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Children born with *** is the most sadest thing in life. Everyday there is a child born with ***. The reason for this is because adults and children are ***** each and every day. By the curel careless people in this world. Kids are sent off to oprphanges in some parts in Africa where honestly is better then some other places in Africa. Thats not it though the ones that are not in oprphanges are at risk each and everyday for there lifes. Not only for this disease but for the curlest people that will **** them for basically no reason because they dont have freedom like we do. Why treat children this way period but why treat them especially if they have limited time in life. They dont get to see and experience what we get to see and experience because we have the freedom. Each and everyday children in Africa risk there lifes to go to school most of them don't survive because once again the cruel poeple in this world **** them. Unlike we get to go to school for free and have freedom. We get to have the oppertunity to have an education. When they are not even given a chioce. The kids that are not in a orphanage are slaves they get torchered they get wipped they even are forced to see there parents wipped, ***** and murdered. They dont have choices at all for there life the chioces are made for them. Barely any water to drink or even food to eat. Children in Africa die each and everyday either from ******, starvation, dehydration or there disease. We act so ungreatfully to people in our lives we should be ashamed. When poeple in Africa don't have parents or if they do they dont get to see unless seeing them be torchured. I am thankful for everything I have and the freedom I have. Learning about this in school was intrestingly horrifying because of what these people do to these children and there parents or to people in general. They dont get *** from chioce of *** or born with it or lack of condoms they are forced with this horrible disease that is life killing and that most likely turnes into AIDS. With out any medical or lack of medical attention the poeple with disease are left to die. With people torchering them by watching and ****** them each and every day. It makes me furious to know that there are children human beings out there that are being torchured, *****, murdered, starved and dehydrated each and everyday of life. This is the life to the day they are born untill the day they die. After reading this think really hard about your life and the things and people in your life is life really hard for you is it that painful is it that horrifying. Put yourself in there shoes would you like seeing your parents child or sibling get ***** murdered or even wipped each and everyday. going without food or water or having barely food or water. For me after writing this and learning it my whole life is heaven compared to them. I have everything they don't and better and  I am not even close to being as greatful as I should. Think about this and this is so very true this is there lives each and everyday for the children and adults that are slaves that have ***/AIDS in Africa.
Jay Dec 2018
they borrow your white knitted sweater without asking
claim its theirs
hand it back eventually
now with blue stains
that won't come off

call you up
while out with their dog
ask what you're up to
cut you off halfway through your reply
turnes out they only wanted to know if you were available
to watch the dog

mention you gained weight
when in your bikini
(no, you did not ask)

when you lay in your sofa
contemplating that
hideous feeling below your chest

you receive a text  
asking if you are being kind to
as you should

tell your mum
when you're not around
how they appreciat how you always cared about people
and that they knew
you were gonna make it

and when you're home
they make you laugh
so hard
you accidentally
*** a little

it annoys you
when you wash the sweater again
that the stains still won't come off

it doesn't really matter
does it  
you were kind of tired of that shirt anyway
Pastell dichter May 2016
The first thing you should know is that he doesn't care
He shows up randomly and doesn't wipe his feet off or help around the house
He whispers to me how much he loves me but then he turnes his back when I need him most
He wants me to eat and then tells me I'm fat and ugly
He keeps me in bed way past when I should have got up
He forces himself apon me and makes me swallow him down
He screames at me and then when I try to tell someone about it he gags me and won't let me leave my house
He tears apart my life
He tells me about all the things my friends say about me,
That they think I'm worthless,
That I'm nothing
He said that he is the only one who loves me
He gives me little presents of cuts and scars,
bruises along my les and arms
He kisses me goodnight and wakes me up in the middle of the dark to scream about that stupid thing I said to the guy at the store
He uses me for his own pleasure and leaves me broken and lost
He lurks over my shoulder and scares off my friends
He pulls me to the bottom of the pit and kicks me,
Ribs snapping like twigs,
Flesh and skin tearing like paper,
Tears flowing like a river.
Ste Jan 2018
The Devil
makes you go hungry
and he fills you with greed.
The Devil whispers in your ears
until they both bleed.

