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LKenzo Dec 2020
La lluvia ha dejado goteras en los arboles
el trueno ha destruido medio bosque
las tres lunas anuncian la noche
alumbran a las criaturas, alertan sus voces
aullidos de violines despiertan a los habitantes
la mujer pantera sale a cazar
sangrientos corazones.
Pelaje de terciopelo con ligero movimiento
acaricia con sus garras el suave viento
colmillos crema de afilado marfil
que asoman de su rostro violento
ensuciando y devorando a un conejo muerto.
El olor ha atraído a otros entre la bruma
en busca de delicado alimento
jaguares en la colina se disputan
en un felino enfrentamiento
mientras los pájaros huyen y se asustan.

Un disparo seco y lento
anuncia de los cazadores
provenientes del desierto,
monstruos de mis adentros
escapar de este infierno
no merece la pena vivir en mi interior
pues todo aquí ya esta muerto,
criaturas de los bosques
no os lo pedí cuando me hicisteis
para siempre vuestro rey
ahora viviremos bajo la tierra
hasta que la noche llegue.

El gruñido del animal rompió el silencio
la manada de jaguar con piel de leopardo
y alma de cordero huye con desespero
se refugian entre las ramas con anhelo
entierran su cuerpo en el caliente suelo
La orquesta comienza su crescendo
Los fogonazos de fuegos golpean el firmamento
rebotando y estrellándose contra el riachuelo
y las garras de la pantera
arañan el rostro del animal-hombre
sumiéndolo en un eterno sueño
devorado por las fieras.
No fue capaz de vivir por siempre.

Lluvia de espíritus en el claro del bosque
los dioses enfurecidos susurran su nombre
la sangre de líquido hierro brota por el suelo
el alma de la vida y la muerte alza su vuelo.

Dos de las tres lunas permanecen en el cielo
mientras dos soles asoman
tímidos por las montañas,
las flores se balancean haciendo sonar
las campanas que son sus semillas
el aire es frío y huele a mañanas
comienza un día nuevo, se consume el fuego
la arena se levanta escurridiza en el desierto
y los arboles dejan sus colores morados
para otro tiempo.
La reina del bosque, la mujer pantera,
se refugia junto a sus hermanas en la cueva
y la hierba y la maleza
tapan los restos del cuerpo despedazado
otra presa, pasto de las bestias.
Joel M Frye Feb 2011
slinking down the canyoned street
stalking, nylon-smooth to prey
on predatory eyes who meet
her own. some smile, some turn away.
some know she'd eat them to the bone;
they know that they would die to let her.
some'd use her, drop her like a stone
and say that she deserves no better.
the first she calls her daily bread,
grazing as she culls the herd.
the second brings a smile instead;
male ego, cocky, brash, absurd
to think that any man could claim
to beat her at her chosen game.
Just a black shadow on the prowl around the dark, poorly-lit neighborhood of my mind.
2-19-2011  JMF
naomivdwoodsen Nov 2013
Una mujer camina hacia su casa,
es la hora de salir más ella llega.
Se quita el maquillaje de la cara,
su hermano impaciente la espera.

Por el día es una dama callada,
viste de uniforme con la cara lavada.

Cae la noche y ya no es lo que era
hace lo que quiere, es una pantera.

Por el día observa y por la noche olvida,
que sus problemas aparecen con la luz del día.
Inspirada en Effy, personaje de Skins.
Dorme la corriera
dorme la farfalla
dormono le mucche
nella stalla

il cane nel canile
il ***** nel bimbile
il fuco nel fucile
e nella notte nera
dorme la pula
dentro la pantera

dormono i rappresentanti
nei motel dell'Esso
dormono negli Hilton
i cantanti di successo
dorme il barbone
dorme il vagone
dorme il contino
nel baldacchino
dorme a Betlemme
Gesù bambino
un po' di paglia
come cuscino
dorme Pilato
tutto agitato

dorme il bufalo
nella savana
e dorme il verme
nella banana
dorme il rondone
nel campanile
russa la seppia
dorme il maiale
all'Hotel Nazionale
e sull'amaca
sta la lumaca

dorme la mamma
dorme il figlio
dorme la lepre
dorme il coniglio
e sotto i camion
nelle autostazioni
dormono stretti
i copertoni

