. ratamhatta,
by supultura -
boom, chisel against
the Chiswick -
a lifeline, simply,
but then...
the real fun: starts -
the truant Rio carnival;
a sunrise...
a b.b.q.,
a: what would
we have done,
had we the chance
to alternatively do?
when a dog dies,
we give it a proper burial...
what some people did...
are worth the denotation
of being, considered,
sand *******!
and i hope they
turn out to be a feline ****
morphing into
a civilization pivot worth
of a pyramid...
in their... "quest"
for a coincidence of
extracting the concept
of japanese honour;
may god lay them
to rest...
without knowledge of modern
languages, trapped,
in their pride of
having their phonetic language,
excavated, compared to ancient greek,
with their primitiveness of
no... not really..
about as evolutionary advanced
as a toothless lion...
is that really a symbiosis
of a lion and a leech
in the jawline?
the leeches replaced the teeth?
why would a Bangladeshi
call an Egyptian a *******?
perhaps because he didn't
call his arab slave-owner
any deviant names
to allow a communicative
by now?
whatever comes along my way...
i'll always be most
forthcoming, having first hung
it, prior to whistling to the crows
for seconds...
no... it's beside the point...
whatever it, is, or was,
or could ever be.