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I See. There is a Channel you Subscribe
And plan your Craft with these High-End Personnel
Promote this Sport; From The Cliff's Humble Dive
And boost Ability you know so well
So does it Groom even more with your Age
And fix your Profile to this Pineapple
Eyes locked perpet; And skipped the Skillful Page
For Economy you chose to Stumble
There are Others below; Watching your Board,
Hoping this same Posh Meal they could Partake
If only they had - Quids and Statues - hoard,
Which in Bankruptcy their Moments forsake.
Only one Word, which will dry their Sore Tears
Flex their Rosy Cheeks; And live-out your Years.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
we're such a benevolent lot
we give the Welfare set
our hard won dough
they sit on their *****
and do not a thing
while we're out working
for a wage
but our kindnesses
are being exploited
by the dole collectors
those ***** mothers
having broods of kids
and we hand them
our toiling quids
those kids
should be supported
by their daddies
let them get a job
and become
for their sprog
the Welfare system
is getting plundered
every day
by those who won't
get out and earn their pay
how nice
our honey *** has been
taken for granted
and bled of its generosity
Hie Yamaha Wegman ****** voyager, voted vonage valuable, unrepentant TIME Magazine subscriber. Spotify sportsman Snapchat smartly. Sleuth slenderman silences Shutterfly schvitzing. Saxby sassy Santander sais sage rues rudimentary router rotorooter.

Royale Rococco rigged remarkably regular referee reefers red reddit reeder recuperating. Reconnaissance recluse really rabid. QVC quotient quoting, quo quoi quivering quite quirky. Quisling quipped. Quintuplets quintessentially quiet. Quids Quicken questions.

Quartermaster qualified quaint quaffing quadrilateral Pythons. Pyrex pylons put purdy purposeful puny punsters punching. Pumpkin pumice publicized prudential protean pros properly pronouncing prolific prodigies.

Proletariats professors' problematic. Pro privileges prioritized. Principle primates prevaricate. Preppy pregnant, praying prattler possibly Porgie. Poseidon pooping poodle ponders poppycock. Plum? Polite poison pods ply pitiful pinterest.

Pinhead Pillsbury pillager Pi. Pigskin pierce petsmart pests permanently. Perdition percolates peppered PennState pedigreed PearlJam Patagonian. Pastor pastes passion passably. Papas' paginated orbitz okayed. Nutty node needs money.

Next netzero nee naugahyde. Nattering nationwide nabob Moxie Molly McGee. Monosodium livingsocial joyus je kickstarter. Identityguard Huffington GMO. Gluten Glutamate footloose fancy free footlocker. Fingerhut fetishistic fabrication Cingular.
the politicians down under
have just given themselves a wage increase
and the taxpayer would be far happier
if this kind of thing did cease

our members of parliament
are fattening up their pay packets
we the taxpayers are onto their
most unwarranted rackets

they tell us we must show restraint
in all of our pay rise requests
as the nation's finances cannot be held down
by these outlandish behests

yet they so love having the extra quids
put into their pay pots
while us taxpayers never get a single dollar
placed into our meager plots

the politicians are great at lining
their pockets with our hard earned cash
they have no conscience
when it comes to raiding the taxpayer's stash

next year those greedy politicians
will be crying poor mouth again  
and us put upon taxpayer's
shall be feeling their wage rise pain
Mateuš Conrad May 2020
yes... cold-turkey for a day...
the one will do it...
i just smoked a second one...
and the "hit" is not as benevolent...
simple arithmetic...
a carton is 200 cigarettes...
that's 200 days...
if i stick to this "pattern"...
no pointless cigarettes...
with coffee first thing in the morning:
on the medical "fast"...
after a grand meal...
cold-turkey throughout the day...
one balanced with a generous
amount of bourbon: surfing
the night-cap...
this could work...
      no... no point paying homage
to the romance of rolling tobacco...
a single marlboro will do...
esp. if it comes from eastern europe...
to have to start to treat it
as homage... something...
sacred... that's better than simply
much... much better...
this late pseudo-caffeine hit
in the day...
first day... 2 cigarettes in a drinking
session is unnecessary...
one will do...
receptors become blunted...
and now the gratification from
"over-stepping" the mark...
and the gratification of...
not bound to a tarantula numbing-bite...
something has to make sense in
this world: let's begin with this...

