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spooky doopy Feb 2015
Anyway, Anaplasmata act aptly and abstractly
Backhands ******* balky baklava
Caractal chasm chant "Catty cavalry can't"
Dactyl dada dawns Djakarta drab

Larva ask dab-tap shabby knack lad
"Ever elect effete experts elsewhere?"
A clad daddy wants a dark jab dart
Fleece fleets flee flecked flyspecks

Cleft feet eve expels three resew eres
Gentle germs gelde grebe's geyser
Cede effects leek fell pecks self lyfes
Hellbent helmsmen helped hexed herders hence

Glen's remelted eggs be Serge-Grey
It insistingly implys impish ipsissimis insipidity
He held next her belched sender heel
Jiggling jibs jinx jimmy's jill jig

Its smilingly spiny impish mississippi I-I-I Is It dinty?
Kidding kibitz kick killing kings kitsch
sigil sign jimmy jib jingling jil
Livid linitis limits limbs limp

Big **** kid kicks thinking gill's zit kink
Midriffs mimics Mis's minimizing mistypings
Slim villi distils it, mini blimp
nil ninhydrin nihilists nicks nyxis nightly

Ms Mmisty's zip disc, if firm, is miming mining
ontology on top of oophoron ostomy.
Hindi hint silly lynchings. Skinny nix I stir
phonology 'pon phytol plywood poops polyglots pompons.

Polygon hoof-moon on poor toys toot
phony thong ploy loops monolog poppy.  Woody plop! Psst!
Rooks romp rootstock rods

"Posh" - Q
Schoolroom scoffs scoop shockproof snort stools
Mock stork pro or door toss
Thyrotomy 'top torpor tot's torso

So-so rooftop honk slots. Morocco sloops off
Usufruct tu upchucks
Stormy troops root to tot trothy
Vulgus vult vults

**** such curt cut ups
Wrung wctu
Vulgus vult vults

Wrung WCTU
Yummy yurts
Zulu zymurgy

Yummy! Try us!
Lawman scandal any pay at a scab yap tat tartly
Zulu zymurgy
Almanac-scratch that-clay tract vacancy
pantoum, lipogram, alliteration
HotSauceMcPoetry Sep 2015
Stunt ****

He can be your lover lady,  ima be your stunt ****. He can be your boyfriend mommy, ima be your stunt ****. He can be your husband ****, ima be your stunt ****, stunt **** fluid swap, yep when them ******* drop. Lights, camera, action ,I’m your stunt ****, stunt ****. Lights camera, action, I’m your stunt ****, stunt ****. Ima be your stunt **** girl and beat it up, yep ima beat it up, that man there can eat it up. We don’t need no scrip for this act or no monolog, you can adlib, improvise on my microphone. We can do the box spring boogie all night long, we can get *****, coz play like its Comic Con. Tag your girlfriend in, we can do a menajahtwa , pile drive that nannie, Macho Man Wrestle Mania. Petting that *****, Doctor Claw, go go gadget pennies, working your equation ,*** notation like a mad genius. If I nut prematurely , don’t you worry I got ******, it’s not superman, but stuntman with all the stamina, Ima beat it up like Van Dam   at the Comitia ,finger, lick and kiss each other while I *******. It’s ocean spray ,whale watching like in Monterrey.
M Eastman Dec 2014
Midnight and it's a pitch black
I'm staring at
feeling alone
and hating myself
for every little thing
all the muscles
with stress and regret
How unlovable and pathetic
is wretched me
It’s February, 2015, a Saturday and here I ‘yam.
Back in sunny California again:
The sun shining brightly again
On My Old Hemetucky Home,
Another mutant Stephen Foster tune.
Hemet: Riverside County,
Southern California,
The so-called Inland Empire,
According to the hyperbolic parlance,
Of sharkskin-suited land speculators,
Truly, the last of the
Patent medicine, liniments &
Snake oil hucksters.
Hemet: little oversight & lax policing
Yield a thriving, local
Medical-marijuana industry.
You are comfortably tucked . . .  
TUCKS® Medicated Pads | TUCKS®‎ Witch Hazel soothes and protects irritated areas. Medicated Cooling Pads are...

