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Ma Cherie Jul 2017
take me on a journey there
and tell me what you see
I see trees of falling bark around
and shores of golden sea

I will take you on a journey here
through the hills of my Vermont
where the crystal waters
run so clear
and my ancestors still haunt

I see mountains tall and proud shimmering in a blue
I see fields of rolling shade
and some sleeping kangaroo

I see moths- the rarest kinds
and these birds of many feather
I see mountains verdant green
and this gorgeous summer weather

I fly with noisy lorikeet
and swim in coral reef
and walk 'twixt ancient eucalypt
to view the sandy beach

I land with Peregrine Falcon
and I soar with red tail hawk
I drift in summer breezes here
and with the animals
I talk

I walk through shady leafy glens
and I tread the reddened Earth
while I listen as the lybirds sing
to state my futile worth

I dream of sweet tomorrow's near
in the clouds of purest white
I hike in ferny glens here too
and fly a homemade kite

I stand beneath the winter here
in the clearest skies above
and I trace the stars my future now
in hopes I find true love

I stand in brilliant honey rays
in days of solstice long
I sing to love ~ oh far away
that he too hear my song

and hear I do,
a song from you
that skipped across the stars
your day-
my night,
we must take flight
beyond the Sun,
the moon and stars

out to the Milky Way
I'll come along with you
our maiden flight
in love and light
to find a love that's true

David Hewitt & Ma Cherie
© July 2017
Hi y'all! Decided to collaborate again- David started the first verse a bit ago- life getting in both our way- I finally finished it tho. This is about two poets two dreamers - different worlds different realities different galaxies even? Both looking for their souls counterpart Always nice to write with David so sweet thoughtful, talented, kind, etc etc lol. Hope you all find something to love about it.  And anyone I've let down on doing a collaboration please let me know and I will try! I get scattered sometimes lol love you all- Muah x - Ma Cherie and David
Alexander Akin Dec 2014
Til twinkle pinkie rosebuds turn shrubbery so wild
wilder than the fume upon which the moonglade
climbs gloomy tide to make welcome of the night
until the little birds sing your name
then times be as happy as flame
One goldfinch and 3 white pigeons
a colourful macaw parrot and falconet
or the black crowncrane of large pinions
soul's fleeting harbinger of the lorikeet
type, as i await the little birds sing
The whole of my being approves
by the star shining in northerly clime
as in clinging on tight to a feeling so true
of grim death in moment so prime
until the birds vocalize your name
only then shall I not feel the disdain
Patience robs the clamouring chest
heels are still weary and cold in rest
and soon little birds send me tweets
by the dawn chorus of early birds' beats
shall one become happy and gay
Robin Carretti May 2018
Another Mother,
don't bother
The Bird buddy
such anger
for the human,
we are_
((Free birds))
Locked the
Queen Parliament
All humans\//
are the caged ones
(Tweets) fanatically
insane feet
Bird Fever
twiddle dee
her satin sheets
(fiddle me)
Mr. Brando bird can see??
Bird front
breasted docks
Cardinal Pope
flocks of Coo
Moo clocks
Commando Crumbs
Crows feet heavy
metal big bro beat
Angry tears of a clown
The  tweet's on twitter
Rap brother
Big! brother Nomad

named Conrad_?
The kiss it never
felt like this

(Ann Margaritas))
Polly crackers
and French Brie
Terrible two
tweets/ angry-fits
All she does is sit
High flight buns
poppy seeds
I'm a free bird.
Please, no cages
******* wages.
Conrad Birdie
army got
you now.
bird created
Billy Crystal
bye, birdie.
  Got stuffy
Pyshco bird
shower but_
She eats like a bird
zombie pantry.
Those breadcrumbs
4 seasons
Bird  feet seedy
The Gordon Fisherman

Starfish in her girdle;
Angry dogs of beagles
Jewish Bagels from
Brooklyn cream
cheese and lox
What a  bird **** puddle.
That security guard he
pecks and nibble
The bicycle she still
peddles at Peddlers
A whole bird village
Pa. Ha Ha
Papas and the mamas
There slowing me down
turtles imagine
me and you I do.
I think about you every
Rooftop twittering  
I need a lighter
No birdy littering
Wheres my bird waiter
Dorothy Rainbow
Brother, we
don't need to
Robin Red Breast
The Ladybirds braveheart
Solomon Island
movie part
The Rainbow
She swept him off
another tweet
Down to the rainforest
Purple Prince
looked at her feet
girls so bitter
Her coffee
Freely and lightly
He went over to her
and said
Your coffee is
for the birds' sweetie
She said tweet tweet
You'll never be my bird
Angry is the word
The birdie humor, not good humor truck a peck and **** birds of a feather do they really love and work
The after life part 13

