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Aaron Mullin Oct 2014
Inside the drainage basin
Bounding my soul
Fluid dynamics

Phases of water
Gather in the
Mountain towers

Over time
Gravity plus precipitation
Into snow pack

Come spring
That snow pack
Braids it's way down the mountain
Co-mingling with groundwater
Bubbling up in springs
Gathering momentum
In mountain streams

A constant conversion from
Potential to kinematic

Streams make their
Way into prairie rivers
Meandering along
Through riparian pockets
Of biodiversity

Reaching a levee
Then breaching

Local, national, and international boundaries
Are no match

As my soul
Finds it's way to base level
In the ocean of your love
5 September 2014

All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return. Ecclesiastes 1:7
Ari Dec 2011
“The most important scientific revolutions all include, as their only common feature, the dethronement of human arrogance from one pedestal after another of previous convictions about our centrality in the cosmos.”*
Stephen Jay Gould

Give me
vacuum tube torus Lorentz-Klein interference receptors
dual noble-gas maser integration processors
at least one
prosthetic Gaussian carbon-coated ribosomal Tesla coil
an anthropomorphic hierarchical temporal meme-pseudopod
support vector k-nearest neighbor algorithms
reverse engineered quantum optic die-cast silica motherboards
self-assembling three dimensional electro-active protein polymers
maybe even
a superconducting spectral alkali resonance analyzer
paired with
harmonizing piezoelectric kinematic thermal modules
dipped in
subzero Kurzweil-circuit nanite neurotransmitters
and voila!
Anais Vionet Sep 2022
It’s Sunday morning. It’s bright and cool, the sort of fall morning that makes the world’s problems seem like fake news. Peter and I are at the Marriott Courtyard, off campus. This morning’s breakfast is Peter’s 19th birthday present to me.

I’m redorkulously happy and surprisingly hungry. Somewhere, in the noisy, happy sounding kitchen, there's a bacon, cheddar-cheese, tomato, ham, green-pepper, and spinach omelette being convoked in my name, and my tummy is growling in anticipation.

Our waiter brought us large white mugs of nutmeg coffee - God bless her for that. Sipping it, I scanned the dining room, where carefree, normal people were enjoying their brunches. They didn’t look like they had hours of reading and problem-sets (homework) waiting for them later - but who knows?

Peter leaned forward, smiling, to refill my mug and then, when adding some cream, he almost overfilled it. I couldn’t help chuckling. I enjoy this awkward man’s company beyond all sanity, to the point that it’s a little cringy and embarrassing. Our smiles seemed to clang together, like symbols. I wish I could bask in the warmth of that smile all day.

“You could do me a favor,” I say shyly, “a little extra present?” I said, trying to look pitiable.
“What?” he asks, with a skeptical look. I open my bag and pull out my latest physics PSET (a homework problem set).
“This problem haunted me in my dreams last night,” I say, smoothing out the wrinkled paper and rotating it so it was right-side-up for him. “#6,” I said, confirming that with a pointing finger.

He glances at it. “Ahh, classical mechanics?” he guessed. “Right,” I confirmed.
He looks up at me through his bushy, blue-black eyebrows, “You took AP physics one in high school and physics 2 last year?” He asked. “Yeah,” I confirmed, “but this problem is throwing me.”

“Well,” he says, motioning me to hand him my pen, “you’re perspicacious all right, but you’re basically a biology major,” he begins, “a set of studies that involve a memorization mentality. For physics one and two, I bet you memorized Maxwell's laws, the Kinematic equations and the table of equation cases, ya?”
I nodded yes.

“Unfortunately, that’s not going to cut it here,” he says, shaking his head, “All of those nice simplifications aren’t in play here - there are no cases to rely on - it’s derive as you go.” As he explained this he was briskly scribbling something on a paper napkin and the answer was there, on that, a second later, when he rotated the paper back to me.

His eyes are a dark, gingerbread brown, but despite that darkness, they seemed warm and lit from within. A swoop of his dark blue-black hair has fallen across his forehead, I leaned over the small table to tuck it back into place. “Thank you,” I said, breathing a sigh of relief, “did you show your work?” I asked as I folded the paper and napkin away.
“Of course,” he says, amused, “but we’ll review it later,” he assured me.

“Happy birthday ME!” I said, in a whispered cheer.
“Yes,” he grinned, “Happy Birthday, YOU,” he pronounced as our omelettes arrived
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Perspicacious: “the keen ability to understand difficult or amorphous things.”

