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Chaotic Melodic Aug 2010
This is for those of you that are hopelessly addicted to deeper meanings...
Where you examine the steps you take in the day under a microscope to see
the cracks scrambling restlessly up your legs to find your weak spot.
Your **** of aroused curiosity can only be stimulated via
lightning struck snowy powders dripping gently down your throat and tickling your brain-stem
until you laugh at the crows poking their heads in your back pockets.
They burn holes in your suicidal tendencies like kids playing with matches
for the first time behind the shed.
When your **** gets hard from the fire burning too close to your retinas and
enflaming the world as you knew it, charred and raining ash on the dead roses
that you planted and forgot to water.
**** them, these pilgrims of anxiety crawling across your arms like
stranded orphans in the desert, where the nearest well is spiked with adrenaline aged in
a dying cactus.
Wow you are dark tonight..
As if the dandelion seeds you set free flew back and tried to choke you.
Where are the heart tickling epiphanies now?
Sitting out on break and blowing cigarette smoke into nearby passing baby strollers?
I am not expecting you to like this.
I am just a deluded witch doctor dissecting your brains and attempting to pry out the tumors.
Like an excommunicated jedi knight using his mind to strike flint together.
The sparks smile and dance like college kids on ecstasy, not quite realizing that they are drowning in the undertoe.
They revel in the nostalgic numbness.
Only an IV of sweet lime juice can sustain such wilted leeches.
When lacking in vitamins, your skin is a papyrus to bury under the nile, and
watch from the hills as kids of 2100 and later search for WiFi to connect their burnt out forebrains to.
Coughing up several old moth eaten sweaters that you stuffed away
when your new girlfriend came over.
We hide our pasts like kilos under the coca cola shipments, and no matter
how far you ride the rails, the rats still nest and chew apart the cables that
keep the whole train locked together.
And why is it that we secrete our secrets in our sweat, and cover it up with
cheap deodorants?
Our catch-phrases mask the stagnant breath of our restless nature.
Humans, the bugs in our systems trying so hard to shout out to us that we don't really exist.
Thoughts as fragile as smoke could never support our weight if we chose to
colonize the moon and dig for diamonds in her eyes.
We may find that our stain-glassed windows keep out most of the light, while
preaching to keep our eyes closed and heads held close to the ground.
The civilized dances we partake are only nervous ticks of robotic
drones drilled on overtime.
And we think that these words useless, like grains of sand to let trickle out of your hands.
Our words mean nothing!
Even though you might have felt something in the last five minutes as these
black scarabs have peeled away at your comprehension.
You paint pictures with only black and blue and expect
fresh tongues to offer you green and purple instead.
But how can you expect anything other than the bruises you beat into the walls.
Like magnets on strike, you expect the world to just "let it go."
But I'm not about to rely on that weaker force to guide us.
The paths of unprecedented unraveling is where we are heading.
Where gravity is so pre-"concious-cocreation" and the last street light alive
will keep on whispering its salty sentiment.
You and I are not so different, although we profess to keep our distance
and fear too long of eye contact, as if a moment of silent connection
triggers the virus warnings and ***** up your downloads.
All I wanted was a light-hearted comedy and all you had stocked up in your
dvd cabinet was a bunch of black and white ***** films.
You said the dark side makes you appreciate the light, but every night i hear
those last beaten breaths, limping across the dark hallway with their fingertips sliding
quietly along the walls.
© 2010 Cory McQueen
Katrina Maria Jun 2011
I've always been a good diver
but somehow my boundaries
took to the river
and I feel like I'm always
forcing my own way upstream

Instead of letting my dreams
float, steer and catch hold of
the things that are good for me.

Lost in the the undertoe
I begin to shiver and quake
while bits of me break off

and flake and dissolve
in the acidic oceans of inanity
that engulf us all.

