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OV Mar 2019
the trees are budding
and everyone is sneezing
but I breath easy
i put my phone down and made this observation around me. very happy winter is gone.
b e mccomb Aug 2016
mauve dress pants
i would wear
mauve dress pants
in this subtle jubilation of
springish behaviors
if everyone i never
knew didn't happen
to be wearing them.

the ice cream stand
is open again
and i'm letting the
snorkel its way up my
nasal passages
smooth away my
coral cavities.

when the weather gets
this warm
i end up spending too
much time staring at the
ceiling and tuning out
the sunshine calling.

and i wonder
if i lined the rafters
with millions of cotton *****
would they absorb the sound
of all the words spoken
that nobody ever
to listen to?

the scratchy texture of
is holding me in place
anticipating the
rise and fall of each
easter hymn.

glue me down
for one more round.
Copyright 3/17/16 by B. E. McComb
Maria Etre Mar 2020
The sun came out & burnt my old skin
left me naked & confused
scared & alive
cupid Nov 2021
dancing on lily pads
swimming in raindrops
learning from plants how to dance
teaching ants hopscotch

using cracks as trails
potholes are basins
leaves that fall never fail
to leave behind a sprout to replace it

i’m singing with spring
in my own springish world
hoping that all this light means
eternal spring for this springy girl
m May 2023
ive been trying to **** the fly
the one that bites
the one that leave a mark
that ******

its been an hour
attracted to the glow of the screen
I've yet to end it
I've tried, oh have I tried

there was a night when i was young
where its ancestor woke me
i did not sleep that night of nights
till i killed thy

and here we are once again
A humid springish nighty
twenty twenty three in May
ill let you live tonight
fpapius Jan 24
Hush-! Slow-! I creep behind an old oak’s cover,
To witness thine gossamer-white dress, where thy supple ******* hover,
Upon this stump thou dost sit, thy little viola enacting Dorian song,
Toward this sweet melodic scent, a little rabbit is drawn.
I gaze below the evening clouds and so must wonder;
Doth thy beauty draw mighty Dionysus asunder?
Then, suddenly, mystical air doth lift thy little viola,
And the air itself playeth quickly to a hemiola!
I watch in wonder, as thou prance to and fro,
Thy golden weaves swing, thine amorous glow.
Thy dance brings you toward me, though intentions blind,
I gasp out of fright, yet am flattered to find,
Thine outstretched hand, thy warming smile.
This hand I take, enchanted in thy charming beguile.
Under a springish dusk, and so teeming with myrth,
We gallivant in a passepied, feet dragging the earth,
Eight pixies, all aglow, give soft mellow light,
While I lift thine hand and spin thee with all my might.
Two songbirds perch, singing chorus for our overture’s peak,
And at the height of their strain, my lips meet thine cheek.
Thy soft white skin, thy blushing red glow,
I close mine eyes; we settle in, soft and slow;
And the pixies are gone, the songbirds had flown
And the viola is lost, too soon overthrown,
And of thy hand I let go, thy countenance fading,
I open my eyes to see none, but an empty forest waiting.
jan 2025

— The End —