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She promises she wont fall

because the fear is to strong to let down such walls

she touchers her mind with thing that could

but in reality understand that impulse will be misunderstood

for she stabs and she fights because she know that she should

the wounds will heal to scars but the memories are as strong as wood

cold used to pierce her skin in the night

but she's grown numb to the world

for now she is a prisoner and must fight.
Josh Koepp Nov 2012
Slivers of unintended new experiences
Stuck painlessly into our feet
Moving along the same splintered wooden dock
We both have trodded before
Too safely to have carried any scar tissue
But now our earth touchers resemble
Porcupines that when touched
Refuse to release our quills
But offer a story or two to remember we've been here before instead
Of losing the memories we've gained.
And when we finally pick the wood out
it fashions into a fence gate that opens up to
New stories new experiences
New feelings new apprehensions
Just new
New looks on a new face wrapped in gift wrap
So I have to make it Christmas to open them up
without buying anything but just by giving the gift of presence as presents.
And anything more is another present under the tree
It's nice to know that sometimes when you plant trust
It grows into honesty
Honestly it's refreshing
It's a test of moral strength and how far you can carry the torch.
In the Olympic sport of courting
gesine Oct 2012
Together as we lay down where time begins
Where time has gone a limb sprouts from a pear
Our kisses taught us all the outs and ins
Coming and going always found us there

To hold back is to touch as touchers know
Where time renews a trunk sprouts from a limb
Such growing backwards taught our bodies so
To lose a him in her and her in him

Time gathers to a pause where trunk strikes ground
There is a double speed in going slow
We stopped to find our coming turned around
A pear was what we were where we would go

The seed is in the ground all come to kiss
Where time stops we lie down no end to this
Solaces Feb 2017
The darkness spread fast..
The fading glow made me sad a little..
But from the darkness I heard new sounds and tones..
Sounds of something that was hidden in the light..
The more darkness there was the clearer the sounds became..
They reminded me of whale songs back at home..
We were all walking toward the light mountains..

The light storm had passed. We continiued our dark journey through the light forest toward these majestic and beautiful light mountains.  There were many mountains the ranged in the same size all except for one.  It stood higher than my eyes could see.  I dare say it stuck out of the planet.  At times it looked like a pillar of light..   We were a group of dark walkers, shadow touchers, dusk bringers, I tried to come up with a cool name to call our group as my mind wonders about in my head.   We then come upon a pond of light water.  It shined with green light rather than blue like the river..  I then heard the voice speak to me.. " They keep her here, we cannot enter these waters, but you can.. Go and free her please."  Without hesitation I stepped into the green light water. The water is deep as I am completly submerged.  But to my suprise I do not see light. I see complete darkness.   For the moment I begin to panic.  But then I see a small speak of light at the center of all the darkness.  It begins to grow and spin about itself.  I then realize that it was a heartbeat.  What I was seeing was a beating heart in the darkness.  I cannot begin to tell you how beautiful it was. It grew brighter and brighter with my presence.  Then a body started to take shape around it.  Only in darkness could I have seen this...
In darkness we are created.
cindy Dec 2021
Tension électrique
de regards fuyants
Touchers mécaniques
de doigts hésitants
Ce poème a une odeur froide
du vide entre deux corps
à jamais indécis
jeffrey robin Mar 2013
Right on "top of things"
I see!

We are so inconceivably LONELY!
i cannot understand these things!

There are so many corners
So many soap boxes

So many needy searching for you!
So much to be
So much to do!!
Painting tiny pictures of each-other walking the mystic  nights thru
the rain
With the power of our own DESIRE
And righteousness  released
We are here

We touch each other
We are the stars

We touch the stars

We touch each other

We are the stars

The lovers and the loved

The touchers and the stars!
Frienemies with benefits
I suppose that's what we are,
It's really not that bizarre.
Kissers, and snugglers and touchers,
not lovers.
We might only go so far.

But if one or no soul asks me,
I am grateful for you,
     And I.
How we're something new.
Sometimes just two in a room.
Sometimes something good ensues.
I'm grateful.
cindy Dec 2021
L'épaisse fumée qui m'enveloppe
Mes sens en feu, j'aurais aimé perdre mon âme
dans tes touchers divins

J'ai perdu la raison
beau la folie
Travis Green Mar 2023
When I see his pure, powerful exquisiteness in my sight
His chocolaty saucy hotness, his **** velvety majesticness
He renders me breathless, fills my vessel with deathless
Infectious bliss, makes me salivate to take a bite
Out of his crowning brown enticingness

Tease his thick, delicious lips with gaudy lawless kisses
Caress his incredible rock-solid pecs
Check out his unbelievably massive and spectacular biceps
His dramatically eye-catching abs
Long astonishing thighs that hypnotize
My bright, deep-set eyes, striking hairy legs

An unrivaled sexing pipe that makes me
Pine to give him the baddest mind-blowing brain ever
**** it with great pleasure, relish the way it smells in my mouth
Circle my tongue on every side
Lick his distinguished *******

Play with his breathtaking *******
Make him so obsessed with my stellar yummy voluptuousness
Slap me in the face with his splendiferous thickness
While I admire his extremely hot architecture
Such a naughty macho talker

He bewitches me the more I remain
On my knees in front of thee
I am in awe of how he draws me
Into his abundant sumptuous jungle
Of the nastiest splashiest carnality

I wanna feel thee ***** deep in my throat
Unleash his unbeatable hard-hitting thunder upon me
Conquer me, make me worship thee
Invade my inner space, permeate it
With fragrant salacious sensations
Of blazing hot, engaging nakedness

