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Pauline Celerio Jan 2014
How can I unlove you?
Shall I unsee the luminescent smile you make?
Shall I unfeel the heavy breaths I take?
Shall I undraw your image inside my head?
Shall I unhold our memories instead?
Shall I unwrite the song I made for you?
Shall I untell my heart to stop beating too?
Shall I uncling to my tiny sliver of forever?
Shall I undream of what we can become together?
Shall I unremember the light on your face?
Shall I unrecall my saving grace?
Shall I ungrasp this love I know true,
But the question is...

Is it possible to unlove you?
starshinelove Aug 2013
Brilliant warning of fearful masterpiece
drunken beats of the awestruck ehart
devine significance
confusion and determination
Rapid rythym pumping blood through my infatuation
romantic mysteries of blunt fact vs fantasy
stubborn to ungrasp
afraid to accept reality
for it is as a lie in the opposite of truth
for the truth holds the reality determining the real truth
of the too good to be true fantasy
dZang Roller May 2015
Enter mind
Find [happiness]
Attach to this concept [it's easy to forget]
Conquer the drive to remember.
No victory or benefit to [remember] in this approach.
Attach [happiness] to [it's easy to forget]
(for Gosh knows it is easy
if you ungrasp, just ungrasp)
The mental part is to not clutch and tense as it goes,
But grin.
You're getting away with something when forgetting fuels your [happiness], see?
Who are you impressing by remembering things anyway?
Arcassin B Oct 2016
By Arcassin Burnham

The dark is fragile to ones that haven't given their lives,
The ungrasp of something coming closer towards you,
Knowing your every move and duplicating your fears,
Seeing what is not there and scaring off any of your peers,
But somewhere,
Is where,
We all belong,
The holy Grail isolated from the world,
A place where you could be free,
See the beauty and conduct of freedom
All around you,
New friends,  a new race,
A new salvation,
Where color isn't problem,
And cops don't beat on us when they want,
But so far,
We aren't too far,
From societies harsh ways,
The dark will not harm us,
The dark will not isolate us from our destinies,
To be one with our entities and make no more
Hoping it would last long as any Utopia does.
Mark Wanless Apr 2018
"Why Even Try"

Why even try to name the nameless
Why even shape any shape
Only to ungrasp the form created
Tainted with conceptual suffering
From the root throughout eventually
Holding no thing when it happens
In an unpredictable flash of moment?

To ease the pain of healing
RonliSong Jul 2023
I'm learning to see past the haze,
To find my feet in the truth,
My hands to ungrasp,
To hear the quiet.
I'm learning to acknowledge the sand under my feet,
Embrace the cool ocean waters and
Thank the sun.
*Prompt: Use the words 'I'm learning to' 40 words max
deadboycreek Mar 2018
I see you with clouded
grey nihilistic eyes
through a thick curtain
of smoke and years
it seems a little sad sometimes
if I think too hard about it
like how I've never called anyone "dad"
I never thought that was tragic
it seems like a heavy dead word
no face and no voice to go along
devoid of meaning
save for a foggy word

as I'm writing this
I try very hard to stand
in your place on this earth
realizing I don't know you at all
it’s been said my little sister
has your laugh and your smile
but I can't even remember
what you look like
what your voice is like
I never even realized I missed out
on anything at all
I had two mothers and one father
none of them were you

I don't wish I knew you
yet somehow I wish you knew me
as if it would change anything
or make you feel shame
with only my face
fifteen years in my eyes
that my mother carried alone
on her shoulders
as if I weighed nothing

maybe I'd tell you about
all you missed out on
but it'd be the same thing
as going up to any man on the street
telling him he missed out on
seeing me grow up
he'd have no reason to feel guilt
but I think you might …

you'll be gone one day
I will stand on the fresh dirt
a grey tombstone with your name
which is also my name
I wonder if you'll seem
less dead or more dead
than how dead you seem now

you've been gone for years
in fact, you were never there
which is why I don't miss you
in fact, sometimes I think leaving
or rather letting us go
was the only good thing you did
you left the archive in my head
with your name on it
but even in your absence
an echo of what should have been

I do have to admit
the silence downstairs
is both peace and loneliness
I stare into the void
with milky white eyes
as I think about the things
I lost before I had
to let go
of what is already lost
and ungrasp with no fear
to long for no ghost
who might have corrupted
the very essence of my soul
but even in your absence
a stain;
whose name is but an empty shell
a word scribbled and scratched
on a cardboard box
in the back of my head
the mere shadow of a man
who has written this poem
along with me

— The End —