We met when you were small
a tiny white puffball
I placed a band blue
round your neck to
show you were my kitty
I knew so exactly
what you should be
good, kind, lovely, sweet
smart, fun, strong, complete
the package with loyal
and you were, so royal
without blemish or soil
upon your pure white fur
heart free of smudge or blur
your name was Snowbell
you grew to know it well
from birth to when you fell
crimson mottled splotch mess
stained your angelic dress
a broken vessel as am I
speaking of how you did die
your life story in my eye
tale of cuddles, head rubbed
rolling joyful in the mud
you spirit confined
by man’s wall defined
freedom’s what you pined
for ever gazing at door
shut stuck wanting outside
Petite Cherie, where now you reside
may sweet freedom fully abide
may you live without doors
fields of grass be your floors
enjoy them, please, it is your right
for this world which held tight
to be lost in pursuit
finally allowed to be you
I let go the band blue
but never my love for you
Petite Cherie, run, be free—
please wait patiently
for the time when we
both have naught but grass floor
no remnants of that shut door.
In memoriam of Snowbell (2005-2019)
She was the best feline companion this fellow has ever been blessed to have.
RequiesCAT In Pace, Petite Cherie