I wanna taste his bold, ferocious poetry
Flowing downstream into the kingdom of my innerness
Fill my heart and soul with boiling-hot thoughts
Of his redolent robust machoness
As I fall deeper into his wonderfully honeyed ecstasy

With a charming and sparkling body
An undeniably awe-inspiring backside
That has me walking on air
Service his firmness, ****** every inch of him
Make him wild out, check me out
While he stretches out my mouth

Make me fall under the spell
Of his sweet-smelling perfection
I adore him the sweetest and loveliest rose
Grabby *** tatted splash
I bask in his action-packed supernatural immaculateness

Every moment with him blows my mind
Face to face with his huge black monster
My most prized possession
I slobber all over it, from the tip to the base
I embrace it amorously, give him bomb throat
UntiI I choke, put it back in my trap

Rap with it, let it attract my attention
Make my heartbeat race
Put his gigantic, thick snake all up in my face
Infatuate me with his dangerous, futuristic manliness
Cling my touchers to his full ruthless length

Maneuver my mouth around his shiny sublime crown
Slide my tongue up and down his bang-up veiny pipe
Feel it against the roof of my mouth
Nuzzle my nose against his gorgeous grassy forest
Make it wet and delectable

**** on his big bouncy sack
Enthrall and massage them
Get a load of his mind-bogglingly broad and strong musculature
Slick the tip with my thick lustful lips
Listen to his pure revered moans

He makes me paralyzed
Surrounded by his fiery enticing delightsomeness
Make time stand still as he sends
Sudden, intense chills throughout my existence
Let me endure his extraordinarily fierce and spectacular storm

Smother me in his profoundly deep and ceaseless thrillingness
Make my gayness sway in his wild towering space
His swift sinuous movements
Let me be a slave to his greatness
Let him manipulate me with his naked salacious brazenness

Consume me, control me, expose his molten hot smoke
Make me feel his approaching fast-moving mantasticness
All over my ample soft body
Enamor me with his volcanically active splashiness
Savor his high-powered unrestrained strikingness

Let him peel my mind, body, and soul
Cause my flesh to sweat
Caress my youthful and energetic breast
Attack my taut chocolate raisins
Feel the beating rhythm of my existence

Throat **** me with a vengeance
Cause me to fall apart at the seams
Make me lose my focus
As I probe his globe
Feel him capture and unravel my emotions

Push my head down on his fat magic stick
Make my eyes water
Make everything around us fade away
As he takes me on one hell of a rude
Fill my heart and soul with his hazardous hypnotic heat

Make love to my mouth and throat
Force me to swallow it more and more
Explore its enormously desirable gloriousness
Let him touch the inner depths of me
Make me his badass black-haired *****

**** up my structure, make me succumb
To his delicious ****-hot litness
Willing to give him all of me
Belong to him, be his ***** ***-loving ****-sucker
His best red-hot knockout
To make his hotness blossom

Hearing his deep grand voice
And deepthroating his mean dream meat
Makes me wanna be closer than ever
To his super tasty captivatingness
Let him spray my face with his creamy gleaming mayonnaise
Travis Green Sep 2022
Bewitching bulletproof brick
Breathable indefeasible exquisiteness
The uppermost luscious stud beyond compare
Slick silken sweetness
Shimmering top-end immenseness
I long to sink into the legendary depths
Of your delectable, treasured manliness

Burn for your cherishable hairy spectacularity
Let my tender touchers travel on your buff, broad chest
Your flawless, flat, and fantastical stomach
Caress your vividly thick and mesmerizing thighs
Fresh, lively, and delightful legs
Kiss your aesthetically pleasing feet
Fill your world with endless refreshing memories of me

Desirable juicy lover boy
You renew and soothe my mind
You enliven my life and dreams
Take me to the most addictive, enjoyable, and
All-consuming places where I bask in your adventurousness
Stare into your compelling chestnut eyes
Such a satisfying soul-stirring sight
So characterful, masterful, and magical

You are a flashy fashionable flex
With ardent latte flesh to love
Stunning, sumptuous lips to kiss
And allow the hours to pass us by
Press my caressers against
Your full, good-looking beard
Behold your alluring hot boy smoke
Such a lovable and rugged man
You are the only one
That can have command over my expanse
Travis Green Sep 2022
Bewitching bulletproof brick
Breathable indefeasible exquisiteness
The uppermost luscious stud beyond compare
Slick silken sweetness
Shimmering top-end immenseness
I long to sink into the legendary depths
Of your delectable treasured manliness

Burn for your cherishable hairy spectacularity
Let my tender touchers travel on your buff, broad chest
Your flawless, flat, and fantastical stomach
Caress your vividly thick and mesmerizing thighs
Fresh, lively, and delightful legs
Kiss your aesthetically pleasing feet
Fill your world with endless refreshing memories of me

Desirable juicy lover boy
You renew and soothe my mind
You enliven my life and dreams
Take me to the most addictive, enjoyable, and
All-consuming places where I bask in your adventurousness
Stare into your compelling chestnut eyes
Such a satisfying soul-stirring sight
So characterful, masterful, and magical

You are a flashy fashionable flex
With ardent latte flesh to love
Stunning, sumptuous lips to kiss
And allow the hours to pass us by
Press my caressers against
Your full, good-looking beard
Behold your alluring hot boy smoke
Such a lovable and rugged man
You are the only one
That can have command over my expanse

— The End —