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He makes me laugh, and
Even though he isn't loud
I know what he means.
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
Harvey Wallbangers In Times Square was
her teaser, a Mai-Tai bang in Taipan, once
or twice her kisses so, sweet he trembled;
as she let him taste her Irish Coffee making
his Rob Roy so, **** hot and bobbing.

It sprang forth with a twang for her Firewater;
engorging the Latted Espresso between her thighs
as Egg Cream threathened to explode,
dipping into her lustful Brandy Alexander;
spillage between her Champagne Cocktail,
cheek to cheek.

She asked me if I wanted a sip of her Coffee Royale;
I said I wouldn't mind being coated in her behind's
libation, drowning ourselves in lust of a throbbing
nightcap; while I slap each cheek in rhythm in a state
of osmosis.

Drinking from her Schnapps; my mind sailed the
sevens seas of her lubricious ocean; riding her Schooner
as waves pushed me within her lagoon with each motion,
slinging Deep Shots; full of emotion, moaning baby! your
Snifter is so, **** wet; swilling your Dom Perignon
and me, just before morn, intoxicated in your elixir
of life; smiling a lopsided smile still tasting your
luscious liquor.

So, we staggered back to bed; laid bulbed
head in inviting peninsula on the shore of
Demon *** Isle and some more I smiled,
absorbing in slurps her coveted Olive Martini,
lapping like a newborn kitten smitten with her
Mint Julep's robust lips; while Lime Rickey
dipped his straw in ebbing shores; sipping
as we eagerly explored, clawing my back.

I in gentlemanly fashion opened all her doors,
as she infiltrated me in every light; mouth
covered in Hot Buttered ***, tasting from
Highballs to every Gimlet of body with skilled
tongue of a bartending artist.

Tasting salt rimmed glasses with hungry tongue
lashes in places so, naughty I flicked out Mickey
Finn; nibbled her in bites of delight front to end,
such a naughty appetite we fed; breathing in heat
like Green Dragon's brew, going down south of
Manhattan's lower eastside; drinking up her **** hide.

She said baby! it's time to ride; Igniting each of her
rooms with Bullshot Cocktails in flaming explosions;
I couldn't get enough being drenched within libations
of her ***** ocean.

Drowning in waves of ardent spirits like a bolt of lightning
poured through us from head to toe we flowed in slow mo';
sweet bon apetits of ecstasy complete, swallowed nice and
neat; spent, bathed in Brandy Smash of a contented bash,
inebriated in slumbered splashes.

wasted in her folded sashes...
jeffrey conyers Sep 2019
When you see folks lost and confused on players taking a knee about police injustice?
You realize the power and strength of the power of Branch Rickey?

Through his determination of bringing Jackie Robinson to Major League baseball.
He knew of those protesters trying to derail it all.
And many were the owners too.

Present time owners are like a slave?
Told to follow by threats of a racist president.
Jerry Jones, Cowboys owner probably the biggest joke around.
One year, he stood linked with his players down on one knee.

Then the Clown in Chief speaks and he changes his mind.
Now he threatens his slaves to play and play without conflicts.
Dictated orders by his president.

Branch Rickey, told those that rose up to protest of his players.
They accept or move on because he was following his goal to achieve what others were afraid of doing?

A man with a vision and a mission and not afraid of negative attention.
And what happened?

He accomplished it.
And racism at that time like now is still an injustice.
When whites creating most killing walks away from police living.