i.e. thank god i do not make videos...
writing doesn't really allow
for... what happens with
a video... there's the preserved:
address to the writer...
and the medium of the reader...
rarely will you find yourself
bound to read two readers
competing: for the crown
prince of echo chamber...
not that i'd reply... no higher power...
a laptop... no mobile device...
the internet access is static...

2 is a "magic" number...
after 2 i imagines the gateway: fully opened
for the orc horde of dwugs:
      i'm standing: upright... content...
to tease the addiction...
as if: "as if" for the very first time...
cold turkey my ***...
because of covid-19 "discrepancies"...
no "black market" cheap cigarettes
from moldova...
or romania... poland, ukraine or

            checked the feed-drip...
cold-turkey for a day...
complete the day with a cigarette...
200 cigarettes in a carton at...
£35... that's what... per annum?
       365... we're talking about...
roughly... 50 quids worth...
of: taming this beast...

                 for a year...
                              yes... this could
very much work...
            and what is the perfect sandwich...
of... extravagance?
a bagel... or some toasted rye...
english butter... smoked salmon...
cucumber... dill... mayonnaise...
and... rainbow trout caviar...
is caviar "all that"?
     it's like marmite... you either love it:
or... hate it...
it's not a luxury... if it was...
a luxury... it would be universally sought
it would be a luxury... for both the rich...
as it would be for the poor...

minor note: how were oysters treated
in Dickensian times?
weren't oysters the food of the poor?
and now? suddenly they have become
a luxury product...
something only the rich are supposed
to enjoy... cods-wallop!

caviar is not a luxury...
but... if you're asking questions about
a palette...
rainbow trout caviar balances out
the smoked salmon...
truly... the fish retains its status as fish...
and the smokiness is tamed...
almost subverted...

the cucumber the dill the mayonnaise...
auxiliary details...
but of course the cemented base:
toasted rye works as many more:
lazarus resurrected miracles as a bagel...

caviar is not a luxury...
in st. petersburg there's this pancake
fast-food outlet... where caviar is dripping...
there are copious amounts of this
**** dished out...
not everyone buys the caviar panny...
because: caviar is not a status symbol
of luxury... it's in the category of marmite...
it's for oddities...
       it's equivalent to... a concentrated
taste of fish...
burst a pill of shark oil fat... omega 3 etc...
  once upon a time... TRAN...
was forced upon children in school...
so they could harbour a strong immune system...
tran? cod-liver oil... no... not in capsules...
on the end of a teaspoon...

can i imagine eating caviar...
beside the zenith of the above described
sandwich? well... yeah...
but it wouldn't be rainbow-trout caviar...
beluga / caspian sea caviar...
on the tip of... a slice of...
a napoli pizza...
    anchovies do not have a taste
of fish... salty shrimp whittle wichards...
the best fish: are ate...
with all their bones intact...
sometimes even their heads and eyes...
           smoked... sprats...
nonetheless: caviar is not a luxury product...
nor is blue cheese...
who doesn't have...
a taste for... the "obscene"?

   peanuts and beer in the grand hall of
the west...
in st. petersburg... beer and dehydrated
shrimps... fish...
same ****... different cover...
i much prefer the extra guise of protein
over the fat of nuts... with a beer...

as a warning: oysters were... in Dickensian times...
eaten by the poor of the east end...
and caviar... that's like marmite...
or... salt & vinegar crisps...
you need to appreciate the piquant
detail of the food...
champagne... for example?
i can't drink that fuzzy-brain
anorexic ***** juice of cat... whiskers for
a violin... snarl... shreek...

