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Roberta Day Feb 2015
Warm laundry gives me the
fuzzies, makes my hands grasp
   majestic purple soaps
to cleanse away the ***** wails
compacted under fingernails
A selection of smell good things
lotions accompanied by fuzzy things
to rub away and radiate the aura
of calm, balance, and tranquility
Lavender is condusive to many
different uses, inhaling the graces
of herbal essence, soothing said coolings
inducing mood peelings of layers of grime
a skin liberative—figuratively speaking
Flowers of passion brew thoughts into actions
silent buds permeating scents
   so invigoratingly innocent
harlon rivers Oct 2016
Look up and breathe it all in
The sky is crying, exploding
with a torrential waterfall.
Inhale natures’ showering
an unblemished symphony
The black cloud’s unavowed weight
lingers invigoratingly overhead

Emotions ebb and flow
with the moment’s
immanent spirit of light;
there is a liberating sensation
that excites anticipation
of the sky’s impending
purposefully fated  release ...

Heavens… flood down holy water
in a drenching act of baptism
a merciful drowning in a river
of celestial tears
Dowsing rains wash over
in a cleansing rain

Refresh the dust and ashes
the fallow summer leavings
What once was a blossoming presence,
evolving into a dimming  
cold winter reign...

Now all that remains is but
a shadow of what once was;
hearts and bones nearly eroded away
by the years of fallen tears

To rinse away unrequited love’s
stagnant inversion, washing away
the invisible bonds that bind
to the loathsome heavy ball
of an unforgiving chain ...

Know the cleansing rain
is the spirit of love, washing over
a malnourished heart of soul;
exposed and bared naked
to a remiss world

Looking out with thoughtful eyes
into the boundless universe
Never to stop believing
rejuvenating dreams course beyond
this long road

Imagine the storm clouds
parting in the ominous
threatening sky
as an uplifting awakening light
comes shining through;
renewing the promise
that surrendering to love
shall renew purpose

and it feels like rain...
baby can you feel it (?)

December 2012 © harlon rivers ... all rights reserved                  .
The first cleansing rains of Oregon Autumn
sent me looking back for this poem
from The Word Whisperer collection
unpublished here after the conclusion
of my original hp account...I guess at some point
the more things change the more they stay the same?

Its hard to believe it went from : "come September ... when the leaves come falling down"   to "cleansing rain" in such a few golden autumn days...
Skylar Jones Oct 2013
I am

I am not confined to being in lust,
or some sort of addictive coping mechanism,
that allows me to feel,
so heavenly, so godly,
your mind,
is your pen you speak irrational logic's,
and feel rational illogical,
you are catching me off guard, off all,
tips of my toes,
concrete meet rose,
our conversations my heart is froze,
never could i place words next to you,
ambitious as i am, as we are,
we try,
but we simply,
impeccably, untouched-
my lips dine alone until your accompanment,
there is no such composition written in my head,
on paper, it's just a fact known,
that i am,
drowning, intensely

in love with,

M Crux Alexander Feb 2015
I imagine us
walking in fields
as green as my bowl
hand in hand
as we grow old
Yet, you're never older
just held longer in my arms

There's flowing water
in a creek nearby
the rushing sounds
creating beautiful noise
You lead us there
to the pebbled shore
Our bare feet on cool stones
fingers interlaced to feel you more
The water, invigoratingly cold
You subtly
pull me
deeper in
I am mesmerized within your eyes

I lean for a kiss
and sink under with you

I'm drowning in your love:
my desire is an anchor
I cling to
like life
It is not languor
but steadfastness
which holds me as I sink
These depths are everything
I need you around me
like rushing water
You are sustenance,
a need,
like no other.

020514 ~ 10.58a
Travis Green Mar 2023
I wanna rock with his glossy macho body, gawk at how he flexes
And finesses me with his swirling chocolate architecture
Make my rainbow soul float in the china blue sky
Make me melt when our flesh mesh together
When he presses his pumped-up pecs against my *****
Voluptuous jugs, rub my turgid glass cutters

Make me drift into his mesmerizing river
Of mountainous sensuous enchantment
Press my grabbers against his beautifully muscular abdomen
Massage his strong, unconquerable back
His immensely delectable and naked back

Cherish him like a brisk, fresh breeze
Like the fragrant southern trees and leaves
That shimmer in the invigoratingly pleasant
And picturesque countryside, he makes me so intensely high
So mesmerized by how he moves his hairy groovy beauty

He makes me wanna be locked in the hottest elements
Of unparalleled and exhilarating love
I hanker to sink a thousand times deep
Into his blazing-hot state-of-the-art charmingness
Gander at how he dances and entrances my homosexualness
Slithers his dexterous feelers all over his scrumptious muscular Construction, my prime, priceless, and powerhouse delight

He is so **** radiant and first-rate, an endless highway
Of unadulterated and ingratiating takingness
I long to revel in his **** wet majesticness all night long
Let him invade and dominate my headspace

Make my body shake amorously, make me so hungry
For his rock-hard raging rawness, his sweet, tasty, and sinuous Dreaminess, my smooth flexing operator, he makes me more
And more aroused when I check out his devilishly dreamy
And embraceable manfulness, the crash-hot seduction
Of his bang-up mind-blowing thugness, feel deep
Within my flesh and bone, fill me with uncontainable flaming desire

Permeate me with incomparable, swirling, and
****** depictions of his prodigious blissful slickness
The only real main squeeze that comforts me
That awes and rocks my subconscious mind
That loves and touches me deeply, makes me
Covet to connect with him, study his seductiveness

