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Alice Jul 2018
The departure gives meaning to the absence.
Because absence alone means

And holding on to absence
               Putrefies the heart.
Because you are giving pieces of yourself
    To a black hole.

So when they left,
         You were gifted with a decision:

To move to the left, where nothing feels right
Or to dream of the right, where they never left
ashe williams Nov 2015
i'll tuck this into all my darker nooks
crevices where i hide the deeper thoughts
brought on by years of worthless prying
and scrapes left by the hounds at my feet
i'll let this sit until it putrefies and flies gather
and the sun declares moldy death on its corners
so much will change and warp
and hopefully i won't recognize my own pain after this
i'll feed this to my ugly dying cat
watch vicariously as he chokes on my guilt for me
laugh as wooden conveniences scrape my throat
and my eyes begin to well up with hysterical tears

this is better than the ulterior;
oozing over with muddy emotion.
Wolff Aug 2016
Sweet lies
it seems you're satisfied
and it left me terrified
Your life's a misguide
by the deceits you've bite
your tooth aches
and it putrefies
Oh sweet lies
are you satisfied?
Now I learn
to drink water
after eating you
to just listen
but not considering you
to be honest
but not like you.
i'm new here, i didnt know if my grammar was right or nahh
Eulalie Oct 2013
This is me, giving you your space.
I know you didn't ask me to.

But I can feel you pulling at the thread that connects your tin can to mine.
I can feel the tension--here it twang audibly--as my grip and yours tighten over the parts of us
That we've exchanged like love letters and sweet nothings
(Which for the record I secretly hope were more like sweet somethings).
This serendipitous intimacy that I've grown so psychologically dependent on putrefies under the priorities we've got to uphold
Like maintaining our social lives
And finding a chance to unplug
And remembering who we want to be when we aren't eighteen
For the sake of treading water in the infinite flow of todays and tomorrows...
It weighs on me wide and heavy like the five thousand miles of land and sea that stretch between us.
And I know that you're not distant because I did something
Or didn't do something.
But the fact of the matter is that you are distant.

So I'm giving you your space
Whether you notice or not
And maybe if I get lucky
You'll find your way back to me.
I don't know man. This poem's stupid now that I'm looking at it.
Jayne E Jun 2019
Night binds me blue in blackened silk
elemental sleep stolen by deadest dark
needing rest, comfort, kindness's milk
sifted tears & sobs do leave their mark

feels so solitary stark

no escape hatch though I crave release
as wants pull me unto vapoured arms
no succour here I will feel no peace
only bitter pills and swallowed harms

crested light brings harsher days
tattered remnants of coppered dreams
reminds me its the psyche that pays
as fragile silk tears joy at its seams

of winters mourn

dawns bring the bitten blinded sighs
a glassed in cage for wing clipped birds
oblivion obscura in the masses eyes
ears deadened to my silence unheard

oceans full of childs supple soft bones
his hunters blade glistens the breaks
the wind whispers tortured moans
the sliced knife tip just takes and takes

the sea swallows me down

Its serene to the point of painful, pretty
this forest where sprites could be at play
no lighter folly for this game is too gritty
secret lair to lead his new lambs to slay

as these vignettes proxy via my dreams
projector unspools reels sickly unsweet
his breath putrefies unpeals my screams
his scent petrifies my heart shale & sleet

a once fierce heart lays flayed.

J.C. littlebird 07/06/2019.
Yenson Apr 2019
Children of Imperialism
who by now doesn't know about
Divide and Rule in gainstay take
who is still asleep from the slaughters
that trails blood from centuries ago
to even yesterday, no corners omitted

Driving wedges, digging chasms
creating discord and disharmony for what
the divisive gifts of the wrath of the peaceless
forged reasons and implied agrandissements
hooded antichrists on white chargers snorting
reeking pollution to drive slaves while Angels fear

They all see but refuse to see
for better the gods in sedentary excitement
playing with the fangs as their canals putrefies
growing moss for the living ghosts of ages
the genie escaped yonks ago, commander
a million debts are waiting all in your names

Mindless choruses of the parrots
wingless birds dosed on sterling biotics
bearing potions from Valkyrie for you and them
they know you take and point fingers elsewhere
None is fooled that your songs has no words
the ghosts are ghosts with a living army in treason
you fool no one but yourself, your sword is broken
Maniacal Escape Apr 2023
Stupor putrefies.
Knees wobble and hands prostrate.
Spirit slows its breathing.
Beholden to the madness
Laity massed around.
Sip. Sip. Drip. Drip.
Pray the sun doesn't rise tomorrow.

— The End —