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Jaanam Jaswani Oct 2013
For Jay - whose light never ceases to shine.

Wounded with darkness
he reflects each light
like a diamond, they say
Oh, what a sight!

He trots down with his black shield
And blunt daggers on his face
He smiles
With such kindness; with such grace

The Man with The Black Shield;
Alas - he's taken a wound to the chest!
He sends shivers to monads
"Hence!, she says, "let him rest!"

The Man's breaths were long -
And unwavered -
Feel free to comment :) please help me finish it.
Katy Laurel Mar 2014
Life has been quite kind to the chaos in my veins.
After all the attempts to fill my lungs with tar and dirt,
I am still in between the water and air, singing with fiery wonder.
So, with humiliation and perspective in my learning eyes,
I try to reach back and grasp truthful moments.

I have lied to myself many times,
It becomes difficult to separate the insecure story from my history.
I am left with the light of the moon singing upon different lands of water.
A collection of moments in which I can be alone with someone else,
Watching the moon paint pools of clouds or dissipate over an abyss.
These small monads of time contain infinite refractions of silver justice.

Take a breath.
I know the pain of realization is overwhelming.
But learn to speak through the high tides of your own ocean.

Yes, you have been hurt.
Your throat is sore with those worn words.
Yes, you have truly hurt others with this same pain.
Your tired hands shake with ****** fists.

Yes, you have laughed in the face of love
and dared to sneer at those with open hearts,
those who saw the sweet monster howling in your soul
and wanted to hold you softly.

Yes, instead of releasing the heavy burden of pride
And thanking the courageous explorer,
You have always swung around and released the caged wolf in your ribs,
letting her shred any hope near your heart.

I know all these realizations are much too late,
and I am a fool for believing I’ve experienced any retribution.

This is only a clumsy attempt to let you know,
Im trying.
Michael Marchese Mar 2021
A million points of light
Single unit
Of reality
Reduced in half
To ad in-finite
Then I wonder
Who designed it?
Arlene Corwin Mar 2018
Lying In Bed In Truth

I lie in bed.
I look down at this body.
Not very interesting.
I wish to feel the single this.
Separated and detached,
No past which wants to show itself;
Just now.
Alone but not a lonely I,
For as a Buber labeled it,
An I and Thou,
All others also I and Thou
Surrounding and surrounded by…
Monads all.
Single souls.
Working on and out the hole
And whole of this existence.
Fingers typing,
Eyes a-skyping
Mind hard to describe
Where is it?
What’s it doing?
All and nothing.  
What’s it want?
A knowing all integrally,
Unseparate yet separated.
This is mysticism underrated
In a nutshell.

Lying In Bed In Truth 3.12.2018 Nature of & In Reality; Circling Round Reality; To The Child Mystic II; Arlene Corwin
the mystic side of existence.
Sebastian Beck Feb 2020
O’ festered a hand-brush painted chromatic scales;
Notes float through vibrations of abstracted melodies,
Deft fog foaming around the tellurian vessel,
A minor to blue sharply lifted;
Harmonically unlatched the gray mist settles.
Imprisoned valor inside the inland empire,
And the sounds depart;
The colors withdraw,
From the sheet of paper ripped inward
Left the fleck of sensory creation,
Without the ability to sense or smell,
Tell from where C major decomposed Vivaldi;
Monet surfed on a cloud of monads:
Functioning life colorless and dreary.
In and out the state-like dream awakes,
Confer to them with no substance,
or destination.
Written the symphony in-reverse canvases
Inside the dream the people gather, outside
Hasten the conclusion an incision made.
The mind a functor without real estate.

— The End —