh and blood
The Divine playfield declares War of devilish wrath,
I do not die the death in this miracle profound
You herald the most prodigious unrivalled Birth.

There looms large strife and stress everywhere around
Storms and tempests in release in prophetic Ocean vast,
I sit in silence sublime of the inmost Reverie
You, busy painting on Creation's canvas your most marvellous Art.

I am Radha, Heaven's most Beautiful Maiden :
An epitome of Divine Love,
You are the Lord of recondite Ecstasy,
Forever rapt in your Certitude's embrace
I revel in your Sweet Lips' love-lorn Kiss.

All that is decrepit and fallen,
All who bring to Mother Nature peril,
All who obeys not Laws of the Unknown
Pay a deaf ear to His Fervent Appeal.

Just as a child plays with sand and clay
Gets angry, not happy with his art imperfect,
Slays all within the twinkle of an eye
His strained arduous Labour of his childhood's defect.

I, Radha being the Power and Prowess of your Sword, Sunrays-powered,
I dance in dalliance of your Moon-rapt Joy;
You are the Deathless Slayer since time immemorial
You are Supreme's the well-chosen Envoy.

I'm the endless flow of amour elegant
The Sun and stars, and moonbeams sport with in resonance;
The Creation's Sole Lover, the Captain of the Playground
For its unlimited Bounty and ineffable Abundance.

The Game of  Eternity  goes on forever
With limitless sanction to man's frivolous acts;
You secretly pull the One String in the Hour
And make all playthings meet their last chance.

I'm Radha, your Enchantress Paramour
You invade the Kingdom to make me your Empress;
To reign in Absolute's uninvaded Kingdom,
For you to rule as the most victorious Prince to your dearest Princess.

We both are well-wrapped in Golden attire of the Celestial hue,
To make the World astir and start the Brightest Life anew.
( Bijoylakshmi Das, Haridwar. 29th July 2019)
The Kraken

by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Below the thunders of the upper deep;
Far far beneath in the abysmal sea,
His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep
The Kraken sleepeth: faintest sunlights flee
About his shadowy sides; above him swell
Huge sponges of millennial growth and height;
And far away into the sickly light,
From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumber'd and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant arms the slumbering green.
There hath he lain for ages, and will lie
Battening upon huge seaworms in his sleep,
Until the latter fire shall heat the deep;
Then once by man and angels to be seen,
In roaring he shall rise and on the surface die.
ryn May 2017
lush cornucopia of greens
and overlapping canopies.
rays filtered through
somewhat a broken lens.

an arbour found
which carelessly took root.
calling out,
offering sanctuary
from the shrill calls
of the turbulent outside.

a harbour
to which my heart
had taken to.
and had intended to stay.

but such is the nature
of man.

     no other man's peace
          can be left unruffled.
     no other man's cocoon
          can be left unravelled.
     no other man's haven
          can be left uninvaded.
     and no other man's trove
          can be left unraided.

like before I'll have to go.
and just like man's exploratory nature,
I leave seeking another
unfound recluse.
paving the way for more to come.
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, sometimes a dream can flip your stage scenes and make them decorated;}

thee heavens come clean
across a kiss untold unbound unseen
with dismals and dears
follows discretely situated
   from leaves unintentionally initiated
things ascending to the spine
nerve striking its dim its shine
horizons skirt down faded
feet sand permeated
on fine arts been not made in
a sheet to be fabulous
  like my insides
like my pen slides
been piled overshadowed  
been dark uninvaded
she beauty on the purples
majestic manipulated
are them those of these the things you can see not face it?
I saw the heavens
I saw the hells
water colored
wet come to a collision I say come compensated
on highs and lows rays of foes impossible
converge  a split second for me
an undeniable to the invisible
    feet sand permeated
on fine art I name it
****** by the devils
by the angels sacred
for me in my selfish kingdom
my so called salvation
a place my nights breathe annihilation
even better than them those sent in that teleportation
mere those moments of gazes
scrapes buried for future destination
on the whites of my imagination
left to my unconsciousness a decision
a piece of my mind
an official declaration
a moon arose from the dead to my incarnation
not await for another
I state a once and for all deprivation
despite the lunar bothers
something for me
I owe no explanation
moon me so light so bright
so dim so dark
to the bits of the ends of the marks
the places I cant reach
they afar
stay there but stay near
       to me my moon my fear

                                                           ­                         ------raven feels
Dawn-Hunter May 2014
That day it was hard to differentiate the sea
from the sky,
and I thought that maybe
the sea WAS the sky.

And people have been
by the sea for so long
because, without knowing it,
the ocean was our very own
taste of the sky.

