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one cannot get down on one's knees
it is apparent that they are unbending
both patellas have gone into a freeze

the discomfort in them is never ending
one's knee joints oft tend to lock tight
it is apparent that they are unbending

their rigidity is becoming a real blight
scrubbing floors is a most painful affair
one's knee joints oft tend to lock tight

these days one's knees are in need of care
arthritis has set in for a rather long stay
scrubbing floors is a most painful affair

one would like the stiffness to go away
there isn't much flexibility in one's legs
arthritis has set in for a rather long stay

oh to have more spring in the knee pegs
there isn't much flexibility in one's legs
one cannot get down on one's knees
both patellas have gone into a freeze
the neighbor has just started to mow
cutting grass is his favorite pastime
he manicures the lawn nice and low

the sound of the mower's droning chime
seems to be sweet music to his ears
cutting grass is his favorite pastime

his lawns kept tidy over many years
the grass not allowed to get too long
seems to be sweet music to his ears

he's oft heard singing a barber's song
as he trims the lawn with his old Rover
the grass never allowed to get too long

he takes pride in his patch of clover
the blades of grass never look mussed
as he trims the lawn with his old Rover

about his yard he's meticulous and fussed
the blades of grass never look mussed
the neighbor has just started to mow
he manicures the lawn nice and low
on the adrenalin of popularity they thrive
it pumps within their veins so inflated
if there were none they'd not survive

an accolade won't make them feel deflated
they've got to receive all the bolstering
it pumps within their veins so inflated

always gathering plaudits for a holstering
which brings unto them that air of rise
they've got to receive all the bolstering

the supporter base not going into demise
devotees keeping the pulse throbbing swell
which brings unto them that air of rise

to be the premier acts in a long spell
falling out of favour they'll not easily tolerate
devotees keeping the pulse throbbing swell

much adulation ever liking to slate
falling out of favour they'll not easily tolerate
on the adrenalin of popularity they thrive
if there were none they'd not survive
the neighbor has just started to mow
cutting grass is his favorite pastime
he manicures the lawn nice and low

the sound of the mower's droning chime
seems to be sweet music to his ears
cutting grass is his favorite pastime

his lawn kept tidy over many years
the grass not allowed to get too long
seems to be sweet music to his ears

he's oft hear singing a barber's song
as he trims his lawn with his old Rover
the grass not allowed to get too long

he takes pride in his patch of clover
the blades of grass never look mussed
as he trims the lawn with his old Rover

about his yard he's meticulous and fussed
the blades of grass never look mussed
the neighbor has just started to mow
he manicures the lawn nice and low
We celebrate him on a December day
Two thousand years ago he came to Earth
In a straw filled manger he lay

Mary and Joseph were elated at his birth
The son of God part of a trinity
Two thousand years ago he came to Earth

We recall the scene of the nativity
Singing carols in churches and in public halls
The son of God part of a trinity

School children are now painting pictures on walls
Bringing the story of his birth to life in colorful hues
Sing carols in churches and in public halls

Christmas day is but a few days away for me and you
A day of reflective thought and prayer
Bringing the story of his birth to life in colorful hues

Over Bethlehem shone a bright star its brilliance rare
A day of reflective thought and prayer
We celebrate him on a December day
In a straw filled manger he lay
Paige White Jun 2020
Launch a caustic haiku turned flailed terzanelle
Three lines of blather from a piqued poet’s feather
Skillful syllables omit nature; gone straight to hell

Obsession sketching rhythms rhyme then measure
An ink blot parking lot commencing to swell
Three lines of blather from a piqued poet’s feather

Jot, “Not the verse that got away!” I yell
Prosodic and onomatopoeic
An ink blot parking lot commencing to swell

Fingertips that linger quips mythopoeic
Bring monochroic wars of subtle allure
Prosodic and onomatopoeic

My iambic pentameter’s amateur
I’m done with these words, ink, terms altogether
Bring monochroic wars of subtle allure

To ponded frog on a bough’s frond, any weather
Launch a caustic haiku turned flailed terzanelle
I’m done with these words, ink, terms altogether
Skillful syllables omit nature; gone straight to hell.