Cronus has had his fair share of junkies recently when someone who killed himself after overdosing on Panadol and Cronus said Jacki burnhead who do you want to be in your next life and Jacki said I want to be a bird and when that bird dies, I want to be another bird untill I get confident enough to be a human again, and Cronus said I could arrange that because taking too much Panadol is bad and it is ****** behaviour and Jacki said I am not a ****** mate I was just somebody who was in a lot of pain and no prescribed medication at the right dose was doing any good, so I went to the shop to buy heaps and heaps of Panadol and Cronus said, did that stop the pain you ahead and Jacki said **** NO, all it did is fucken **** me but I am no ******, right, I just wanted Athena to heal me and Cronus said Athena will only heal if you do the right thing on earth like take the right dose, Athena will call you a ******, Jacki
****** Jacki that is what you are, a total ****** and Jacki said, I AM NOT A ******, just stop calling me a ******, I was in pain, can’t you tell and Cronus said ok, but really you need to learn and I think you are right, you need to be a bird, flying in the air for a while because you don’t really have a real purpose in life like other people, you just expect Athena to heal you with easy ****** like drugs like Panadol and Jacki said I am going to **** you from the after life and Cronus laughed saying, you can’t **** me, out of here because I am a powerful being who will make you a rainbow lorikeet and Jacki said, thank you, I guess and Cronus sent Jacki to Athena for a soul check and after yelling at Athena for 10 minutes, which she lost, then went to Saturn to have a methane smoothie and to watch bon Scott and Freddie Mercury
Perform and then Cronus had Brian simonston from Westminster who was killed by a drug ****** after getting hit by a speeding car and Cronus said
Brian, what do you want to be in your next life and Brian said I want to be a salt water crocodile, because I love salt water, I want to be protected enough so I won’t mean to **** anybody and I want to be looked after by the Irwin family and I want to really destroy that junkies life up here from space, like I want to get inside his head so he doesn’t get away with what he did to me and Cronus said, I can see what I could do, and yes, you could really get into his head, of that ****** ****** and Brian said thanks and then went to Athena for a soul check and went to mercury to torture the junkies of earth in their heads and then Cronus had Kenneth Barbury who was a man doctors called a ****** because he always wanted a stronger medication to heal him, and he doesn’t believe in the powers of Athena because the cosmos to him should be easy, and Cronus said what do you want to be in your next life and Kenneth said, a boy in a happy family who has money for me to be cool and playing sport or theatre and Cronus said, well, even if you reckon athena’s powers are fake I will grant your wish and you will go to a wealthy happy family, but you must learn that Athena can heal you, she has that power and Kenneth said ok, whatever and Cronus sent him to Athena for a soul check which Kenneth was shocked to see Athena was real and then went to Jupiter to watch a football match between cosmos capitals and Cronus kings and Kenneth wants to have the power to write a story of what he knows about the after life with Cronus and Athena and Buddha
martin challis Jan 2015
They have a ball here,
their backwardsing
their forwardsing;
the rainbow lorikeet, the pink galah, the dove.

Along and up and down
the ridge line of this hill
like an airway
a real high-way upon which they fly;
the joyful chattering squawks and squits
of sheer intent,
to move
quickly to the next excitement:
a blossom, a floral, a pod
a nectar.

And then again to
dash about,
to go together
to make this urgent
to make this such essential fun.

MChallis @ 2015
betterdays Mar 2014
the rainbow lorikeet
is evidence
of a creational dichotomy
a bird of feathers,
bright and sweet
with a of voice
of snickering raucousness undeniable, universal proof: you can't have it all!!!
Mohd Arshad Feb 2018
Flower doesn't ever shut its door,
Whoever comes, man or rainbow lorikeet
Why we think brown or black or white?
Society is a flower, how much sweet!
Expanse of green acres draped
like a petticoat when ye arrive
birds of a feather flock together
and bees gather collect nectar,
pollen, and water to bolster their hive
verdant vista sports
spot for wildlife to thrive
such as; whitetail deer, red fox,
Easter bunnies, garter snakes.

Not only state of the art plumbing
(that would put Cloāca Maxima to shame)
for public restrooms in the works
but facilities at Highland Manor apartments
located in Schwenksville, Pennsylvania
in the 19473 zip code
(within dead man walking distance
of Perkiomen Watershed)
offers one bedroom and studio apartments
(built in 1969 with 84 units)
geared for sixty plus year old young Turks

adjacent to Maple Hill Community
abuts against pristine physical environment
offers (luscious green acres
at petticoat junction)
sporting residents such as yours truly
who would best be described
with individuals with their harmless quirks
far from the madding crowd,
yet linkedin to historical networks
sporting pleasant female management klerks
though less ideal for couples

with young children,
who clamor to know howstuffworks
and might best visit
Valley Forge National Park
and amble along redoubts and earthworks
or if in the mood to drive
to visit Pennsylvania Dutch Country
(as a day tripper - yeah)
head off to County Berks
home to an Old Order Mennonite community
consisting of about 160 families.

Classified as low income
(courtesy rural housing authority)
those whose finances pinched
can breathe a sigh of relief
at affordable rent
and if gifted with housing choice voucher
(formerly known as section 8 -
the Housing Act of 1937,
often called Section 8,
as repeatedly amended,
authorizes the payment
of rental housing assistance
to private landlords on behalf
of low-income households
in the United States)
can rest assured said voucher accepted.

In 2007, Democrats took control
of the borough council for the first time
in the borough's history,
nevertheless Republicans
joust kick/jump start opponents to unseat:
Elderly population who reside on premises
each own a story to tell, who if prompted
would possibly eagerly respond
talking about a simpler way of life
such as yours truly,

who attended Henry Kline Boyer Elementary
each of the six grades
yours truly did nearly repeat
(one classroom per grade learning facility)
long since obsolete:
all manner of therapy animals accepted
but best to with Lisa Varley Wacker
to house unusual pet such as lorikeet
for those unlearned folks said creature
a colorful and vibrant species of parrot
known for its distinctive beak

and tongue adaptations
that allow it to feed on pollen
and nectar from flowers:
Most residents sequestered
in their respective unit,
thus I infrequently witness
exhibit behavior hashtagged as indiscreet
with a total unit size
of 43,575 Square Feet,
whereby a thin layer
of carpeting covers concrete.

— The End —