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party zone with johnny brown

johnny’ hi dudes and welcome to party zone and tonight the sydney swans were

beaten by the west sydney giants and we have the GWS canberra cheer squad

to sing that great theme song

GWS Cheer squad’  we have a sound you here as we are enjoying our beer

that is the sound of the mighty giants

they beat the swans after pushing and pushing

i ask the barman for a pint

you see as cheered they kept in front, faster than the rest

we are the greater western sydney giants best in all the land

we beat the swans tonight, though, and we gave us all a hand


johnny’  thank you, that was a great song and now here is olly with a party jingle

olly’   the party is beginning

and the cool dudes are drinking

yeah it sounds so cool

oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah

you see i ride my motorbike

to every party in this town

saying let’s party let’s party

right till the end

nobody dares to tease me, cause i like to party

i prefer to party than be square my friend, because squareheads die lonely

you see i can understand

that everyone in party town is cool

i am trying to improve the world

through the eyes of reincarnation, party on to improve existence

and people who don’t party, can kiss my hairy ***

you see i had a nice kalua and milk, ever so tasty

and then got on the dance floor and danced the chicken

and now i can party all night

johnny, thanks olly, when you say, the chicken dance or do you just cluck like a chicken

olly’  i just cluck like a chicken

johnny’  jolly good, now here is kenneth

kenneth’   the party train is on the track

ready for anyone that has got the knack

you see being on this train is so much fun

by drinking beer and tequila

and don’t forget to have a wine

and say, i don’t want to whinge

you see mate, i prefer to drink beer

on the party train yes i do yes i do

because when you drink a nice cold beer on the party train

you feel the ice cold reaction on your face

you see the party train has a drunks area

for them to sober up

and this will be a very long time

but the party train is cool

you see there is a carriage where you can party to

jimmy barnes twisted sister and kiss

the party train has a kids carriage with hannah montana and justin bieber and one direction

and they have a queen carriage, party to queen all night long

c;mon dudes, let’s party on the party train tonight

we have top class security guards so nobody gets into a fight

the party train is on for young and old

c’mon dudes let’s party

johnny’   thanks kenneth, and we hop aboard the party train and now here is freddo frog with a short number

i am freddo frog and i drink a lot of cans of beer

i know i do drink so much beer

i personally know it is better than the kids drink coke

you see after a beer i drink a cup of coffee and add sugar and milk

and i will do more next week

let’s party dudes from freddo frog

johnny’  and now our last song by harry

harry’  i am a big strong guy

but i don’t wanna fight

i am strong in my mind

i say yes to loving life

i say no to beer cause it’s fowl

i say yes to coke and orange soda,

cause it makes me party

just as long as i don’t drink too much

ya see i have fucken will power, man, enough to say no

i am very strong in the mind means

i will fight my body, if there is something i wanna eat

but i never get tired, i am a party dude

i will party to keep me alive in this world

and when i do die, i will party in my next life too


johnny’  great poem harry and now that is it, there ain’t no more

unless you come to this club and party till 5 am

catch ya later dudes

Dr. Pepper
Captain Morgan Tatoo
Grey Goose & Kalua
M. Raymond Villamor


And the Doctor takes me under as the Captain begins to sail ...
And my emotions start to drift - shall it be heaven or will it be hell?

And the Doctor tipped the bottle to make shots more and more ...
While the Captain weighed the anchor far from distant shore
So now I sit floating, feeling numb and asking what it's all for ...
Maybe the answers will come tomorrow ... but tonight I'm just not sure.
And the Doctor dripped his happy poison as the Captain cut another wake ...
So I sailed upon the Doctor’s highs and Captain’s choppy waves

The Doctor finally had to quit ... medicine he had no more ...
And the Capt's ship ran aground into the rocky shore ...
So I befriended some Black Russians to keep from being bored.
I just was not ready in sobriety to be moored

And the Russians took me in and in their grip I drifted off to sleep
All my sorrows and all my pain till the morrow it would keep
Copyright 2007 -Black Dragon Logo & Design
fairlyfreaksome Aug 2015
two shots of
a splash of
lime concentrate
peache schnap-ps
triple sec
cheap-*** *****
top it off with
soda water
drink until it's gone
Lunar Luvnotes Oct 2015
I was just having a couple glasses of pinot with my coworker in a bar right by my hostel, a bar with a giant mosaic owl on the wall outside, with his watchful eyes fixed on downtown San Francisco,
when a man bought the whole bar a round, something said friend identified as
a mind eraser.
"The kalua in the bottom pleasantly coats your throat, its that they're delicious that's makes them dangerous." A lovely little factoid from my favorite painter/server/bartender.