caviar is not a luxury...
a luxury would imply: a universal...
translation... that... all those who could:
would want it... as much as those who
can't: would strive to also want it:
with enough savings to begin with: could...
but... caviar is marmite...
then again... smoked salmon is marmite...
a steak tartar(e) is  marmite...
i'd call a slab of beef: well done
to be... a doubly-butchered piece of meat...
others... are fond of... fish-fingers...

this can be done...
i can keep track of this choo-choo-train...
200 cigarettes per carton...
that's beyond half a year...
     cold turkey the day...
no... 2 cigarettes is too much...
after the whole day done cold turkey...
it's a beneficial ferris-wheel "dilema"
at the end of the day...
oh... esp. with the bouron...
yes... the matter is not going to be
approved for dialectical concerns...

i call for the advent of "sanctimony"...
         the "superiority" coming from the depths
of... not the cold-turkey lot...
nor the: 20 per day...
and zinc and copper licking tongue
numbing at the end of it...
this one a day...
                     and the bourbon...
ogh! mein gott! come to think of it...
the money?!
money comes last...
so much for "saving" the money from...
not smoking...
where to: a vinyl collection...
aaah... a weekend trip to Prague...
you really need a woman
to spend money...
           given that one can become
very... very... satisfied with
the basics...
esp. when one isn't a gambling man...
these days... gamble on what?
well... save up...
and have *** with a bulgarian *******
once a year...
or pretend to...
            that's probably best...
aim at... salvaging... the most...
wortheless maxim of a translation
of value... in the flesh:
the inanimate concept of money...
the guillotined head
of ol' lizzy the II charming
the heads / tails science debate...
          not getting richer...
not getting poorer...
                   playing a sleeper...
beside the essentials...
it's there... but... it's not there...
it's hardly spending...
it's hardly saving...
      it's a cushion... it's not avarice...
it's not...
beside of note:
the veil that's not in iron...
but is... like...
being paid in peanuts...
peanuts... pebbles... the common
denominator of: one-hundred copper-pence
coins in a brass pound!
i'll settle for... just that.
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2016
they really shouldn't have stressed their point
on education:
      i got educated... and so what?
i would have been happy working my way
up from in a supermarket -
         or any other faint job resembling robotics -
it's harder to get higher education
and start from the tomb-rock-bottom -
too much Disney got fused with your nerves -
and imagination isn't that powerful coupled
with consciousness to make yourself hallucinate
debilitating experiences - it's not that powerful,
however much those who think so argue the point -
i once said: i want to write poetry like Wordsworth -
not really, i want to write poetry like the Boss:
yep, Springsteen - i want to write the lyrics
that Bon Jovi and George Harrison wrote:
that's what should be potatoes (i.e. arable) in poetry:
the inability: the vouchsafed last:
                                                     a void attired to
a crowd: the conductor and the massed-up orchestra -
the magi wand: the larynx and the last breathed chord.
but in reality getting mail from U.C.L.
makes me think only one thing:
hey! i dropped out halfway through the semester!
i didn't go through the second periodic,
i wet mad, but you took my money anyway,
can i have those 3 thousand quids back?
no? well... that's my donation to your sporty-sports
gagging for money... ever hear Oxfam was a
country named in Africa... you're not donating
to starving infants... you're donating
to keep bureaucrats in their jobs -
all post-colonial nations invented charity organisations:
take the money, you have no honour,
or rap left in you -
all post-colonial nations invented charity organisations:
money is the easy way out:
namesake gambling or playing the lottery -
their shark-like-leeches: they prey on hopeless
old women - once again with the
Berber pirates: old age is a curse, rather than an
achievement: we'll never outlive the Galapagos
turtles: they're born with wrinkles and an
expectation to live beyond 100 years...
no, i don't feel anything having been achieved
with me receiving the Portico magazine from U.C.L.,
they shouldn't have hanged that carrot in my face
given my father is a roofer and a former
metal worker - they sniffed me out via their class
warfare jealousy - they sniffed out that i was
an avid reader and beyond comprehensively literate,
that ****** them off... i continued on my road
to demise, wishing it was truly a ding-****
resemblance of Sonny Clark... i shame the fates
invoking the furies that it wasn't the similar case
of lessened concerns - and death, or Samael -
like antoine de aaint-exupéry's little prince
in similar caste to understand: once more,
death the most curious of children -
for it is said: when born with weakness once
easily accepts it, and focuses on the beauty
beyond - but when weakness is forced upon you
without genetic explanation, as a crime:
one takes to kindred involvement with the cancerous
child, who, in his weakness, sought beyond
the immediate: the aesthetic at being so little
time to find so little beneath the potential:
as life firstly peppered with drink, woman and song,
to be later salted with drink (alcoholism), woman
(celibacy at best, or ****** and general abandonment),
and song: rain drools on the parapets like
angry gods, or friendly dogs.
and you think the winner of the english x-factor
2015 got a record contract? have you seen her lately?
they make the people already broken doubly broke...
elevation of ******* i think...
                  the karaoke tribunal and sentencing -
they are worse off than they were before,
    like me, being fed the lie of getting education,
becoming an educated chemist,
    not catching the fisherman's tackle of money
and suiting myself to the robot clause of entertaining
those that pay for waiters, doormen and shelf-stacking creeps,
  i should be there, not here, not writing these
poems: i should be there.
               i'm not even born to entertain,
   hence my precursor to meddle in shelved toothpaste.
          my best gambit joke?
           i've got nothing to lose -
unless it's a library of books and compact disks...
   beyond that... talk of honour and *****
  is pretty much tied to kingpins and stilettos -
        and life... well... i like the way it sounds:
  and lastly god: well, i don't blame the Utopian
fetishist on all the grief... i just like to turn people
into simple coordinates of pointing my finger:
                    nits                          nits
      and an old lady knitting a scarf to catch
                       a forgotten wind from the north:
that hushed the Eskimo into yawning -
             from breath a sculpture in the Arctic:
                                    an electron cloud,
  rigid dogmatic orbits elsewhere, and for some other fools;
            as i was once.
Issa Jul 2014
The man in the Moon said,
"Will you be my friend?"
And I said, "Why not?"
That time, I didn't give it much thought.

