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Donna Bella Sep 2015
I was so busy living in a fantasy
I forgot about reality
My fantasy felt so right
But once it was over reality came with no reguards
I feel so empty, because I'm not where I want to be
My family loves to say they're are here
But in reality there not
Sometimes I wish I can rewind life and start over
Everything will be different
Gillie Younger Dec 2012
time moves with no reguards to areself
never hestitaing
uncareing to are own pase
its perpise known
moving unchecked with the stars and the light
the dawn
the day
the night
never wavering from its path
we follow
with are souls seeking the same ploit
never stoping to ask why
we wake
we rise
we sleep
but because we can create
a new day for time to see
Arcassin B May 2014
"Best Of You"
By Arcassin Burnham

i need you next to me,
like thelma and louis,
like Mrs. Smith,
like the ,
covers of the walls,
no spray cans needed,
want to kiss you like,
that scene in twilight,
or maybe we could be,
in an air balloon,
sharing secrets,
its only a matter of time ,
til i love , hug , and squeeze,
i just hope you it soon.
god bless you,
you just sneezed,
love me please.

"Touch Down"
By Arcassin Burnham

you are an angel in my eyes,
and just wanna love you,
you gave me purpose,
to see another virtue,
want to see you everyday,
and hold you in my arms,
and if i die thinking of you,
gods sends my reguards,
take you guard down,
you just touch down,
when you fell from the sky,
my Angel,

All the boys that ruined your life,
wasnt right for you,
in this case baby ,
i just wanna be that guy for you,
forgetting eachothers exes,
and exchanging kisses,
maybe late talk or text,
wanna be your final wishes,
cause i wish you loved me,
like the boyfriend you never had,
angel scold me,
if it was the last wish you had.
i love you.

— The End —