The night to follow ironically, was a deep soul connection I won't soon forget, or probably ever.
The drunken buyer stumbles over using my shoulder as an arm rest and says,
"focus on the new,
I always say."
Thats just what I needed to hear I tell him, thanks. We leave the bar, she gets in her uber, its back to the road, I'll mosey on my own,
all alone.

I mosey over and up the alley and ask
the man smoking,
do you know where the hostel is? Right there he says, pointing behind me.
I plop down beside him on the curb and get my pipe out, "oh no, not here, they'll kick you out."
"I paid them fifty dollars already, they're not kicking me no where," I say matter of factly.

The conversation twists and turns to different continents and then returns to the alley, to right where we're sitting.
"Im worried about you"
he divulges. And why is that? Because you're already drunk, why should you need to get high too?
Bc Im on the run, from me you see, I just like my crossfaded path. But if you really must know, this is not my MO.

Im probably just trying to distract him with his own good looks, "why are you so handsome?"
He really is. "I dont know, my parents just made me and here I am."
There you are, I say. He looks at me deeply and I do the same. I cant quite help myself, Im being drawn in.

I know he wants to kiss me but as much as I can grasp that primal energy and tie a string onto it like a baloon, something is stopping me, and that is
that he cannot fill the
shaped hole in my heart. So I sit up straight and just smile, so he smiles too.

I dont want to like you, but I do. And why dont you want to like me?
"Because you," he sighs, "are a roller coaster."
Thank you! I say emphatically, I love them SO much!
Lets smoke on the street, your being loud, they'll come kick us out.

When we sit on the sidewalk against the building I put his arm around me, cuz Im lonely and I know he'll let me. A *** walks by and says, thats a beautiful woman you have, he smiles contentedly and replies isnt she? My eyes are watering and I don't know why they're not stopping.

I think of telling him I'm still in love with you, but that's not really true. Cuz I'm in love with your soul, and he's not always you. I cant explain it away I say I can't shake someone and I feel stuck in gray area. Thats all the info he needs to go off on a tangent  he says love is black and white, and theres no excuses. Love is just love and it has to be enough. You have to let it go, I  look up and tell him I knows he's right and that I'm just drunk.

Its not til I pass out on him that I realize something is wrong with me, that I prefer to cling to company in the street, to his protective energy, rather than pursue his friendship in daylight. Where are my boundaries or my demure subtlety?

He says he's a "long termer" and so check outs not at ten for him, like it is for me, cuz it's five AM now you see,
"why don't we meet at breakfast, and you can sleep in, I'll be running errands, you can have my whole bed to yourself." That's sweet of him but it's a slippery *****. "Thanks" I smile and I'm off to my own bed.

I overslept and never saw him again. I thought of exchanging numbers but deep in my head, I knew I can't slip into another abyss, instead I set sail off to my future, I could have lingered to find that Earthy long termer, afterall I felt so safe with him, part of me relented to picturing us past that night, and the other part knew it's not smart to light a fire with no container, I let things burn too bright just to outshine the former. Well, anyway, that's not me anymore.

I'm a thinker now, and I think as long as I still love you, I'd ruin that poor fool.
No amount of handsome, or rich, or clever or nurturing could replace you.
That is why I'll wait, until however long it may take, to move on until it's not moving on, but moving forward to the light. Til there's no more drunken nights of wondering if you're still in limbo, if you're ever coming home into yourself. I want to be so far past wonder or caring that I'm sure, very sure about the next man I pounce upon. I dont care most the time as it is, its the remainder that kills me. No man deserves to be second best, runners up that I entertain just cuz they're nice to look at, and because of their familiar touch my soul already knows too well to refuse.