Since I only had a peso in my pocket
I hitch-hiked a ride on Tycho's rocket.
Tycho happened to be an old playmate
We talked and talked, but it didn't seem like Fate

"Where have you been all my life?"
he asked, face filled with strife
"I don't know," I laughed.
He chuffed me, "You've always been so daft."

I slipped inside the module
And we landed on the Moon, every molecule
Tycho slipped me his calling card
As we cleared my passport with the watch guard.

The guard looked highly philosophical.
She asked, "What are you looking for, pal?"
I smiled, replied, "The man in the Moon."
She pondered, "Being a watch guard can be a boon."

"There are only five men in the Sea of Tranquility.
Damian helps in the recreational facility;
Sam is a family man, with his wife and three kids;
Tamjid herds sheep; Michel hunting for quids.

"Quintin is someone who lives far, far away
He weeps every hour, easily swayed.
But he sits on top of his car,
Singing to himself, counting stars."

"Quintin might be the man!" I say with much clamour.
The watch guard cheers my endeavour,
Giving me a hug and a packet of chips.
I look back to her and the Earth is in eclipse.
influenced by 'I wish I were the Moon' by Daniel Benmergui :)
money speaks in an accent
few can quite

there's a certain inflection on
the cash forked out by
a hand

a tongue knowing
how to enunciate
will garner favors
which nicely inflate

the dialect is foreign
and of an unusual
those having an ear for it
receive a likeable

talking quids requires
a most refined voice
where the buyer has an
*unfair advantage of choice
the hard up politicians down under
have given themselves a wage increase
and the taxpayer would be far happier
if this kind of thing did cease

our members of parliament
are fattening up their pay packets
we taxpayers are onto their
most unwarranted rackets

