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felicia Mar 2014
Apakah langit sedang sedih?
Kenapa menangis?
Memandang langit yang bermuram durja
Bajuku baru! Aku tak mau basah
Baju merah berbintik hitam
Pas sekali
Memetik daun peterseli
Memandang refleksi diri di genangan air
Bajuku baru! Jangan kehujanan
Baju merah berbintik hitam
Melekat manis di tubuh mungil
21 Maret 2014
dlx Aug 2016
I will never forget the first time we look at each other,
Even if it's not in the eyes, but I knew it was love. It feels like it's love.
I will never forget the way you make me fall into the deepest sea,
Even if you just do the stupid things, but it feels like it's love.
I will never forget the sound of your creepy laughs and swear words, most people harassed you, but I feel it love.

I will never forget how the sun shines for you, make that smile looks brighter then the sun itself.
I will never forgethow the heat of the sun strikes down your face and make you sweaty and it's hotter than hell.
I will never forget the rain slams on your pomaded hair, make you didn'r wanna go so far away for the streets that we used to pass.

And I will never forget how crazy I've fallen in love with you,
Anything you do, no matter how may problems you've made, all the words that slips from your mouth,
It's such a beautiful things that I've ever learned.

I just can't thank to every single objects that makes you look extremely perf,
The pale of your fingertips, the crooked teeth, and a cringe smile.
I will never forget,
How I sink into your deepest dame, 'til I sink into your love I crave.

- dlx
She means a whole lot to some people,
Maybe not so much to others but
then again, this heart doesn’t fancy
her to be too sought after!

She’s many things. Pleasant? Yes.
Charming? Definitely. Straightforward? I must hope so. But most of all,
she takes everything in her stride, albeit shakily.
It joys me the slightest seeing her
flustered when making decisions,
But never will I laugh at any.
After all, I am one of them!

She shares some interests of mine
Doesn’t understand the rest, though...
It’s fine, nevertheless, because we
don’t always have to be on the same page,
Suffice that we’re in this at the same pace.

As Billy Joel brilliantly said,
“She’s always a woman to me,”
Well, I’m glad she’s my woman.
This goes out to my brilliant and lovely girlfriend. I hope you know how much I care about and appreciate you, babe!
Sore, pasca hujan turun.

Kami menyusuri setapak di pinggir hampar padi demi beberapa bungkus mi.
Seperjalanan kami hanya membicarakan hal-hal kecil yang belum pernah diperhatikan masing-masing dari kami.
Seakan paus di laut begitu penting dibahas dari perjalanan kecil itu.
Kami bawa payung satu-satu, tapi tanpa payung sepertinya teduh sudah hadir.

Kami juga pernah pulang lewat jalan kecil yang berakhir di muka ungaran setelah makan siang.
Dia; temanku menatap nanar muka ungaran.
Wajah kecilnya tersapu rambutnya yang mengikut angin.
Ia teringat teras rumah, teh hangat, dan ibunya yang tiada.
Udara bukan main sejuk, tapi ceritanya bukan main menusuk.

Aku suka petrikor.
Ia selalu berhasil mengundang rona juga lara.
Salah satu anugerah tersederhana yang pernah tercipta seakan hanya untuku saja.
gadisunja Jun 2018
Febian, Rizky, Aisyah Aziz. 2018. Indah Pada Waktunya. Kanal
       Yutubnya NET Talent Management.

Matterhalo, Nadin Amizah. 2017. Teralih. Kanal Yutubnya

Nelwan, Christofer. 2012. Jari-jari Cantik. Kanal Yutubnya

Pusakata. 2018. Kehabisan Kata. Kanal Yutubnya MyMusic

Ranti, Jason, Ari Malibu (The Rollies). 2016. Kau Yang Kusayang.
       Kanal Yutubnya Ruang Putih.

Rock, One OK. 2011. Pierce. Kanal Yutubnya Pratama Aji.

Stahl, Fredrika. 2011. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Kanal Yutubnya
        Oresund Bleu.

Teduh, Payung. 2017. Puan Bermain Hujan. Kanal Yutubnya
       Anggit Setyo.
selamat bobo, telinga
Diksimerindu May 2019
Jiwa yang berlalu lalang
Dibawah ratusan ataupun ribuan
Payung hitam yang mengembang
Berlindung dari jeritan nestapa
Hanya tersisa kantuk yang menguap
Di sepanjang trotoar jalan
ataupun dalam kemacetan
dan asap rokok yang mengepul
di pinggir halte bus yang ramai tak jelas
Sesekali, seseorang akan menoleh
Dari jendela mobil dan berkata
"Aku tak melihat apa-apa"
Lalu tenggelam dalam sinisnya
Diantara bising klakson mobil
Ataupun kesibukan siluet kota
Layaknya seperti papan reklame
Yang terpampang nyata
Dengan warna monokrom
"Selamat datang bagi pendatang baru, dan Selamat tinggal."

— The End —