No, I'm quite done running. I'm hitting my stride of alone time, and one day my swag will carry me into a future lifetime of not acting on impulse, but immeasurable knowing, that I'm not just reinstating, or replacing, not distracting, but doubling down and betting that we aren't running from any ghosts, only running into eachothers arms, cuz we can't stand to be apart. That's what I want to know. That sort of love. That doesn't just write me poetry after I'm gone, but seizes every moment. I dont have time for anything less. Until I'm ready I'll keep letting go and  relenting to your memory that keeps me from moving on. Only I dont want to want you or any man.

I've ducked many men that find me in obscure measures, as if fate keeps pushing us back together, when I wish at times to be through with your whole species forever.

I'm not ready I said,
to that kindred soul with his shining chivalry, his French accent, and even more French name that I cant remember, Its written somewhere on a scratch piece of paper. His gaze was so ****, especially cuz it was genuine, I'd ruin him.
He insisted he give me all his ****, and his number I never texted.

I'm not ready I said in my head, to the one I never contacted, that left a note on my car making a fuss about my eyes just cuz I smiled at him. He was **** too, and from Santa Cruz, the note said, but he did kinda look like a convict. In anycase, I'm not ready.

They like to smile and stare and I smile back, half the kitchen calls me mama in their accents, Latin men are mamas boys and I love it, their fire and water is my sonnet. I wield my words when I sing, my favorite most handsome cook likes to say Oh My God in an awe filled sort of way just cuz my hair falls down or the rare sight of my hips shaking to the music when I wait for the plates Im taking and I just can't contain it. I laugh because bewitching is my favorite hobby. Solamente aveces.. I wonder .. if he has a novia, pero no estoy listo..

I wonder if the young business man, hungry for my eye contact, whose gaze is not non chalant, following me like a watchful dog, is too GQ and tall and handsome to be marriage material, by which I mean faithful.. I smirk with uncharacteristic confidence, but then there's a blonde showing up for him. Whatever, I wasnt ready anyway.

The list goes on and on, but I do not yet..

I'm not ready.

when I am,
I'll know .
Knowledge is power. Self-knowledge  is the apex of existence, and the door to true love.
Party zone with johnny Brown

Johnny'. Hi guys and welcome to party zone and without further ado here is a song from
The ***** hater and no one here will like him I can tell you

***** hater'
The drunks of Australia
Have made their choice
Getting drunk and bashing people up
The drunks of Australia have actually learnt
That their behaviour is so disruptive
You see it is me sitting in this bar drinking everything that came out like taquila and kalua
And a nice cold beer
You see a big mean biker dude
Came up to me and said
You are singing about my friends
And I said
The drunks of Australia have
Made their choice
Getting drunk and bashing people up oh yeah
The drunks of Australia
Should actually learn
Their behaviour is so disruptive
You see I went over to the stage
To put $20 in the bucket because this band asks for donations to help support their kid in chile, as usual there was
A lot of money there but as a natural fact everyone in here is a helper apart from
The drunks of Australia have made their choice
Getting drunk and bashing people up
The drunks of Australia
Should actually learn
Their behaviour is quite disruptive
Johnny'. Thank you ***** hater
And now here is Toby with his
Song about partying
Toby'. I wanna party I wanna party
All ****** day and night
I will upload my song about bullying on YouTube to raise
Awareness that it is wrong
To bully
I wanna party I wanna party
All day and night
I will post this song on hello poetry to inspire people
To feel good about posting their
I wanna party I wanna party
Like meat loaf and noiseworks
And twisted sister
I said pass the carrots please
And then I went upstairs to yell at my son using the army is better than music gag
I wanna party I wanna party
I wanna get wasted every day and night
I really wanna party dudes
Johnny' thank you Toby
And now here is mentally ill Harry
Harry'. I go to see my case manager to get a script for seroquel
It is ****** ****** annoying
How they don't give it to me
I don't  spend that long away from my phone
Please please please  I want
You understand that we ain't robots mate and my beard and glasses and my filthy feet and hands and toe nails and finger nails about as long as a tree branch
Please provide me with a script for seroquel please please please
Johnny thank you Harry
And we will see you next time on party zone bye

Sent from my iPhone

— The End —