While blacks killed.
So you see the injustice?
Cedric McClester Sep 2015
By: Cedric McClester

By no means is my diatribe polemic
The truth of the matter it was systemic
The CIA created the crack epidemic
Which over time became pandemic
They needed a scapegoat to pay the cost
So they blamed it all on Freeway Rickey Ross
While acting as if he was the boss
In hopes the evidence somehow would get lost

Then a reporter for the San Jose Mercury News  
Came along and gave them the blues
By exposing their involvement they stood accused
Of funding the Contras and substance abuse
Meanwhile Nancy Reagan was just saying no
Her husband Ronald was using the dough
To fund the Contras like I told you so
So don’t pretend as if you didn’t know

Ronald Reagan remains the patron saint
For Conservatives  everywhere even though he ain’t
What they make him out to be despite the taint
Of his secret dealings done without restraint
His secret deals with Iran and the Contra’s too
Was something that very few people knew
See there was no limit to what he would do
To insure that the Communists got the *****

The crack epidemic was allowed to grow
Because of the supply a never-ending flow
From Bogata to other places we know
Fueled by ambition and the money yo
So they shouldn’t pretend to be squeaky clean
While blaming the victims ya know what I mean
When they’re nothing short of being obscene
Though we tend to blame the average crack fiend

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2015.  All rights reserved.
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
Keeping your secrets
Can be pretty tricky

Hiding those hickey's
And those quickies

With  guys named Rickey
and Dicky

With woman  named Niki


So easy!!
So ******!!

On the other hand how dreamy

And very steamy
Kind of fun being sneaky

Not so creepy
Love it deeply

Nothing wrong with briefly
getting freaky

Just do it discreetly
Then it want be so

Qualyxian Quest Apr 2021
Rickey Henderson on third base
Takes a little lead

I have feared death for so long
In the end do you think I'll bleed?

Rickey takes a few small steps
In this world I ramble and roam

Slow throw back to the mound
Rickey stealing home:

Cailey Duluoz Sep 2010
You stand there, on the other side of the room
your shadowy soul taking refuge in
your perfectly Sculpted body

Surely Angels sang
uttering music as sweet
as the simple syrup in my Lime Rickey
while they formed your body's Symmetry
from moist, dense mass of Clay

And your steel-gray Eyes!
how they Penetrate my soul to its very Core!

as you approach me I notice the grace in your gait,
the nonchalant placing of one worn Boot before another.
It gives me endless pleasure to be the fortunate witness of such Beauty of form, and I whisper a Prayer of thanks

when you Stop directly to my right
extend your Hand,
with its beautiful palm
of worn Leather like that you wear on your feet
and in it i place mine:

You guide me to the dance floor;
i am blushing, unsure of what is to follow.

We dance close
you lean in Closer
here you are with your sweet Lips on mine,
your delicious tongue meets my nervous one
and I can feel the rhythm of your Heart in your chest,
beating Morse code
singing joyfully to its Creator

My thoughts: surely this is the body Michaelangelo sought for his David,
undeniably this is the very essence of masculinity
here in the body of my mysterious, shadowy companion
i find nothing but Bliss.
- From The Beginning
You, you and you. All mine, but not mine. Similar in so many ways and oh how unique are you each three.

My first makes me laugh until i split my sides. He is a beautiful wealth of fun. When I hear him laugh I laugh. He brings me joy that is sweet. He has a flow of song that is quite strong. He is so brilliant and can be moody as heck. However, Rickey I will never forget.

She is the apple of my eye. Her voice is like a sermonette. It floats all around my head and into my ears. When I hear her sing I think an angel just got his wings. Because her voice is like a bell. It rings and everyone pays attention. She is my beautiful, determined and oh so stubborn daughter. Ashley the worlds songstress.

My last baby, a boy. Still a baby to me for it weren't that long ago he was three.  Yes, he is different but that is alright. He knows what he wants and his tongue he won't bite. His mind is sharp and he has a quick retort. Don't cross him or you may have to give report. He's my little cuddle monster, Christian is he.
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
I've feared death for so long
I hope that mine will matter

Rickey Henderson on 3rd base
Hey batter, batter

Slow throw back to the mound
In this world I ramble and roam

Rickey on the Oakland A's
Rickey stealing home!
jeffrey conyers Jun 2018
The legacy of Branch Rickey stands in his strength to wield his power for change.
Even when others cry foul and complain about not trying to change.
And the subject always seems the to be surrounded by the strength of a powerful black man.

