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nikolas Sep 2015
Paris, France
October 12, 1889

It's been nearly a week now since the Le Premier Palais des Femmes has opened. I gander about, and see all the free faces. Misters in their best outfits slobbed themselves over the glories of an actual woman that was not their wife. They saw beauty and an opportunity for a feeling of strength and masculine power. Different attire worn by the women reveled much skin. The men gathered two or three mistresses and a bucket of *** and went off to their homes. I was disgusted and delighted to be here. I recently resigned the Misses just to do this tonight. It's 21:47. I look around for faces that I would be delighted in claiming my own for a night and two. Nothing caught my eye. I started to gather my stuff and leave, but suddenly a face I hadn't seen appeared in front of me. Her breath smelt of mint leaves and joy. She spoke to me and asked me for the night. Asked me! Such a remark from a woman of that low should earn a punishment, but she seemed like she was innocent. As rude as it was, I took her offer since I had no other plans for that night. She took me back to her home where she had set up a fire and food. It was as if she had planned it for me. It was so beautifully laid out. I looked around her home, it was astonishing. She then leaded me to her bedroom, where she left rose pedals on the floor and one candle lit. She grabbed me. That's when I met my Mistress from the Moulin Rouge.
You see the shaytards are way better than dad because dad didn't want his kids to be cool and shAytRds do want kids to be cool
You see dad only used his positive attitude against me to make me feel stupid and ****** oathe I am like those heavy metallistsa and I said I was a hooligan to tease my father and make him feel guilty about not taking us overseas that would have been fun for us but dad is not as cool as the shaytards father because he lacks cool
Dad lacks proper positive attitude
And I have always been cooler than cool
You see my mate Patrick showed me how to have a good time but he ain't my father but he seemed a better father figure than daD and u respect pat as a friend you see if I slobbed my food dad would say eat nicely abs I an geEung dD say that now, why don't you leave me alone you great big old fogie because I like cool people dad is like John Becker always fucken being angry never being cool positive
Hmu believe his words were I don! T want to be cool
Well I don!'t want to show I believe in discipline and that is why I don't have  kids, but I will be a good father
Dad **** of dad out if my life and learn about being cool because cool is the way of the world
See us ya great big old dogie work on  Betty
Sketcher Nov 2018
Narrator: I set the scene with a small child,
And a mother who is extremely wild,
When it comes to beating and cheating,
But right now the mothers mood is mild,
Mother asked daughter to go to sleep,
Because this insane child was being mean,
Dad is outside of the room with open ears,
By the end of this, I hope you're laughing with tears,
Maybe you will laugh hard if you are ****** up as I,
Now the story begins, so I'll go for now, goodbye,

Kid: No, I'm not tired, all I want is a lot of candy,
And mom, you're a liar, you said I could stay up and watch Handy Manny,
I want to play with toys, but not with her,
She's mean and annoys and ruffles the fur,
Of my teddy bear, I hate her,

Mom: But she's your sister,

Kid: I don't care,

Dad: Hey, can I barge in for a minute and just say...,

Kid: No, get the **** out or you're gonna get it,

Dad: Okay,

Mom: I said you have to go to sleep or get along with your sister and play,
I really don't want it to be one of those type of days,

Kid: What?, the days where you and dad fight,
About gays and whether or not they have rights,
And other stupid **** that shouldn't cross your mind,
But I'm just a kid in my room so whatever, it's fine,

Mom: I'm not going to allow this type of language,

Kid: But you allow dad to bang some other *****,

Mom: How the hell do you know what's going on in our lives?,

Kid: Your words hurt my sister, apparently they're like knives,
I don't care none though, I like the fighting yo,
Almost as much as the guy you ****, what's his name again, oh yeah, it's Joe,
And he gets stuck in you every night and he's tamed you,
Is that why dad sleeps in the basement,
And why did you punch dad, you gave him a face dent,
It leaked blood for hours,
Joe's a good replacement,

Mom: He's not a...,

Kid: Sure he is,
He even has kids,
They are probably better than my sister,
We could replace her too, I wouldn't miss her,
Let's **** em' both, cut em' up, and hide them in bags,
Put em' in the shed and clean the ****** mess with some rags,
I've planned this out before,
I've thought it out a thousand times,
I might be in love with gore,
And also speaking in rhymes,
I know I'm only eight but I've slobbed a ****,
And rode a rod like...,

Mom: OH MY GOD!,

Kid: Oh, is this jealousy I'm starting to see,
I'm getting more **** than you, yeah, go me,
It's easy to trick kids into the game,
They're all young so it's kind of lame,
But I say my mouths a door and your *** ***'s the key,
And if you're lucky I'll let you put the key where your mommy had you,
But hold up, are you a Jew,
Cause I can't **** them,
I'm against them,
Because I'm against people with abnormally large body parts,

Mom: Can we finish this story?,

Kid: I've barely begun to start,

Dad: I've heard everything and I'm very disappointed,

Kid: I know right, moms rude and pointless,
Let's **** her,

Narrator: So that's what they did,
They stabbed her to death,
And when Joe came home,
He met his last breath,
The daughter and father hid them in the shed,
Lived as murderers from this point till' they were dead.
Expelling the ****** up parts of me. I don't think I'm even close to reaching my full potential yet...

— The End —