dormono i monti
dormono i mari
dorme quel porco
di Scandellari
che m'ha rubato
la mia Liù
per cui io solo
non dormo più.
Maddie Renee Oct 2014
They ain't  got *****,
They can't have *****,
Ugh they always go to Starbucks and order a frappuccino "**** them rich uppity white ******* get on my nerves."
They all listen to One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer,
"I really wish I had white girl hair."
All white girls have to be this, have to do that,
This is my average day at school.
It's not true.
I know because I am a white girl
But I'm not your "typical" one,
I listen to Pantera and Phish,
I don't "always" go to Starbucks.
And I have an *** thank you very much,
I'm not rich,
I'm not poor,
I have the same anatomic structure as everybody else,
I don't need to be singled out for something that isn't true about me.
White people aren't the only that can have stereotypes made about them.
Racism angers me. I needed to get this out, and being called a typical white girl hurts my ears. I am not writing this to be threatening.
Larry McDonough Apr 2013
The dust has been lifted
Wise words from the man in the red truck
As he eluded provocative ants dancing ‘round cigarette ash
Pokemon never behaved like jackals
Or any other eighties hair metal bands for that matter
At least Pantera shredded their way out of that shtick
It allowed me to quench my thirst with neon Gatorade
And stomaching peninsulas
This is why starch as a way to mend secular viral videos
Was never a serious consideration
That right belongs to the intergalactic Prince Albert
Of the Ziggy Stardust federation
It’s what made me feel secure with crack and root beer
Can I get a signal out here,
Or did the waffle train miss me by a nano robot?
God save this illustrious choir of cephalopods and naval lint
Before they find their way into the haphazard way
I chop chicken under drunken stars
A wizard once led me to this concussion
But I cannot remember the first door he smashed with a crowbar
I know it had only been six years since Julia Roberts was in Erin Brockovich
The movie about the alien cyborg, who birthed Africanized
Native American bumble bees
Or was that merely a fan fiction continuation?
That’s when the itch in my head stopped….
SG Holter Nov 2014
I was a teenager.
a boy unshaven amongst
pimpled, insecure junior
high school brats.

I'd sit in the dark of my room,
hearing my father's smoker's
cough through the wall
under my Pantera.

long hair, biker boots, leather
coats and torn jeans was asking
to be excluded where I lived. oh,
I asked, begged, pleeded that

they would.
some did; most saw me as
a necessity they
compared themselves with

to assure themselves as normal.
mainstream. accepted.
at least I'm not freak like

no. I built this confidence and
character alone.
that was my way to walk.
those were my teenage memories.

don't ever be afraid to get noticed.
it takes grit and
confidence; strong legs to
stand out. and stay there.
Cómo era el instante, dígalo la musa
que las dichas trae, que las penas lleva:
la tristeza pasa, velada y confusa;
la alegría, rosas y azahares nieva.
Era en un amable nido de soltero,
de risas y versos, de placer sonoro;
era un inspirado cada caballero,
de sueños azules y vino de oro.
Un rubio decía frases sentenciosas:
negando y amando las musas eternas
un bruno decía versos como rosas,
dos sonantes rimas y palabras tiernas.
Los tapices rojos, de doradas listas,
cubrían panoplias de pinturas y armas,
que hablaban de bellas pasadas conquistas,
amantes coloquios y dulces alarmas.
El verso de fuego de D'Annunzio era
como un son divino que en las saturnales
guiara las manchadas pieles de pantera
a fiestas soberbias y amores triunfales.
E iban con manchadas pieles de pantera,
con tirsos de flores y copas paganas
las almas de aquellos jóvenes que viera
Venus en su templo con palmas hermanas.
Venus, la celeste reina que adivina
en las almas vivas alegrías francas,
y que les confía, por gracia divina,
sus abejas de oro, sus palomas blancas.
Y aquellos amantes de la eterna Dea,
a la dulce música de la regia rima
oyen el mensaje de la vasta Idea
por el compañero que recita y mima.
Y sobre sus frentes, que acaricia el lauro,
Abril pone amable su beso sonoro,
y llevan gozosos, sátiro y centauro,
la alegría noble del vino de oro.
Breanna evans Dec 2018
Black Sabbath
Iced Earth
Judas Priest
King Diamond
Led Zeppelin
Marilyn Manson
ScHoolboy Q
The Beatles
Unleash The Archers
Vince Staples
White Zombie
X Ambassadors
Yung Gravy
Zakk Wyllde
Music is life. Besides, I hate having an odd number of poems published
SG Holter Feb 2015
By open fire
We celebrate Friday.

