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Saumya Aug 2018
If 't be true i ev'r befall to meeteth myself,
i'd sitteth graciously on silence's table,
and studyeth mine own evolved, yet un-evolv'd self,
undisturbed, unhurried, un-agitated,
by w'rld's brightest gulf
. and smileth backeth, as i seeth myself.

if 't be true i ev'r befall to meeteth myself,
i'd sitteth comf'rtably on peace's table,
and gaze mine own wounded, yet un-wound'd self,
un-agitated, un-deviated, unmoved,
by w'rld's s'rry self
. and smileth backeth, as i seeth myself.

if 't be true i ev'r befall to meeteth myself,
i'd sitteth calmly on agony's table,
and obs'rve mine own painful, yet not painful self,
unmoved, undaunted, unleashed,
by w'rld's weirdest self,
. and smileth backeth, as i seeth myself.

if 't be true i ev'r befall to meeteth myself,
i'd sitteth fain on glee's table,
with mine own eyes smiling, and smiling at myself,
unaffected, unguarded, unremitted,
by w'rld's unrequit'd self
. and grineth backeth, at myself.

if 't be true i ev'r befall to meeteth myself,
twill forsooth beest a did bless, contending  miracle,
as yond's at which hour i couldst pateth & greeteth myself,
in real, in real, in real!
and maketh this fact p'rceivable,
yond our w'rld may sure oft hest struggles,
and our m're existence in t,
may just beest negligible,
but we nev'r gotta f'rget
to stayeth hopeful, smileth and giggle,
nay matt'r how hard the struggles,
as yond's the most wondrous fuel,
yond can oft causeth miracles,
in a w'rld,
so obsess'd with struggles!

And then with a sigheth,
a blooming grineth,
yet a sparkling desire within,
i'll did bid myself,
a farewell
Nina McNally Feb 2011
Moments of truth when
Everything starts to fall apart.

As I lay here,
Gazing up at the stars;
As I get ready to drift off to sleep;
I* wonder about life and love, in the darkest hour of the
Night. *Are we ever gonna have peace, in this world?

So as I lay here wondering, in
Time, we will have peace in the world, again, someday.

The time to sleep
Has come and gone; in
Each hour...

Week...and month, I stay up later and later.
Oh nostalgia, what are you doing to me?
Running from this
Lonely world--- Please
Don't give up on me.
Seasons of Change. <3

copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
most of my writes are words from my mind to the page.
I just write.
title from a Simple Plan song, and idea from Jon London.
Zack Gilbert Mar 2017
A normal person from the west would see a town square here,
They’d see light from the sky,
Bricks in the walls,
Nothing to hide from
or expect from the outside,
They don't look on the hearts,
Oh the tragedy. Oh the tragedy

The faces of people they didn't want.
A model for what not to be,
They had no way to choose who they were.
They couldn't choose to be anyone else.
Oh the tragedy.
                 A wall covered in faces with names,
names with stories,
stories with feelings and hopes and dream,
So many stories that will never be said a billion years ahead,
I feel so small.
When windows have no reflection,
the intention was intending for us to not see ourselves in the picture.
I’m as cracked as the next man,
On a train to what only the darkest of dark men could find in the deep nooks of their black hearts.
Hearts like ours only hope to hide our eyes from the horrors
See the scars of total depravity
as we all fell of the rails from the start,
Who are we?
Oh! the tragedy

"I marked the place of mass graves. Blood sprayed on my skin and my eyes looked into the eyes of all these dead men, women and children.
I saw them slaughtered like lambs. Watched hundreds of them be shot and murdered.
I now find my rest looking into the eyes of new faces,
those with tears and steely eyes, trying to hide their emotions."
Oh the tragedies I saw.
Oh the scars they carry."

(Boy with the sign)
Speaking doesn't take your lungs to send a message,
When dead men will say the atrocity was not the Jew;
but the people looking back at us.
--I wonder how old he was when he decided to
become enemies with his neighbor.
Oh the tragedy

They say building bridges
connects and unites,
I see here it’s used to do the opposite.
Bro-ken a p ar t like the way we came into this w o rld,
The separation from men
-and men
is perceived as the separation of men
and monsters,
Thieves and
Deceived and
Bridges made to break what’s already broken.
Oh the tragedy.
I killed a man in the hopes they would tell no tales
I raised my gun at his filthy heart in the
hopes to give him what he deserved
I am his executioner,
His god,
His judge”
I don't look him in the eyes cause he doesn’t deserve that
oh what a beautiful future it shall be
Men will look on me in the future and say…

Oh the tragedy.

"They did what was right in their own eyes."
How weak we are when we think we are strong.
All that falls apart had a place to start.
Sorry its been awhile guys. Writers block got to me bad. This one is reflecting on pictures I took on a field trip to the Holocaust museum.

Mey Dec 2016
For once I thought that I won't make the same mistake again
It seems that the world revolves just like the past I've burned
The friendship I've carefully handled and preserved
I even invested time and concern

I thought we were true friends
Separated when we were trying to surpass our own dreams
It seems that you're like the others
Leaving when you've find someone you've once dreamed

How could you turn your back from me?
Friendship should have no boundaries
Aren't we even allowed to laugh?
Or just talk all night about nonsense things

I asked you
When should I only be allowed to message you?
And then you just told me
The most bull**** response I've ever heard  of
I'm totally fine
Oh How I loveth thee
A quite quaint angel in my own eyes.
With dark and white broken wings.
Und'r ****** falls.

