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Dear P May 2015
It's a duty we were given
With a heart that can't repel,
Missing everything that's taken
'Caz our role's been made unfair.

Where to look when it unchains?
I try to find some evidence
That its worth more than my pain
Becoming who I really am.

Every single step to climb
Asked a question in my head:
If I now opt for a decline
Will I ever resurrect?

Now that I am up this high
It is easier to see:
How risky has been to climb
But at least here I'm free.
Fay Slimm Aug 2014
From liquid glass to boiling foam
moody sea can gentle be
or scream out her commands.
With restless need for exclusivity
she drowns attempts to flee her reprimands.

Savage mistress she.

As Neptune's wife she skuds the coast    
with smiles that tease
the most unwary to beguile.                    
Her fickle heart loves age-old tricks  
well-performed and slick in saline fury-style.    

Savage actress she.

Watch how in fever she unchains
hellish wave-charge
with such terrifying shock.
On one whim tempestuous sea evokes
yet when transforms to calm she is hypnotic.

Savage dancer she.

Sea-fever has a strangle-hold
on men who know
addiction more than gold is this.
A life-long love of sea remains
like mermaid's kiss unyielding yet alluring still.

Savage sweetheart she.

Go in your ship you coastal child
but beware her
siren's call will make you listen.
Should you wish to quit her iron
will can cleave and salty-hold will you imprison.          

Savage jailor she.
Reynard Apr 2015
The solstice sun draws near
And unchains memories
But the shadows of former fall upon it
And the summer muse
Appears unchanged
Zywa Dec 2019
He starts
with small steps

warms me up, back and forth
prolongs his leg, goes
from minuet to pavane

strides old-fashioned deeper
adds quick pushes
then unchains himself
from allemande to courante
and leads me into the sixth heaven
slowly flying there sarabande
around with me, in expectation
each other and longing
for the delayed presto
touch on the sensitive strings
ending on the highest note
Collection “It takes a lot of tries to make a début”
pnam Feb 2020
Restless hearts in timeless rhythms
Intimate emotions trapped in prisims
Takes flight to rainbow in horizon
Unchains hearts in passionate union
Harriet Shea Jul 2018
Play your dreams among the wild
Breeze enchants like whispers
Silence holds your heart softly
comfort surrounds each breath
among life's force you fly free
wild you roam among nature's

Majestic wonder like flowers flow
Captured soul releases contentment
swing high above understanding
touching down life unchains all pain
echo's like dreams radiate compassion
mother has held tenderly her love..

Above realization belief flows deep
clouds made of beauty drifts away
memories like dreams grow
knowledge quietly awaken to self
devoted like mighty wolves peace
appears within...

Reaching out restless mind sings
questions have no answers to truth
never was heart to be held down tight
bringing forth free winds blow mighty
feel gazing eyes upon the soul
of life..

Playing dreams thoughts gather
leaves fall gracefully with richness
not down to the ground they fall
inward to the soul..

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

— The End —