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extreme, cold hardy
an early spring bulb to bloom
Siberian squill
Timothy Brown Dec 2012
life and love.
the labor of.
food and home.
day and gloam.
patience in spill.
wounds with squill.
knowledge is known
until they've grown
Kanga, criticism without encouragement will beget fear of experience.
© December 5th, 2012 by Timothy R Brown. All rights reserved.
Apoorv Bhardwaj Apr 2018
Why shall I be a poet of the fall ?
For long I had been a thrall.
Bound to your love have I ever lived,
Neither does it let me love not let me fall.

Maybe to someone else it belonged,
My love I spilled for you.
What did I had wronged ?
I wish I never could knew.

Your veil could've stayed,
Longer you could've played.
For you were faultless, far from foul,
It's now that I see a treacherous ghoul.

There was once a time,
I rove merrily jiggling.
Chanting a lovely rhyme,
Leaving my heart giggling.

A princess of a merryland,
A sailor of my will.
Not a word so planned,
Not a thing to frill.

There we met at school,
Spending our time together.
Young and beautiful were we,
Holding tight each other.

In all of our days,
I didn't stopped even for a while.
Trying to consume your blaze,
Trying to find what makes you smile.

Before we crossed our paths,
Life wasn't so compelling.
But for all one knows,
Neither was I flying nor falling.

I've been sad before too,
Yes it is true.
Many a times have I cried,
Yet my deepest grieve were you.

Maybe I never trusted you enough,
For all one knows.
Left you with my cravings,
Bounded with vows.

Surrounded with fear,
That one day you might leave.
Dubious by the fact,
That even lovers decive.

Perhaps I loved you too much,
More than you deserved.
Spending all of my love,
The love I preserved.

Maybe I was afraid to fall,
To love, to be loved.
As when I drowned,
It was you I searched.

Never meant to fly together,
We were ought to part,
and one day you flee,
When will you flee my heart.

"I hate him, I always will."
Though I loved who he was.
As enchanting as a squill,
Yet filled with flaws.

The days of love are past,
Have you any left to spill.
Let alone it may last,
Let alone it may ****.

I loved none but you,
Yet you left a maul.
Bereft of love,
A foresaken poet of the fall.
Why did you left me with my heart yelling at me ? ...every piece of it resonating the suffering you left.
Darkness was all around me,
And I like a castle on a quicksand;
Forced summon all my chi
To pull myself together on a firm land.

I lead my life to avoid regrets
With my spirits high as a kite.
But life has its way to clear it's debts
told me I'm worth less than a spite.

Grateful to my mate
Who showed me a way out;
Snuck through a rusty gate
Beyond the mansion of self doubt.

Held on to a wee bit of hope
And showing no sign of standing still.
I rode on as a mechanism to cope
Like a variegated flower of squill.

Didn't take long to learn,
Past is not a ghost haunting my present;
It made my belief stern.
It was time well spent.
Mike Hauser Dec 2019
Thought they had it won with ease
When along came Trump
Goodbye 2016
When along came Trump
They have yet to figure out
Why he won there's little doubt
A nation lost, a nation found
Hold on tight it's going down
When along came Trump

They all tried to socialize
When along came Trump
A media that's filled with lies
When along came Trump
Has their heads in full spin
Tasting their own medicine
Did it once will do it again
2020 on the horizon
When along came Trump

Living life high on the hog
When along came Trump
Our government is crooked ya'll
When along came Trump
Voted in to clean the swamp
That is what the people want
He's the do in all the don'ts
Has the will to all the want's
When along came Trump

They were eating all the pie
When along came Trump
Would not share a simple slice
When along came Trump
He pulled out a knife and fork
On day one he went to work
Miss Liberty now is holding court
Open windows and open doors
When along came Trump

This train was rolling rusty tracks
When along came Trump
With the bridge out up ahead
When along came Trump
He took his art and made the deal
With the left still in mid-squill
Has them under his right heal
He'll bend them till he breaks their will
When along came Trump

— The End —