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Ann M Johnson Sep 2017
We all have a story to tell.
We can stand alone or become part of a bigger picture together.
We come in different shapes and sizes.
We are all part of a kaleidoscope of various colors like individual gems.
We are each unique but we can band together and become part of a masterpiece.
Some of us maybe smoother than others.
Some of us maybe a little bit jaded.
Some of us may have more lines than others.
While some of us are shapelier than others.
We can choose to shine alone or shine together like precious gems to become a masterpiece of stained glass, if we join together and let the light shine through us.
Let your light shine.
Olufunke Kolapo Mar 2016
I'm a woman
I'm more than a man
I have his blood and bone
I'm shapelier, sexier and fairer
I'm weak and strong
I'm patient and impulsive
I'm a woman
I'm more than a man
From the taste of the fruit
Till sunrise tomorrow
I'm the face of the deceiver
The root of evil
A haughty heart
I'm the cause of the failed love
The broken home
The ***** china
I control  the mind of
The defiant child
The wayward son
The estranged husband
With a straight back
And a square shoulder
I bare them all
I mother them all
I'm a woman
I'm more than a man
Reincarnation, I await you
If you were to come
A woman I would be
Happy women's day to y'all.
Ann M Johnson Oct 2018
Stained Glass
We all have a story to tell.
We can stand alone or become part of a bigger picture together.
We come in different shapes and sizes.
We are all part of a kaleidoscope of various colors like individual gems.
We are each unique but we can band together and become part of a masterpiece.
Some of us maybe smoother than others.
Some of us maybe a little bit jaded.
Some of us may have more lines than others.
While some of us are shapelier than others.
We can choose to shine alone or shine together like precious gems to become a masterpiece of stained glass if we join together and let the light shine through us.
Let your light shine.
The above poem was Published in The October  2018 issue of The Sr. Perspective Newspaper LINDBERG  edition in the Poet's Corner Section.
Megan Lambert Jan 2017
it is like this: they tear you away from yourself, screaming and crying,
and tell you it will be alright now, dear.

they redefine you, naming each and every part,
and when they can not define your flaws,
sit down. “dear -
“dear, won’t you tell this what this is?"
and so you answer for someone long gone
you bury the dead, and you answer for her.

it is like this: they tell you that she was everything wrong with the world,
and you’re here to replace her.
they tell you you’re a fitter model,
shapelier, built to par.

they leave you, but they have not left.
remember: you could not exist without them.
you are not you, you do not own you
you are them. you are what they want you to be.

trying to take one note of a very long song and guess the genre
or each note, individually, heard alone
and over each note plays countless other nonsensical melodies
jumbled and inseparable
is what they did to you.

— The End —