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Ash Wilhelm Jul 2018
you say that the zodiac means nothing, but you have not seen the toxinity of two star signs that should have never collided.
a toxic relationship. it begins with their happiness depending on you. your smile fueling their existance into the night and hopes of seeing it in the morning. their aura consisting of depths of neverending black, you drown yourself in. their black swepted hair matching perfectly with their blues eyes of sadness. it continues with your sadness matching yours, two people barely hanging on to the world. you find yourself wondering why you are wasting your time with a 12% chance.
something different
Logan Pete Apr 2018
If I had the chance I would read every single page in my life story
Flip through the beginning pages
Nostalgic  of simpler times
Read deeply of my first romantic love
Read deeply of my first brush with drugs
The hardships that tainted the pure
Unrefined but I shine
Glisten and gleam in the sun shine
Flip to the pages of my nocturnal adventures
Running through void as the moonlight intoxicates my soul
Flip to the pages of lust
Chasing dragons inside  of the aesthetic eyes of every woman That i told I "loved"
Broken hearted and tattered read the pages where I sat in my room with thoughts of making my brain matter splatter the ceiling
These fragments pieces are swepted underneath this luscious carpet of depression  I was feeling
Flip to the present moment that I wrote this
Flip ahead to the last page where the ink drys and I finally exit the matrix
Starry Sep 2019
The sand mandala
The center of all
The universe
And cosmos and
Teaching us that
All is doesn't last
Then the sand swepted up
And poured into
A stream.

— The End —