A. Paige White 6/1/20
My first Terzanelle.  Input is appreciated  (don’t know why my other one didn’t show up. Oh well. Still learning my way around)
what lies in the vast frontiers of space
scientists have pondered on this very thing
they've boarded rockets to check out the place

is there only little green men a gleaming
at the far reaches of the celestial plain
scientists have pondered this very thing

inquiring earth minds taking the interplanetary train
so many worlds yet to be well investigated
at the far reaches of the celestial plain

can this orb support life and can it be populated
a glimpse of what is out there seen on Mars
so many worlds yet to be investigated

they reckon man might dwell upon a galaxy of stars
an upbeat community of scientists filled with joy
a glimpse of what is out there seen on Mars

Earthlings with state of the art technology to employ
an upbeat community of scientists filled with joy
what lies in the vast frontiers of space
they've boarded rockets to check out the place
her pizzazz on the stage cannot be beat
she was the sassy dame of Big Spender
in a glittering gown she looks so neat

dynamic moves she would oft tender  
verve goes into her one woman show
she was the sassy dame of Big Spender

with mic on stand she really glows
Bond Movie themes made her a star
verve goes into her one woman show

other cabaret act aren't of her par
Diamonds Are Forever so well known
Bond Movie themes made her a star

a Welsh lass with fab sounding tones
around the world her tunes are often spun
Diamonds Are Forever so well known

her fans think she is number one
around the world her tunes are often spun
her pizzazz on stage cannot be beat
in a glittering gown she looks so neat
vibrant colors effervescent arrays
energetically on show for the eye's window
gardens ebullient with vivacious displays

front and backyards brilliantly aglow
hues of a rainbow a springtime glory
energetically on show for the eye's window

a paint box of shades telling the story
streets and avenues resplendent of decoration
hues of a rainbow a springtime story

our towns and villages so bright in elation
they bring a gaiety after winter's drear
streets and avenues resplendent of decoration

it does gladden the heart when they appear
the floral tones of cerise purple and orange bloom
they bring a gaiety after winter's drear

spring displacing the cold season's gloom
the floral tones of cerise purple and orange bloom
vibrant colors effervescent arrays
gardens ebullient with vivacious displays
she is coming to our gardens very soon
she'll have a paintbox of colors so bright
her vividness will be a spectacular boon

she'll splash some purple and orange light
on trellises and pathways to add her glee  
she'll have a paintbox of colors so bright

pink blossoms she'll place on the plum tree
twill make the bees hum a happy refrain
on trellises and pathways to add her glee

spring's lively lass is returning once again
every part of our gardens beautifully decorated
twill make the bees hum a happy refrain

birds shall twitter at what she has painted
her glorious canvas shall be a delight to see
every part of our gardens beautifully decorated

she'll have a vivacious palette to spree
her glorious canvas shall be a delight to see
she is coming to our gardens very soon
her vividness will be a spectacular boon
at a round table a regal man sat
he of finest epicurean palate
neath his feet twas a lowly rat

no junk food twas on his plate
only the best in culinary serves
he of finest epicurean palate

the rat ate of a crumb's conserve
which twas more telling of his position
only the best in culinary serve

the king feasted on grand nutrition
he became more bloated of tummy
which twas more telling of his position

after he partook of all so yummy
the poor rat twas left in starvation
he became more bloated of tummy

for he'd have no repast of salvation
the poor rodent twas left in starvation
at a round table a regal man sat
neath his feet twas a lowly rat
at night his bed is so freezing cold
he craves for a woman's presence  
a warm blooded gal he so wants to hold

long he's experienced the feel of absence
the joy of ******* no longer around
he craves for a woman's presence

this refrain doth in his mind resound
he needs a feminine flower in his existence
the joy of ******* no longer around

bereft of all that sensual maintenance
how cruel it is to suffer such anguish
he needs a feminine flower in his existence

by himself and ever does he languish
just one luscious kiss from a woman
how cruel it is to suffer such anguish

in never ending penury is this man
just one luscious kiss from a woman
at night his bed is so freezing cold
a warm blooded gal he so wants to hold
beware the she wolf parades
attired in cloak sweet appearing to be nice
wary be of her masquerades

she's adept at employing deceptive device
a keen eye spots her a mile away
attired in cloak sweet appearing to be nice

her cunning act constantly at play
beguilingly she moves here and there
a keen eye spots her a mile away

her style of stepping without compare
she puts a mime artist to shame
beguilingly she moves here and there

some have discovered her tricky game
the veil hath been lifted for a look see
she puts a mime artist to shame

using guile to cypher her lee
the veil hath been lifted for a look see
beware the she wolf parades
wary be of her masquerades
on the cover the same ones appear
we've witnessed them showing out
they've done so for over a long year