The Devil
is the one that makes
you want to throttle your bird,
you can find the Devil at the
bottom of a bottle I've heard.

The Devil
is to blame, for your pain and your loss,
he fills you with rage,
and the Devil is your boss,
when you work  like a slave for
minimum wage.

The Devil
fills your glasses
and he empty's your cup,
That dark lord will make you
commit benifit fraud,
and he is the one,
who grasses you up.

The Devil
makes you stray,
with no regard,
for what your doing
to anothers life,
and while your away,
the Devil's in your house
giving it hard, to your wife.

The Devil
makes you bold
and he does fill you with fear,
the Devil turnes the young old
and can turn a strait man queer.

The Devil
took your daughter,
and turned her into
a wrinkled old hag.
Round our way, a piece
of the Devil is bought for,
ten pound a bag.

The Devil
never stays at home
and never will he rest.
The Devil is the one who
gives you a loan,
and charges double interest.

The Devil
is the one who the police pursue
he is the one that they do chase,
unless  the one on the run
happens to be you,
then dressed in blue,
the Devil you will face.

The Devil,
when the loneliness
can't be taken anymore,
he comes and disconnects your phone.
Need time on your own,
then the Devils banging on your door
and he just wont, leave you alone.

The Devil
resides, in your ex's eyes,
he made them say those words
that were not true.
And the Devil's already got his claws
into the next one, to tell you lies
and get thier filthy paws on you.

The Devil
makes you repeat what you've heard,
he makes your lips looser,
and next time someone's slandering you,
maybe its because they've had a word,
with Lucifer.

Yea the Devil is everwhere
but there is a way to get him of your case,
and tell him you'll see him later.
Grab that Devil by the horns,
look him in the face,
and tell him you belong, to the creator.
shayla ennis Jun 2015
i'm alive
keeping my heart beating
a flame so cold
that it's frozen solid

thorns brittle and black
wraped and twining around this cold fire

a settled hatred that turnes to all
consuming rage

no control over the emotions surgering through
everything going from hate to calmness
in an instant

this heart beating inside
a corpse that feels nothing
on the outside

a frozen flame
cold rage
burning emotions

i'm alive
keeping my heart beating
a cold fire
frozen solid

by scarlet rose
date 6-10-15
Alicia Sep 2017
When the darkness comes all i dream of is the light,
When the light comes upon me all i dream about is the night,
Im a mixed up twisted indecisive individual,
When im mad at you all i want is to feel you put out the fire,
When im sad i tell you to leave me alone in hopes youll decide to stay,
Im high,
As high as i can be,
Hugs too,
But on the drop of a dime i contemplate time,
I feel worthless,
I feel unwanted
And i feel like a mess up,
So i run away so i dont hear "Oh just **** it up",
Because i cant,
This uncontrollable,
Undeniably random hell in my mind wont let me,
I didnt ask to be this way,
When life turnes to death in the drop of a hat,
When light turnes to dark in the matter of seconds,
Wanting to escape a room with no exit,
Untill it allows u too be free,
Living with an uncontrollable disorder that can be to hard to put in words at times.
These shackles hold me to the lies.
This pain is just too real.
My heart thunders and my ears roar.
My mind is spinning downward,
Realizing all my wasted time.

I break free.
Everyone is chained by the lies.
It wasnt only me.
Some were to make others happy.
Some to hurt and cut.
No truth.
I used to think I loved you, I used to think you cared.
Turnes out I wasnt the only one with a life full of wasted time.
Try to speak.
No one listens,
Not really.
Just like lying.
No truth.
Not anymore,
I wish it wasnt true.
Letting the entertainers know
we are all night to participate in a little show
la dee daad eed addad ddad
make waves and take another templatate, yours is here, is it lost yeT?
make we sing your favorite turnes, I won’t pass judgment by you
la deee dadadad dee daw
they knew you for a second, but now its gone and over
magical little msysterioes, I ca’t begin to tak ebhte first step towards majesty, charisma, adultry, fantasy, calligraphy, oceanography, the study of maps and languages blah deee dee blah blkah
good ideas that start off good **** then don’t follow through the bullet of the gun barrrelll very well
youy’re on a tight stretch, a little mystery, you missed your mating call, granted you are tall and this situation is impossible, make your grave while you stand, take a shotgun to the head, the few applause, they were a couple in front and they really meant it, take it with an upper lip you twit
what was it that I was even saying?
Lets get gritty, I need a sigh and a smoke
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
is there any road to follow is there any way of survival for my own hope. where do i turn to if i mean no trouble. theres no hiding cause every one knowes my life like a bood with chapere books. all i can do is turn my silence in to violence. theres only fear where i cant hid behind the sound to hide my stolen omen.

