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Poetic T Apr 2015
The Man Of Metal and Rock (It Just Got Rockier)

The man of rock was sullen in heart,
As that which he held dear to his heart,
Rock was fading from the hollow halls
That he had let loud music vibarte the
Walls apart.

The pub he had called home, helped
The needy, who had to have rock and
Metal in there heart, was closing the
Doors never to open, never music
To entertain the masses, as he left with
A empty heart.

But metal had to live on, so a band
He made the blazing monkeys,
Founded for those that needed
Rock & metal in their heart.

So on they went to find their weapons
Of rock and metal, a drum kit to make the ears
Bleed, to explode a lesser heart. And guitars
To cut through the air, to mend those hearts
Deprived of rock and metal, so onwards to
Rehydrate there minds of what music sounded
Like before pop and rave, that tarnished the art.
Steve Page Aug 2017
Forget any Chris Rock, Kid Rock
Or any Dwayne Rock Johnson.

There's a greater
Higher rock
That rocks all wannabe kingdoms.

This cross-border nation is a world-wide, mountain-rock-hard awesome kinda kingdom;
It towers taller than other soon-to-be-dust kingdoms and then some.
A mountain-refuge that is never over-run.
A no-messing, let's-get-things-done kinda kingdom come.

It's a rock with deeper rhythm
With purer wisdom
With a you-can-rely-on firmer foundation.
It's a rock that's a clearer reflection
Of God's always-as-He-intended creation.
Not a win some - lose some, tried it's best til it succumbed, kinda innovation;
But a tried and tested place for ALL those called by the one and only Son.
Yes, a place for ALL those called to His holy mountain nation.
Step up and place both feet on the Rock that IS God's all-conquering Son.
And stand with us, crying:
"Thy kingdom come".
Daniel Chapter 2. Psalm 144. Matthew 7:24.
xmxrgxncy May 2017
Do not detain my whimsy, do not deny my thoughts their flying rampages on the wings of dandelion fluff long past its' prime.
Do the roiling waters stop for rocks in their path?
No. They brush over them.
Yet my feelings grow rockier and rockier yet and brushing over them has proven hard....and futile.
it's been something I've believed since the day I saw the light
the light that shines on every one's face
that shines through the acne or scars
the birth marks or bars
that everyone is beautiful
regardless of what titles theyve been given
I know you've all heard it before
or maybe you haven't
either way you need to know
that you are not what you're told
whether that be garbage, or gold
you need only one title to call yourself
that's human
that's living
and with a heart aimed somewhere past your past
you have the potential to be great
but only when you realize that you're strongest in your weakness
when you see that the road less travelled
is less trampled
because people weren't stepped on
walked all over
they carried each other
held each other up
the road less traveled isn't easier
in fact, it's rockier
and you're most likely going to get hurt
you're going to gain some scars
because the road less traveled was pioneered by forgiveness
and i don't want you to think that it's easy
because it's not
i don't want you to think it's simple
because it's not
i want you to know it's right
so do the hardest thing tonight
and forgive yourself
so that you can start down the road less traveled
called beauty
Some of us still wish.
For greatness
For love
for even a sliver of stability
because lately it seems things are rockier than The Rolling Stones
its beginning to rattle your bones

Some of us still hold on to those childhood dreams
clinging to them as tightly as you used to cling to that
stuffed fluffy cow,
or that green plastic dinosaur.
hoping one day it would come to life
and wisk you away
to where dreams never died
and mothers and fathers never lied
when they promised
til death do us part

they never parted,
or died.
but something inside them did

Some of us still wish.
that one day we can go back to those days
when our biggest worry
was finding just the right stairs
being sure they didn't creak
so we could go drink beer
and play truth or dare

but most of us just wish
that we could live
and be happy
and live lovely
and love lively,
and untamed
until the day we die
unlike our parents
wearing the world like the tide
exploring the moons darkened sides

yeah, some of us still wish.
but there's a few that simply...
Penguin Poems Oct 2018
Writers block is just a giant wall
blocking an even rockier path than the one you're on
Once you find a topic,
you can't find the first word,
the first rhyme,
the first line,
the first stanza,
and I throw my hands up in anger
because I end up writing words in order random
or words to make the lines rhyme sandal