repeatedly their monikers are about
parading an ability so **** grand
we've witnessed them showing out

remarkable they of well scripted hand
ever shining the infinite bright light
parading an ability so **** grand

we marvel at their dominant flight
they've always had a star's billing
ever shining the infinite bright light

again to-day their fab quills spilling
of a class which holds such veneration
they've always had a star's billing

watching them is an awing inspiration
of a class which holds such veneration
on the cover the same ones appear
they've done so for over a long year
when I was a teenager I played basketball
my long range shots made good strikes
each one did of the spectators greatly enthrall

opposition teams would say the word yikes
after I'd place a three pointer in the hoop
my long range shots made good strikes

the coach loved having me in the troop
effective at getting an extra point for the tally
after I'd place a three pointer in the hoop

my other team members would always rally
they'd be spurred on to play a tip top game
effective at getting an extra point for the tally

our basketball team made others look lame
we gave it our all on the court to be victorious
they'd be spurred on to play a tip top game

every ******* our home team played glorious
we gave it all on the court to be victorious
when I was teenager I played basketball
each one did of the spectators greatly enthrall
she is coming to our gardens very soon
she'll have a paintbox of colors so bright
her vividness will be a spectacular boon

she'll splash some purple and orange light
on trellises and hedgerows to add her glee
she'll have a paintbox of colors so bright

blossoms of pink will be radiant on the plum tree
it'll make the bees hum in a jovial refrain
on trellises and hedgerows to add her glee

spring's lively lass is returning once again
every corner of our gardens beautifully decorated
it'll make the bees hum in a jovial refrain

birds shall twitter at what she has painted
her glorious canvas will be a sight to see
every corner of our gardens beautifully decorated

she'll have a vivacious palette to spree
her glorious canvas will be a sight to see
she is coming to our gardens very soon
her vividness shall be a spectacular boon
we celebrate him on a December day
two thousand years ago he came to earth
in a straw filled manger he lay

Joseph and Mary were elated at his birth
the son of God part of a divine trinity
two thousand years ago he came to earth

we recall the scene of the blessed nativity
singing carols in churches and in public halls
the son of God part of a divine trinity

school children are now painting pictures on walls
bringing the story of his birth to life in colors bold
singing carols in churches and in public halls

Christmas day is but a few days away for us to behold
tis a day of reflective thought and prayer
bringing the story of his birth to life in colors bold

over Bethlehem shone a bright star its brilliance rare
tis a day of reflective thought and prayer
we celebrate him on a December day
in a straw filled manger he lay
the wet weather was most galling
Teddy had to stay inside all day
the rain kept pouring and falling

he couldn't go outside for some play
a game of Red Rover he'd so enjoy
Teddy had to stay inside all day

how he wished to see his friend Roy
around the backyard they could run
a game of Red Rover he'd so enjoy

on this rainy day he'd have no fun
his electric train set didn't suffice
around the backyard they could run

Teddy thought the rain wasn't nice
he'd just like to see a little sunlight
his electric train set didn't suffice

being in doors was of no delight
he'd just like to see a little sunlight
the wet weather was most galling
the rain kept pouring and falling
she took her own life by way of a rope
on a shearing shed rafter she hung
with life's stresses she couldn't cope

there was no oxygen in her lungs
this is what her daughter Emma found
on a shearing shed rafter she hung

much sadness and shock was around
her depressive condition she did hide
this is what her daughter Emma found

Jean decided to take a suicide ride
ever so devastated were her kith and kin
her depressive condition she did hide

the air of life is a vapor so very thin
one should be thinking of existing
ever so devastated were her kith and kin

on a death ticket Jean did her traveling
one should be thinking of existing
she took her own life by way of a rope
with life's stresses she couldn't cope
This poem is based on a true story.
one's muse is very very naughty
she has become quite illusory
without her there's no creativity

she buzzed off from my locality
her bad behavior has me deflated
she has become quite illusory

her actions have left me frustrated
not one single word can I pen
her bad behavior has me deflated

she has decided to quit my den
I needed her to stick around
not one single word can I pen

maybe she's gone to ground
I'll not put up with any horseplay
I needed her to stick around

my muse went wandering to-day
I'll not put up with any horseplay
one's muse is very very naughty
without her there's no creativity
she is coming to our gardens very soon
she'll have a paintbox of colors so bright
her vividness will be a spectacular boon

she'll splash some purple and orange light
on trellises and pathways to add her glee
she'll have a paintbox of colors so bright