I shall waiteth, and comf'rt thee.
Liekth thee loveth thy beareth.
Until the endeth of p'riod.
A hoarse voice with angelic tone.
Haer like the colours of my chameleon.

The tend tender lips of loveth.
A smileth and mind of ambivalence.
I shall loveth with nay judgment.
A halo as bright as the mistress
Possesseth in humans death's-head.

The lukewarm blue chopt lips.
The sleep chamber the lady did lie upon.
H'r ilness, but I accepteth death.
I can kisseth with green valor breath.
The strength of a giant.
The nimbleness of a lilliputian fairy.
Thee can doth aught.

Yon can crustheth and slipeth.
Through the cracks of timeth.
Thee can beest fell'r joyous.
Liketh the visage of a monst'r
I loveth thee f'r who is't thou art.

Thee can beest the wild animal with scars.
mine own canine ears ope to hark.
Thee can has't warts liketh a toad.
A belly as big as the univ'rse.
I shalt beest a fath'r.
thee can has't barb'd wire on thy corse.
My chivalrous armour does not mind thy pain.

Thee believeth chivalry is gone.
Somewh're on the planet, 'r in the heavens above.
Sickl'd by the grim reap'rs ploy.
The apparition 'r man you love.
I'm the pap'r thee loveth at which hour thy depress'd
The smileth thee misseth.
I am thy sir'r knave at heart.
I'm the knight thee wanteth me to best.
The lasteth sir standing at the edge of the w'rld with thee.
Thy the only ***** I protecteth, and loveth f'rev'r.
I give you can seeth how I loveth thee.

This poem was written by Shane Michael Cleary at 12:42 2017 on June 30th.
Noah Stowe Dec 2015
/upon a\
\star again, hoping that one day/
\My wish will come true./
/Happiness,      that's all
/ I want.  Is that too much\
/To ask/                     \of the\
/wo-/                                \rld\
I-sun Marami Oct 2020
There is "you" in every poems.
Actually you've been mentioned
Even by stranger poets;
So you're the most repeated word in the w🌏rld.
And also the most unique one.
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
thousands of miles hence
human beings just liketh thee and me
art being bomb'd to death
news of mourning families
art being telecast
by hourly news and albeit
w'rld agnizes syria's
up-to-date condition
v'ry few has't seen the pictures of
blood and drops of sorrow and deep t'rr'r
ign'rance at its most wondrous
the west at its most wondrous
can’t we best committ'd
rath'r than reactive
wherefore doest t taketh so much timeth
people to realizeth
yond massacre is occurring
and liveth art being t'rn apart
as we sitteth tranquilly at our dinn'r tables
abundant with pea soup
and roast'd chicken
and want of caring
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2020
sour or rather sore...

             something consecrated
"in between":

the loot or gathered "in between"
"question" of lot...

the little and the big:
      oh and O...

                   quizzes and scout-hanging...
libido drives of mosquitos...
the harem of beelzebub...
mosquitos do not congregate...

to think...
      is not... but is...
   the breath...
the concentration of the hinterland
of the congested loop:
lopsided oop...
   a word that's both
a meaning and a sound...
it's a sound and a meaning...
yet to be:
from above:
             ­      -ness...
    here we are... arriving at...
        "sort of": -ść:


one of those:

one could ever arrive at...
in want...
of some...
this be...
the desired... troop...
languid... fission...
100th party loot:
3rd person ref. "pardon"...
in...       "in question"...

i were the heart...
the burdening gravity...
the rhythm...
the wind...
the morose of faroe...
        if i were the chance
to cradle a tear...

  nothing.... thread...

          punctuation "from above"...

blind 'ebrew!

           let me see your vowels!

i will have these JEWS for SOAP!
i will slurp their most living
most and then have them...

                whirlwind tel aviv!

the nikud in braille!


th­e pope's ******* kippah!
the cardinals'...
the tonsure!
            the lost the new "jew"...
my lost catherine loot
of 'eb!

               3 weeks sober and...
you can tell... tell...
the difference...
between... smoking...
a camel cigarette...
and smoking...
a marlboro cigarette...

having read flaubert and...
drinking to drown...
bovary brothel kitty tickle...
best be german with a romance
of austria... best prior to *****
bohemia and that: czech affair
of the coffin loot and loop:
**** practice...

              i somehow forget...

       ha ha...

        pencil sharpening affairs?
i too... am bound...
not being... continuum replica...
aren't the poor the sole...
to inherit... replica...
what's my replica?

i am... in want...
less a kind...
i vant... a dog... a leash...
a ******* magic disney...
land... and rottweiler...
ich wollen unheimlich börke!


    jetzt! hier!

burn puritan scout a scoop
"off" that hyrbid in "nostalgia"...
i have this thinning of "valkyrie"...
burn... *******...
loss... the loot of...
all grief and... grieving: loot!

— The End —