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One of the most abused gifts of life,
Even toothpaste commercials use it to advertise,
Brings pleasure whilst leaving others in deep strife,
Its one thing that creates soul ties,
It deserves more than just physical feelings to be undergone,
Though,it seems in this area we have chosen to be ignorant and to harden our hearts like stone,
As long as we satisfy our momental desires..
And when the deed is done,our conscience fights itself then retires..

It retires from caring who the deed is done with later on..
Be careful how you use or view ***,its not as easy as its spelling; when it comes to what it leaves within you..---->speaking from what I've seen around,observed and realised..
Bellis Tart Dec 2010
I love you,
but it's different
it's not your typical love
it's more like this feeling
of letting go
cause when I'm with you
I don't have to try
it's effortless
just me,
and you.
When your arms are wrapped around me
and our chests rise and fall in unison
everything else melts away
it's so comfortable, and secure
I am totally safe
just me,
and you.
I've known it since that first moment,
there's no pressure, no head games
though we work so well together
we'll stay, happily with others,
but those moments when I'm with you
our puzzle piece lives fit together so perfectly
just me,
and you.
(c) 08/12/10
R Feb 2014
have you ever had those days
when you miss that feeling
of the blade touching your skin
and barely missing a vein?
the excitement you feel
when blood pours out
and the manic grin that
spreads across your face
as the pain subsides?'

i'll be honest,
it is what i have thought about
all day long.
i want the blood
and the pain and the
momental joy.

but, that is all it is.
the feeling flees the second
i am done, the high is gone
and all i am left with is
a ripped up wrist.

hopefully, love isn't the same way.
but, all great addictions usually are.
i didnt cut, obviously.
but i cant lie, i miss it so much.
ive been so happy, i hate that this feeling, that this need is still there.
Walking past the playground at the park
in the center of my grown up city

I hear children, but do not look at them,
their parents’ eyes seem to glare at me.

As I carry on, earbuds infecting my head
their vibrant laughter derides my shady afternoons indoors,
the things my mother said.

Once I wanted to drink grape Kool-Aid, but my mother wasn’t home
and even though she’d told me not to, I decided to make myself some.

I climbed up in the cupboard and took the faded pitcher
then I took the translucent canister below, in which my mother stored her sugar.

I mixed the sugar and synthetic flavor with a knife
a cloud of purple powder rising up.

Despite the fragrant odor, I couldn't be sure I’d added enough.

After the ingredients dissolved, I was ready to drink.
I took a big boy, breakable glass cup from the counter and washed it in the sink.

I dried the cup and set it there, beside the pitcher on the table
But when I raised the pitcher up to pour juice in the glass,

my little arms were just too feeble.

The pitcher slipped, as I lost grip and everything got wet.
As I took white cloths to sop up what I'd done,

the Kool-Aid fell in torrid sheets from the table's edge into my mouth
as warm Summer rain did years later, inhibiting a game I didn't want to play.

The water falling was relaxing and sweet for me both times.
Each accident was my momental, purple rain delay.
Eric Dec 2013
To observe surroundings
Often results in the discovery
Of a momental occurrence - marvelously unique
Never replicated in both past and future

Dullness to the glistening radiance of these everyday singularities
Hidden irretrievably in moments quickly passed.
One of the most abused gifts of life,
Even toothpaste commercials use it to advertise,
Brings pleasure whilst leaving others in deep strife,
Its one thing that creates soul ties,
It deserves more than just physical feelings to be undergone,
Though,it seems in this area we have chosen to be ignorant and to harden our hearts like stone,
As long as we satisfy our momental desires..
And when the deed is done,our conscience fights itself then retires..

It retires from caring who the deed is done with later on..
Jade Lee Mar 2014
you used my body
as I was a tool
you took advantage of my love
treated me as I was an option
I knew things weren't right from the moment I asked you to kiss me and you said no
popped into my head was
your name
your smell
and your momental love
daryll smith Dec 2020
I know what I've done.
What the pauses are I've caused.
An still I cause more.
For my disappointment shows no flaws.
Each momental pause causes more pain than I never proceeded to mean to gain.
To the outside looking in I look fine "I'm surviving".
I try drugs. love and self escape.
Just to end up in the same place.
Suffering pain I can't take.
Was I meant for this or a cruel mistake.
Can I take pace on a path where I don't hate the sight of own face.
Replace the one who looks back the one with blue eyes not black and opaque.
Replace the pain and disgrace that peers back to my skin of grey drawn in cheeks
With veins that drugs leak from,
My tourniquet is the only thing that brings me back to norm.
Or should I say numb.
I'm sick!
Sick of holding on one more ml and soon I'm gone.
Every body's looking at my life wondering where they went wrong how they regret how we never got on another soul or ashes blowing out in the sun.
daryll smith May 2019
I know what I've done.
What the pauses are I've caused.
An still I cause more.
For my disappointment shows no flaws.
Each momental pause causes more pain than I never proceeded to mean to gain.
To the outside looking in I look fine "I'm surviving".
I try drugs. love and self escape.
Just to end up in the same place.
Suffering pain I can't take.
Was I meant for this or a cruel mistake.
Can I take pace on a path where I don't hate the sight of own face.
Replace the one who looks back the one with blue eyes not black and opaque.
Replace the pain and disgrace that peers back to my skin of grey drawn in cheeks
With veins that drugs leak from,
My tourniquet is the only thing that brings me back to norm.
Or should I say numb.
I'm sick!
Sick of holding on one more ml and soon I'm gone.
Every body's looking at my life wondering where they went wrong how they regret how we never got on another soul or ashes blowing out in the sun.
Drifton A Way Jun 2022
An Inevitable Metamorphose sized type of night
Change- the Prognosis in forever’s constant sight
Undeniably we try as we may and go on to fight
But what’s the alternative? To turn out the light?

Tom Bodet once said he’d leave the light on
But I fret about the dark once Tom is gone
And I bet his eternal soul will rest on five stars
No more motel six lies and flies from the bars

An epiphany once whispered to me her last right
She said once she’s dead you’ll be all out of spite
Hyper aware I choose now to channel and write
Prove you care to the momental very last night

I Encapsulate all my closure and try to meditate
I cannot wait for composure in the face of fate
Empty plate, full of sorrow, but everybody’s ate
Procrastinate again tomorrow before it’s too late
Just a little catharsis for the starts of the sharts and riddles laughing with the Paul Blarts and the minor parts of life’s ridiculously caught in betweens  and middles.

— The End —