where do i wait for you to show? i ponder on what will happen to me is the danger screams out of the shadows. what is real my dreams that turn into dark!

i can keep running from all the lifes evils of temptation do i follow or not. what s this life
life or death. some one stole my own demons. how long do i have to keep going when i just gett weaker and weaker as time goes i lie to my self like every thing is all right when im slowly drowning out of the light.

my hands arnt stong enouht to hold my silence. holding on for dear life my hands start  to slips as i plumit to my death. seeing my own refection that is only evil that takes no risks.

when i touched the mioir i went in to another world seeing whay ly life is like for every white lie that leaves scares.

i slip way from the light with some ones othere hands pull me away soying dont go eve if you chose. we are hear to fight for what neddds to be changed.

letting go of my  souls as it puours out of my breath.

our world is full of dangers that linger every corner but i kep slipping from the light cause i ont have any thing to hide be hind my sound so i dont break

what am i
what will i be
how will i survive
what do i need
free of fear
how long do i have to keep running
my sound is now where to be hurd
the cold weather bites
my anxiety grows
with what limits
idk who the real me is
cause looking in the water seeing what you look like
what would be left
if i went missing
what would you do
do i really know who the real me is

cause i dont have any thing to hide be hind the car radio no sound my silnenc turnes in to violence

(MY SILENCE TURNS IN TO VIOLENCE) when i dont have a place to hid

drowing my life with music has saved the pain way from all my (ANGER&HAT;;)

all i can see when i sleep is this world dyeing with ******* hatred and small war

i dont have any thing to hid be hind to stay safe  

(MY ANGER%HATE) becomes dangerous making me snap and go psychoticly crazy
idk i feel like i only can bee free is when i turn my head phone up really loud tunning people out
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i dont care if i was shot or almost dead. these last words have said my true mind. what turnes life inside out. but im going to take the pain on. you mean more to the world ill be the wings that hold you safe. you are my most prized possestion. i will fight to keep you safe to move along. im just your guardian angel that will take all lifes danger till i die to help you threw lifes games.

my storie isnt really that important. i dont want things to hurt you.  to me your just a glass vase that holds the perfect mistory
life means
Jayantee Khare May 2017

One broken heart
One loss of self image
One fear to trust and falling apart

Few unexplained rejections
Few cut off connections
Few betrayals and deceptions

Some jealous eyes
Some bitter truths and sweet lies
Some broken bonds and called of ties

Many true colors
Many just funlovers
Many gossips and shallow talks

Daily stare at the skies
Daily read with burning eyes
Daily writing the soul's cries

A truth to discover
A lonely stroller
And this way,
A "heart of the party" turnes "loner"
I wanna forget of her memory,
But a feeling of her love story.
did no support to my memory,
To forget all of her past glory.
         She was merely my beloved,
         To whom merly I so much loved.
         But a **** time for my lovely beloved,
         That she later became god bestloved.
She meant to my whole world,
And I miss a lot my true gold.
I became now half to my world,
And weep to recall words she told.
         She revealed no more of her sight,
         That adored my life with dark light.
         Solitary a man seeing her in my sight,
         That none thinks I'm a man of right.
Nothing of the world tastes me good,
As her live  memory turnes me mood.
For her  forget to devour even once food,
But all of her live memory taste more good
         She is such my beautous beloved,
        I can't forget ever how she loved.         
         She is such an outlive cute beloved,
         To whom I always decently loved.
She became now a twinkling star,
With a great distinction like pole star.
I feel her really so close not so far,
Thanks to god for being her close not so far...




— The End —