they tell us we must show some restraint
in all our pay rise requests
as the nation's cannot be held down
by these outlandish behests

yet they so love having the extra quids
put into their pay pots
while us taxpayers never get single dollar
placed into our meager plots

the politicians are great at lining
their pockets with our hard earned cash
they have no conscience
when it comes to raiding the taxpayer's stash

next year the greedy politicians
will be crying poor mouth again
and us put upon taxpayers
shall be feeling their wage rise pain
In the line of fire they've been situated
Munitions squarely trained upon them
On many war stages they've been located
Honor for courage goes to all of them
Yet their commander in chief so remiss
Few quids for the ex-armed men he'll permit
Of men in uniform he brings them little bliss
His freedoms gained by troops truest grit
They've been refused the state's currency ***
Veterans of battles are offended
This cohort a verily forgotten lot
In a most loyal stance they've defended
The purse of country owes them a share
As they've given so much for liberty's care
gleefully he rubbed his hands together
goodly dough inflows would ring the till
generous amounts from wallet leather
greatly bolstering the enterprise's gill

lots of quids a bank rolling treasure chest
loving the sound that the money word made
liberally taking it for the poet's nest
leveraging what they'd place in his lade

only a select few owning credit line
oh and their income got good will galore
opening the site up as a gold mine
Olive went on about ops at the store

now an abundance of fees buys backing
negotiations are done this very way
never forget what's been in her tracking
noteworthy is the story's candid relay
Jamie Dec 2018
I thought northern Irish chicks were a bread of the baddest *****
Instead I got left with the flat arsed spastic make-up caked catfish
Accent as thick as you sometimes it's like you're speaking mandarin or Spanish
Everyday back to your room a demeanour of gloom it's the same old antics
Hop on the line for dads quids
Money transferred to help your negative attitude and fix the balance
Everyone wants you to ******* back to the yacht, mansion and life that's lavish
I'm a savage
exposing this sly witch
We've all seen it right.
The way she hops in the pad and plays with 3 guys like it's GTA five.
Picking a different boy each night judging on the features she likes
Thinking she's an adult rolling on 18 like she was chucking 3 dice
Exposing the cracks beneath her as she walks on like street lights
Custom to immaturity
She's ADT because her life's based on insecurity/ in security
There's no love from me I'll give you a cold stare from outta nowhere like a Randy Orton meme.
Twitter: @JxmieHxll
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2018
/   but if i'm crying, writing this... the **** are, you, doing?! not reading jack spicer... are you?

i can pinch the tip of my beard,
twist the hairs
into a reminiscence of a pointed
          make a strong point
          for wanting to shave again...
and then remember
the tender hands of
a bulgarian *******
  fiddling with the assortment
while we tried doing
a siamese twin "thing"
      of being left, upon parting,
and there are plenty to be made...
to counter
his experience...
   watching snow fall at night
under street-lamp,
and the granary of cognition
of birch trees, at night, in winter...
brain melting...
     probably twice as
unfathomable as a chemically
                "buddha" gimmick...
lips and such
  a beef worth of a thigh on
this woman...
                 like eating
chunks of beef:
               singing a vide cor meum!
take it as you will...
a garden in daylight,
      a graveyard in moonlight...
which is which and what
is what?
             you know the greatest
parlay of a man and woman
resides in?
          a man crying while
listening to music...
               beats an ******:
every, single, time...
                    it's:        pristine!
you can't be a man and tell
me that crying during
a performed piece of music
is not better than a shared ******,
can you?
               that ******?
it's a butterfly reflection
of the world...
          much shorter than
          a mortals' game of a kept

but with a *******?
      sacred earth:
      send me to the ninth heaven!
it's equivalent to
  a hippocratic ecstasy!
   a tarantula claw
of handling
              the euthenasia "debate"!

touching a mirage of a soul:
       while experiencing a mirror.

  marcel schwob is not part
of the equation...
   for an hour's worth of my body
entwined with hers...
  minus the Turkish pimps...
   i'm guessing she's getting 80 quids'
worth of payment...

