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Jesus Cruz Nov 2013
Nicolette, why do you try so hard?
To run tears down your face.
Nicolette, why do you think so hard?
About that one evil place.
Nicolette why do you think like that?
You just can't seem to understand.
Nicolette we've told you times before,
We're holding out our hands.
You can trust us, run away with us.
You can like us, you can stay with us.
Nicolette, we don't wish to change you,
We just hope you take our help.
Nicolette, what would you do?
If one of us needed that help?
Would you extend your hand like we do?
Would you open up your arms?
Nicolette, we really trust you,
We just don't trust the things around you.
Nicolette, we're here to fight with you.
We're here to make you stronger.
Nicolette is a teenager.
Young and reckless.
Independent, she keeps her feelings hidden.

Always smiling.
Differences set her aside.
No one the same as her.

Although her friends are similar,
She still stands out.
Charismatic, outgoing.

A social butterfly.
Laughing, childhood memories, so far gone.
Her future even farther.

Nicolette feels maturity growing upon her.
Students and professors see the struggle,
but don’t see through.

Friend in the next room.
Spends four years as mates,
Still knows nothing.

Her life's moving on,
As if someone's robbing time.
She puts a profile to the case.

Just like all the rest.
Investigated and collected information,
Nicolette’s her own criminal.
it's too boring to be simply up to no good
vanilla skin and ashen lips, shaking hands
sly, slender nostrils that started drip wine again
convinced she's not a person without him

when she laughs that cool laugh
these straight lines that keep her
coiled and uncoiling again
she smells like absolut and lust, cheap perfume
Alma Tsuy Apr 2015
again! ****,
I go left, again.
the saying...
I go left again.
the same -
I go left again.
I'll go left,
a gain.
tagged #Greenhouse
at January 19 2015
whatever that means...
Ive never thought this human being can hurt an individual like myself as much as she has
i never thought she can grab my heart and crush it as if i was just the girl next door instead of her allegedly forever..
i never thought she can hurt me and make me shed tears that can fill up an empty ocean
i never thought she can give up on something that was so beautiful, full of butterflies and sweet soft smiles so easily.

I miss your smile, your heart, your gentle touch and the special pet names that would always make me blush even just 2 days before you shattered my heart

i just want you back in my arms so i can make you- you again

Oh please come back ive never been one to pray to God but oh for you? Ill pray for you in this universe and in any other universe over and over again

I hope you find happiness within yourself again
i just pray its with me by your side..
I havent been able to write in over two years, however my heart has been broken and so here i am.. back again.. not my best tbh but these are my thoughts
i am so hurt and ive never been so hurt she was my first true love and ill never forget her
It's pretty hard raising a family in the hood
I know in fact
Family has to do what they need to do to provide the needs for their family

Living in the hood
Doesn't mean we Nicolette our kids
Because that's how kids turn to be bad

Kids in the hood
Learn how to steal
Learn how to sell drugs
Learn how to use drugs
Learn ******* your own kind

We as a parent
We have to step in to save our kids
Cherish all that moment
Teach them how to love one another
Show them how to respect other people

Start stopping your kids
Before he ends up in a bag
Blood to blood you cannot replace
Just a little reminder how the world or part the world we live in
To someone who
Care for you
When you tell me
Something I’m
There to listen.
But when I tell you
Something you
Avoid what I’m saying
You don’t care
For me
But I care for you.
Do you think your being
Fare what you doing.
You want someone to do
Something for you
Meet them halfway
Don’t Nicolette them
That’s exactly you doing

— The End —