In reckless abandon we found it
and in reckless abandon it will return.

Perhaps when the sun hits the seashore the air turns into the stars
and the sand seeps into our hearts
by utter necessity;
that being the only place uninvaded.

Maybe the day ends in an impossible paradox of
sky inside of sky
and that's why we find it so romantic.

Perhaps we are secretly yearning for this world to be the lie
and the sky to be the truth,
hoping that if the two can kiss then

two humans both too broken to see can fall in love despite the fears.
Bijoylakshmi Das Jun 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 28th June 2020)
May I buy for you the blush from the Blue
Beautiful blossoms with glittering hue,
And endless smile from the smileless Vast;
To make you Monarch of your magnificent Art?

Flickering fringes from the firmament far
Unsullied Bliss from the uncharted world;
The dignified delight of the deific Joy,
To make you blithe in the world-stir’s play.

I cradle you Oh Dear in my inmost heart,
With vernal promises never to keep us apart;
Life’s limitless stretch in the skyless infinite,
Breath merges into breath though out of human sight.

The euphoric amour of the airy mirth,
The sylvan symphony alights upon Earth,
The appeal of the Unknown is aired around,
To make us enraptured in Ecstasy’s playground.

May I fathom deep into Felicity’s depth,
To get emerald elixir from the immortal breath;
To see you blossom in your brightening birth,
The world smiles back at you;
You are in unison with your mystic Art.

Grieve not, Little Dear! Though the struggle is hard,
Estranged from your Beloved, melancholic and sad;
Time’s wheel rotates, it’s not always the same,
Fragrance from the far-away flower will certainly reach you once again.

Close your eyes, dive deep into your Soul,
The true Music begins there; listen to it with your inner ear,
The world around is false, fictitious and ephemeral,
Dwell deep in the depth of Certitude’s uninvaded empire.

Sing the Song of your Soul from the sorrowless land of Love,
The amethyst blue Beauty all around,
Heaven’s Blessings from Eternity above.
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2019
Oh lone Voyager, life sails fast
In enmeshed tangle of worldly hue,
The voyage is long, forlorn and vast Risks and Revelations afar do await you.

The mighty mire of the mortal living
And your Self's forfeited Ecstasy,
All this gives you pain illimitable
In your Soul's distress-fraught fancy.

Oh the sole Pilgrim on an endless journey,
Oh Eternal Dweller of Kingdom of Bliss!
The wanton desires of your bridleless senses
Land you in the adamantine abyss.

Oh Visionary of the stupendous Summit,
The lone Loiterer of the certitude's plane,
You have enjoyed enough the transient earth,
Now seek the Truth: your long-cherished aim.

Oh Marveller of Delight!
Unfetter your chains tied to your feet,
Your birth is to tread upon the Angelic realm
And kiss its all-transcending height.

Oh Reveller of Divine Mirth!
Enmeshed in shudder of futile fear,
Your stupor due to the tiring toil upon Earth
Your sighs and murmers of fake despair.

Oh Traveller of Empire of Eternal Love!
Your desires at ransom to the Circean charm,
Oh Soul Sanguine! Be awake and rise above
The mud and mire of the dreadful harm.

The Invisible Seer sits within :
The inner Guide, the Guardian of luminous Light,
The unflickering rays of the Mystic Sun
Make you soar higher in the wondrous flight.

Your journey from Inconscience to Enlightenment vast
Your steadfast footsteps must leave the False,
Man forever aspires to reach the Immortal:
The Creation's mysterious unsolved paradox.

The world is not made of forces blind
Man not meant to ***** in the unseen Dark,
The choicest Choice of the Mind Supreme
The fixed, Intransient and the stark.

The One creates and annihilates too
Everywhere works the One Free Will,
Your imperfections need not exceed the limit
To fall victim to the immediate peril.

Oh Messenger of Oracular Grace,
Oh Rejoicer of unexplored Ecstasy,
Your goal to reach the Omniscient Supreme
At your Ego-mind's unconditional forfeit.

Oh Explorer of the uninvaded realm
Reigned by Solitude sublime,
The Real sits Supreme in the firmament above
Beyond all limits of matter, space and time.

Be a part and parcel of the One Above,
Love all and emit endless rays of Light and Love.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Haridwar. 19th July 2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
(Art for Art's sake. Art transcends all limits of time and space)
When breath becomes air
Memory turns into azure hue,
A free rein do I have
To dwell upon the uninvaded empire
With its amazing surprise
That has been long since due.