but music?
    and a male crying?
          you can't fathom such
a sensation making ****** 2nd....
yet memory exfoliates
the subtle gestures of
      the parody of hands
              touching another body...
notably woman's leg sequence
of detailed derivatives
         composed in unison to walk...

i can only trust turkish barbers...
   silly ol' me...
                          but to stomach
half an hour sitting before
a barbershop mirror,
  and not have a turk attire me
to look presentable?
an english essex hairdresser
           "doing" his "magical" part?

sorry: either an ottoman
                does the job -
      or i'll let the wind become a brush
to stroke
        a respectable form of
the ****** hair...

             what an hour:
and straight with no dues into
a **** no *******
          no date...
       no psychological fakery...
    no balance on who's who
      and what is paying for a meal...

oh but prostitutes don't give
aways their lips pressed against
lips so easily...
         it's like this monkish orthodoxy...
transcend that?
   you ****** about 4 *****
in an instance...
       and plucked out a brush-stroke
from the girl's canvas
                          of her face.
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2024
clearly they're scared of the impeding gravitas... at Wembley... well... if i was this lowly exit steward once, then plain ol' dandy... then supervisor of stewards, then a supervisor of the response team... and now they're asking me to be a quadrant manager... the security industry is not a career (reiterate: there is no career prospect in the security industry) - and rising in rank is not something to be glorified... but here's the burden and apparently i'm competent to be able to do: human-chess... but the subterfuge of people with absolutely no skills: no skills in construction, no skills in culinary expeditions... which later translates as no competence in giving people instructions in a mild-mannered deviation from having authority... but here i am... the first time out of a school environment of climbing ladders and it's just like school... the horror...

so i get technological paranoia... sue me...
a 502 bad gateway
of a page shutting down is
me at my most orientating pristine...
but then i share a picture of my ***...

thirst for squabble:
she's demanding triangles
and squares and circles of me:
something geometrically defining
my construct
in the confines of a female psyche...
so we playfully argue
like she does pretty much
all the arguing being half
Puerto Rican
and i'm like: o.k.
for the juicy peach of an ***
i get to RAM...
i'm not arguing...
as long as i can think about
making a pasta Carbonara
the next day
and think of eggs
and slugs
and *** and **** juices
then some blood...
and how she only recently told me:
well you know that i've done
like me being upfront about
trying out a ******* and for
the love of god
the next time i ingest that suggestion
of... "feeling like a king"
just because:
i could swear i didn't ask
for a *******
i was almost pressured into
claiming that whisper:
but it wasn't true:
i didn't feel like a king:

threesomes are for petty thieves
who cannot reside in the confines
of a harem...
the rest revolves around
the dynamite of monogamy...
the nobility of monogamy:
the triviality explained: celebrated:
of monogamy...
like her falling asleep with
her daughter falling asleep
and me on the other side of the telephone:
not trying to fall asleep:
now that! that was a *******!

to have that sort of pairing of mother
and daughter knowing
full well the daughter is not even a taboo
but a sanctity...
taboos and sanctity...
strange how a plural of the latter word
doesn't really: "figure itself out"...

but how i love these petty arguments:
you cut me off,
not saying: i'll be back in a minute:
well mother called and she wanted
me to take a picture of a hospital appointment

i knew there was something wrong
with those brakes:
there was too much tension
on the wire...
i might have been a fool trying to take
off the cassette...
******* up my wheel then gleefully
basking in my intelligence's impotence:
but breaks and break wires i can figure out...
too much tension:
that's why whenever i squeezed
one side: the right side
of the brake would leech onto the wheel
and create a friction:
since there was too much tension on the wire
there was not enough REFLEX...

