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onlylovepoetry Jul 2016

Hebrew calendar says Summer Sabbath,
the day of rest has, as scheduled...arrived

wryly, ironically, bitterly,
poet rhymingly thinking nowadays...survived

more apropos,
#even survived alive,
for therein is a concomitant, under-the-surface implication,
of the uncertainty of forecast  future,
for no matter how theoretically normalized and organized,
even a trip to a shopping mall...deadly

survive - a far, far bitter...but better fit

not sure of the why-well of my being here,
poem composing scheduled, always on this day of pause,
this week-ending demarcator of the who I am

I am among the many of little understanding,
who having garnered no solace nor rest,
that a seventh day supposedly, is purposed to beget,
for the world is in a ****** awful mess

with neither the rhyme or the reason,
the single breath I expirate, as proof of life,
is this season's perfect, sufficing hallmark,
symbolic of the reign of unceasing confusion that has left our minds
damaged and contused,
secretly selfishly thinking to oneself,
#my life matters

this Sabbath, I speak German,
the language of my father and his father's,
all my ancestors, even unto the years of the Age of Enlightenment,
today, spoken in the ironic dialect of Munich

Am Morgen borning glorreiche
the morning borning glorious

poet seeks an answer, mission to permission,
to rightly explain
how he visions in unsightly confusion
how he divines loving in Munich's tribulations

sitting in the poet's nook, upon the ancient Adirondack chair,
nature listens to the poet discordant chords
of musical tears upon musical chairs,
wet-staining flesh

all around, the other noise makers gone quiet as well
for they are pityingly, eavesdrop listening for what happens next

The Chair speaks:

"this day,
I am happily,
made of wood,
my living cells
long dispatched,
so that I can no longer
weep in time
with my poet-occupant's
struggling lines,
verses upon the decomposing
of the worst of times,
though in compathy,
my silence, by and to him,
is gratefully unnoticed"

the poet  has no visitors this fine day,
none human or divine anyway,
but not alone

for a gaggle of old ones have early come,
from Rebecca's and his mother's Canada dispatched,
my regular geese guests southbound have returned for their
summer stopover,
but so early,
for the calendar must be telling lies,
it says these are the days of July,
so named  for all  to recall
another murdering assignation~assassination,
that of a fallen Caesar,

my summertime flying audience comes yearly to share the bounty
of this, my sheltering isle,
good guests who in payment for their use of our facilities,
honk Facebook  "likes" in appreciation
for every writ completed in the nookery

this year of fear, the geese are newly self-tasked,
seeking solace to share and understand the world weariness,
so strongly encountered in the roughened atmospheric conditions
newly facing all of us

everybody's needy for respite from the next

where next?

a plump audience of eleven
on this grayed sunny day,
greet me, honking, feverishly, excitable honking, but!

auf Deutsch,
in German

full of questions about predatory man
which I fluently comprehend but of answers,
have none completed, none sealed as of yet,  
any writ by my hand to give away or
even keep

so when the temperature cooingly cools,
on their way further south, them,  it sends,
they will not be burdened with the empty baggage
of inexcusably and poorly manmade
naturalized, pasteurized, synthesized,
crap excuses

the poet's own reflection in the fast moving bay waters,
is not reflected,
these, no calm pond waters, but his own internal reflections,
beg him, explain this poem's entitlement,
this designation of confusion and its inflection,

confusion as something lovely?

no good answers do the witnessing waters or the winds sidebar provision,
the geese, the chair, all unfair,
only have similar quarreling questions for him to dare

foremost and direst first,
where is there loveliness in confusion the poems sees?

poet stands on the dock, as if in the dock,
noticed, the waters pause, the winds into silence, swept,
the gulls grounded, the geese aligned in rapt attention,
all to the poet, as jury, they steadfastly attend
to his creation, this poem's titled curse,
an answer even barely adequate, some solution?