My search history is 99%
"words that rhyme with this or that"
Search results: sat, flat, cat
well that doesn't make sense within the context
but ***** making sense or metaphors or deep lore that you have to analyze,
why can't I just write out my feelings without the right rhymes?
I thought poetry was my remedy,
but it's also my demise.
I just started writing and this is where I got ye haw
Dani Apr 2013
There is a revolution,
going on in my brain.
A battle
between the thoughts and the feelings
of misinterpreted events and actions
in reality, and state of mind.
Formed by the basic movements,
and uncategorized pattern of the uneven rhythms of your heart beat.
The fluctuating flaming bullets,
of these things that are called words,
coming from a loaded shotgun,
called your brain.
Thoughts gather,
to revolt against the army,
of ample lies
that have taken control of the whole battlefield.
While the truth is overpowered by the lies marching towards them wearing a suit of armor,
but have a very sharp sword
to stab them in the back.
If this was a real battle,
there would be bloodshed
and tears
and torn apart realizations of a reality,
that isn't even there.
Perceptions coming from those who don't exist,
and from those who don't want to.
The hills they march over with the smoking guns
and ammunition, are getting higher and rockier and bumpier,
and the truth can't get past to the other side to attack the lies
But they are already too late,
there are are,
the truth is blindsided,
lies hidden inside bodies and behind friendships
until you are deceived by the actions of the moment and all of a sudden
A bullet fires out of that shotgun

The lies will eventually overpower the truth,
leaving it to bleed out on the battlefield called life,
which will soon become the final resting place.
The revolution, has been lost.
Not quite finished yet, I will repost when finished
I have learned how not
To deal with fury -
From my mother,
My father,
And so on,
And so forth.
I have learned what inside
I don't want to be.
Left untamped
I would be fire.
Left unexamined,
I would own my rage.
Instead, I turn it over -
Laugh-crying at some,
Numbing at others,
Until I've far surpassed fury
And settled in even rockier
I shake at injustices too great
And I heave my sobs
Into a furious ocean
Of everyone else's.
Better to quietly, privately drown
Than actually burn it all down
As would my mother,
My father,
And so on,
And so forth.
10/21 Inktober prompt: Furious
No edits allowed
Jagger Bowers Jun 2017
so many sounds left
unsaid, passing
ground we might
have made common, those
throwaway thoughts,
little wildflower patches
in our dirt bed brains

these days words won't
grow, roots won't take
me far away,
you find
me a wisp
on the wind off
to rockier nouns

I always meant to be a petal
attached and mushy,
gripping stem and
bearing yield instead
I am caught in air currents
and bird beaks
whistling where I go
Sam Irons Jul 2015
Pull me into you.
Let your waves crash over me –
your currents push me deeper.
Grip my by my thighs and let me wade into you.
**** my fluids with your salt tongue.
Let me float inside your cove and sleep next to the roll of your shoreline.
Let your spray permeate my beard, so I smell you everywhere,
taste you when I lick my lips
and yearn for me when you meet rockier tides.
I am land, locked and solid.
And, you are my ocean.
Kagey Sage Feb 2021
Trying to make sense
and maintain confidence in a superfluous world
where you simultaneously have too much choice
but feel like you lack control under indecision.

The derision
looked down upon from those that
were able to mete out a comfortable existence
where they went off toward goals with focus

Now they're maxing
New goals include weekend boat trips, weekday dinner dates, and vacation travel plan always ever posted on the kitchen fridge
Another in the garage just for beer and pop

Can they understand folks that have it rough?
A rockier road to get to the top if there is one at all
Fear to bring children into this world?

— The End —