blossoms of pink and cerise shall be on trees
it'll make the bees hum in a happy refrain
on trellises and pathways to add her glee

spring's lively lass is returning once again
every part of our gardens beautifully decorated
it'll make the bees hum in a happy refrain

birds shall twitter at what she has painted
her glorious canvas shall be a delight to see
every part of our gardens beautifully decorated

she'll have a vivacious palette to spree
her glorious canvas shall be a delight to see
she is coming to our gardens very soon
her vividness shall be a spectacular boon
her pizzazz on stage cannot be beat
she is the dame of the song Big Spender
in a glittering gown she looked neat

dynamic moves she'd often tender
verve goes into her one woman show
she is the dame of the song Big Spender

with mic on stand she really glows
Bond Movie themes made her a star
verve goes into her one woman show

other cabaret acts are not of her par
Diamonds Are Forever so well known
Bond Movie themes made her a star

a Welsh girl with fab sounding tones
on record players her tunes are spun
Diamonds Are Forever so well known

her fans think she is number one
on record players her tunes are spun
her pizzazz on stage cannot be beat
in a glittering gown she looked neat
wet weather events are becoming rare
few of them venture to our location
we seemingly get not a goodly share

there is little or no precipitation
copious clouds don't form in rain bands
few of them venture to our location

so depleted of dampness these lands
yet acreages in England are sopping
copious clouds don't form in rain bands

we'd like lots of drops to be dropping
there's none to bring a beaming smile
yet acreages in England are sopping

the downpour provider walks not our mile
we look to the skies for some irrigation
there's none to bring a beaming smile

the soil's profile is lacking of saturation
we look to the skies for some irrigation
wet weather events are becoming rare
we seemingly get not a goodly share
Marieta Maglas Jun 2012
This poem is composed by: a Nonet, a Kyrielle Sonnet, a Free verse part, a Terzanelle and another Free verse part:
In a juerga there’s nothing around
But  voices,  flamenco guitars ,
Dancing bodies in moonlight,
Vibrant  gypsy  dresses,
Passion, obsessions,
Bullfighter’s blades,
Silk shawls,
Old men have faces scorched and cracked,
Flamenco women  to attract,
Like  barks of olive trees in night.
Shirts dazzle white in the moonlight.

Girls have boot heels  and  huge  roses,
Men clench their  teeth ,  step  opposes,
Hands clap  and shout in a dance fight,
Shirts dazzle white in the moonlight.

Guitars  are beaten at high speeds,
Castanets scratch  the music’s seeds,
Rhythmic fingers  snap air to bite,
Shirts dazzle white in the moonlight.

Old men have faces scorched and cracked,
Shirts dazzle white in the moonlight.

Hands  becoming  wings
In their shadows  on the wall,
Red  becoming black and
Black becoming white,
Motion vibrating the guitar's string,

Cubic movements  of colors,
In their dance ,
Shadowy  wings becoming  scarfs,
Flamenco woman arching her body,
Showing  her passion…

From the  soul to dissolve
The dancing sounds detach
From the soul to dissolve

When the movement they catch,
They may change all around,
The dancing sounds detach.

Drums and tambourines’ sound,
Exotic  wrists  and swirls,
They may change all around.

The weightless grace  makes  girls
Steal treasures from the air,
Exotic  wrists  and swirls.

With beautiful  black hair,
Rise like birds , fall like leaves.
Steal treasures from the air,

Having tricks up their sleeves,
From the  soul to dissolve,
Rise like birds ,fall like leaves
From the  soul to dissolve.

Spicy slippery steps
Waiting for a clue,
Picking up  portions of pink
Of hyper-femininity ,
Overflowing  screwy sounds
In heavy  red  chromesthesia,
Morphing  themselves into glamorous ,
Red  feminine movements,
Men looking  like marble statues being alive,
Seemingly  cracking.
Slowly diminishing their dancing rhythm,
Steps  sickling  sweet  sounds
To hear the horn of  some lost happiness.
she took her own life by way of a rope
on a shearing shed rafter she hung
with life's stresses she couldn't cope

no oxygen present in either lung
this is what her daughter Emma found
on a shearing shed rafter she hung

much sadness and shock twas around
her depressive condition she did hide
this is what her daughter Emma found