Arms heavy, as wine
Ascends mouthwards.

Pantera on vinyl.
Flames dancing on raindeer skins.

I rest within my
Confidence knowing

The dress and make-up she
Really didn't need to put on

Are for me; we're the only two
Clouds in the blue.

Window blackness caused by
Absence of sun, moon, and winter tree

Shadows combined.
She lights an IKEA candle

Wedged into a wine bottle
And turns to me from within a veil

Of black hair; blue Norwegian
Eyes piercing through strands of raven.

*This is Happy. This is how

They will find us diseased
In fifty years.

Cold, warm

Hand in dead

Between empty
Katlyn Orthman Oct 2012
Sharp golden eyes
Peer from the trees
Soft rhythmic purr
Summons me
Interest peeked
A calling
Of hope
Don't leave
I will walk among you
I will travel the soil path
Up the hills
Past the clearing
To the cave
That seems to ward away
All the evil
Her long body
Slouches into the mouth
Golden eyes
Lighting the way
My bare feet
Against the cold stone
I grip my arms
Where do you take me
Madre De Los Gatos?
Where do you lead
Beautiful Pantera
I see
You show me my path
I will walk straight
Among you my sister
Thank you
Mateuš Conrad Apr 2016
the art of biblio- (+) -philia -
caress them and don't stone them -
never fold the edges to create a book
mark, by all means
        insert toilet paper
markings for reminder -
             but nothing else -
my birth will come from Armenia -
in cold sweat wondered if
the publisher replied, the Armenian
is on the translation -
i imagine him working agile and juggling -
never mind that - not out of want
but out of rubbing shoulder to shoulder;
although i must say that poets
fear punctuation -
          hence the cascade,
hence the            w
oh indeed poetry is a natural with gravity,
it's not fudge thick prose packaging
of lettering - (after all,
for such a long time poetry wasn't
economic, but since we've turned
digital, and give only two
hazelnuts worth of care for
the Amazon, you know,
in the digital age of endless pixel
paper, we kinda won -
we needed an endless source
of toilet paper to write on) - it's a waterfall
without a fear of falling, but punctuating
the pose in which to fall,
like Gibreel and Saladin in the satanic verses -
one ends up flapping his hands,
the other is falling like a coffin -
where's the real comedy? i think in the latter -
but never mind what i think -
the goddess of Mecca allāt had a *** change -
allāh became - and henceforth with
some other minor alternatives wishing
for a stealing an apple bobbing in Mecca -
cut the head off! but not my hand!
apple bobbing in Mecca - pig's snout thief -
but at page 625 canto XC i do a page flipping
cartoon of what i have read -
all those cantos - obviously there is no
cartoon of matchstick men dancing
tango in jazz#, you can mingle poetry with
jazz but not tango -
i don't know how they pulled it off,
jazz and poetry? hmm, poetry and painting?
i agree - bibliophile the one with
a cf. joker card up his sleeve and the ace in
his wallet -
                    instead of a cartoon movement
you have the words encrypt the days
you spent with the book;
honest to god he makes the poetry a thing
of the past for all the classical guises of
strict routine, there're no techniques
call them what you want: metaphor, item,
pun, item, onomatopoeia, item...
those aren't techniques, they're identifiers,
the boas - constricting or constipating?
whichever - cheap jokes are hardly worth
anything in a monologue since
instead of a punchline you get digression
and the jokes aren't cheap by this method -
they'll brim with bulls charging in narrow
alleys - except, well, except you keep calling it
an ******* of short-lived albino tadpoles -
ah ***... hot sauce and gravy and the only
time you dare to not think -
                                              and no, no one
forced anyone to think, on your own
you go and streak to buttocks ****
waiting for the blind barber.
i know the ones that made it, they escaped
indoctrination of what's deemed a paragraph on
education, in england they still have the imperial
units concerning education:
how much longer a student who achieved an
A grade said 'a' longer than the student who
achieved a D grade and said 'd' with a shortening -