No more torment in toiling twilight
No more tiresome failing flight
None to solicit to scale alone
Solitude's heaven-reaching heights,
Where sits forlorn the Departed Dear
In his muse-moist mirth ;
Oh the Sweet Vernal Birth!
My Spirit soars high with its Spring-clad splendour,
To reach the caravan of Delight
And its all-enchanting grandeur -
In the Unknown Kingdom
Of the immutable Vast;
The glance is cast
Upon the moon-lit visage and the Sun-lit Trance.
The sweet lips of love
Clasped in the Rapture-rapt kiss,
In Surrealist realm of all-transcending Bliss -
Beyond all mortal grasp.
The Invisible invades me
In lonely moments of Dusk-clad hours
With its silent touch and solemn watch,
Over my fear and surmise,
My frail attempt to rise
From the sordid process of mundane birth.

Love's enlivening Rhapsody
Reigns over Earth,
All enraptured in its Ecstasy's mirth;
The gladdening embrace of Infinitude
For everyone infinitesimal
Makes the journey eternally jovial,
The wedded seventh heaven reaches Joy's ******,
The Zephyr's melody is in air around,
In jubilation vibrant,
All we need is a new enlightened Birth
With everything pure, sanguine and sacrosanct.
None to hate, none to fear
Each and everyone as our supreme dear,
All united in a single integrated Whole;
The One String pulls Creation's curtain apart,
To make our playact as the most successful ART.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Haridwar, 13th Sept 2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
With sparkling splendours around me,
The glittering radiance at my door;
I long to sail the Ocean vast
To reach Eternity's uninvaded shore.

The deific dalliance of the Divine raptures
The amazing excellence of the heanenly Blue;
The seraphic kingdom of Bliss' infinitude
Adorned with Immortal ecstatic hue.

Beyond all limits of earthly Ken,
Above unreachable heights of the azure Vast;
The celestial mirth of the Mystic solitude -
Heralds the Dawn of an enlightened Birth.

Mind dives into the fathomless Deep
In search of the Wisdom's pearl,
The World is too much with me; so I live within -
And knock at Felicity's immaculate door.

Dreams are no more the Master of my Spirit,
Thoughts never play any significant role ;
The Certitude's magnificence rules my heart,
The Faith unshakable guides my Soul.

Knowledge is imprisoned in fetters dark -
Truth finds no way out of the maze
Of Falsehood's empire but held in ransom -
At fictitious longings' perplexing haze.

Still, Nature's surprise is showered at your feet;
Bow down to Her in Gratitude's wonder,.
The Supreme Law tell the Truth inalienable :
"In Nature's activity do not interfere".

Though it's a fact that I live in this world,
But the world never lives in me;
Just close your eyes and look deep within -
The world dissolves and again never to be seen.

My Journey is destined to the One Indivisible Whole,
The World as the base and the body as tabernacle
To make the Supreme dwell in its invisible core
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 22nd Jan 2020)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
Oh Beauty of the Blue, Beauty of the Vast!
When words fail to speak, eyes fail to cast -
The glance amazing at the silvery hue:
The firmament's attire forever new.

The phantasy of delight on solitude's shoreless shore,
The night whispers untold tales of the forgotten yore,
The glamour enchanting forever enraptured,
Memory's multiple waves knock at my Privacy's door.

Oh Felicity recondite, Heaven's golden treasure,
I fail to hear your inarticulate murmur,
Message of Love from the Empire of the aureate Blue,
Clads me with unknown nuance to make life anew.

Mind forever vagrant, words leave the tenor what to say,
In the stretch of Bliss all ephemeral is in utter dismay,
The gladdening dance of the garment in the gallant breeze,
The beautiful blossoming touch of the sobbing sky.

The Dear departed in haste to reach the celestial Splendour,
With joy and mirth around in sylvan wonder,
I am left forlorn in phantasm's ecstasy,
The inane immensity keeps pouring its solacing mercy.

The helpless Spirit fails to enshrine the Godhead above,
The Soil's sorrow drags me down, makes me not to rove,
The wild wilderness of the Omnipotent's unremembered Bliss,
Reminds me the uninvaded realm of the enchanting Kiss.

The Eternal Vigil looks down upon each activity of Earth,
How we fall victims to desires' Damsel, meet death and birth,
The mortal's ever unsolved paradox kills our time,
Our corporeal mind never seeks the pure Sublime.

Now as the brightening Bridge is built betwixt Earth and the endless Blue,
The glittering glisten midst innumerable hues,
Makes life enlightened, vernal and vast,
To reach the Deathless Supreme transcending all limits of Death and Birth.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Haridwar, Anand Utsav Ashram. 19th Sept 2019) .

— The End —