You are safely tucked behind the impenetrable
Wackenhut G4S Security-
Policed & Patrolled walls,
Of your typical over-55 gated lunatic asylum.
“For Active Adults,” reads the sign,
Whatever that means.
I’ve been thinking about the adventurous young.
What is it these bright,
Wander-lusting whippersnappers
Fixate and obsess about.
Like dropping out & coasting for a while.
Dropping out & coasting:
Not as easy to pull off for 20-somethings these days,
As it was in the late sixties/early seventies,
Flush times for Guns & Butter.
Where is it cheap to live?
Where on . . .
“This blessed plot, this earth,
This realm, this England . . .”
Where on this ozone-depleted,
Global fondue fungus ***,
Can I go to just sit still?
To think:  to make sense of it all?
It’s leisure, Kemosabe.
Leisure cultivates philosophy.
The very stuff of curiosity and
As in: “One’s grasp should exceed one’s reach”—
Idleness leads us,
Gifts us with understanding &
You are 21 again, and restless.
You are unwilling to just settle in.
So, where do you go?
Where can you live on savings?
To not work,
But not go hungry?
To just sit still,
Contemplating the state of the wicket,
Be it wicked or sticky.
Today it’s Prague and Berlin—
Or, for the truly decadent: Bangkok.
For us it was Florence or Paris—
Or, for the truly frugal,
Driving our cars to Mecca: Montreal,
"La Métropole du Québec"
Sanctified are the places we’ve chilled.
Shrines & vortexes; each holy latitude,
As Han Solo drolly reminds us:
“It’s not the years; it’s the miles.”
The amount of ground covered,
A blessing devoutly to be wished in Old Age:
But I digress.
Just the thought of hanging out
Some place really cool,
Yet relatively inexpensive--
In a parlance acquired
Over the years and the miles,
Tactfulness learned,
Manipulating the language
For fun & profit.
Common sense is aged in the barrel
And the bottle, rephrased.
Vernacular Viniculture.
Which proves my point:
If you live long enough &
Read enough of the right stuff,
Eventually you’ll discover
A precise, more exact vocabulary,
Appropriate for Old Age inner monolog.
Would Old Age be tedious?
Boring, for those who
Never went anywhere?
Both physically & spiritually speaking.
Are memories our only revenge on Old Age?
And for those hiding behind the barriers,
Safe. Ignorant. Jolly. Dull.
A fast track toward senility &
Does Alzheimer’s seek out & destroy the
Most cloistered among us?
While those bold & beautiful,
Experienced, still spinning,
Still weaving a tapestry in 3-D Technicolor.
Remembrances of things past . . .
(Get back in your hole, Marcel . . .)
And as the AARP crowd knows so well:
We Baby Boomers really had it pretty soft.
Boom economics,
Conspicuous consumption,
Coonskin hats, Betsy Wetsies & Hula Hoops!
By and large:
No Great Depression,
No chocolate rationing.
A jungle war pretty much optional,
For most of us of the
American bourgeoisie.
We’ve got a lot to remember.
We’ve much to be grateful for.
Electronic media changed everything for us.
Television and movie theaters gave us
Alternative dimensions,
Parallel lives,
Multiple identities.
Experience so real that
To see it on the screen
Was to live it, oneself.
Perhaps those video downloads
Might prove useful one day.
Comforts out on Golden Pond.
Will you still need me?
Will you still feed me?
When I'm sixty-four?
Grazie, Sir Paulie.
jd Jan 2018
*** var en fløjlsblød stemme i kakofoni, en rød rose i regnvejr, smeltet ost i en french toast. Creme de la creme de la creme de la creme de la creme… I et flygtigt øjeblik var *** min. Jeg gav slip, da *** lod facaden krakelere. Der var mere larm, mere regn og mere tørt brød. Det glansbillede, jeg havde malet af hende, var en parodi af virkeligheden. Jeg forelskede mig i en forestilling – en opdigtet person, der stadig lever i min fantasi, æder mine minder og erstatter dem med forvrængede forestillinger.

Så jeg savner hende. Jeg savner hendes ustabile psyke – at *** måtte indtage **** piller i samme mundfuld som morgenmad, at *** blev syrlig uden grund. *** var forelsket i mig i et øjeblik, og smed mig ud det næste. Jeg savner hendes vanskabte krop – hendes korte ben, der ikke kunne holde hende stående en hel dag, det skæve øje, der fokuserede på det, *** ikke så, hendes store tæer, der trods al plejning aldrig så pæne eller tillokkende ud. Jeg savner hendes barnlige opførelse – *** snakkede i høje toner, kunne ikke undvære sin mor i en længere periode, *** kommunikerede med alt omkring hende, objektgjorde alt.  *** kunne aldrig skille sig af med noget – bamsen der var en dåbsgave, bøgerne der kun havde været åbnet én enkelt gang, kattefigurerne fra Italien, der egentligt kun bragte dårlige minder om et forlist venskab og en lang ferie med krops-, familie og varmekomplekser. *** græd ved tanken om den svigt, de måtte føle, hvis *** forlod dem. En spøjs idé, *** sjældent havde om levende organismer såsom mig og de to kaktusser i vinduet, der visnede bort. Ligesom jeg.
Jeg savner hendes selvbillede – hendes dybe selvhad forplantet i enhver celle af legemet, men også den paradoksale tanke om at være noget særligt. *** så sig selv som unik – et unikum af et væsen med unikke problemer, unikke tanker og en unik livsbetydning. *** gravede sig selv ned i takt med, at *** så sig selv som værende højere placeret.

