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Cruz Krish Jun 2012
Don’t, don’t touch me,I can’t believe you hurl next to me trying to harass me.
Wasn’t it enough that we exchanged our vows in matrimony,
And you frotted off to another woman’s sack the day that you met me.
Remember how we met, all head over heels for you, happy that you made a commitment; talking and jazzing it up leaving our conversations unrested.
We travelled the world, but you left me behind and travelled with words,yes you.
You left me behind thinking I was deaf, blind and unnerved, you lied.
You were a liar, a thief and a drunk all mashed into one.
Oh how monogamy changed you!

Our child came, she was beautiful but you didn’t turn up in the delivery room.
Who was there to support me? I gave birth; you gave me no backbone.
She grew up, you grew too and I stayed still working my life away incessantly.

Appreciation? No.
Depreciation? Yes.

You moved away thinking you could get away,
you took her away from me and into your care, but there was no care.
Now I was stuck in another country trying to support this family, but who do I find out you were caring so eerily? Another woman who underestimated me, spending the money I sent for my daughter in her education, for her own reclamations.

When I went home she was estranged from me,
oh how she’ll hug me next to daylight just to get a whiff of my scent.
We played, we fooled, I showed her what it is to be a lady, but I didn’t know the worse of it as she was being held hostage, clammed up into a little shell having no hope and no glory by those that I left her behind with the trusted reveries.
Amanda Francis Apr 2016
My reclamations lay in the corner: your old hoodie, a book, my memories  resting upon the shelf of youth, collecting dust.
I paw at them as if this was a game, as if I'm waiting in the jungle until someone rolls a 5 or an eight.  
As if jumangi was more than TV crews and cameras.
I drag my finger over the book, leather bound and gold laced pages.
I etch your name in the dust because it's sweeter than any childhood fantasy.
My pregnant mind bulges with a  love that's more fierce than a thousand fire-breathing dragons.
I created a cottage out of pieces of our history,  hidden memories lurk like dwarves.
I wrap myself inside your clothes, fragrance like poisoned Apple's, I breath you in.
I could dream of you for eternity as I accept my "sleeping death".
Coyote Oct 2010
The way to bliss is a line
chiseled through the abyss
of time leaving sublime
characters to stumble
through the twilight of
autumn’s unadorned
Fear and apprehension
wreak havoc on time’s
sublime reclamations
Geseme‘s tranquil breeze
failed to ease the suffering
of the Christ while his
cross is behind the loss
of humanities ability to

Perhaps atonement will
come with the sunrise.
Ellie Phant Sep 2019
Distant train horns roar
through ripe summer air,
shaking some last scattered pieces of a society disintegrating,
silent reminders of spaces once shared.
Amidst Mother Nature’s reckless reclamations
two tired souls remain.
They both slowly soften and unite,
hearts beating wildly in each other’s hands
held tight,
reverberating raw emotion across all realms,
pulsating with a palpable sense
of pure unbounded joy
felt deeper than the marrow of our bones.

— The End —