Redorkulously = so ridiculous it’s dorky
Aaron Mullin Oct 2014
I've always wanted that transcendent kinda love
I think You and I have that potential

Only potential?
That doesn't sound very romantic
Do I have to take a test to see if I qualify?

Sorry, engineer-speak
Physics terminology is seeping in
Scratch potential
You and I are kinematic

What's that mean exactly?

It's in motion

We're in motion?

We're getting closer
Our orbits are intertwined
Unknown forces pull us together
Soon we'll basically (or literally) be on top of each other
19 August 2014
chimaera Nov 2014
country roads
exhibiting a city in
kinematic frames

to pass
high speed
low speed
lit windows

a kitchen
a tv screen
a bedside lamp
curtains down
nobody's home

overcrowded districts

dots and dots
each lit window
each turned off light

a story
a me
a us


as dots
in the distance


For Marian's Challenge No. 1
Aaron Mullin Sep 2014

Not No Logos, Klein.
What about anti-logo
Using the figure as the foci
But leaving the message in the medium
Both in the back and foreground

Then we yell fore and the foreground becomes the background


Always remembering hierarchy but always forgetting Plutarch

Is this is a disambiguation?

Did I confuse Parallel Lives with Plutarchy?


So we grid it out.
GOTO Vitruvio ...


Trying hard to balance can create imbalance this we rationalize through irrationality.

3.14159265359 ...


Symmetry ... .. . ~ . .. ... assymetrY

Stressing the *** in asymmetry

And what about the meeting of Apollo and Dionysus and the Apollonian/Dionysian duality?



3:3 ; 4:4 ; 7:4 ; salt peanuts . .. ... windtalkers


White space is an access point for flow, Tao, source .... this is where my batteries recharge


Every element is mindfully placed; an element of gestalt ism "shape form", is this analogous to timespace?

Is the whole other than the sum of its parts? GOTO Miller-Urey II nested inside Babylon Falling

Both are self organizing, none the less. Such wholesome folk we are.


The patterns found in isolation parallel both linear and crossing elements and the instructions always coming from a double helix. GOTO The Dance of the Double Helix

... and always adding depth and motion ... kinematic to the statics. GOTO Introducing Happiness


Type faces are interfaces so be consistent ... you Paranoid Android!




And in motion means modularity is a must


Peaks and valleys can be better understood at the Red Onion or maybe just by peeling back the layers (of life)
Broadcast from the Red Onion Saloon in Skagway, Alaska

Written over a couple of pints of Spruce Tip Pale Ale from the Baranof's of Sitka, Alaska

Inspired by the poetry of Ben Barrett--Forrest

Alternatively titled: Figure & Ground
Travis Green Mar 2022
When I see you from afar
You make me wanna  **** your **** chocolate pole
Listen to your sensually enticing moans
Observe your charming electric eyes
Your masculine masterful lips
Sweet ebullient smile
Marvelously beardiful
Spellbinding veins
Distinctive, powerful shoulders
Ardent toned arms
Magnetic eclectic swagger

I imagine your delectable rigid pipe in my mouth
Feeling your tight tantalizing chest and abs
Smelling and licking your heavy *******
So immersed in your spectacularness
I send you into a state of frenzy
Play with your meat
Rub my hands all over your mouthwatering package
You make me float in your dopeness
Lick my lips as I caress your head against my ****

You look at me deliriously
I twirl my tongue in circles on your **** stick
Deeply breathing, my mouth suffused with your masculineness
Loving your sweet exhilarating flavor
I drift into your sexually appealing rhythm
Your artfully blossom-filled body
Breathtaking stamina
Boldly bright and blissful
Kissable kinematic king
Luxurious, luminous treasure

I love how your body moves wildly
When I submerge myself in your masculinity
Your majestic sensuality
Your aromatic splashy magic
Cherishable charisma
With your considerable glistening thickness
You are an enamoring high-grade flex
That I revere, whose super-strong *******
That I wanna **** until you become love-struck

Demolish your ****, astonish your ***
Make you shift sporadically
As I put a spell on your loveable and suckable shaft
You can’t contain yourself
I can hear the amorous arousal
In the sounds you make
I can feel your hands trying to pull me off your ****
But I adore your awesome sauce