Jean decided to take a suicide ride
ever so devastated were her kith and kin
her depressive condition she did hide

the air of life is a vapor so thin
one should be thinking of existing
ever so devastated were her kith and kin

on a death ticket Jean did her traveling
one should be thinking of existing
she took her own life by way of a rope
with life's stresses she couldn't cope
This poem is based on a true story...
softly whisper in my ear
those words I love to hear
they are ever so dear

whisper those words my dear
they'll take me to a wonderland
those words I love to hear

our love shall always be grand
forever those words shall stay
they'll take me to a wonderland

darling you're the light in my day
hold me ever close to your heart
forever those words shall stay

your enduring love you'll impart
our affection shall beautifully play
hold me ever close to your heart

the world shall be a shining display
our affection shall beautifully play
softly whisper in my ear
they are ever so dear
her one and only claim to fame*
was not a reputable asset
indeed it bought upon her shame

around the ears we weren't wet
accounts galore she'd create
was not a reputable asset

she e'en had some on a sleeper plate
the guises used didn't fool a bit
accounts galore she'd create

why the need for many an outfit?
multiple costumes being worn
the guises didn't fool a bit

ever other identities were born
writing under trillions of naming tags
multiple costumes being worn

but viewers were wise to her wags
writing under a trillion naming tags
her one and only claim to fame
*indeed it bought upon her shame
polls indicate she'll incur a considerable loss
her government is so policy bereft
her tenure in office has had little or no gloss

we seek an alternative not of the left
the national economy sorely needs rescue
her government is so policy bereft

our nation would like a mob with a clue
we've suffered three years of her administration
the national economy sorely needs rescue

voters shall ensure her government has a vacation
a new Prime Minister leading us into the light
we've suffered three years of her administration

we'll rid the parliament of her blight
in September ballot boxes shall do the talking
a new Prime Minister leading us into the light

at the last election she promised she'd do the walking
in September ballot boxes shall do the talking
polls indicate she'll incur a considerable loss
her tenure in office has had little or no gloss
she took her own life by way of a rope
on a shearing shed rafter she hung
with life's stresses she couldn't cope

there was no oxygen present in her lungs
this is what her daughter Emma found
on a shearing shed rafter she hung

much shock and sadness was around
her depressive condition she did hide
this is what her daughter Emma found

Jean decided to take a suicide ride
ever so devastated were her kith and kin
her depressive condition she did hide

the air of life is a vapor so very thin
one should be thinking of existing
ever so devastated were her kith and kin

on a death ticket Jean did her traveling
one should be thinking of existing
she took her own life by way of a rope
with life's stresses she couldn't cope
This piece is based on a true story...the lady the poem is written about was a friend and work colleague.
#depression  #hiding  #family  #friends  #sadness  #suicide
a brighter sun rise dawns this day
and the people did sigh a sigh of relief
they'll be of a disposition less gray

in the halls of power a better brief
the elephants now improving their lot
and the people did sigh a sigh of relief

those donkeys had surely lost the plot
they'd been traveling the wrong path
the elephants now improving their lot

seems the Senate has had a blood bath
so many liberals shown the exit sign
they'd been traveling the wrong path

Americans wanting a revamped design
Washington changing its wardrobe of attire
so many liberals shown the exit sign

the nation's people stuck in a quagmire
Washington changing its wardrobe of attire
a brighter sun rise dawns this day
they'll be of a disposition less gray
inside the world wide poetry house
dwells a fellow of many a name
using trickery that's far from grouse

we're no fools we're onto the game
every piece resembling one type*
dwells a fellow of many a name

why seek all the available hype
it's because he's needful of glory
every piece resembling one type

an insignificance lies in his story
hence the pens looking to be seen
it's because he's needful of glory

being noticed on the verse's screen
by posting under counterfeit notes
hence the pens looking to be seen

we're familiar with his manifold votes
by posting under counterfeit notes
inside the world wide poetry house
*using trickery that's far from grouse
seasons are in a annual transitional mode
bright shades of summer now fast disappear
making way for autumns colors to explode

upon the tree branches mellow tones appear
russets deep browns and liquid amber tones  
bright shades of summer now fast disappear

a time for recess where growth postpones
the waste of warmer days drifting around
russets deep browns and liquid amber tones

in the mornings lingering mists abound
gone are summer's brilliant azure tinges
the waste of warmer days drifting around

as months roll by winter's white impinges
a change of shade sits upon the land
gone are summer's brilliant azure tinges

the cycle of color patterns are never bland
a change of shade sits upon the land
seasons are in an annual transitional mode  
making way for autumn's hues to explode

— The End —