We by now know many never wanted Jackie Robinson within the league of baseball.
We know most of the players and of course the owner.
Seem we see this now when you challenge the "rule" for standing on your rights.

Presently, we see the weakness of owners of the same racial makeup.
Trying to dictates rules and regulation after black males fight for justice against police brutality.
Which the NFL protest was mainly about.

Not the anthem, and not the flag.
Not once have they stated they were unpatriotic.
That was this one guy behind the microphone talking to a majority of his own.

We have seen when others rock the status quo.
The power that becomes weak.
We saw it with Muhammad Ali and the raising of the fist during the OLYMPICS of the sixties.

Just notice the shaking of the power that is when elected leaders cry foul.
But avoid racial injustice.

Then we aware they never could survive segregation if it was turned around.
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2021
Poetry is ancient
Long before written words

Rickey Henderson
Stealing second, Stealing third

America often ugly
My honeymoon in Rome

Stockholm in the summer
Rickey stealing home

     Om mane padme Om.
Qualyxian Quest May 2020
Me with Vertigo
David Markson's Dizzy Dean

I'm a left-handed pitcher
Try to help my left wing team

Which needs real philosophy
And ancient religion too

To guide this technological age
Towards a future view

Embracing trillions of planets
The Open, the Truly New

To go boldly, To go boldly
Rickey Henderson now steals two

Bats right, throws left
Rickey, that's me and you!
poetryaccident Feb 2018
There was a time when I was young
years before the present time
when my interests deviated
from the life I now pursue

these fashion choices hold no shame
nor do my interests in culture’s realm
all are foundation to who I am
with these years as origin

Menudo was my favorite band
posters covering bedroom walls
Rickey Martin went to fame
on the love of favorite fan

Hello Kitty defined my clothes
jeans and polo found to match
sublime in pink with flowers pinned
or the bow put to my hair

Risky Business was my job
with revelation of bare skin
from the top to the bottom
stripping fame by fruit string things

last I’ll remark about my passion
for rocker eyes and pink hair
neon polish on fingernails
Cyndi Lauper was my twin

all of these contradict
the buttoned down chap you see
in the now I’m quite plain
looking back to time of youth

don’t show surprise at what I’ve shared
everyone comes from the past
with the loves they may not show
though in their heart they still exist.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20180218.
A friend bemoaned the fashion choices, culture interests, and attitudes they embraced in their “youth”.     Little do they know of the secrets in my past!  “Chap You See” reviews the skeletons in my closet.
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2023
Early 1980s
Sacramento Bee
Holm Oak Way
My friends and I and me

Football, ping pong, swimming
Hoopin' relentlessly
Jerrod, Ernest, Kenny
Arcade I can see

Old Town Sacramento
Mustard Seed Cafe
Baseball card collecting
Rickey Henderson A

Coach Brian Katz
Teaching me the Cay
I left without my hats
The Long Run I do play

         my my xie xie
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
Ain't they crying and complaining.
Colin Kaepernick hadn't sacrifice anything.

Well, why cry?
He standing on the principle of the injustice of the criminal system.
If you wanna get away with ******?
Be a police officer.

Use that great defense method taught to say.
Well, there are two very well known.

One, I felt threatened for my life.
Two, it was a judgment called.

When in many cases with white officers it's "black fear" to be exact.

Sure black communities don't trust the police in general.
While the white communities schemes to be their best associates.

The best trick to con law officers like them is to be friends with them.
Enraged, we are seeing when a man stands up to authority.

If you a black man you must be silent.
If this guy was white many be supporting his view.

Realize in history no one report the driver that tried to make Rosa Park move back further on his bus.

He white and can't stand up to the heat.

Racism stay around mainly because one race has not the guts to stand up to their own racial group unless the minorities leading the way.

And we aware anything boiling eventually explodes.

So don't get so enraged cause one black man is standing up to injustice.

He is aware that the "white owners" block is keeping him from playing the game.
The days of Branch Rickey been gone.