I stroke your **** super sexually
Make you bust your milky ice cream all over my beard
**** you even more, more relentlessly than before
Give you my dangerous ******* game
Electrify you, rock you to the rings of Saturn
Tase you with my tongue
Amaze you more with my thrilling thunder
Make your masculinity go over the top
As you feel like you are about to have a heart attack

I am so uncontrollable when I take control of your pole
Take it to the head, take it deeper than ever
With your clenched fist, eyes shut
Your hands moving everywhere
I got your **** on lock
I got your passions running wild
Your convulses are highly contagious
You are hypnotic and helpless in my proximity

Your majesty overexcites me
Your sexiness makes me **** you intensely
Sink into you tremendously
Treasuring your **** ****
The oozing spit on your slick wet ****
**** boy, you arrest my presence
I evanesce into your delectableness
Become stranded in your manly enchantment

**** it so savagely that you ****
Your sturdy magic stick away from me
I clutch you harder
Stroke you like crazy
As you squirt your deliciously sticky sweetness on my face
Travis Green Mar 2022
You are extra freshly made, heavenly, and velvety
Topped with artistical, pleasurable, and hypnotic sauce
A bountiful, blissful slickness in a gleaming stream of light
To delight in, abounding in your immaculate kinematic attraction
You enthuse me with your aesthetically authentic individuality
Your lucidly luminous soothingness, deeply thoughtful
And passional pleasing sweetness, hot romantical marvel
Infused with flawless-filled enthrallment
There is an emergence of immersive fervency that has my flesh
In perfect mergence with yours, forever submerged
By your immensely limitless and mesmerizing ocean
Travis Green Aug 2022
Bold golden yellow Romeo
Brilliant blissful slicker
Committed delicious brick
Dreamy prodigious sweetness
A calming, charming heartland
Awash with indefatigable kinematic attraction

I let my fingers brush
Your cold glowing beard
Slide my glossy chocolate cheek against yours
With your silken sizzling sunrise skin

Feel your ***** pink punch lips
In a limitless trancelike state that I can’t shake
I serenade to the fascinatingly fragrant
Stream of your tender clean handsomeness

Plunge into your luminous majestic jungle
So lively and inviting
So harmonious and blossoming
Your hotness sparkles likes
Treasured, tranquil, and sapphire seas

You  are as refreshing as the soft hypnotic aroma
In the measureless glorious rainforest
Let me drink you down like a delectable citrus sunset
Escape into your elevated vibrational energy
In your wondrous robust realm rife
With exceptional perpetual spice
Aditya Roy Jun 2019
What are we if time cannot be measured other than by infinitesimally iridescent radiation be irrelevant?
As the people say we are bound just by the petulance of common life, and should not pursue higher ideals other than a plea for justice
Respect is earned by faithful people looking the dirt kicked in their face
It is better to be torturous to oneself than to seek logic for loving their flaws
Men judge more by the passage of hand by someone noble than impoverished farsightedness of a person with Dutch courage and Machiavellian results
You fall in a pretending game, and you find pretentious faces looking back at you
Wealth brings a drink, and drink if you must to lose yourself in poetry
For beatniks it became drugs, and the rashness brought them fame with a little spark of madness
I guess some of us are mad about the lunacy of this lacuna of neoteric tendencies
It could be art if you are obtuse enough to look beyond how modern politics has shaped the nature of stability
If you could be satisfied with the way you are going
Then, you might be on your way to the other end of the world
Where the political institutions are well-affirmed by their legislative decisions
While we look at hate has evolved, some of the proctors of hate of infecting our ideas beyond your comprehensive yet my colored knowledge of hatred is best shown in freedom in mindless
Yet, there is so much sadness on this planet in color
Paradise might as well be a dichotomy between photosensitivity
Like a motion picture where the title actually seems unctuous
With high octane, some poems do tend to get their questions well ordained
All of this is in my prior assessment
"Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil."- Machiavellian
Ken Pepiton Jun 2024
Creating a passing remark… recreation…
in a mind, a reified fine distinctive will…
said in such a way
as to hold reason on rails, as we rise
slowly to the apex, before the drop.

Such sorts of talks as one might hear…
while thinking something missing…

listen, instants reminding winding
ways, whither so ever this mind listeth.

Then and now, originating force, used
in fact as wind fitted 'round makes uses
of letters leveling the imbalenced powers
using long slow upslope with peak powers
pulling from the down side, launching
minds into wonders yet beheld hid in
understandin' laws selecting ears, hush
such as seek the source of joy used to lure.
The joy strength knowing
Words was writ becoming

Power, to make motion, umph
to push the self positioning
reflex past off imbalence,
back to on imbalence,
waiting being not on or off,
but here in time at a tempting,
attempting attended by all who
have ought against my will to be
as plain as day and simple as phi.