Skulle jeg vende tilbage, opleve dette igen, ville jeg vende hurtigt væk igen. For jeg savner det ikke. Ikke oprigtigt. Fordi jeg ved, jeg kan få det igen – fordi jeg ved, *** er lige præcis der, hvor jeg efterlod hende – *** kommer ikke videre. Gjorde ***, ville jeg savne det. Der er noget behageligt og bekræftende i at vide, at *** for evigt vil vente på mig – at tankerne altid vil vandre tilbage på mig, hver gang *** kommer forbi det hvide slot i skoven. Jeg vandt. Og alligevel ikke. *** fik plantet sig i mig – og *** vil for evigt vende minderne og tankerne, så jeg vil være i en konstant tvivl om hvorvidt, *** er den reelle vinder. Og om *** stadig venter. Jeg ved, at *** venter – *** vil altid vente. Men jeg kan være nødt til at være sikker – se, om *** venter. Om *** venter på mig, som jeg tror – eller om *** endnu er en udefinérbar skabning, som jeg igen har skabt min egen version af.

Måske er *** hverken den fløjlsbløde stemme i kakofoni eller den ustabile kattedame. Måske er *** begge dele. Måske var *** min i et flygtigt øjeblik – måske var *** ikke. Måske er *** altid min, måske var *** det aldrig. Jeg ved kun én ting sikkert, og det er, at intet er sikkert. Det hele foregår i mit hoved, i mit sind og min fantasi. Virkeligheden er fjern, måske endda urealistisk. Var du her nogensinde? Er jeg? Tænk en tanke kan erstatte en tanke med en anden tanke. Tænk, du kan erstatte dig med en anden dig. Tænk, jeg kan erstatte jeg med et andet jeg. I så fald, erstatter jeg hele jeg’et eller kun dele? Jeg skulle spørge for Freud. Ville det ikke være komfortabelt, hvis jeg kunne erstatte et jeg med et andet jeg? Så ville jeg være det jeg, jeg gerne vil have, jeg er. Det er en god tanke, som snart bliver fjernet for en anden tanke, der skal have plads. Er dette en monolog eller en dialog med mig selv? Snakker jeg med andre sider af mig selv, eller findes der kun denne en kendte side? Hov, det var vist den næste tanke. Hvor
My mind, a theater,
My words, an intense inner monolog
Directed to an imaginary audience.
The ASIDE: a useful theater prop
Adapted seamlessly from script to screen.
The new medium divulging what I really think,
My avatar--a floating bubble head--
Visible off-stage only,
A new version of reality,
A giant leap for mankind:
Humans outsourcing the bulk of experience.
ZWS Sep 2014
Always tried to live by "don't let your worries ruin your days"
Becomes quite the task when your worries are your days
And you're stuck in between conversation in a hungover afternoon haze
Can't ever get anything out with your constant interruptions
You couldn't ever know what I want
Because all you want to do is talk about you, flaunt, flaunt

Constant conversation, you mys as well mark that down in your monolog
The only one I can talk to is myself
Makes for some interesting morning jogs

Sorry about the hate mail but it's the only way I could get a message across to you

Miss my dorm room for once, everything before I met you
It's better to think about how lovely love is than to fall in it
Clarkia May 2021
Coworker: "How are you?"
(Internal monolog: I blocked my twin flame on all social medias so I wouldn't look at his pages.
So I honor his desire for privacy away from me.
I'm sad. I want him to call me.
I see no reason he ever will.
If he is me he'd call me.
He couldn't stay away.
He stays away.
My heart is being shredded into a million pieces...)
My response with a big smile: "I'm good."
All Promete Jan 23
Sad dawn of Friday, putting my head between my knees, I was in a monolog conversation with you.

Through the thick cigarette smoke , like the exhalation of a steamship that drives on the river of nothingness and takes the living from the shores of the world to the parallel world in which you live -
Your smiling face was staring at me

: Do you remember the duets? I asked.
I would hug the guitar and play as if you were in my arms, and you would play the piano so delicately, as if you were stroking my hair?

And you are not here to see in these sad years that have passed; my guitar sheds tears in longing for a hug, and your piano sighs in longing for a strike.

— The End —