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Mark Penfold Apr 2018
We lived and loved as one where both would rise or sink upon the tides,
We captured magic in a bottle and it was ours to drink and ours to rise.
I wonder lonely trodden earth in your shadow, chasing ghosts,
In our short time filled with memories in such abundance which i now feed off like fruit gently twisted and plucked from the host.

Over time you can find nourishment in the loneliest of places,
Though scant details left can no longer shape those distant faces.
A newly discovered memory washed up on those abandoned forgotten shores would become a long lost feast welcomed home,
As with any family, lover or companion which found its way back over you beaten track you once left to roam.

With joy and tribal animalistic celebrations I would dance around the fire until its dying embers,
Then greedily lift and suckle at that unexpected gift and consume that fruit from the vine as dormant sparks ignite and the mind remembers.
Its very essence would trickle out and find its way along the dead seas and ravines of my emaciated lips,
Then fall and pool unto the ground in its abundance.

As if a withered oak finds its bark stripped from its core from countless seasons,
Hold on.
And if you have to wither yourself and recede into those dark cold crevices, devoid of reason,
Hold on.
For in countless ages to pass you may wake again, venture out, set roots and flower once more in all your glory.
Innocent and happy in your tiny world your building at the heart and start of your new infant story.
Softly curving slopping
Rounding curving softly
Oh the firm plump softness
I could tell you
You could listen
Of how it causes deep flames to interrupt
Or of how, how...
How I lost my focus
I could tell you
Or you can witness

Two pale beauties dance
Two cherub's cheeks
They make the whole
The creamy moon
I'd bury my face in its bounty
I'd devour its ample sustinance
I want it
But to obtain
That would require a little circumvention
And face to face conversation
Crooked Youth Aug 2015

Caught up in the reality that is your existance.

Blind to the world around me,
You are all that I see.

You are the sustinance I require to prosper.
You are the air that I require to breathe.

Because I need you.
Just as a lock requires it's key.

I need you.

You are the final piece to my puzzle,
with you by my side, I am complete.

Two souls bound in unison,

You are all that I see,
You are all that I know.

Forever lost in love eternal.
May our love remain everlasting.
vera Feb 2019
how do i describe the feeling of that january morning? the serenity of the cool air nipping at my skin, while the chilled lake water rocked the wooden dock beneath me. i took the peaceful walk from the house to the lake barefoot. the coolness emanating from the cobblestone seeped into the soles of my feet.
      i walked down the winding pathway and allowed my eyes to scan over the greenery that flanked me on both sides. tulips and lavender flowers blooming in the cold air. mulch filled the area around grass and flowers, keeping them protected and safe. bees kissed flowers and mingled as i strolled passed. how beautiful and tranquil a scene i was honored to witness.
      i dragged ironically eager feet over wobbly brown planks on route to the dock ahead. i felt water sway aggressively beneath my feet as a boat raced past the dock. a glimpse of a small hand waving graced my vision with the passing of the boat. my balance fumbled, but my mentality stayed steady. when i finally lowered myself onto the wooden box on the edge of the dock, the warmth of my coffee finally began to soak into my palms.
      my eyes continued to glaze over the scene before me, and for the next few moments, i felt the serenity of the universe consume my entire begin. after sixteen years, a moment of fulfillment. finally at home.
      the sun sent droplets of his sunlight down to caress the lake and offer her the gentlest of kisses. the droplets glistened off of the lakeĀ“s ripples and flirted with the water. they danced and bounced upon the lake until she shone so brightly it was hard to look directly at her. as the two became familiar, i felt the sun retreat. his light slowly faded away and his kisses disappeared all together.
      as the hours passed and he was seated back upon his throne, the lake was left empty, deserted. her sadness did not go unnoticed, the wind understood her pain, so she picked up and pulled us both out of our trance.
      the lake was offered the kinder kiss of the moon, and she accepted. the fainter light and the lighter kisses became what kept her whole. there was a air of mystery surrounding him and the lake soaked it up. he became her new lifesource, she found something that kept her going.
      me, i received my sustinance from writing this poem.
- based on a true story
S Smoothie May 2014
Trying to stay strong
But i feel so **** alone
The only way out of this steaming pond is to drain the sucker dry

Tired of swinming in my own sweat and tears
Delivering on other peoples promises that never took into account my quality or my generosity, only thier comfort in my selflessness.

I am a being like not too many others whos goodness and light has slowly been leached from my bones with no sustinance i have reached the form of a blackened stone

Heavy and compact repelling all light to the centre. This is the state of being used one phase before ashes.

Self preservation embarks on negative pressures...

better watch the **** out when this diamond comes the clarity will be blinding and the cut so clean youll barely notice

till even as a paper weight you wont find me ill be sparkling precious in anothers eyes who's smile enhances mine.
Amelia Jo Anne May 2013
Oh, You know of my past.
You are quite aware that I have taken
  much from men.
Aware that they have lashed back
  &filled; me with their poison
  &filled; me with their bodies
  &filled; me with their wreckage
  &filled; me with their hatred
But you don't mind- you silently tell me you love me every time I see you
  just...standing there.
Reminding me that there isn't enough poison in me to smother you.
Reminding me that you can still
  find substance,
  find sustinance
    in me.

&to; hear your throat open up
&you;; control give way
as you exhale
the delight you take in me:
This is the influence behind me coming back to you.
What keeps me turning into you.

You wait for the day
my heart swells
&I; forget about everything I know.
You wait for the day
I run the distance between us...
simply to touch you,
to surround you,
take you in,
envelop you in myself.

— The End —