A Sermon on Novel Incomplexity
spiraling wider in reaching for more

in an autodidactic country church,
carried on by disciples of the founder,
the called of Truth, and chosen to teach,

to cultivate as one tends to tender vines,
those lost souls caught in strains confusing
will and ways, mixing will and spirit,
soul and minds creative by nature's go'd
and we the goaded on, kicking not back, but
some will to know, in terms we all agree with,
using terms that yoost to be ere words empow'rin'
agreement to trial rentals,
old works, functional,
used goods
to be retold as true
by some, so called holders
of the lessons learned
for sharing, as affection, any surplus seed.

Did I act, in course of time, of course,
gravity does matter, all ups have downs,
strange and charming ins and outs.

Fast make my point, in effect, a will to make, machen,
means make, manufacture, reify imaginary ways,
same as Latin facere, as a matter of fact, says

Google Translate, at my behest, hight, answer swear
"take or utter an oath,
make a solemn declaration
with an appeal
to divinity" deus "god, deity"
(from PIE root *dyeu- "to shine," and sworn so

to tell me all the etcet'ras as ye's called, Wille zur Machts,
"the driving force behind all living beings, including humans" making thinkable things
useful to rethinkers, at some point…
any wishing uses wills of some sort in fact,
so if your wish were peaceable,
imagine it taken up by all, at this point

try umph und dinkum, humm as manly virtrutheous will to make stuff up allows,
to lighten the load
of memory reminding me
of olden meanings fed me
to teach meekness, as penance
for troubling my house to inherit wind.
As grace, breath, taken, forming this fected
will to use and by using gain more of this will
working wonders to let us think we understand,

three point curving arches in a process known
as growing through the creative process,

supported by the will a toddler achieves upright
status as a force
to be reckoned with
on new terms, better balanced
at agreement, mental fixedness of purpose,

supposed and set as pivot point in time,
myrrh tipped darts - cursor arrows telling course, marking distances in steps,

exclaiming this is the pleasure pursued,
subconsciously diverted in to golf,
{I sell rescue *****, I never played the game}

a fruitless pastime perfecting will
with aimed at pride, some cheat for.

Ranting chance expletives,
followed by, amen…

there above, our letters bringing the common tongue,
into total disarray,

to think the meaning -breathing, the common sense
since simplicity stepped from sublimnity,

to light the way, by mind's alit with news,

actual knew knowns, new translations,
accepted as accurate, aimed
from then to now,

another day in your life,
another day in our life, we wordform spirit minds
kinematic cinematic role inversion,

existing Ich heize, Herr Klumpen, ein Pepito, no mas.

A ******, a loogie, a phlegmish mass spat at nada,

deemed as worth a minute
as any made up will let go
in just right down sloped acceleration
joy may spark an avalanche where avalanche's wait.
Growing old in an easy-by-luck old age, in a presummer quiet,  
before school lets out the seeds
of my past perspicacity, Will to power, is better thought willingness to make.
for taking that chance
to have babies who had babies,
that look like my selected
perfecting other , and read like me,
in hammocks I can see from my porch.
Summers become alive here.
Travis Green Apr 2022
I yearn to discover how an undoubtedly powerful love like his
Can do to my system, to feel teasing playful caresses
His perfect and unconquerable body all over me
His hands pure, passionate, and incomparable
His divine, firm, and golden arms so remarkably sensational
To stroke, with his muscular, streamlined physique

Magically mantastic, impossibly charming, keen, lean, and affectionate Bare and brawny shoulders, smooth lush refreshingness
Warm fond lusciousness, fragrant mouthwatering prestigiousness
I am caught up in his immaculate eye-catching wonderment
The way he stands and impressively flexes makes me freeze
Makes me deliriously happy, swacked, trapped in his immersing Attraction, his juicy jazzy coolness, spectacularly skilled

He sends constant ardent chills all over me with his sweetness
I crave to undrape him, to taste him, to feel his super hot swagger
In my mouth, cascading down the long slick road of my throat
I enthusiastically await to lick his dreaminess, drown in his
Timeless seamless invitingness, mesmerizing musical memories
I swirl in synchronicity with his catchy cheery rhythm

