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My pen has no eraser
its end inks over my soft skin
etching errors over the places I've been
inscribing the essence of the sins I've sinned
My poems saved me
like tattoos that allow me to
explode poetry into the external
to be remade, remodeled
like a sprinkle of ink syllables
creative release in the form of an ink fit.
I'd leave it if I could, I'd want to and I would.
But simply I can't stand and that's the stance I’ll take.
And its how I get by day after day .
my poems save me.
julia denham Apr 2013
Number: 2. Undiscovered
                3. Untamed
                 4. Untitled
                  5. Unamed
                   6. Unapproving
                    7. Unexplained
                     8. Untouched
                       9. Unchanged
                      10. Unharmed
                        11. Unchained
                         12. Unaccepted
                          13. Unaquainted
                           14. Unadmired
                             15. Unadaptable
                                1. un*desired
Henry Brooke Feb 2015
Unamed princess
from a far set up parish
cup my hand into
your's again please

Let the willows I imagine
now whistle gently the tune
of my dreams
long gone.
Ask the child suppressed in you
if the lives we live here
are what we at that time
found true ?
We both think
we probably could speak out an answer
but in the end
we know well grow and regret just the same.

Your dress is tight, your smile is bright
just everything in this light seems right
Yet I'm getting worried more and more
that pleasures close some doors.

What are we chasing after
is it happiness, is it pleasure
maybe serenity or an epic treasure  
The thing is
nowone really knows
not even the priest,
bless him,
For if Peter exists he surely
highlight these names of peace.

I somehow wish
to spit these thoughts
right out my tumoring brain
and cleanse the
real felt pain.
I grab you by the neck now
your wonderful dress
pressed under my feet and
the park's green grass
as pin does over a bug.

I take you here, in the middle
of the park tucking it all down
you frown as I push the gown too
Now it faces me
I can clearly see a thing.

Are we promised anything ?
Are human beings just ******
old animals bright and clever
enough to know sister from lover
enemy from brother
winter from summer
marmalade from butter ?  

Animals do not worship
they don't create republics nor kingships
Even though they
were here first.
Evolution has changed their face
and the length if their tails
that's it, but here we all are
Only ten million Years counting
and already we fight
over who really is god's son

Like a ***** deep inside
its hole like any human on a beach
in the middle of a night.
I can sense things hugging
around me dripping smooth
transparent curtains of
cosmic covers

We both think we probably
could speak out an answer,
to the questions left to decipher.
But in the end we will probably
forget the problems brung up
by today's day and age
And since we will,
like everyone else;
it surely musn't have
been that important.
René Mutumé Feb 2014
do it like a lepar king
attatch yourself to the soul
with armies of giants
to place your skin back
when your skin cannot hold
and the day
cannot hold
attatch yourself to the sun
like a body
that cannot learn
and cannot be taught
to stop beating heat
do so in the gropes of the machine
like an organic song
and curve bayonetting
the hive line
in the times of dance
that come like countless
bodies of sigh
to rebel against the well of turmolt
in the evenings veins
kiss the unamed call
of the earth
touch those eyes
like they are the last of all things
do it like you smoke too much
do it like the city
has two pairs of lungs
one pair pays the night birds
when they come
the others
are pecking around as i finish a cigarette
before work
the kind that light the building up
as i enter
but the work
is a bird
the work
she dismembers
like the laughter
she teaches
and says 'come straight back
after you're
don't slacken now
there's dance to be done
there's always our dance
to be done;
and then i stop the count
and let just two animals
do it
they know more of time
and look more
like us.
Its millcreek heavy hitting.
With the switchblade kinda vision.
Give you butterflies.
Who the **** am I.
To tell you that this time is any different. ....
While I'm climbing up the.
Highest cliffs.
And lost in peak ambition...
It's a cognitive distortion.
When decisions.
Get over ridden.
******* poorly integrated systems
But hey
I still blame
My daddy's **** for my existence...

**** is like a river bed.
Deliver what you  really said.
Or suffer life a coward. Living in a metal mind. You ******* piston head.
It's engines driving
And blood torn from the sediment.
Consuming more than souls.
In the name of making dividends...
What happened to us little kids.
We use to fight it out.
Now were scared to throw a punch even for little ****.
While we sit riddled with indifference and a social climate.
Lacking the ambition to ******* finish ****...

I swear this planets getting *****.
And it won't take it anymore.
The forces that consort with the gods.
Are scorned. And well informed.
Of what the drums of oil and war are piping for.  Inside this not so minor climate war..... while ignorance is staggering.
Wonder why or who the **** were fighting for...

— The End —