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Heavy Hearted Dec 2017
I made a pitcure of jade and emma,
Tossed it on my wall,
Even took a couples pics
They loved it, that was all.
Neither understood its facts,
and till now, neither did I
Intended not as honorary, but as a battlecry.
That picture I conceived of them, includes me in it not- just my reflection in it's glaze, an abstraction in their thoughts.

And yes, even we formidibal three
Somehow all forgot
That even forever aint forever
Our lessons already taught.
And so the power of this image, is more then I will share-
It merley depicts my two best friends,
Admiting they don't care.

This type of art is devistating.
Astonishingly clever,
So clear its truths invisible
The subjects see it never.
You should always be able to rley on your friends- dissapointment only exists because of its twin sista, expectation
Brandi Clark Mar 2015
I want to paint you a pitcure
With blues and yellows and reds
An image for your soul to take in
My perception ingrained in your head.

That split second before your lips touch mine
I want to transform our feelings into colors
And splatter them all over your fears
Of how I could ever love another.

But love comes in many forms
Different ways and different shades
And although he sleeps next to me
I still lie awake.

And during the time I lay there
Trying to rest my tired mind
That place between reality and dreams
Thats where I find you everytime.

And if i could just use our colors
To cover up the truth
Harness our left over innocence
Preserve the happiness of our youth

Then maybe we could just sit here
Your hand in mine
The picture of perfection
A work of art that knows no time.
Brandi Clark May 2021
I want to paint you a pitcure
With blues and yellows and reds
An image for your soul to take in
My perception ingrained in your head.

That split second before your lips touch mine
I want to transform our feelings into colors
And splatter them all over your fears
Of how I could ever love another.

But love comes in many forms
Different ways and different shades
And although he sleeps next to me
I still lie awake.

And during the time I lay there
Trying to rest my tired mind
That place between reality and dreams
Thats where I find you everytime.

And if i could just use our colors
To cover up the truth
Harness our left over innocence
Preserve the happiness of our youth

Then maybe we could just sit here
Your hand in mine
The picture of perfection
A work of art that knows no time.

— The End —