Distinctly majestic, desirable, and electric, a sensual, hypnotic marvel
How I hanker to float in his boat, embrace his peerless, firm flesh
Soft, soothing kisses on his delicious, appealing lips
Kinematic enigmatic attraction, nimble-witted irresistible fingers
Slick suave seducer, hot macho Romeo, smooth operator and talker
An enormously glorious choiceness, a thrillingly talented rarity

I acknowledge his impossibly phenomenal marvelousness
I slip into outer space when I meditate on his hotness
A blazing beguiling chart-topper, he affects my homosexuality
I can’t keep still, I am so mad about his swaggerific magic
So immersed in his stellarness, how he calms my mind immensely
Desirably arousing debonairness, blissfully blessed treasure king
He makes steamy poetry erupt from my hot alluring body
Wondrously passionate splashiness, I sink into his saucy wonders
Travis Green May 2022
Your broad and solid body
Is the hottest flex that exhilarates me
With your monstrously armored charmingness
I lose myself in your immaculate kinematic majesty
Your dazzling bare flesh, so impressively molded

I long to flow into the dopeness
Of your great thumping hunkiness
Kiss your bright, youthful lips
Your thick succulent neck
Your blonde hypnotic suavity
Has me impossibly rhapsodic

Oil-slicked, sun-kissed marvelocity
Powerfully built like a heavy-duty
Long-haul tractor-trailer
Cocky saucy hottie
I fall into your beefy bewitching virility
Travis Green Jul 2022
Your charmingness swallows me whole
Make me so bowled over by your bold dope flow
Saucy chocolate lollipop
Toss my salad
Batter my derriere
In your matchless thuggerrific rarity
Eat me up like a tempting succulent platter
Take my gayness in your mouth
Bite into my sweet treats

Take me down south
To your desirous liveliness
To your hypnotic hometown playground
Confound my senses
Play around with my sound system
Feel me, please me, freeze your flesh against mine
Fill me with an overfullness of your coolness
Hop in your rocket, insert your long hot rod in my socket
And cop my hotness, slaughter my homoness

Shock every wall within my innerness
Command my ship, bewitch my delicious glittery ***
Mister lit killah, you know you are a thriller
So immaculate, so passionate, so tatted up
I am attracted to your transparency
The way you flex your delectability
Express your sexualness
With satiny mad-hot pizzazz

You probe my globe
You blow your smoke in my hole
Make me your most treasured showpiece
Make my insides shine
Fill my mind with delight
Make my heart beat faster
In your unconquered rapturous rapture
Fuel  my tank with a lifetime of your oxygen
Kiss my ebullient intimate dimensions
With your paradise pink lips

You make my inmost aphrodisiac passions grow deeper
Ripped come-hither ripper
I chill to the thrill of your litness
In your wickedly intriguing grip
You bring me to climatic kinematic explosions
Overflowing with boundless burning desires
Travis Green Mar 2022
I get so lost in your smooth swirling sweetness
Wishing to caress your kissable kinetic flesh
Taste your heavenly wet lips and neck
Seep my hands through your thick, glorious beard
Your fresh glistening black waves
Allow me to hold your solid sparkling back
Your extraordinarily gorgeous ***
You rejuvenate my creation
With your **** dopalicious flex
My best-loved, stellar hot seller electricness

You are a never-ending enchantment that grips my body
Charms me more with your tall, lethal, and regal majesty
I lapse into your passion
Longing for hot intense action
Matchless kinematic ******
Trace your lusciously enchanting limbs
With my hands, grab your thick veined pipe
Delight in its erotically naughty hotness

Put my mouth all over your head
Put on a spectacular show for you
******* your chocolate solidness
Savoring all the magic you contain
With your big sweet *****
Enrapturing ***** hairs
Hypnotic colossal chest
Attractive strapping abs abounding in magicalness
Sensual inviting thighs

Your masculinity takes me on a tantalizing trip to ecstasy
The way you moan ooh and ahh
As I **** your bulging thickness
You are a vision of gleaming supereminence
I bask in you endlessly
I surrender to the whole of your dopeness
Your badass beastly nature
Boy, your **** is so ******* huge
It tastes so sensational in my mouth
I revere your prizable and desirable art
Your jazzy statuesque masculineness
Let me seep into the streams of your sensuality
And satisfy your world with my treasured unmeasured affection
Travis Green Nov 2022
I need a tall, able-bodied, and
Charming Romeo who can control
And smoke my homoness
Make me insanely wild
And electrifying love to me
In his red-hot glowing globe

