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Coop Lee Oct 2015
earth boy.
air conditioned and living.
following the light of something far from home.

old town and lovely she.
loved she.
love she like there is no other she.
the one and only she.
she dumps him.
finds a new he.
has *** with the new he in a far corner apartment complex peak
beyond the tracks. train.
like screeching howls of love spit and ****, city
at midnight.

he buries his hopes and face in pie
at the café

new her,
wiping the counter calm yet tired yet cute and soon to close shop.
she tells him -
about the keys of lost lovers.
the doors to remain open for the sake of dreams and all possibility.
she tells him -
of the pies at the end of the night.
the cheesecake and the apple pie
/entirely gone.
the peach cobbler and the chocolate mousse
/almost gone.
but the blueberry pie, always

he’ll have that.
some sort of broken in the heart have that/love that/eat that/pie.
they talk for hours.
he rests his head on the counter and sleeps
icecream on his lips.
she almost kisses him right there.

and she remembers him.
attempts to call him while he’s in memphis
some other southern city.
he's on somekind of journey.
he works kitchens for more money to motion further west.
westward sweat and burgers. see/saw.
little money, little love, little city
and onto the next.

she remembers him.
attempts to call him while he’s deeper into the glowing desert dome
/or vegas.
/or, you see the stars above?

she writes him letters.
and he writes her back, and in return, they fall
toward a thought, a light, a lit-up little idea of life full
on good something.

to new york and old scents. old town.
corner apartment complex peak window and memories of a once-was
beyond the tracks. train.
troubles no more.
to pie.

to café and concept
of sweet-tooth, sweet real something, sweet blueberry nights
and icecream.
and there she is.
with warmer winter/spring smiles than even dreamt.
and her words for hours.
she almost kisses him, but kisses him.

something perpetual
is love.
Umi Dec 2017
I am at a point of time,
In which I find it hard to rhyme,

Inspiration are of the things I need
Otherwise I am afraid that I won't be able to do this deed
I need somekind of lead!

What can I write about, what can I plea ?
Who will inspire me ?
Ah, a little break might be just right
Maybe it will force my mind to open a light

~ Umi
miamia Mar 2014
What the actual **** is this
Are you somekind of a ****
To know about everything
And just do anything.

You're a ******* *******
A ****** ******* *******
A dimwitted ironic *****
And you look like a gay witch.

Oh ****.
C A Nov 2011
These circles resting inside of squares.
My empty daydreams lie in nightmares.
Plastic homes,
tucked in for the night.
Sleeping comfortablly
with no peace in sight.
Another character from my subconscious senses
No way to justify my mixed up sentenses.
But you stayed with me to keep me company.

During the day changes reappear.
But noting was ever very clear
Between you and me.
beneath the kitchen table,
the emptiness shines on the wooden floor.
It is the only beautiful thing left in this room anymore.
When you left for work, or when I left to play,
We closed our eyes
to give excuse to get away.

As you approached the corner full of memories
I erased the outline of everything we thought we'd be.
These feelings are invisible to you
But your pain was forever stuck to you like super glue.
You played the music loud,
and kept me at a distance
The sounds turned themselves into somekind of profound visions
And I read between the lines.
Nothing that belong to you could ever be mine.

So we waited
At the bus stop
And I waited in the car.
You waited
by the bathroom
And I waited in the bar.
And we waited
and waited
so much that we hated.
But we waited
And tried not to look concered at all
But the waiting
was the pressure that made you fall

We were fadnig like the photographs you took of your past.
Something I said had to make you laugh?
But you kept replaying your first love over in your head.
Sometimes I wish I were her instead.

Everything was echoing together mixing,
overlappig the boundaries in the dirt.
I didn't realize how much you hurt.
But everythig keeps holdig us back
We were never going forward.
It's why I left somewhere in the middle to say the least.
I naturally wanted to feel relieved.

You were focused on keeping my attenetion.
I was always changing subjects.
You were seeking more affection
But I still had to change the subject.
Stories were spiraling up into the sky,
You were living just to die.
What things mattered to you the most?
When we look back together on the long road?
What images sneak their way back into your mind?
Was it me or is it still her this time?

If it were different we could just be happy
reasons become meaningless after a while
I peeked behind my eyelids once
while you were falling asleep, watching me smile.
But now
It's pointless to ask reoccurring questions
Or remember once upon a times.
Pointless to blame myself
No answer is even worth a dime.

I will never get the closure
that most people need.
You  only get the glory of never being freed.
Everyone gets the first look at your real face
Watching you  fall, and fall and fall and fall.
Take a good hard look into the brick mirror...
Now who's the one who has it all?
I used to believe
there could be somekind of
god, when I prayed
for someone like you.
Now that you’re not all
a prayer was meant to be,
maybe God’s as reckless
and as ungracefully human
as the drunk of you
and the misfit of me.
Masoom Rahman Nov 2013
Helpless display
I need to pray
I have to find somekind of way
In disarry
Lost in dismay
Broken and stray
Hope's gone away
Heart's in delay
Skips all the way
When I come your way.
TreadingWater Jun 2016
i don't know what. silence. is. for.
i've _ got _ no _ use _ for _ it
you 《****** 《me《 in
and spit》 me》 out》 so quick
wak'ing' to' the' rain'
{is always somekind of miracle}
& thewayyoureadtome
is a ^ spite^ful ^dream^
as if #knowing
a girl has to hope ~ for ~ some~thing
to. stop. the. bleeding.
Michael John May 19

life can be a dissapointment,
but don´t bother your head,
worry is a waste of wit,
and they are in short

supply..if it don´t
scan-then think about
time..soon be dead..
that sort of thing..

have a bath with a
life is so short,
and that is no secret!


good sentiment-
shall i let

my heart
speak freely
or supress

mad desire
this fire

from you
no return

to sender


your turn!
we have been in this water
so long

we look to the land
we will grow a spine!
and now

fast food
we were so hopeful
our dream gone..


laughing gas
look legs..!?

somekind of
a vision

write this

bungs and

over here!
sand like stars
shiny oh..

— The End —