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AM Jan 2018
Only at night do they come out of the underground, of their ***** creeks 
And is in darkness that they truly thrive in. 
Waiting for the awakening, 
They don't sleep.

Quietly waiting for the sun to set,
So they can fully rejoice eating each other's flesh.

You can almost feel the desperation in their hisses watching as the moon becomes their God,
Worshiping the darkness as it embraces and consumes the above.

Anxiously anticipating the souvenirs of the night,
Savoring how they will carve and engrave each other's eyes.

In plain daylight, you can almost smell the poignant stench they bathe on,
As they helplessly conceal the guilt from their nocturnal hunts.

As the city lives they remain thirsty animals, among their own, among cannibals.
And only when scarce shadows pace the empty streets,
Do they indulge in it for what it tuly is,
And can be who they truly are:
Rodents, hiding in the dark.

Ariel Taverner Sep 2013
she cries
             im dead
she really doesnt understand
             *  im dead
my body is fine
               *im dead

yet there is something that still doesnt make sense
             im dead
why is she crying
            im dead
she was the cause of this
            * im dead
she was the one that killed me
             *im dead

she took my soul in her hands
               im dead
and tore it to pieces
               im dead
i gave it to her and she killed me with it
               im dead
it was a mistake
                im dead
i never should have trusted the *****
               im dead
but yet again why is she crying?
                im dead
is it maybe coz she never destroyed me
                im dead
maybe it was my own despair and mistrust
                im dead
and as i lie here i am tuly dead for my mind does not exist and my soul is dead because i destroyed it

*im dead
some people dont understand that intheir pain and suffering they are the cause of it and they are the masters of teir own destruction

Carol Huizinga Jan 2011
You speak the words
My ears are the only ones that heard
I know my heart is not made of lead
I have only terrible fears in my head
How can you say those things?
And still say your heart does not sing
You said for me you felt sorry
How could you? I live in glory
Can you truly not see?
The real true depth of me
I know more than a little is hidden
Do you carry a sheild? Or are you forbidden?
The words you sometimes are speaking
Send my mind and body seeking
What is the purpose of this?
Something in me you have missed
You said I was different
A new message sent
Refreshing change from the norm
Not a crashing raging storm
Inside I can tuly see
The whispers that need to be
I know what to do with this voice
That has left me no choice
I am leaving and letting go
So you might understand one day and know
Written 2010
LoveLy Feb 2015
The rose starts as  seed and then grows into a bush where buds will soon bloom and show their "pretty face"
The problem with this is the moment they are picked.
They, by humans choice are stripped from their beauty as a bush and put on after day they are looked upon and slowly...they decay.
It starts from the that first day and slowly they decay from the inside out until they loose all the beauty they where picked for so they are thrown away. Forgotten.
This is the same with the girl in our society today. They are picked in their "prime time", usually 13 and then society looks upon them with such harsh eyes they begin to pick at themselves until they are nothing left. They have been harmed from the inside out and there is no going back. They are withered to the bone.
Stop picking our girls so soon, they are not tuly ready to bloom at that age.
Society stop acting like you aren't killing them slowly like the rose you put in that pretty blue vase on the shelf.
Girls, you are the most beautiful flowers our world has... DON'T let them pull you from you.
There is something inside of me it
Urges to come out
I hate it here , I hate it inside
I sure can’t wish for them to understand
They speak to me as they look at me with those fiercefull eyes for them I am a juvenile with a liability
How will they know the pain I go through
They say I have everything but
What do I truly have
I am not happy
Never was
I can’t
To go
I shall wait
Time must come when I have to leave
I shallnt force it
I must be patient because
I respect the creator
Who gave me this life tuly
David P Carroll Feb 2019
If I could have just one wish,
It would tuly be for your love
As we listen to the sound of true love together,
As our hearts beat, I feel your love,
Your lips softly on my cheek
Your warm touch deep inside my heart,
As we listen to the sound of
Love, Our
Heart's beating together
Knowing that I could never feel true love,
With anyone other than you who's touched my heart.....
Love Her

— The End —