We now return
to your regularly scheduled dream.
Do the math: ducks in the pond
swim upstream to spawn supreme.
Then pay it forward
as a string of numbers.
Continuous in series,
strung out and unencumbered.
There's some **** saxophones
lifting off in tune to the rhythm method.
Save the soft jazz for when you're really in the mood,
and read a bedtime story instead.
Vision begins when the lids
are closed and threading the daisy chain.
This is where we
place the refrain:
Caution--unstable, but microwavable.
The lines blur
where the vertical and horizontal collide.
Can't stand the swimming in the head,
yet enjoy the peripheral ride.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure,
even as far deep down as this chasmic seabed.
Living with technophobia,
But married to sensory overload instead.
Making new babies in safe mode.
We lose sight when plugged too long into this hub.
Just another anxiety in need of a pill
--join the club.
We meet where there's free Wi-Fi
so battery life doesn't drain.
This is where we
repeat the refrain:
Caution--unstable, but microwavable.