but never mind that -
                                       the really really
famous ones dropped out, did menial bits and bobs
for peanuts and then hit a crescendo of Icarus -
took to the populist stance and never involved themselves
in higher tier affections of affairs -
politics was sidelined as themselves in role
of the water-boy - 40 years march more desired but
somehow derided - yet by some the crucifixion
embraced - mainstream vs. pantera -
                         a legionnaire -
the star of joseph hovering over Bethlehem -
and they still complain, 11 and 1 together twelve
that the concubine of Abraham was shamed
and left to wander into the sands under which
rich black gold was hidden,
Muhammad's neurotic approach toward
origins - Abraham's concubine that did more
than simply muck about in repenting -
took the short-cut and started a martial arts
movement in Japan with the ninjas.
Kida Price Jun 2014
Doom and gloom
You would assume.
Jaded to a fault.
Hate my parents
Hate my life
Blah blah blah
But on a sarcastic note,
There are things I feel
I should inform,
This society of faceless prose,
I'm actually quite unoriginal
And awkward as far as I go.
I fall a lot
I laugh even more
I'm obsessed with a lot of musical scores.
I can draw and play stringed wood
I'd love to dance...
If I only could.
I love the elderly
And the habits they keep.
I love little kids
And the way that they creep.
I'm prone to an unexpected collapse
Of thoughts and rationality.
The color red
Tickles my fancy.
Mac and cheese is a classic dish of mine.
Cheesecake makes my sweet tooth rot.
And I think three toed sloths are out right FINE!
No, they really are! Check them out.
They're my spirit animal without a doubt.
I like to look up cats on YouTube.
And I'm obsessed with SEGA genesis too.
I enjoy a good calorie burn
If it means getting off the couch for the tv channel to turn.
I'm not fat but I'm not thin
I'm too lazy to notice if that smell is coming from me or the trash can.
I don't like mirrors or olives that much.
Brussel sprouts are also included in that bunch.
I converse with myself until I get caught
By people thinking I'm talking to them
When I'm not.
Disney movies, **** yes please!
Favorites are hunchback of Notre dame and Hercules.
Sandman comics and Calvin and Hobbes
Are written in my nightly dreams.
Don't like coffee and I don't like tea
But red bull makes my eyes twitching.
Vanilla is my favorite smell.
I don't like chocolate all that well.
I talk too much about nothing at all
And when it comes to love,
I love to fall.
5'2"...yes I'm shorter than you
I'm well aware of it when reaching for things too.
I dye my hair and cut it myself.
It took a lot of bald months
To have it this fancy and lucious.
I get a lot of looks while driving the scene
When a baby doll like me is blaring slipknot, Metallica, pantera, or coheed.
I'm nearly 25 but look 17
And I still have a soft spot for shel Silverstein.
Neil gaiman is my main man to read
And his wife, Amanda Palmer, has created my favorite music scene.
I used to wear a lot of black
Until I graduated high school and said
"The hell with that."
Colors aren't as bad as all of that.
I like my knives and my stuffed animals just the same
Strangers things I'm crazy
Crazy people think I'm sane.
I'm a hippy as far a fashion dreams
Bell bottom pants and worn out band tees.
I have more guy friends than girls
And I think it's getting me in just as much trouble.
I thought I was gay once
But japan made me sure
When approaching a drunken *******
I couldn't even touch the guy or the girl.
So I declined, my eyebrow confused and creased
Turned that ******* into a twosome
And left them in peace.
I design tattoos and have a few of my own
Based on comic books as my arms would show.
I'm a bit of a nerd but there are worse things to be
Now you know I'm kind of perky
Do you still like me?
Sirenes Mar 2015
Oh oh can you take me to the store
And can you put on Pantera
And blast it real loud
And then we could chat
And I'll tell you about my day
And you could sit there and listen
Oh oh can you put on a DVD
The one about the green oger
And the fairy tale creatures
We could watch it together
Doesn't that sound fun?