In Munich,  ****** born and welcomed,
Dachau, the very first death camp,
sited a mere ten miles away

one could conceivably could demand that

this poet, this Jew, this could-be-Shylock,

having seen a pound of flesh extracted,
might accept this balancing as a compensation
of history's scales weighted by the concentrated demise
of millions of his very own flesh and faith

but he does not...

a nation takes in a million strangers and refugees,
not without peril costly,
visible now, these side servings of risk,
that noble gestures so oft bring

what he feels, why he cries is for the

loveliness of forgiveness,

he unashamedly honest borrows the words he confesses,

any innocent man's death diminishes him

now the winds kicks up, the waters refrosted frothy,
the gulls go airborne, the geese fly away,
searching for another poet to respirate, infatuate and inspire,
clearly, neither satisfied or enchanted with the one
presently available

only the aged Adirondack fair, his aged long time companion chair,
remains moved - but unmoving,
in the domaine of their unity, in the vineyard of
their conjoined, place of quiet contemplation

a woman observes tear stains upon his cheeks,
noticing them upon the chair's open arms now all-fallen,
tho a surface wood hardened,
the tears are softly welcomed and storingly embraced,

the three,
the woman, the chair, the poet-me,
all as one, tearfully, no longer cry in vain,
having  found a white coal seam amidst the black bunting
that decorates their glum apprehension of tomorrow's tidings


July 23, 2016
Shelter Island
Jaymisun Kearney Nov 2013
Stirring listless in bed under a patchwork of broken shade through moonlit blinds
It's 2 a.m.
My face has turned just as blue as the lunar white light as filtered by the night sky
Under the cold
I want you to know that even in growing old the trauma is ceaseless but I can't speak
My lungs imbued
Once with the strength of trees, pull in till my voice cuts, mute, and continue to squeeze
I see your face
Stir so listlessly close to mine, as if you were synchronized, and even closer with open eyes
We respirate

With the breath
From your kiss
Which you so lovingly demonstrate
Let us sleep, let us rust
Imbue me
With the hurt
That you so shamelessly share with me

2 a.m.
Under cold
I feel your eyelashes slashing me
Let us crash, let us warm
The trauma
Is Ceaseless
The message is lost, I cannot speak
Both lungs squeeze
I forgot that I wrote and then I lost this piece until I found it just now.
My memory, me oh my.
Let's call it a B-Side.

~ JaymiAK <3
Darcy Lynn Aug 2018
Yellow lit talks
Beside a borrowed car
Empty parking lot
Underneath the stars

Three feet apart
We mindlessly converse
About nothing and everything
Prolix and terse

You render me breathless
My ghost lungs deflate
You exhale the stars
And I respirate

I am so tense
With minutes too swift
Too late; you’re gone
My hands must have slipped
Cookieman Jan 2015
An easy pattern almost seeming consecutive
You see it again and again as the original was relative
To what had occurred before the first choice was made
As looking back seems to have become a downgrade

So you pick up speed hoping not to get left behind
Seconds that should take hours as your time travel unwinds
Running and gasping for air as you began struggling to respirate
Unaware of the true speed you were going, moving at a high rate

Now wanting to stop, seeing your path's end up ahead
Sweating with regret from the path you chose to be lead
Begging for help, now that you are in desperate need
Now knowing that you can't grow a plant first before you sow your seed
Take life one step at a time. No need to rush.
lonely lolita Jan 2015
you walk upon flowers and wonder why you destroy everything as you respirate. you cannot destroy matter. with every blink of yours your eyelashes cause gusts wind that spread pollen and creates trees. with every breath you take you fill with all of the troubled vitality and convert it into love, you exhale the love engulfing anyone in your God given path, for it's that small boost of confidence they get every now again and they feel so great about themselves. you are not destroying flowers when you step upon them you are fertilizing them, that's why you leave bouquets in your wake. when you cry it causes a storm in the earth's atmosphere, you are not killing the sun baby girl, you are merely rejuvenating the terrane's  verdure. when you speak your frequencies are depicted upon sheet music and people will try to learn you.  And you can defy gravity don't let anyone try to tell you that you can't because you are the fruit of the world and you are **** beautiful.
Pluto Nov 2013
I breathe
but I can not respirate.
My heart beats
but I can no longer feel it.
I see
but I can not experience.