When an owner told the others they in charge of running their team.
Either you with it.
Or you not.
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2022
oh, no chance... i've never been a fan of smoky whiskey, akin to Bell's or Laphroaig (laugh-ray'g) - then again... i'm a sort of middle-man when it comes to Marmite... i don't love it... but i don't hate it... i'm indifferent to it... i eat it... like any omnivore would... i am an omnivore... what do Russians eat when drinking a beer? it's not peanuts... i ought to know... i was drinking beers with a few Russians in St. Petersburg in 2007... they love to eat: dried fish... when drinking beer... so what did i do? i ate dried fish... while drinking Russian beer... hell... if i travelled to Mongolia and was asked to eat a camel's ****... i'd probably eat a camel's ****... just to keep up with the plot... the narrative... deep fried camel **** rings... i can sort of imagine that... edible? like my motto: i'll **** anything that moves... i'll eat anything that doesn't wriggle... but i still find it fascinating... it's not my favorite brew... the Famous Grouse... why? it's this aftertaste of chocolate... i mean... how can you drink whiskey that leaves you with an aftertaste of chocolate?! no wonder the F. Grouse is made by a Royal Appointment... like Marmite and Corn Flakes... and Houses of Parliament Sauce...

i'm serious...
i really feel like
moving to Kenya
and becoming
a face for advertising:
because i feel
like white people
are under-represented
in Africa...
  something: must be: done!
humph! hummy hummy...
hum hum...
  i'll be ****** if a white
person is not advertising
either pork or soap
on the continent of Af-Af...
about to sneeze... AF-AF...AF...
          wait a tick...
what if it was?
   affirmation Rickey?
   i speak English, i write English...
yet... i'm like a Russian...
i have no colonial past...
      i certainly do not have
a post-colonial masochism syndrome...
i'm sort of: ooh-e-newbie flimsy
"Arab Spring Fashionista"...
joke...  no... huge fan of Hugo Boss Schwarz...
und... Grei... massive fan...
wish i owned a pair...
                 if not own... i'd love to iron
an example...
               why? the world is deserving such
ridicule... it needs more ridicule...
less comedy... more... blatant...
more slap in your face more kicking
of the ******* more female genital mutilation
sort of ridicule...
         yes... more belief in hell...
more belief in heaven...
               this world and all its plastic...
its Pinocchio elasticity...
                                 i'm treating this world
as a joke...
        sure... and the mediocre will inherit
this earth...
        as they always do...
by argument of number...
                                          still dyslexic by 2029;
as the Sunni Muslims:
ripe, 2030... cousin *******: still!
                            Downs' Alliance: inshallah.  

p.s. i think i'll bemoan two "thing" in this life...
a translation of Jamez Joyce's Finnegan's Wake
in ******... huh?
and the inability to translate Julian Tuwin
into English....
Tom Atkins Apr 2020
Small Adventures

The bridge is rickey, a floating bridge
over a woodland pond. Rarely traveled,
it floods in the spring,
making the passage if not dangerous,
at least a little messy, a place avoided by most.

There is no obvious view, no reason
to cross the bridge in the wet season.
Nothing draws you except curiosity.

For you, that is enough,
rarely content to wonder,
you have a desire to see,
no matter how messy,
where the journey takes you.

This tendency has not always served you well.
At times, there is nothing worth the journey
on the other side
and you are left wet and worn with nothing to show
but the adventure and stories to tell your children,
reminding them you too still have
some of the wildness of youth buried in your old bones.

You are a collector of mistakes,
some of them unavoidable, some of them not your own,
some of them spectacular.
Most barely noticed. Part of the journey,
to collect them like brim on a line,
then let them go at the end of the day.

You cross the shakey bridge. Your feet grow wet.
On the other side is a clearing of rocks and boulders.
You clamber up in the April sun
and take off your shoes and socks
and lie on the sun while they dry.
You will take a new path home, a dry one,
a safe, if somewhat longer one.