"Yes Dad that sounds great"'
Es una intensísima corriente
un relámpago ser de lecho
una dona mórbida ola
un reflujo zumbo de anestesia
una rompiente ente florescente
una voraz contráctil prensil corola entreabierta
y su rocío afrodisíaco
y su carnalesencia
alveolo beodo de violo
es la sed de ella ella y sus vertientes lentas entremuertes que
estrellan y disgregan
aunque Dios sea su vientre
pero también es la crisálida de una inalada larva de la nada
una libélula de médula
una oruga lúbrica desnuda sólo nutrida de frotes
un chupochupo súcubo molusco
que gota a gota agota boca a boca
la mucho mucho gozo
la muy total sofoco
la toda ¡shock! tras ¡shock!
la íntegra colapso
es un hermoso síncope con foso
un ¡cross! de amor pantera al plexo trópico
un ¡knock out! técnico dichoso
si no un compuesto terrestre de líbido edén infierno
el sedimento aglutinante de un precipitado de labios
el obsesivo residuo de una solución insoluble
un mecanismo radioanímico
un terno bípedo bullente
un ¡robot! hembra electroerótico con su emisora de delirio
y espasmos lírico-dramáticos
aunque tal vez sea un espejismo
un paradigma
un eromito
una apariencia de la ausencia
una entelequia inexistente
las trenzas náyades de Ofelia
o sólo un trozo ultraporoso de realidad indubitable
una despótica materia
el paraíso hecho carne
una perdiz a la crema.
Habitador de arenas recelosas,
mitad dios y mitad bestia marina,
ignoró la memoria, que se inclina
sobre el ayer y las perdidas cosas.

Otro tormento padeció Proteo
no menos cruel, saber lo que ya encierra
el porvenir: la puerta que se cierra
para siempre, el troyano y el aqueo.

Atrapado, asumía la inasible
forma del huracán o de la hoguera
o del tigre de oro o la pantera

o de agua que en el agua es invisible.
Tú también estás hecho de inconstantes
ayeres y mañanas. Mientras, antes…
Quiero saber de quién es mi pasado.
¿De cuál de los que fui? ¿Del ginebrino
que trazó algún hexámetro latino
que los lustrales años han borrado?

¿Es de aquel niño que buscó en la entera
biblioteca del padre las puntuales
curvaturas del mapa y las ferales
formas que son el tigre y la pantera?

¿O de aquel otro que empujó una puerta
detrás de la que un hombre se moría
para siempre, y besó en el blanco día

la cara que se va y la cara muerta?
Soy los que ya no son. Inútilmente
soy en la tarde esa perdida gente.
Anna-Marie Rose Jul 2016
No one can say this world's the palace  of wonderful  things,
When born into a broken home,
Where the love given isn't shown
A concrete hell
A saddened reality
Where we see a corrupt sight

My mother with a depressed life
Seeked herion to feel numb.
A brother rebel of his own making
Tool, pantera and slayer his music engraved his soul
Marilyn Manson echoed his ROOM Nothing but anger. ..
A sister thoughts outlined in chalk
Her addiction to liquor flowed forth HIDDEN
Away .. to cover the years that were in a disarray
She always wanted a perfect size two body
To show off... anorexic and bulimic disorders covered her pain..
Innocent and still so very young
I was locked away in My fantasy world
Barbies and Polly pocket... and my teddy bear Bentley. .
I climb the tree in my front yard to protect myself somehow.

Teasing me my sibling would say..
Hahaha your the adopted one
The truthfulness wasn't there
Why did no one care
Issues of a broken home
Memories come flooding back
Dorme la corriera
dorme la farfalla
dormono le mucche
nella stalla

il cane nel canile
il ***** nel bimbile
il fuco nel fucile
e nella notte nera
dorme la pula
dentro la pantera

dormono i rappresentanti
nei motel dell'Esso
dormono negli Hilton
i cantanti di successo
dorme il barbone
dorme il vagone
dorme il contino
nel baldacchino
dorme a Betlemme
Gesù bambino
un po' di paglia
come cuscino
dorme Pilato
tutto agitato

dorme il bufalo
nella savana
e dorme il verme
nella banana
dorme il rondone
nel campanile
russa la seppia
dorme il maiale
all'Hotel Nazionale
e sull'amaca
sta la lumaca

dorme la mamma
dorme il figlio
dorme la lepre
dorme il coniglio
e sotto i camion
nelle autostazioni
dormono stretti
i copertoni

dormono i monti
dormono i mari
dorme quel porco
di Scandellari
che m'ha rubato
la mia Liù
per cui io solo
non dormo più.
We've got no time to lose
Your news is old news
Hate this, hate me, hate this
Right approach for the wrong
It's time to spread the word
Let the voice be heard
All of us, one of us, all of us dominate
And take the ******* world

