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Taylor Roberts Jan 2016
I may be a universe away.
I might have traveled between the stars to reach the fifth dimension,
Only to speak to you through the voices I left for you on the wall.
I made it easy enough for anyone to decipher but only for you to pick up on the pieces left behind.
Trace it back to what you've always wanted me to tell you.
Delineate the way it was always meant to be,
The both of us growing old while the stars shine brightest at the darkest of night.

I'm here now, among the lines of time,
Trying to figure out my way back to you,
Trying to glide peacefully through each and every moment we ever shared,
Knowing I get to drift among these times in the stillness as they were meant to belong.
The good mixed in with the ugly makes all of this seem a bit more comforting, a bit more realistic.
The only true quantitive data I've been able to make up is that love will bring me back to you in time.
Let love flow through you when we part for I'll always be there and I'll always find my way back when you are freely open.
Don't think this is the love that's been created from the way we were taught,
But the kind that transcends time and space and has no true formula for figuring out why it exists,
Why it can't bend or why it can't stretch.
We have our own formula for how it works so that's the path I plan on following.
So, hold tight for I'll be back soon.
For Mya. Please find this.
Kit Nov 2010
When you are down
And feeling alone
Put on a smile
Try not to groan
Things will get better
As time goes by
Think happy thoughts
Pretend you can fly
Soar through clouds
Forget your sorrow
Leave pain behind
You'll feel better tomorrow
this is an original poem by Kit Lynn, if you use it for any reason without letting the author know, legal action will be taken.
Laiba Aug 2020
Tomrrow is going to be kinda hard
Today was also kinda hard
Is my forever gonan be kinda hard
Lb Oct 2016
eject eject
there's no backspace
where is delete

whats done has been done
now hes crying at her feet

lifeless they lay
only he is to blame

if only she listened
but instead her eyes  glisten
to the sound of only his name
but witjout knowing he was insane

an easy fix
itll just take some time

you chose his company over mine

and now look what youve done
yet its only begun

see i saw this  mum
i could see this coming
you stopped and stayed but i kept on running

we've been to a place not as bad as this before
yet its like we've just gone into a second round of war

we know what its like when they lay a hand
so why would you go back are you crazy or just sad

would you not rather be alone
then to die at his throne

today isnt the day but
tomrrow could be the one

have you not thought this through?
how this effecs me and you

and lets not forget bout my sister
she thnks shes being raised by a minister

but al i see is a wolf in sheepskin
his patenice with her is wewaing  rather thin

see its only a matter of time
mum you cant hit rewind

but can hit her and caus he already hits you

your a lost cause
we're all holding the applause

just let her go you know shell be safer
becuase   she is destined for a life  so much greater
Ray Dunn May 2019
Good morning!
It’s tomrrow now,

I’ll leave the to-do list
Written on your arm.

It won’t be numbered,
There’s no need.
Idk what this is. Also I’m sad but that’s NOT NEW
Allison Feb 2016
I haven't written in a long time cause normally I write about how sad or upset I was. I haven't been sad in a while. Actually. But today I don't know how I feel. I don't know what tomrrow holds anymore. I don't know who or what or what makes me happy anymore. I've always liked being alone and maybe that's just the way God or whatever is out there wanted me to be. I mean is there always someone for everyone? How do you know ? You dont. Can people just love one human and be okay with that? Why put trust and love in someone if they don't put trust and love in you? How can you sleep and come home to someone and not be fully in love with them and when something new comes along and forget all you ever had with them? I didn't ask to be here but here I am and it kills me. I always thought if you were a good person good things happen to you. But here I am. And that's not true. Nothing is true. Love is just a made up word to please us. To make us feel something when there's nothing to feel at all.
robin Nov 2017
Just a ghost that you say you loved the most, you didn’t love a hair on my head until the day I was pronounced dead.    

pedal to the floor
going through life
I’m looking for the color grey paint?
something dull like my life.
I’m trying to paint a picture obvious enough for you to see that I’m not happy  
not trying to be sappy, I’m really quite Suicidal
Kurt Cobain my real life idol.
you thought it was getting better, boy I really had you fooled hate hides in my pillows eating away at my perfectly created facade I wish I could
just swallow the pain like the ground swallows rain drops
Maybe all of this would go away
maybe things would wake up okay
90% probability of it raining tomrrow though so you must prepare for the storm coming instead of running against the wind
inhale the truth of the matter into your lungs
and breathe it out like smoke
it will only sting if you cough
try to drink some *****, shake it off
**** yourself slowly because being extreme is looked down upon
even though the drugs are in your food already and the truths everywhere for them to find it
just **** your self while you can
Stop making wishes in the well and jump in

— The End —