I am alive,
*but how can I live when I am already dead?
My love
Skips to the beat of your heart,
My pulse
Surges to the palpitation of your eyes,
My eyelids
Flutter to the cadence of your hips,
My legs
Walk to the rhythm of your breathing,
My lungs
Respirate to the tempo of your steps,
My fingers
Tap to the metronome of your laughter,
My smile
Widens at the measure of your stride,
My feet
Pace to the song of your words,
My lips
Quiver to the cascade of your hair,
My mind
Churns to the flow of your spirit,
My soul
Ebbs at the ripple of your existence…
© okpoet
gmb Jun 2018
     i understand what you say without words,
     i feel your energy,
     i feel it flowing, animate, extending his
     tendrils and writhing like roadkill.
     you stand beside me. retching.
     re-opening wounds in spite of the hands
     that feed you because you just
     don’t have enough teeth to bite with yet and
     you comment on how this is kind of gross,
     isn’t it? the way it oozes like that?
     pulsing in my eardrums, i say no, this is
     because i can hear what you’re saying
     like a deaf barn dog hears dinner bells

     i feel dust caking, dry as soon as it hits the
     sweat on my eyebrow. i try to imagine my
     flesh growing under the weight of it,
     melding together, increasing in mass.
     ive felt heavier lately anyway,
     i keep scratching my legs ‘cause theres
     something in those veins in there, im telling
     you, it breathes at night when it thinks
     im asleep

     i keep remembering things i shouldn’t,
     i remember all the daycares ive filtered
     through. i remember (her), and her gameboy
     color and physiological tremor, speaking
     to me through the fruit snacks she fed me.
     i tried telling her how this felt.
     i tried telling her how inhuman i was, how
     something just didn’t feel right, is this
     normal? is this part of growing up?
     do you become an adult when you notice
     what’s missing? no,
     you become an adult when you realize you
     are made to break apart, you become an
     adult when you realize your joints are
     perforated, you become an adult when
     being fearless terrifies you.

(you collect phobias and arrange them on a platter, born from desperation, you feed into them and they respirate knowing you are absolutely nothing without them)
Bohemian Feb 2019
Just to breathe your exhaled,
Makes me respirate with twice the pace .
Should I torch my lungs ?
In the offence of this illicit way .
To be under your roof ,
Supposed to have suffocated me !
everly Apr 2019
i’m an odd one
you’ve made me clingy
i hear you respirate over the phone
when the moon gets cold and
covers herself up with black sky
slowly in and out it would trail
like the first astronauts steps on the moon

making strides with such ease
knowing that he’d stay up there if he could..
you go silent as if you hear my thoughts

you’ve made me obsessive
and i mourn people that aren’t dead
and i have health issues that i never bring up to the doctor when she asks
i hesitate when she asks to examine me
but the feeling seems to vanish when you come around

i don’t shave my legs and underarms in the winter
because they’re like built in body scarves
yes my puerto rican genes have made it feel so

i think about people who don’t want me too much
but who doesn’t
no one is wanted as much as they’re told.
march 8 1120 pm
Lawrence Hall Dec 2021
Lawrence Hall

                              Practicing Mindful Breathing

We breathe mindfully but with our lungs
This necessity of life has become a trend
Which we study in meditative books
As if our alveoli were rosary beads

Even our watches want to instruct us
In the deep mysteries of inhalations
And like masters of postulants and novices
Ring us awake for our morning breaths

“Focus on your breathing” – how very odd
That we should respirate to the glory of God
Onoma Dec 2024
silver tinsel combers...garner the stagey
magnetism of a bloated rock.
white with premadonna
enmities--a voice of mint tea.
burnt cold to the aureole of an angel--
that chews a piece of straw blown off a
seaside manger.
walking into a darkened audience--
as wind's follow through too numb to
taste salt, spreads it.
under the crackles of tires and feet, going to the head of deader stretches.
to the whelming twenty-one grams of each holiday light, save for weightlessness.
alighting against windows that respirate a scene.
where a current of air made by an originless movement greets a red candle--
its flame does not recognize.
*It's said the soul weighs twenty-one grams. I imagined each holiday light as such.

— The End —