Mass prediction, unification
Breathing life into our lungs

Every creed and every kind
To give us depth for strength

Taught when we're young to hate one another
It's time to have a new reign of power
Make pride universal so no one gives in
Turn our backs on those who oppose

Then when confronted
we ask them the question

What's wrong with their mind?

What's wrong with your mind?

It's time to rise, rise,

It's time to rise

We've lived with past mistakes
And we've lived with our own
Forgive, forget, forgive
Be a man, not a child

There are no tears for peace
Or the common sympathies
Educate, reinstate, educate
A thing of past, the trouble in the states

Mass prediction, unification
Breathing life into our lungs
Every creed and every kind
To give us depth for strength
Taught when we're young to hate one another
It's time to have a new reign of power
Make pride universal so no one gives in
Turn our backs on those who oppose
Then when confronted we ask them the question
What's wrong with their mind?
What's wrong with your mind?
It's time to rise, rise, rise
It's time to rise
Mass prediction, unification
Breathing life into our lungs
Every creed and every kind
To give us depth for strength
Taught when we're young to hate one another
It's time to have a new reign of power
Make pride universal so no one gives in
Turn our backs on those who oppose
Then when confronted we ask them the question
What's wrong with their mind?
What's wrong with your mind?
It's time to rise, rise, rise
It's time to rise
Songwriters: Philip Anselmo / Rex Brown / Darrell Lance Abbott / Vincent Paul Abbott
Rise lyrics © Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp., Power Metal Music, Inc.
Luis Mdáhuar Mar 2021
Aceituna aceituna aceituna ¿a dónde vas cuando sales?, cuando estoy cansado y con ganas de dormir, esta vida no es para nosotros aceituna eres el amor de las cosas que se acostumbraron a la lluvia, aceituna de las enredaderas de licores y de aviones que construyen sonrisas, aceituna que deambulas  por las calles de la laguna y de otras laderas imaginables, aceituna eres la que late como uno y dos y tres cuando duermo, aceituna eres una pantera que nace sin asomarse al sol, aceituna ¿qué harían las pequeñas piedras ocultas sin tu aliento de viruta?.
Aceituna, eres la neta de los gandules y las riberas desconocidas en las cosas pequeñas, aceituna tu vives como luciérnaga de carretera.
Dorme la corriera
dorme la farfalla
dormono le mucche
nella stalla

il cane nel canile
il ***** nel bimbile
il fuco nel fucile
e nella notte nera
dorme la pula
dentro la pantera

dormono i rappresentanti
nei motel dell'Esso
dormono negli Hilton
i cantanti di successo
dorme il barbone
dorme il vagone
dorme il contino
nel baldacchino
dorme a Betlemme
Gesù bambino
un po' di paglia
come cuscino
dorme Pilato
tutto agitato

dorme il bufalo
nella savana
e dorme il verme
nella banana
dorme il rondone
nel campanile
russa la seppia
dorme il maiale
all'Hotel Nazionale
e sull'amaca
sta la lumaca

dorme la mamma
dorme il figlio
dorme la lepre
dorme il coniglio
e sotto i camion
nelle autostazioni
dormono stretti
i copertoni

dormono i monti
dormono i mari
dorme quel porco
di Scandellari
che m'ha rubato
la mia Liù
per cui io solo
non dormo più.
Ike E Davis Nov 2019
She's important to me
So you know
I think a lot about
Us being alone
When I kiss her
I feel good
Holding hands
When we walk
Just like lovers
Sometimes I see her
Looking at me
I smile back
She's important to me

You can take all your
You can keep me
From the
Things I need
You can hold back
All my cash
You can take my
But don't take
Her I'm begging
She's so
Important to me

Shes like sleep
Like the food I eat
Like hair
Jethro tull
Heavy jazz
Shes important to me.

— The End —