Feel his legit sizzling heat building up within me
Consume every part of him like fresh, shredded, and juicy pineapple
Undress his charming almondy heavenliness
Feel his matchless tatted splashiness
So majestic in its unprecedented perfection
A hot luxurious king to be savored

I wanna stroke and **** his ******* steel from the back
Tongue it from the tip to the base
Feel the rare eternal magic of its hunky luminous masterpiece
Treasure his delectable and aesthetically appealing *******
Gobble up his massive attractive *******
Groove on his bright hairy bush

Let his smooth blooming pulchritude rule my beauty
Feel the rhythm of his unbeatable bewitching virility
My four-star soulja boy, with mean mantastic meat
So incredibly edible and pleasurable
Caress his tight striking backside
Play with his slippery smoking *****

Finger **** it, kiss it, lick it, speak sweet **** to it
Rub my nose against it, make him tremble
As my tongue ventures deep into his impressive treasure chest
Spit all over it, listen to his deep ****** moans
Make him call my name, put him in a frenzy of delight
Make him my prized powerhouse possession

Dig deep into him so ******* good
**** on his ******* monster wood
Get rude with it, make a movie with it
Make him shoot a slew of hot salty glue
All over perfectly beardless and sensual face
Travis Green Mar 2023
I wanna rock with his glossy macho body, gawk at how he flexes
And finesses me with his swirling chocolate architecture
Make my rainbow soul float in the china blue sky
Make me melt when our flesh mesh together
When he presses his pumped-up pecs against my *****
Voluptuous jugs, rub my turgid glass cutters

Make me drift into his mesmerizing river
Of mountainous sensuous enchantment
Press my grabbers against his beautifully muscular abdomen
Massage his strong, unconquerable back
His immensely delectable and naked back

Cherish him like a brisk, fresh breeze
Like the fragrant southern trees and leaves
That shimmer in the invigoratingly pleasant
And picturesque countryside, he makes me so intensely high
So mesmerized by how he moves his hairy groovy beauty

He makes me wanna be locked in the hottest elements
Of unparalleled and exhilarating love
I hanker to sink a thousand times deep
Into his blazing-hot state-of-the-art charmingness
Gander at how he dances and entrances my homosexualness
Slithers his dexterous feelers all over his scrumptious muscular Construction, my prime, priceless, and powerhouse delight

He is so **** radiant and first-rate, an endless highway
Of unadulterated and ingratiating takingness
I long to revel in his **** wet majesticness all night long
Let him invade and dominate my headspace

Make my body shake amorously, make me so hungry
For his rock-hard raging rawness, his sweet, tasty, and sinuous Dreaminess, my smooth flexing operator, he makes me more
And more aroused when I check out his devilishly dreamy
And embraceable manfulness, the crash-hot seduction
Of his bang-up mind-blowing thugness, feel deep
Within my flesh and bone, fill me with uncontainable flaming desire

Permeate me with incomparable, swirling, and
****** depictions of his prodigious blissful slickness
The only real main squeeze that comforts me
That awes and rocks my subconscious mind
That loves and touches me deeply, makes me
Covet to connect with him, study his seductiveness

Feel his legit sizzling heat building up within me
Consume every part of him like fresh, shredded, and juicy pineapple
Undress his charming almondy heavenliness
Feel his matchless tatted splashiness
So majestic in its unprecedented perfection
A hot luxurious king to be savored

I wanna stroke and **** his ******* steel from the back
Tongue it from the tip to the base
Feel the rare eternal magic of its hunky luminous masterpiece
Treasure his delectable and aesthetically appealing *******
Gobble up his massive attractive *******
Groove on his bright hairy bush

Let his smooth blooming pulchritude rule my beauty
Feel the rhythm of his unbeatable bewitching virility
My four-star soulja boy, with mean mantastic meat
So incredibly edible and pleasurable
Caress his tight striking backside
Play with his slippery smoking *****

Finger **** it, kiss it, lick it, speak sweet **** to it
Rub my nose against it, make him tremble
As my tongue ventures deep into his impressive treasure chest
Spit all over it, listen to his deep ****** moans
Make him call my name, put him in a frenzy of delight
Make him my prized powerhouse possession

Dig deep into him so ******* good
**** on his ******* monster wood
Get rude with it, make a movie with it
Make him shoot a slew of hot salty glue
All over perfectly beardless and sensual face
Conquered land
Forests lay tame
Seas bubble invigoratingly, autonomous
"Time and tide wait for no man"-Geoffrey Chaucer
Travis Green Jul 2021
His captivating chocolate skin
Undoubtedly turns me on
So good, so smooth, so hood
Brown-eyed bliss
Emblazing in my face

He is an untouchable loveliness
That feels like massive magic
An invigoratingly cool breeze
That delivers continuous sweetness to me
Travis Green Jun 2022
I can’t move on in life
Without you by my side
Without feeling our worlds
In hot cosmic harmony
The feel of your flawless
Blissful lips on my cheeks
Your grandly poetical eyes
All I can see when I stare
At your artfully enchanting canvas

Just the thought of my head
Lying against your exquisite
Glistening chest, running
My fingertips on your body hair
Such incomprehensibly sweet beauty
Quaint and strikingly enrapturing
Perennial mental dreaminess

Breathe in your invigoratingly
Intoxicating scent and sink
Into your utter bewitching depths
Your exhilarating breath all over me
Your potent, all-pervading mantasticness
Moving me ever so smoothly
In your loving, artistic mancave
Where I am incredibly susceptive
To your impressive stellar mesmerism

— The End —