the most important aspect of dealing
with a subject matter of revising
a bicycle is:
you need the proper tools:
i can't stress how much ******* i received
from myself
for not having the right wrench or
the right spanner etc
to improvise with a bite of tongs
is not a way to revise:
i don't need to have shoe guards on those peddles!
what if i get "confused"
by the spin and i'm at a roundabout
and i need to press hard
on the peddles to engage the traffic
and almost be grinding my teeth
at the start of a race at a velodrome?!
apparently the force that needs to be
exerted on those bicycles is
equivalent to someone pushing a car
while reclining on their back...
well **** me: i'd love to ride
a 55,000 quids worth of a bicycle
more than i'd want to drive a Ferrari...

ah... the ******-Catharsis Complex
of the Anti-Oedipus scrutiny...
perhaps... but no...
it feels less and less like i want
to **** my grandmother and more and more
a relative concise: precision-marker
of wanting to **** my grandmother:
in terms of the body-volume
voluptuous scandal...
like pears, peaches,
oysters... slugs...
                         clouds...   chicken hearts...
squish squish... octopuses...
   cannibals exposed
to civilization and vegetarianism...
then losing the plot with veganism...
anemic vampires...
                       someone fainting seeing blood...
needle poison...

not so much public as it is cryptic
or perhaps i don't really mind
that i see people see me **** her
in my mind:
they're not actually going to see me ****
her just me thinking about:
for the time being:
next time i do i'll open up a champagne
bottle and call it a new year's eve party...
until then
we have to spice life up with
little agitations to sense a wonder
for the status quo:
otherwise it's not going to work...
but little agitations i can stomach:
like a steak tartar...

but how she managed to convince me
that i'm parasite riddled
how i have worms wriggling
in my agitated ****: tingling ****:
well... if you're scared of me licking
it and you enjoy it:
then you might as well know that
you're riddle with pin-worms!
yes! you are! riddled with pin-worms!
am i?
what?! just because i felt sort
of weird about you licking my ****
out oh the power play
so now i have to concede:
because i get to get off licking your ****
but i've never experienced ****
and you have
and maybe if i wasn't so *******
vanilla i might be inclined to be gay
and maybe i should ask someone to
stick their fingers up my oblique
of a mouth:
and test for the existence of a prostate!

like a fish needs a bicycle
like a tortoise needs
a cupboard.
Babatunde Raimi May 2020
Be the best of philanthropist
Build castles and name them temples
Save the world and imprint footprints
On that very special day when the beagle sounds
I'll be at the gate with a question tag
Why did you do it, why?

Why did you truncate my destiny, why?
A glorious vessel set to flourish
Basking in joys to change the world
I set sail and made for planet earth
On a vessel so fine, yet so cracked
I advanced in peace but left in a ****
Tell me why you made my death that cheap?

It was warm, cold and lonely inside
Then I felt the rod as the ****** gave in
No where to hide, the die was cast
Helpless, the tube pushed in as I watched in fear
The moment the curette came to sweep
The deed was done, a murderer was made
A very beautiful one, clad in Gucci apparel

How I longed to hear me cry my first
Feel your warmth and suckle from your breast
Nine months was like a thousand years
But patience was a flower that grew in my garden so I wait
Yet, you murderous thing murdered my destiny
I am waiting at the other side
You really want to make heaven? Smiles!

Did you get some quids to do the do?
It meant nothing to you like a latrine flush
Did he promise you heaven on earth?
That irresponsible goat worthy of castration
In the Supreme court will I call your case
And be sure the judge is no mortal being
Except, there is a justification for ******

While you opened up like a pretty *****
I was dis-membered and cut open
My soul watched in agonising horror
I didn't die before I died, slow and painful so it was
Ears, hands, mouth separated from my body and all
It was cruel as my head got ******
Until I heard the still voice, "It is finished"
Then, I died in cruelty and returned to base

Each time I sit by the gate, I watch and pray
That soon your time will come and I'll get closure
When you meet with my Creator what will you plead?
"My Lord, 'One thing, one thing' ", then the gavel is banged
Even if you invoke 1 John 1:19, backed with Psalm 103:10-14
I will bring a joker in Psalm 139:13-16
He gave me life, but you took it
Truth is, like Pharaoh, your case is closed...

— The End —