So, I'm left catching hold
of pieces by each finger and toe
hoping to no one in particular
that I never let go

Control is an issue, I'm aware
that you can't hold it all
together on your own
but the current pushes on
and on and on

As I try not to fall asleep
and drown, choked by the weeds
the silt and stifling mud
of my own insecurities
Colin Anhut Feb 2014
I'm glad you died
By the train tracks
In Mexico, alone
With the lizards and
Horned toads
When you did
When the mood
Was High and
The momentum
Rolled in your favor,
I'm glad you died
When you did
Before rock n' roll again
And again and disco
And no Jazz, no bop
And waves crashed
And undertoe tore
At Tired,
I'm glad you died
When you did
With movement, with power
And you should hear 'em
Talk about you and the boys
With ancient lips and Beautiful
And god smiles my face
And god still cries for
His Muse,
I'm glad you died
When you did
Before it all changed
And We lost the momentum
And replaced it
With sleep
Colin Anhut Mar 2015
I'm glad you died
By the train tracks
In Mexico, alone
With the lizards and
Horned toads
When you did,
When the mood
Was High and
The momentum
Rolled in your favor,
I'm glad you died
When you did
Before rock n' roll again
And again and disco
And no Jazz, no bop
And waves crashed
And undertoe tore at Tired,
I'm glad you died
When you did
With movement, with power
And you should hear 'em
Talk about you and the boys
With ancient lips and Beautiful
I'm glad you died
When you did
Before it all changed
And They took away
Want and replaced it
With electronic death
Zak Krug Dec 2012
Lost at sea
smashing into fragments
adrift in thought.

Crashing onto the rocks,
drawn like flies who
have rejected honey
for something stronger.

Winds whipping to and fro.
No rest for the wicked.
The future is evasive.

Clinging to the undertoe,

As the waves crash over.

The water rushed in
from side to

Overtaking the ship
the moon turns a blind eye
to the malicious assault.
Hiding behind dark clouds.

This storm is far too great.
For man to weather.
It is relentless.

Erasing us with sea foam,
washing away,
drowning all.
Sacrificial offerings to the sea.
Reducing the ship to driftwood.

There must be a stand!
Never give up!
Until the last breath!
No regrets, only choices!

Plunge headfirst into the sea.

It takes without warning.
It is hopeless to abandon ship.
These rocks are stripping
us down to skeletal remains.
Reclaiming what it believes
to have been wrongfully
Dragging the remnants down
to choke on seaweed.

Siren’s songs reminiscent of
better days.
Eternally locked away
within Davy Jones Locker.

Only to be reborn the next day,

crawling onto the shore,

gasping for air, as light shines

zumee Jul 2019
pushed her on
by the boots

he sighed
the crunch of a dry thought
AMBR Aug 2016
I feel nostalgic for the love you haven't given me
For a life that wasn't mine to live

And it burns like nothing else to feel your poetry all over her
Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be a song

But there are still so many stars I want to show you
And so many things I want to see through your eyes

Watching the seasons pass feels different when I'm holding your hand
And I could get used to feeling like I'm not sure what comes next

So I hope the summer hasn't swept you away into the undertoe
Because I'm waiting under a canopy of colored leaves
To see autumn on by your side
Yes, futility my old shell of justification left upon the sand of a million grains of thought, every speck individual in the moon spun tides taking the nothing back to the shore writhing undertoe be thy bain, ethereal electra existing in a lie lying existential just like Sartre on a beach blanket.
Take the stage
Then take a bow.
Touch a heart,
Then skip town.
Skip a stone,
Then sink below.
Leaving ripples behind.

Take a breath,
Then let it go.
Let's take a ride
On the undertoe.
Kiss the sky,
Then dive below.
Like a breaker,
Turn to mist-

Spreading wings,
Lift off in flight.
Melt the wax,
Drop from the sky.
Like a comet
Shining bright,
Burn to stardust on the wind-
So often throughout my life, I have felt that I merely drift through people's sphere of being- like some benign ghost seeking a permanent haunt, or a wind born seed looking for a place to take root.
Grey Pryor Sep 2017
behind the contour, foundation, lipsticks and lies
i think we all come to a point where we realize
we are stuck
blending out the beauty
and holding on to the snooty comments and remarks
so we mark invisible marks against ourselfs
or for some its visible enough to get some help
till then this world is hell
stuck frantically pacing wondering if we blended well
stop worrying if the lines on your face dont match the tone
we are all busy with what we undergo
but what you dont know is we all stuck in the undertoe pulling us in
we are all living in sin
i hope one day youll see the beauty within
this is the poem i got accepted with i hope someone can read this and hear the message like an echo in a hallway.
Lyrical Nov 2018
She's so kind and funny and smart.
Her smile is a work of art.
I want to know her, but where do I start?
When I'm still recovering from a broken heart..

Is it too soon? Probably so..
But with each passing second, my feelings grow
And bloom into something so beautiful and true.

My heart revives and it flutters for you.

Is it too soon? Most likely yes..
I really should stop these feelings, I guess.

I'll bury it below,
1,000 feet undertoe
And never..