Make me succumb to his stunning
And thundering crunkness
And monster hunkiness
Rub his **** strong hands
All over my seamless
Flower-scented limbs

Make me his poetically
Prized piece to bewitch and eat
To lay with and *** up
For a long, loving, and
Luminous month of seductive Sundays
Bathe me in his unstoppable saucy amorosity

Invade my thoughts and feelings
Tangle me in his incredible
Iridescent web of wickedness
His unyielding silken exquisiteness
Give me his immaculate splashy passionateness
Showcase the entire unlimited power
Of his mighty intriguing masculinity

Dig deep into my existence
With his considerable penetrating heat
His massive and supernatural attraction
Polish me like his killer clean whip
My staggering and veritable prodigy
On a badass cherry red charger

Make me tingle relentlessly
Make my moans fill the ample
Open space around us
As I marvel at the marvelous
Movement of his majestic
And kinematic masterpiece

His unbelievably shredded and stellar pecs
His broad, robust shoulders
His exciting and shining arms
Of impeccable measureless pleasure
His smashing stacked abs
His lithe tight thighs

His sturdy, furry legs
His bare and active feet
Feel him deeply in my exquisitely blissful dreams
Let him be my unquestionably energetic
And prepossessing commander in chief
As his riveting rock-hard rudeness
Rules over me endlessly
Travis Green Apr 2022
It’s your thick, sensual lips I savor
The feel of them against mine
Your taste unconquerably astonishing
Your beard tantalizingly elegant and youthful
You are an endless magicalness
Streaming in my dimension of sweetness
I am forever mesmerized by your manstasticness
You spark my world with your bright flaming hotness
Electrify my wildness
Make me desire you more than ever
Imprison me in your kingdom
Of kinematic attraction
Immerse me in your spectacularity
Take me to a crescendo of ecstasy
Travis Green Mar 2022
You pull me closer to your immersing mancave
Where you sink me in your swirling lucid dreams
I am love-struck by your towering thugness
You are an overpoweringly intoxicating drug
I revel in your rapturous magicalness
Your masculine kinematic vitality
I feel so soft as shining white pillow in your closeness
Like a clean cerulean blue blanket
Enfold me in your sweet delicious dreams
Rope me into your unadulterated ecstasy
Let me be blissed out in your divineness
Travis Green Mar 2022
You electrify me with your bright, tight sight
Hot inviting magicalness that lures me to you more
Matchless kinematic swagger
Flashy shimmering chains and rings
You make me unbelievably lovesick over you
I feel like a dazzling floating balloon
In the sweet enchanting air
My feelings for you deepen dramatically

I linger in ecstasy, obsessing over your attractiveness
Your slang tames my mind
Fills the scintillating space around me
You shine excessively throughout the night
You give me amazingly ample amorousness
Entwined in your dynasty
Your hands all over me
Touching my lush ***** *******
Kissing and squeezing them
Taunting the precious peaks
With your warm, magical lips

Slide your artful adroit fingers
Over the wholeness of my flesh
Slow kissing every intricate space
You cajole me to you closer than close
You make me feel like I can explode
In your ocean of fervently ****** encounters
Take me, Daddy, rock me to the rhythm of reality
Give me deeply intense love that makes me so amazed

Let me adore you, baby, seep into your wildness
Savor your spectacular sensual shape
Taste you melting inside my mouth
Feel you cascading through my throat
Enfold your arms of hypnotic electricness around me
Let your love language speak to me endlessly
Travis Green Aug 2022
Your speechless, blissful litness
Makes me feel so addicted
To your vigorous ripped composition
Lustful tattooed seduction

You give me an utterly rushing eruption
Of sugary sweet fervency
Pull me into your immersive assertive territory
Make me drown in your profoundly inviting astoundingness

I gaze into the lustrous wondrous galaxy
Of your almond brown eyes
Fall into your treasured incredible majesty
Mesmerizingly mantastical splash

Your killer kinematic magic enraptures me
Fulfills me, gives me a growingly linear focus
To the heart of your authentic sensual soul
Succulent honeycomb architecture

Desirable pink sapphire lips
Glowing charcoal beard
You articulate delectably compelling thugness
Fill me with dreamy incomprehensible sensations
Make me surrender to a red-hot masculine lover boy like you

— The End —