But this small adventure has been a success.
For all its mess, there is healing in the sun
that bakes you and the rocks you lie on,
and if the wet path was a mistake,
it is one you would gladly make again.
We all make mistakes. That’s part of what makes us interesting. And at times, they lead to surprisingly wonderful things. Trust me on this one.

If you don’t know what Brim are, they are small fish found mostly in ponds. Takes a couple of them to make a meal. I used to fish for them with my Grandfather in Surry County, Va.
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2022
I'd like to live in libraries
Maybe she studies my story
Maybe she smiles twice
Maybe a little glory

I think my green eyes matter
Hey batter batter
Pescatarian platter
Hakeem the Dream and Robert Horry

Europe was quite wonderful
Stockholm, Helsinki, Paris
Commander Jason McTaggart
Overcoming Sarris

I'm awake at 5:03
Dublin meant to be
Taco truck? Si. Si!
Rickey Henderson and Roger Maris
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2022
He says those aren't poems
They are diary entries
But is there really a difference?
7 11 for gas
Amazon gift cards come

Papa was a Rolling Stone
Sympathy for the Devil
I stand by the fire
He's in a gilly suit
We discuss laws about American guns

So much gray today
No beautiful buildings in sight
America is not Italy
Or Kyoto
Yo ** ** and a bottle of ***

Basketball at the high school
My youngest is left handed
I throw left bat right
Like Rickey Henderson
Done? Done.

            David Markson!
A Poem for Grammy's Lawn

I like to run my lawnmower
I like to mow my lawn
I want to mow it every day
But now the grass is gone

So now all I can mow is dirt
Which raises clouds of dust
You may think I mow too much
But I don't mow enough

Now that all my grass is gone
Some moss grows on the side
I'd mow that too, but it's too low
So I just let it lie

One day I fell and lost my wig
And Rickey picked it up
He said "Hey, Grammy, Here's your Hair."
I though I'd bust a gut

Now here's the reason that I mow
You'll say "For goodness sake!"
With grass so short you see the dirt
It can't hide any snakes!

Richard Thietje 2010
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2022
I saw some things in Thailand
Taxis, temples, Tai Chi
Hopeful for the future
Thailand sees my three

Heard some things in Dublin
Rebels, readers, French
Rode the bus through town
Beckett was a mensch

Knew some things in Charlotte
Eliade, Maggie's Farm
Uptown Charlotte night
Midnight Special warm

Threw some things at Chicago
Threw a Rolling Stone
Grew some things on the South Side
All roads lead to Rome

      Rickey Henderson: safe at home.
Qualyxian Quest Apr 2023
No one important
Just as well
Couldn't handle fame

Lina and Doon
He has become a Name

Quiet nights
Boring days
A little basketball

Rickey Henderson
Willie Mays
40 storeys tall

Qualyxian Quest Jul 2021
Am I creating worlds then leaving?
No, planting mustard seeds.
Or maybe stealing bases
Watch me get my lead

Rickey Henderson
Seattle's Ichiro
Bert "be home" Blyleven
I'm a Pirate: gotta go

             Yo ** **!
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2023
It's in play. I can feel it.
But I don't know how this ends
Gracias y xie xie
Pero politics portends

Rainy Night in Georgia
I ride the Tucson Train
Jokic on the break in Denver
Santiago, Spain

Ambivalent about America
Mason over Manhattan
Rickey Henderson steals home
Gandhi. Lord Mountbatten.

Sweet Loretta Modern
Senior Garcia Lorca
Whale watching near Seattle
Dolphins, Seals, Orca

                 Wait for it.
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2021
Not very successful
Maybe not successful at all

Warsaw saw War
We four in Wetheral

I was an English teacher
My work with English words

Albert Camus from France
The Truth of the Absurd

Donald Trump's an *******
The Trumpfucks are the turds

Rickey Henderson
Men on first and third

    Istanbul: still allured.

— The End —