Will I let this blossom grow



I won't stop these feelings!
I won't put them to rest!
I'll let them grow and pound in my chest!

I'll treat her with kindness and show her I care
And no matter what I'll always be there.

Is it too soon? Probably so..


I will let this crush grow.
sorry for all the spam I'm basically just transferring my poems from wattpad cause honestly no one cares there
sage eugene zumr Oct 2018
left for dead
im stuck inside my head
tryna chase the bred
im fed up
with the way i live
cause i know
that what i give
people sittin undertoe
will always sift through
the ashes of a ghost
and that makes me sick
so when you
call upon the shift
just show what i did
for those that
stick in the mud
like a car in a rut
yall bleed the most
gotta broken line
think the brakes
are toast dont
take a ride when you
get released  
or youll be
back within their roaps
yea sat beside a criminal
thinkin im subliminal
im in the bowl their smokin
and its fishin for a co-page
another day lookin
like im goin way down
deep inside the cut
and ill never get the bust
money taken by a pair of cuffs
that a buncha *******
that they love ill never get caught
linell stay taught
while its taunt
inside the shot
when the cops
place me in that shop
ill be a body dropped off
on the lot
sage eugene zumr Oct 2018
what is it
to have meanin
to be conceived
as something
people publicly
believe in
is it within me
to be this
or am i just
another note
ridin through
the tides undertoe
theirs reasons
to think this way
ones cause ive died
the others what
sits by my throat
beneath the carpet
such a gun to hide
im riding
through this mode
thinkin despise me
or just go
but in the end
its all a cheer
people sent
to give me fear
or maybe lending an ear
but either way ill be
a deer in the headlights
of this steer
driving off the map
into the eyes
of evils sheer plight
dying for a near mic
to send out what i feel like
Robert C Ellis Apr 2023
My lungs bled from broken eggs;
how does water broker where they go…
What they are a cathedral for…

If only Time didn’t have a say,
If there was no roaring universe washing us away.  
We could spend ourselves in warm blankets, perched in snow
Watching The Clockwork through a telescope

No memories undertoe
I'll Rise

through the smoke out of the devil's Hell
I sought for peace when times get slow
you will never know until you try
stop lying to yourself putting that book right back on the shelf
We each move to slow in society's vast undertoe
people telling you which way you should go
these are desolate times
yet we settle for ill but faded rhymes
can't we read between the lines
for years you pushed me underneath the rug
carrying not about me with love
yet I'll rise through the noise pollution
willing to start a new revolution
a tug at the heart will light the spark to where I need to go
sometimes I feel like I'm in prison in cell block number seven
it's not a one time shopping event at your local seven eleven
I'll rise from the shadow of darkened confusion
I'll rise out of the furnace of affliction
With my hope in the Lord & heaven up above
There is nothing I can't do in this life
You can beat me & put me down
but I'll never wear my head down in a from
only one life is soon to be passed
only what's done out of love will last
lift your voice up so you can be heard
listen to the heart of love by accepting every word
Jade Lima Jul 2021
Maybe there's calm before the storm, but if there are always tides then where does the future reside?
I feel like I'm getting swept into the undertoe.
But if I find my way out, how is there so much woe?
There's seldom sorrow but mostly dispute.
How the hell is anyone supposed to end this ignorant feud?
Is it only in my eyes that everything is so misconstrued?
Or is everyone lost to the point that there might not be a need, in this, to continue?
So as I hope everything unfolds into a timely and tranquilly peaceful state,
I'll hope that there's more good to life than this sorry and menacing state.
You hide the true empty emotions

Loneliness takes its grip

A true a beautiful heart

Lost in societies cramped oceans.

Trying to not become lost in the waves

The undertoe of social confusion

Has already marked mass graves.

You reach out in voice

You reach out in signals

Over the net or in a lot full of people

Messages get muffled within the mass vocals.

A diamond in the rough


Brightly through masses of bodies and signals

A beacon to signal

Those who wish to help guide this stray boat

To your ports

Where no longer does life sweep you away

In the wake of the worldly message of a tidal wave

Defining its followers

To their defined graves.
Jade Lima Sep 2020
It feels like the end of the road, and what I’ve come to find is sorrow.
I didn’t want you to get caught in the undertoe.
But things are deceiving even the woe.
So as I hope that your precious soul can be saved, I’ll keep pondering on why I couldn’t turn the page.
But with this petty army filled with hate filled renegades, it’s no wonder no one ever had the will to stay.

— The End —